Chapter-16 A Story Of The Past
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“But that's not simple .”

Artorius says while looking at Rayne , Rayne stands up and asks .

“What do you mean ?”

“I'm in a spiritual form right now , that's why I need Mana constantly to remain this way , but there is a reason for me having this form .”

Bahamut , who was till now looking at all this , finally starts talking .

“Artorius , I swear if anything happens to this boy I'll kill you , don't forget I'm always inside him .”

“Don't think too much and why will I harm my own disciple ? I just want him to know something………that may even make him change his mind .”

Listening to that Rayne couldn't stop himself but ask .

“What is it ?”

Artorius looks at him and starts talking .

“Kid….wait what was your name again…..Rayne why do you think I am in this form ?”

“As far as I know , if you're dead then you can't come back alive , but you surely died a long time ago but you have this form , all I can think of is that with you're knowledge you must have done something about it .”

“Hahahaha well that's quite true…….but what if I say you are wrong about that ?”

Rayne doesn't understand what he meant .

“What do you mean ?”

“Hmm….what if I say…..that you can come back alive even if you die ?”

Rayne was shocked , after 10 years from when he died back in his own world and got his rebirth in this new world , he never heard or read about anything about this , many thoughts go on his head all of a sudden .

“Wait…..people can come back alive ? Just who is this guy ? Does he know about rebirth ? Does he even know Gaia ?”

“What happend ? Too shocked knowing that ? Well then lemme tell you a story .”

Artorius starts in a soft tone .

“ Long long ago when there were many races living in our world , orcs , humans , elves , dwarves and even dragons , lives weren't this easy . People used to die every day as hunger of power was making everyone starve , soon a great war came over our world , people began to die every second , it was as if every race from the whole world will just get extinct , but suddenly one day two brothers came out of nowhere and exclaimed to everyone that the greed of power never brings anything good to the world , but God knows how every race actually understood them and even made them their own Kings , for the first time , all the races of novaria had only one well to be honest two rulers . But only if the situation stayed that way…….you see no creature is perfect , every creature can be manipulated , but those who has heart , just like us , are the easiest to manipulate . Those two brothers found out something that was so immensely powerful that even their pure heart , got manipulated . They found the power of resurrection .”

Listening to that both Rayne and Bahamut got shocked , their faces turned pale .


As Bahamut says Artorius looks at him .

“It's true , why would I lie…..”

Without letting him finish Rayne says .

“Then what happened ?”

“Hehehe interested I see….”

Inside Rayne's mind there is only one thing going on .

“Resurrection huh ? The way to bring back the dead……”

Artorius starts talking once again .

“You see both brothers fell in love with a single woman , the woman was the strongest mage in the whole world , the three of them met and became good friends , but she soon had a decease in which she passed away  , both wanted to bring her back but…….they didn't want either of them to have her heart , that's when they found something else about the power of resurrection , the power of resurrection can be controlled through the desires of the heart , as they both wanted to bring her back they used the power of resurrection without letting either of them know , but……the way they brought her back was different infact……she was split in two totally different beings . The elder brother brought back a part of her which wasn't even human , it was a beast who knew nothing but destruction…….the female mage's mind was filled with the knowledge of magic……with that she saw herself as the strongest of all , this image created the beast who rained havoc , on the other hand the younger brother brought back a part of the woman who even being a human didn't had a heart , she was a doll without mind or heart . None of the brothers wanted this and soon began blaming each other for what happened and even tried to kill each other but it wasn't on their hand of which they would die , as soon the woman's two different parts found each other and they came for revenge , as they never wanted this to happen , the beast killed both of them . But the heart of the woman remained in Novaria hidden from everyone . ”

Artorius stops . Rayne looks at him with a serious face and says .

“So you're saying……”

“I'd found both ways of resurrection…”

Artorius says with a smirk .

“Then…..then how ?”

“That's not very simple my child…..”

Artorius looks up .

“You see I had someone special in my life too……..who I wanted to bring back….but sadly I was unable…….and I wasted my life for that person .”

Even though he was smiling his eyes were stained with sadness .

“Then why tell me this ?”

“Looking at you I think you are not that dumb .”

“Hehehe…..but how can I bring you back if I don't even know how to do so…..and if the method is that dangerous which actually makes two different parts of a person , none of which is good , how do you plan to come back ?”

“Hahahaha , I like you kid , you know I just didn't find it……I corrected it . There's a reason why I'm called the king of knowledge , I corrected it so that with that method , any dead person can be resurrected just like the person was in his or her past life . ”

“Hmmm…then what do you want me to do ?”

“Before dying I was able to make my consciousness attached to my sword , so before thinking tell me this what will you do if I need way to much Mana the you can give then……”

“I'll save you…..You said yourself you aren't gonna harm me , as you are my master I'll help you . For now tell me what I have to do .”

“Ahhhh about that…..”

Artorius looks away from Rayne and begins to scratch his cheek .

“What ?”

“It's just there's something……..very little problem with it .”

“Huh ? What is it ?”

“It's just……………………..I forgot how to do so .”


“You fucking idiot , just what are you ? How can you forget something this important ? And you call yourself the king of knowledge .”

Rayne and Bahamut both shouts .

“Okay okay calm down sheesh cut me some slack , I've been sleeping for I dunno how long what do you want me to remember everything ? And I'm sure I'll remember if I find something important don't worry .”

“sigh…….okay okay .”

Rayne looks at Artorius .

“For now let's go back , we need something to bound you with too .”

Rayne waved at Bahamut before getting out of his SoulSea , soon they were out of the dark place .

[Inside Prison of Artorius]

“…ayne……Rayne......Rayne wake up .”

Voice of Lily comes into Rayne's mind as he slowly opens his eyes . Lily is sitting beside him holding a red heart shaped pendant over Rayne's head and Jade is taking out bottles of water to pour on Rayne's face .

“I'm back I'm back I'm back…. don't worry .”

“What the fuck man don't just die on us .”

Jade says with a voice of relief .

Rayne sits up .

“You were unconscious just after the guy touched your forehead , and that guy disappeared too . I tried to pour you some Mana with this pendant of life too….”

As Lily says he stops her .

“Don't worry about that , and we should get back………..hey Lily...”

“Huh ? What ?”

“Ummm can I ask you something ?”

“Yeah sure .”

“Can I have your pendant .”

Lily looks at her pendant once and looks at Rayne . She gives him her pendant with a smile on her face .

“Here you go .”

“Th……thanks , I'll give you another one when we….”

“It's ok…….keep it .”

“Ummm you sure ?”

“Yup .”

Suddenly Artorius's voice comes into Rayne's mind .

“Hey hey hey you can have your lovey dovey talk later just take the pendant from her fast . ”

“Hey where are you ?”

“Inside you of course but I can't have my form if you don't hurry , right now only you can hear me so without wasting time fast get the pendant and I'll do my job just keep it near you .”

Rayne takes the pendant and wears it .

“Man it looks weird on you .”

Jade says .

“Whatever now let's go or else the teachers will kill us .”

They went back to their rooms in the inn and soon fell asleep , it was way too much hassle for them , the next day they were the only ones who were sleeping in the cart while coming back to Ellensmere .

[3 days later]

“So you are saying that you can't increase your rank huh ?”

As Rayne is training in the training ground with some other students , Artorius is floating in midair whileating popcorn . But it seems only Rayne can see him .

“Nope not at all .”

“You know what kid it's not a problem here lemme give you something , this skill I learned……well i don't remember but whatever .”

“Wait you know skills ?”

Rayne stops training and looks at Artorius .

“Of course and now that you are my disciple it's my duty to help you when you need , after all your tournament is coming .”

The popcorn from Artorius's hand suddenly disappears as he brings his right hand towards Rayne's forehead , as soon as he touches him , Rayne feels a strong force flowing through inside him . A sudden surge of energy fills his whole body for almost a minute and suddenly it stops and his whole body loses it's temperature as if the heat of the energy is gone .

[Skill - Flaring Force has been learned]

“Woah what was that ?”

“Hehe it's called Flaring Force as you have fire element inside you try fusing it with your Shadow Flames it will be even stronger .”


Suddenly Jade comes behind him and shouts .


“Hmm ? Hey , you're here ?”

“Yeah I thought why not check on you . How's your training ?”

Jade walks near Rayne .

“It's working out fine .”

“Great , then…….wanna have a spar ?”

Jade says with burning passion in his eyes . Rayne looks at him and says while smiling .

“I had a hunch you'd say that . Let's do it then”

Jade takes three step back and brings out his katana as Rayne changes his form and from thin air his Blade comes out .

“Hey kid lemme give you something else…”

Saying that Artorius goes behind Rayne and suddenly a blue light covers Rayne's blade , soon the light goes inside the blade as it changes it's form and turns into even thinner but sharper blade with the hilt no longer cut . It becomes a little longer but it's even darker than before .

“Woah that's something new .”

Jade says .


Rayne says .

“As my sword is connected with my soul , it changed it's form cuz I'm getting enough Mana from you .”

As Artorius says , Rayne points his new sword towards jade . A notification comes right in front of Rayne .

[Key if Artorius has been refined to Blade of Artorius .]

Rayne smiles and turns invisible .

“Huh ?”

Jade stutters for a moment but suddenly he moves around and slashes , suddenly a big wave of black flames goes the way jade slashed and Rayne's figure comes out of it .

“Woahhh those two are fighting….”

“Man isn't that Jade the Gold rank guy man whoever is fighting him must have a death wish .”

“Woahhh but what is that black fire ?”

The students begin to talk as the surround Raine and Jade .

“Ohh you're pretty well known .”

Rayne says while his blade is touching Jade's and Sparks of fire sometime flickers .

“Ohh yeah I am..”

Jade shouts while creating a small tornado and pushing Rayne .

Rayne without stopping uses his skill .

“Shadow Flayer Blast!!!”

The ball of black flames hit Jade directly , but just in a second he comes out of the black fire as if nothing happened , air is glowing all around Jade as if he is controlling it , he points the katana right while looking at Rayne .

“Let's get serious shall we .”

Without wasting any time Rayne leaps towards Rayne , he rolls in a circle in midair and slashes Rayne . Rayne's blade suddenly got coated in black flames as he blocks the attack . 

“Not so fast .”

Rayne says and suddenly Jade goes through Rayne as he appears right behind Jade and uses .

“Blade of Dark Flames”

Jade couldn't move as it hit him from behind and he flunked across the field , but he didn't fall as he disappears in midair and appears right in front of Rayne . Jade's face is completely filled with seriousness , Rayne could see that cuz he already uses another of his skill .

“Eye of the Night”

Without wasting any time he uses his Blade of Shadow Flames again and Jade got flunked again . But suddenly something haooend which Rayne couldn't believe , Jade is standing up not slowly but with normal pace even though his Eye of the Night is still in effect .

“Wait isn't it working ?”

Rayne says but Artorius exclaims .

“No…'s his speed , he already acquired a spirit beast , he is using it's power to increase his speed .”

“Speed ? Just how much speed does he has that even with my eye of the night he is moving normally ? ”