Chapter 11 – Being at home is… questionable?
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Chapter 11 – Being at home is… questionable?

When she came to, Michael rose up and looked around in a panic, becoming a bit baffled at what she was seeing. Michael was inside her room, lying in her bed. Just how had she gotten her? Weren’t the two of them still on their way back home? Why was she suddenly here now? …not that being in her bed was a bad thing. Rather… it was a great thing! She was finally back at home and even inside her bed at that! The only question was, how she had gotten here?

After she had contemplated about these questions for a while, Michael’s face turned pale. Slowly memories of what had happened resurfaced in her mind. The first thing she remembered was how her voice had suddenly started sounding like an animal’s. Quickly, she reached for her throat, wanting to know if anything strange happened there to make her sound like that. Michael stopped that motion just as fast as she had started it though, as the memory of how she had grown wings also came back to her… together with how she had fought against Luke while feeling absolute delight. Just what had happened to her, for her to feel like this? She was not someone who enjoyed a fight! She hadn’t even gotten into a fist fight before! …And now she had enjoyed doing exactly that with her own brother… with a great deal of bloodlust even!

Stopping with these thought for now, Michael decided to turn back to inspecting herself. She wanted to take a look at the wings that had grown on her back, as well as any other kind of changes that might have happened to her. What she saw though… was nothing. Neither were there wings on her back, nor had anything else on her body changed. There wasn’t even a feather that could’ve indicated her having had wings on her back anywhere. She looked perfectly normal… well at least as normal as she could look after she had shed herself. With a confused look on her face, Michael slowly got up. She felt strangely energetic, even though she wasn’t fully awake yet.

After getting up, Michael noticed that she was still wearing the rags she had worn before. Just that those rags could barely even called as such anymore. It looked more like she was wearing some strings of cloth, connected by some larger patches of it here and there. Calling it clothes, or even rags, was an understatement. Michael looked around for her wardrobe and went towards it with large steps after spotting it. Finally, she would be able to get out of this sorry excuse for clothing and wear something proper! Finally, she wouldn’t have to walk around while trying to hide from everyone and everything anymore!

With a feeling of absolute joy, Michael searched through her wardrobe for something to wear. Taking a few pieces into her hands, she quickly stumbled upon a problem. With exasperation, Michael had to conclude, that nearly every single piece of clothing she had, wouldn’t fit her anymore. They were meant for someone, who was bigger and more robustly built and not for her new slender and feminine frame. With this realization, Michael started to think about what she could do now. Her normal Pants wouldn’t work… they would just slip down and leave her bare. Even underpants wouldn’t work since they would simply slip down too and it was not like she simply had women’s underwear lying around.

In the end Michael decided on a pair of black sweatpants that she knotted extra tightly and a shirt of her favourite music group that was too big anyway, which she stuffed into her pants. She completely ignored the existence of underwear… for size-reasons. Michael decided that not thinking about that particular problem was the best way to avoid it and then simply went with that solution.

And now that she was finally somewhat proper dressed, it was time to face the rest of her family with her new self. She was sure that it would come as quite a shock for her parents, who had known her as a guy for the last 20 years. Even she herself found it quite difficult to believe that what had happened to her was real. But denying it wouldn’t change anything so the only real choice she had was to face her new situation.

With heavy steps Michael went downstairs, towards the living room. When she entered the room, she noticed that her family was already gathered here and their gazes where focused on her, as soon as she entered.

With a slightly awkward smile, she greeted her family “Uhh… good morning I guess?” She became more and more uncomfortable as time went on, as no one replied to her. She felt like she was an animal at the zoo, for everyone to look at and after some time she decided to follow up on her greeting to break this uncomfortable silence “Uhhhm…” “So what should we call you now that you’ve decided to switch genders?” Her mother suddenly disrupted Michael with that question.

“Eh? What?... I don’t know… I don’t really think that I have to change my name, now do I? I mean… I am still me after all… at least I think I am.” Michael felt a bit overwhelmed at suddenly being asked a question like that.

Her mother, a rather small woman in her fourties, seemed to absolutely disagree with Michael’s opinion, as she stated something with a rather exasperated look on her face “Nonono my daughter… it seems like your brain didn’t catch up with your current situation. Calling a sweet and fine woman like you by the name “Michael” would be…. Horrendous! It just doesn’t fit!”

“But mother! I don’t even know if I’ll stay like this! And I think it’s perfectly fine for me to still be called ‘Michael’… it’s the name you gave me after all!” Michael was her wits end now. This was the last argument for not changing her name that came to her mind. She was never good at arguing with her mother… or her father.

And it seemed like this argument was a mistake. Because as soon as she had finished speaking, there was an evil grin plastered onto her mother’s face. “Well… so you’re sticking to your name like that, because I gave it to you huh? In that case… I am simply going to take that ‘gift’ of naming you back and will give you a new name. From this point onwards, you, my dear daughter, shall be called ‘Mia’.”

“…Now wait a second Ma…”, “No! Definitely not! Mia shall be your name! And I am pretty sure that the authorities won’t have anything against us changing your name either.”

With a resigned look, Michael, now Mia, gave in “Haaaah…. Alright… you win mother. I will accept my new name.” Her mother seemed pretty happy and satisfied with herself, because all she replied with was “Of course I win. I’m your mother after all. Don’t think that you can outsmart me yet!”

At this, Mia’s brother and father, who had silently listened to their conversation this whole time broke into loud laughter. “S-See pops? I.. pfff… I told you she would give in if mom pressured her a bit. Mia’s khhh… she’s absolutely hopeless against her!”  Luke had tears in his eyes and was obviously trying to hold back his laughter as he was talking.

Her father in return, wasn’t even trying to hold back his laughter “Yeah! You’re completely right! HAHA! It was absolutely hilarious, seeing how Adrienne was playing around with her!”

And then Mia realized… she had fallen into her mother’s trap! She had planned to talk her into it all along! And she didn’t even notice it! With a sullen expression, Mia decided to silently glare at her mother and the other two people that had gathered. Talking back at this point would be kind of useless anyway and would only help to further the amusement of her family, which was not something she was willing to do. This was her form of silent protest.

They had seemingly joked around enough for now, since the atmosphere around Mia suddenly turned serious. It seemed like this was, where the real discussion would begin. Mia too, decided to turn serious, since she had the most questions out of all of them. After all, she had been out of the touch with the world for an entire week. And since strange things started happening right before she disappeared, that could either mean that a whole lot of things happened or that nothing at all had happened. And Mia was eager to know which one was the case.

“Uhh… let’s change topics for now okay? I kind of want to know what happened while I was gone. I mean sure… that weird thing is still in the sky, so there are no changes in regards to that. But there have to be things that have changed! Take me for example! I can now walk literally everywhere! And neither Luke, nor those strangers I’ve come across while walking straight up a tree, seemed to be shocked by this. Shit, they didn’t even seem bothered by it. The only thing that seemed to bother them, was the state of the clothes I was wearing! I mean… even I know that my clothes were terrible at the time, but still! Isn’t it too unnatural for them to not even seem to care about that?!”

She just shot out these questions as they came into her mind. And she brought them out so quickly, that she even gasped for air after she was done asking. But what she heard next, nearly made her stumble, even though she was standing still right now.

Her father, Steve just shot a weird look at her and replied “What about that seems unnatural to you Mia? It’s not like you’re the only person with some sort of ability out there you know? There are actually quite a few who have them. It’s apparently some sort of gift the Xârækshʼna brought with them when they came here… it’s been all over the news this entire time after all.”

“Excuse me… the what?” Was the only thing Mia managed to say. She had never heard of, whatever it was that her father just pronounced, before.

This time it was her mother that replied while having a shocked expression plastered onto her face “The Xârækshʼna! My god Mia did you perhaps lose some memories while switching you gender? They’ve been on earth since way before last week! They’re originally from outer space but came here in order to help our civilization prosper!... How could you have forgotten that?”

Now was Mia’s turn to have shock written on her face. Just what had happened while she was gone? Who or what the hell were the Xârækshʼna? And just why were her parents treating her like she was a fool for not knowing them? In utter confusion Mia’s eyes darted from one family member to another. When her gaze landed on Luke though, she started thinking again. She realized, how her brother hadn’t said this entire time. Instead he sat there, looking away from their parents. Why was that? Maybe, he knew what was going on?

With eyes pleading for help, she looked at her brother, hoping that he would get the message. And it seemed like luck was on her side, because after a while he seemed to notice her looking at him and stood up with a deep sigh. Seeing him about to do something, Mia became relieved. Maybe Luke would provide her with a way out of this situation, because as it was at that moment, the discussion would go nowhere. All that they would achieve right now, was to confuse Mia even more.

Though not everything went as she had hoped. Because what came out of Luke’s mouth, just seemed puzzling to her.


Ummm... well... yea... I know that it has been quite a while since the last chapter and even though i said "i would release it soon" or "tomorrow"... well i couldn't keep my own Deadline and i am... sorry about that. I have no excuses to make. Or rather all of the things would just sound like petty excuses so I'm not even stating them. BUT! this story is not, and I repeat, this story is not dead! I will continue to release chapters (though not the "one chapter every 2-3 days"-schedule, more like one a week) and I will try to not let you hanging like this again! Despite the long wait, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

If you feel like chatting with me and stuff, think about joining my sadly still empty discord server: can even ask about chapter-stuff there :) )

And thanks to my supporter: Ritsuka Morgan