22-Taking Test in the Nether Necropolis
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1 of 3 chapters of the week, guys. Enjoy.

“It’s true. The favored is strong,” Ren muttered.
“Of course, every decade, all top factions in the whole continent organize a tournament that will last for another decade. It is to decide the seven strongest geniuses among acolytes, the favored. Elder Mircalla Karnstein is the strongest favored,” Peter explained.
Reymond continued, “One of the qualifications to become the favored is the acolyte has to have the strength to defeat an official magus. But, Johan is weak. Even, you can defeat him, Ren.”
“Even though I am just a level ten acolyte? How did he gain the title?”
“He robbed it from another ex-favored. Yeah, even as the time we speak, the favored tournament still occurs. It will end in about five years. You have a chance to become the favored, Mr. Ren. The seven winners will get enormous rewards,” Peter said.
Eren yawned. “That sounds like a pain. Competition, rivalry, hatred, fighting, tournament. Why can’t our world be peaceful?”
Mircalla glanced back at them and smiled. The situation wasn’t tense like before. She had the high ground. However, Johan was still smug as ever.
“Do you have confidence with your backer? Remember? I can beat official magus by pure strength, not like other favored who use tricks.”
“Countess, even official magus has its rank. There’s no way you can beat the like of the alliance president, the pope, the emperor, and the head monk. To be honest with you, the person behind me is weak. He can’t beat an executioner member. Maybe you don’t remember that I am a favored as well. My magic can strengthen the weak to rival the strongest!”
Johan waved his short wand. “Mass package! Greater healing, enhanced strength, boost speed, iron-clad armor, reactive armor, holy blessing, light clarity, reduce mana consumption, and lastly rejuvenation.”
A shinning club floated from his wand and exploded in the air. Glowing mist surrounded the two fallen men. They suddenly stood up and roared.
Mircalla took a stance. She could feel their changes. There was a threatening pressure around them.
“Elder, should we help?” Peter asked.
“No, you will be in the way!”
Mircalla vanished from the sight and suddenly stood between them. He spun around and slashed to their chest again. However, her crescent slash only scratched their skins unlike before. Then, she felt itching pain on her chest. She gained the same injury as them.
Mircalla jumped back. Her skin regenerated immediately. But, she was in shock when her foes could heal their injuries.
As her feet landed, the two men immediately bolted toward her. The together punched toward each to her side.
Mircalla’s Gu Style-Devil Beetle Form: Crimson Steel Skin
Mircalla put her hands in the direction of their punches and blocked them. However, the holy light that covered their fists penetrated her hardened skin and exploded her arms.
She jumped and somersaulted backward. Her eyes glared at Johan. “No wonder you can rob the favored title. Your support magic is strong. I can give you that.”
Johan grinned. “I won’t feel honored.”
“They can regenerate, their skins are hard. Their fists contain anti-vampire attacks. Then, I wonder how fast they can regenerate? Moonphase-Third Form: First Quarter!”
Mircalla waved her hands to the two men. Their body stiffened up and produced cracking sounds as though their bones broke. Suddenly, blood came out of their orifices.
“Moonphase-Fourth Form: Waxing Gibbous!”
Mircalla produced crimson orb in her hands and launched it. It became a beam shot that immediately disintegrated the two men.
Her attack left a crater on the ground. The two men vanished from their spots.
“Oh, their regenerations were weak,” she exclaimed. “I took back my words. You didn’t have any qualifications to be a favored, Mr. Ashker.”
A vein popped out of his forehead. Johan shouted, “Kill that heretic creature!”
The white armored man stepped forward.
Mircalla teased, “So what? You want to buff him too?”
Precisely! Holy Package!”
A cube exploded above the armored man, shrouding him with glowing mist.
Mircalla put her fighting stance. “I will stand up to any challenge.”
As they were about to clash, suddenly Allen came out in rush from one of the tunnels, drawing everyone’s attention. A masked man followed behind him.
Mircalla’s body shook. Magic core realm, she thought.
Mircalla glanced at the armored man. It seemed he could feel the pressure too and as if in synch, they stood side by side.
“I have introduced myself to you and the way I met you. I know everything about all of you too.”
Johan snorted. “I will leave. Don’t ever think of stopping me. I will make you kill myself. If people above mana condensation realm kill me, the pope will come to get revenge.”
Gerard giggled. “Naïve, poor boy. As you said, each realm has its rank. Even if the leader of each top faction gang up against me, I can still win. You are very different from your pop. He was a humble person.
“I just want to pass my legacy to that young necromancer. He will follow the test my master has set up.”
Allen raised his hand. “Is it dangerous?”
“Yes. You can’t do it alone, but you have to pass the test with your power.”
Gerard continued before Allen spoke up, “No, you can’t refuse. I have waited so long. Your entire Coffin Sect is a bunch of dumbasses. How come no one figured out a way to use the True Limitless Vigor Body Arts. Instead of applying it to a corpse, they used it to living people.”
This time Peter raised his hand. “My lord, if you only need Allen, why do you want to hold us?”
“Don’t worry, kid. My task is just to pass the necromancy. After that, I don’t care if it will be a secret or even if it is exterminated again. I just hold you all because I want to give you all a test too. If you have done it, I will give you a suitable legacy.
“There’s even a Light Archive Jellyfish down there.”
When Gerard mentioned that, Johan’s eyes widened. He calmed down unlike the usual smug him.
“If you understand, then follow me. I will guide you to the special floor for the test.”
They got out of the area for acolytes and headed to the downstairs floor. They still had to pass down several stairs before they arrived on the test floor.
Before them, there was a gate without a door. In the middle of it, a portal hovered.
Gerard pulled Allen to stand beside him and talked to others, “You all have to enter this portal. You will perform the first test alone. Maybe a few of you will lose your lives. After it, you will move to the second test where you can do it in a pair or alone. When you move again to the last test, you all have to band up together. That’s it. Go!”
Gerard waved his hand and produced a gush of wind, blowing them away to the portal except for Allen.
“So, what do I have to do?” Allen asked.
“The test for you is three in total. You aren’t allowed to fail. Figure it out. You are a true necromancer.”
“Alright, I will enter it alone. Just one question, my lord. What creature are you?”
“I am a humanoid monster. Just like Mircalla and you,” Gerard replied.
Allen tilted his head. “I don’t know what you mean by that. Alright, I will go.”
Gerard called back when Allen was about to enter the portal. “You are surprisingly calm about this.”
Allen glanced back. “I only strive for what I have in life. I am not greedy enough to want what I don’t have. However, I don’t mind receiving something bad or good if it’s inevitable.” With that, he entered the portal.
Gerard pondered. “He didn’t know he isn’t a human, did he?”
Allen arrived at a dark place. He should have the ability to see in the dark, but he couldn’t see anything.
“Is this magic? System!”
He summoned the system tablet to give him light. Allen’s eyes widened as he saw the surrounding.
Allen was standing in the corridor between two prisons. Inside those prisons were undead.
Allen groped his cloak and he didn’t find his undead rat. He panicked a bit, but he decided to step forward with full caution.
This place was like a maze. Luckily, those undead were locked up. Their cultivations were on the same level as him if not higher.
“Undead can see the life force of living beings. It seems they are controlled because they don’t approach me. What’s the purpose of them here? What’s the condition to complete the first test?”
Allen caressed his chin. “This place is like a maze. There should be a center. I will go there. Maybe there’s a clue.”
Before he advanced, Allen analyzed the prisons. The only way to enter and exit was through a seemingly automatic sliding door. He could already guess if the condition was met, this door would open.
Maybe there’s a time limit to complete this quest. The other clue I have is I can’t complete this test alone according to the keeper. I should use my necromancy technique.”
Allen scratched the wall each time he met junctions. With it, he wasn’t afraid to get lost.
Allen found a different prison on the way. This prison was entirely made from a glass. There were runes written over it.
Allen peeped inside and saw a woman floating inside it. This woman was naked and pale, but her tangled hair covered most of her body and face.
Allen stepped back when the woman approached the glass. Under her hair, he could see crimson eyes staring at him. Suddenly, the woman screamed and rushed to the glass.
The runes emitted light and the woman bounced back.
Allen had thought and summoned the renegade ghost from his chest. The renegade ghost tried to pass through the glass, but it bounced back.
“That woman is a kind of ghost. She seems strong. In the future, I can make a strong ghost like her.”
Next to the glass prison was a junction. Allen noticed something as he stood in the middle of it. There were a total of four glass prison before the junction. “Is this the center?”
As he realized that, a glass wall jutted out to the surface in every four directions, trapping him inside the center.
Allen looked at the situation on the other side of the center. The ghost woman had come out of her prison. Not only that, but he could also see many undead coming to the center. If it wasn’t for the glass, he was afraid they would attack him.
Allen didn’t feel safe at all because there was time countdown written over the glass wall. 24:00 hours. 23:59. 23:58….
“Shit, what should I do? There was a spell code to open and closed the glass wall too, but they will rush in if I do that.”
As he said, he spotted a rotten hunting rat passing by. “Wait, where does it come from?”
Allen looked around and found a hole. “This is rat’s nest. So, this is the test, huh. I have to depend on my necromancy technique. I will create an undead army to fight them.
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