Chapter 7: Hidden Powers and Secret Desires
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Several months had passed, and I had made significant progress in my training, feeling that new possibilities were opening up to me. But along with this came the understanding that, no matter how much I learned, the world of mana remained vast and mysterious. One evening, as we gathered by the fireplace, Elana decided to tell me about special properties of magic that were rarely discussed in early lessons.

Elana began with an enigmatic tale about a rare and complex type of magic. She explained the opportunities that unfolded for those who had mastered the basics and could understand the elements on a deeper level. Water, fire, earth, air—all could reveal themselves in different ways if a mage reached a high enough level of understanding.

"There is magic understood by very few," Elana said, her eyes glowing with reverence and awe. "These are aspects that usually resist control, and their power is immense. Darkness and light, gravity, even the manipulation of consciousness. They can become either a gift or a curse for a mage, should he lack caution."

Her words felt like a revelation. Before, I'd thought that magic was limited to mastering the elements, but now a different world was opening before me—a world of magic with far deeper meaning.

"If magic can transcend boundaries, subduing not only elements but something as powerful as the mind and light itself, then what path lies ahead for me?"

The next day, Elana decided to show me how light could be used not only to illuminate dark places but also to interact with entities on an energetic level. She placed a crystal before me, softly glowing with white light, and asked me to focus on its radiance.

"Feel the light as something alive. Imagine it can be gentle and kind, yet blinding and overwhelming. That is its power," she explained.

I focused, allowing my mana to connect with the crystal, and felt an unusual warmth, as if the light was penetrating my consciousness. It was a strange sensation, evoking both awe and wonder. In that moment, I felt that magic was not just an element but a way of interacting at the level of the soul.

"Light, like a living being, can be understood. It doesn't merely illuminate—it reaches deeper than one might ever imagine."

That evening, I shared my impressions of working with light with Roan. He listened attentively, then leaned forward, looking thoughtful.

"You're still young, Ellard," he began, "and there's much you don't know. But remember: the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. The power of light, like any other element, can both protect and destroy. Those of us who have the gift of magic must be especially cautious, for every choice we make has consequences."

His words struck me, making me think seriously about the weight of my actions. If magic could influence others, what path would I take? Could I stay true to my principles, despite the challenges and possible temptations?

"Perhaps true mastery lies not in controlling magic, but in controlling oneself."

As I delved deeper into the study of magic, new facets of its possibilities opened up to me. These lessons became not only training sessions but also tests of my character. I was beginning to understand that magic was not only a gift but also a temptation. It beckoned with its power and possibilities, yet I realized that the true path of a mage was not to subjugate nature but to respect its strength and balance.

These days revealed more and more questions, and I understood that each step forward was a step toward understanding not only the world but also myself.