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“Did you hear that too, Reymond?” Mircalla asked.

“I am.” Reymond nodded.

“This is difficult. Difficult.” Mircalla shook her head. She saw as the other goblins carried the chopped corpses to the boats.

The goblin king’s face was cold and cruel as he looked up to the cave. His eyes seemed to penetrate everything. Mircalla gulped. Could she win against him? He was a strong foundation magic magus.

“This is bad. He found us!”

“It seems we don’t have another choice but fighting them in here. We can’t escape,” Reymond said.

Mircalla’s thought was right. The horde of goblins sailed their boats. They got off and climbed the cave.

“Reymond, stand behind me. Use your long-range magic. Only shoot to the goblins that attack me.”

Reymond chanted a spell. An electric bow appeared in his hands.

“It’s alright. I can finish up the minions at ease. Moonphase-First Form: New Moon!”

Red mana erupted from Mircalla’s body. The pressure she emitted became several times stronger.

“Moonphase-Third Form: First Quarter!”

Mircalla waved her hands. The incoming goblins halted. Blood spurted from their orifices. Some of them fell.

“Moonphase-Fourth Form: Waxing Gibbous!”

Mircalla extended her hands and launched a red beam. Some of the goblins were obliterated, but they were still many who escaped. They finally reached the cave.

One of them was about to pounce Mircalla from above, but an electric arrow pushed him back.

“I got your back, Mircalla.”

“Thanks, Reymond. Transfiguration Magic: Wolf Claw! Moonphase-Second Form: Waxing Crescent!”

Mircalla’s hands turned into wolf claws. Her slash attack produced crescents that mutilated her enemies.

The goblins that were still climbing stopped. They understood that the seemingly delicious woman in front of them was as strong as the king.

The goblin king finally jumped from the boat and looked up. With an ax in each of his hands, he bolted forward.

“Fast! Mircalla’s Gu Style-Devil Beetle: Crimson Steel Skin!”

At the time her skin turned crimson and solid, the goblin king had arrived before her. He swung his axes, one from above and the other from below.

Mircalla’s arms were severed. “Agh, as expected of magic foundation magus.” As she said that, the goblin king swung the axes toward her neck and belly.

Mircalla’s head flew toward a nearby black goblin. “Moonphase-Eight Form: Waning Crescent!”

Mircalla bit the black goblin minion and sucked his blood. His body became thin and dry.

Mircalla’s body grew completely from her body and then limbs. She lifted the dying minion with one hand and threw him aside. She stood naked. Her crimson eyes were glowing.

“You will pay for this!” Her body vanished and appeared behind the goblin king. Mircalla’s Gu Style-Blood Locust: Desert Chase.

As she was about to strike his back, the goblin king vanished and appeared behind her. She felt gushes and shouted, “Moonphase-Sixth Form: Waning Gibbous!”

Suddenly, she couldn’t see anything. The ax cut her head from the upper jaw. Her body emitted crimson light. She advanced toward a nearby goblin as though she could locate his position. With her technique, she sucked him dry and regenerated her head.

At the time she could see again, the goblin king averted his attention to Reymond.

“You dare? I’ve had enough! Moonphase-Fifth Form: Full Moon-Awakening!”

The goblin king felt pressure behind him and looked back. He saw a red orb floating in the air. Mircalla stared at it blankly.

“No, Mircalla!”

Reymond was worried when she heard Mircalla shouting that spell. As everyone’s attention was drawn to her. He gritted his teeth and ran past them.

Gu Style-Locust Form: Desert Chase!

Mana covered his legs and he jumped forward. He got out of the cave, but there was no footing. He fell to the canyon.

In the cave, white fur grew around Mircalla’s skin. Her head changed into resembling a wolf. She grew two more heads and four arms. Her body got bigger.

Mircalla’s form was different from the usual werewolf. As she flexed her body, two enormous bat wings grew on her back.

“Aooo!” she howled.


The portal transported Allen to a canyon. He and his minions were standing on the sandbank near the river. He could see high cliffs everywhere.

Unlike the first test, this time a voice came to his head, telling him what to do. “The second test. Kill the black goblin shaman in the west of the Imaginary Canyon and retrieve the undead tower.”

Allen marked the four ghosts with a shadow sentry, linking their visions to him. He willed them to scout the surroundings first. Two checked above the cliffs. One went along the river to the east. The last flew to the west.

Allen relaxed under the cliff. The minions guarded him. Some of them checked the river to make sure it wasn’t dangerous.

As he was waiting, he tested the minions’ abilities and checked the loots from the last test.

A minion emitted a wave from its body. This was the minion with the only soul skill.

“His skill can stun others. It affects enemies in a certain range, but the stun effect is inferior to renegade ghost.”

Allen looked at the other minions that unleashed their magic. Flame punch, electric clap, wind blade, etc. All of them used martial magic. He wondered how they were trained to learn it.

“Well, now that they possess a spirit, I guess they can form mind runes.”

Allen noticed something from the ghost he sent to the east river. He saw boats that carried chopped beast corpses. On the sandbank below the cliff, goblin corpses scattered. He just saw a man falling from the cliff.

“Is that Reymond?”

The second ghost saw Eren with a muscular woman. They hid from black goblins behind a large rock.

The third ghost saw Ren and Peter fighting a bunch of black goblins. They formed a good team and could hold a candle against them.

The last ghost found a goblin village and sneaked inside it. She saw the crowd around a cage. They were shouting in excitement. Allen willed it to approach cautiously.

Allen’s eyes widened from a scene in the cage. A girl was writhing above a man. They were naked. The man under her didn’t move a bit as tears came out of his blank eyes.

“Isn’t that Mr. Ren’s fiancée, Vanilla? And Johan from the church? He is crying.”

If this was a normal situation, he wouldn’t mind watching. But, this was a test. He ordered the ghost to leave and looked for the black goblin shaman.

The ghost visited each tent. Even though it was still daylight, black goblins were active in copulation. There was a tent with several people doing it together.

Allen grinned. “Heh, it turns out black goblins and humans are similar. People of Shadowperk City did those kinds of activities a lot, anywhere, anytime.”

The ghost found a larger tent than the rest. It was like several tents combined into one. As she entered it, a black goblin that wore animal skull headdress had awaited her. There was a magic circle below her and it emitted electricity that stunned her body.

“This is a kind of soul attack!”

Allen stood up and ordered the minions to move. He called the other three ghosts too.

He saw the goblin shaman approached the ghost, touching her forehead. At the same time, his connection with her was severed. Allen coughed up blood.

“That black goblin shaman is proficient with soul magic. Is he a necromancer?”

Allen remembered one of his tasks was to retrieve an undead tower from him. “There’s a chance he’s a proficient necromancer. I am afraid I can’t do this alone. The smiling man said the test was supposed to be completed alone. But, in this second test, there’s no saying I can’t cooperate with others.

“I will go to Reymond first. He’s near.”


Reymond somersaulted in the air before landed on his feet. He looked up to the cave. He could hear wolves’ howling. “Mircalla, I hope you can control it.”

A black goblin fell from the cliff and landed on a corpse. He stood up and growled at Reymond.

The goblin had lost one of his arms, but Reymond didn’t dare to drop his guard. A single black goblin could defeat a magical beast in the same realm.

Reymond put his stance as the goblin advanced to him. As his foe swung his ax, he touched his arm and his neck.

Gu Style-Centipede Form: Clawing Vortex!

Reymond swung his arms. The black goblin spun around in the air, forming a mana vortex.

Reymond took a deep breath and exhaled electricity. “Lightning Arrow Fist!” He punched the middle of the vortex and sent the gobbling flying.

Reymond formed an electric bow in his hands and shot several electric arrows.

As the goblin fell, he took several arrows to his head, neck, and heart. He let out a low shriek and died.

“I am lucky! I defeated a black goblin.”

As he finished the sentence, two more black goblins fell from the cliff. One of them only suffered a scratch on his cheek.

“Oh, beast of luck.”

Reymond didn’t wait for them to recover. He turned his back and ran.

Gu Style-Locust Form: Desert Chase!

Reymond vanished and appeared several meters forwards. The two goblins had stood up and chased after him. In a short time, the distance between them had closed.

One of them jumped past Reymond and landed in front of him. Reymond halted. “Shit, my luck is.”

The goblin in front of him lifted his ax, but suddenly a black chain bound to his arm. He pulled the chain with might and a man flew to him.

“Allen!” Reymond exclaimed. He will be killed, he thought. But, he noticed the man was calm about it. He hugged a human skeleton with him and threw it to the goblin.

The goblin lifted the other ax and was about to slash the skeleton.

The skeleton suddenly emitted a wave that stunned him and the goblins for a second.

At the time they could move again, Allen had covered his hand with black mana and clawed the goblin’s eyes.

Reymond caught Allen and lifted him to his shoulder. Gu Style-Locust Form: Desert Chase!

They vanished and appeared several meters forward. In front of Reymond, there was a skeleton army. He became wary.

“Don’t worry, Reymond. They are mine.”

Reymond pushed Allen down and looked back. As expected the goblins were chasing them.

“They are strong,” Reymond muttered.

“We have an advantage in number. One of them is blind and the other’s injury is worse,” Allen said.

Allen cast several darkness chains to the blind goblin.

The goblin sensed something coming to him. He repelled each chain with his axes. As for the other goblin, he targeted Reymond.

The skeleton army marched forward while the blind goblin dealt with the chains. One of them sledded down his legs. The goblin fell to the sand. They stomped him. Some of them used martial magic related to kicking and stomping. At the time they stopped, there was only meat paste and blood splatter left.

Reymond held the other goblin’s waist and neck and swung his arms. Gu Style-Centipede Form: Clawing Vortex.

He channeled electricity in his hand and released it through punch. “Lightning Arrow Punch!”

The last goblin flew away. When he landed, he took lightning arrows to his vital organs and died.

Reymond looked at Allen and extended his hand.

Allen smiled and tossed the hand.


1-3 chapters of the week. Enjoy. Don't forget to click the heart button and give a rating. You can read up to chapter 35 on my Patreon.