Chapter 40. Lure of the Unknown
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Lila glanced back toward the treehouse. It wasn't visible anymore, so many turns she had already made in this bizarre forest. But still, she felt as her steps faltered, as if she was tethered to that only anchor she had left. Her last friend. Lila's arms crossed tightly over her chest, and she let out a slow, shaky breath, the forest's quiet amplifying the emptiness she felt since leaving Mountain View.

However, looking around her and taking in the postures of the enlightened, she realized that these people were startled no less than she was. As she watched the enlightened move in unison, their gestures strangely precise yet fluid, Lila couldn't help but wonder—were their wary glances at her echoes of the same stories she'd grown up with? If she was poisoned by decades of indoctrination against the undead, was it possible they had the same treatment here? That they had the same stories distorted by the centuries of conflict?

The way one of them flinched when she shifted her weight… Maybe their fears weren't so different after all.

After a short break, the enlightened before Lila resumed their trance-like movements. They were… ordinary. The more Lila looked at them, the more it seemed they were just some normal people. In just a few minutes, she even stopped noticing the eerie glow of their eyes. The same glow she's got so used to seeing in Aira's eyes.

Some of the enlightened seemed to remind her of the people she met before. Even some of the townsfolk from Mountain View. Others looked utterly unfamiliar… just like humans, she had never met before.

The group included people with all shades of skin and hair Lila expected to see in any average group. Nothing unusual at first glance. However, the more Lila looked at these people, the more she found some minute details. Peculiarities not seen in humans that appeared in the enlightened.

One of the men attracted her attention. He stood a bit further away, and Lila couldn't see his facial features immediately. But what attracted her attention the most was that his brightly purple hair had color only near the ends, turning bright white closer to the roots.

Momentarily, Lila remembered Aira's questions about her green hair. Was it what the undead woman felt when she found herself among strange people? She mentioned that green hair wasn't typical in her world. That they used… dyes? Or magic? Whatever they used to get these colors, it was something strange. Otherworldly.

So, what was the deal with this guy?

"Do they think differently?" asked Lila, not even noticing she did that aloud. "Elder's beard, I can't even know how they talk. I have to rely on Aira's translation…"

Of course, she wasn't able to understand if they were communicating or coordinating their actions in any manner. But the air around them shimmered and was transformed in mysterious ways. Changing color and even… it seemed that at some moments, it became denser, dispersing and dissolving seconds after.

With Aira's magic, her actions were often very… kinetic. Things blew up, and there were visible discharges of energy. In short, her powers were usually quite loud and spectacular.

The scene in front of Lila was enchanting in a different way. The beauty of the ritual was undeniable, and while Lila didn't feel influenced by it, she couldn't help but be captivated by the sight.

Seeing that she wasn't distracting the participants of the ritual anymore, Lila sat at the edge of the clearing, completely entranced by the scene. The enlightened were synchronized in their actions, following some silent commands. Still, every one of them was exploring their own choreography as well.

After one of them finished their sequence of movements, a kaleidoscope of colors was passed to the next person. But the spectacle shifted and morphed, changing according to some arcane rules. Still, Lila wasn't sure whether it was a mystical ritual or something else. It reminded her of some of the sports they were practicing during their ranger training or games children played in the streets of Mountain View. But then, everything changed once again, and other stages almost had a religious sense to them.

It continued for some time. The enlightened were immersed in their mysterious practice. And Lila was the sole spectator, sitting near the glade's edge. The hypnotizing dance allowed her to finally find some peace and hope for some balance in her life, in her world.

Then, suddenly, when there was a brief pause in the movement, one of the enlightened gestured for Lila to come closer. It was that guy with purple hair. Did he notice how Lila scrutinized his appearance?

Hesitantly, Lila looked around herself and saw there were no other people nearby. There was no mistake, and he gestured again for her to come closer.

Moving very slowly, she did.

Ritualists, or… players…? actors? They moved around Lila, positioning themselves so that she was right in the center of a circle created by the enlightened. All the worst stories about the undead flickered through Lila's mind in one fleeting moment, but she braced herself so as not to back out and not to show any fear.

Lila was never one to shy away from trying something new. And now, even though she was out of her depth, she was determined not to back out. This was an opportunity to learn, to explore something she had never expected to be a part of.

Lila and Aira were guests here. Hopefully, the enlightened wouldn't harm her.

Wouldn't they?

"Root me sideways!" Lila exclaimed. "Count me in!"

A shimmering display resumed, each enlightened morphing it and sending it to the next person, continuing the magical movement around the circle. In Lila's experience, neither the technology of the ancient humans nor the natural phenomena could create that kind of effect.

Then, without any warning, the people surrounding Lila finished their exchange and turned to face Lila all at the same moment.

The strands of shimmering air started moving in the direction of the center. Right to the spot where she stood!

Lila squeezed her eyes, strange anticipation overtaking her. And then an odd sensation overwhelmed her. It was like experiencing all seasons at once. It was humid, and then dry, cold, and then warm. She sensed the scents of each season. The calming breeze of a summer morning and the dry cold wind of winter.

After an initial moment of startlement, Lila relaxed and embraced the experience, immersing herself in it completely, unreservedly.

It was… centering and comforting in a way Lila had never felt before. The swirling colors danced like whispers of wind and water, wrapping her in a cocoon of shifting warmth and coolness. Lila's breath slowed, her thoughts untangling with each pulse of shimmering light. It was as though the forest itself was cradling her, whispering that she could rest, that there was balance even in chaos.

She finally saw a path to reconciling herself and reconciling with all this new information she got from Ainorrh. With everything she had learned from Aira in the past months.

Lila opened her eyes and found herself in the middle of a shimmering cloud. Smiling, she turned around, seeking the gazes of each of the enlightened standing in a circle around her. It was impossible to read their emotions. The years of separation and conflict made these people absolutely alien to her human sensibilities. But somehow, Lila felt that they enjoyed the process.

They couldn't speak to each other, but they found a new way to communicate, sharing this experience and the mood of this enchanting moment together.




After a few moments, the enlightened broke the circle and went away without a second glance. Only one person stayed with Lila. The same purple-haired guy showed her direction, and she followed.

This time, she walked much slower and had an opportunity to look around and experience the enlightened city anew. Surprisingly, they didn't have to go far before they reached the treehouse given to Aira and Lila. Her escape was like a blur of emotions and impressions. Sudden interaction with enlightened. But that was probably just a result of her being so overwhelmed.

On the way back… she was able to just enjoy the forest in its full primordial beauty.

Aira was still sitting near the house. She stood up as soon as she noticed Lila and her guide. Smiling, they embraced each other.

As soon as the two women reunited, the enlightened guide nodded to both of them and left for the forest.

"I understand, Lila, that all of this is overwhelming," Aira transmitted habitually through Lila's radio. "Believe me, I do. We came here to find answers, and now we have some. It may not be what we expected. But it's up to us to decide what to do with this knowledge."

Lila took a deep breath. Her walk through the woods finally allowed her to think about the past months and the recent events and revelations. And now she came back to Aira almost ready to explore more.

"Root me sideways. How do you really feel about all of that, Aira?" Lila asked. "All this... doesn't it twist your roots even a little?"

"I'm new to this world," Aira said, smiling gently. "When I just came here, I thought that I'd lost everything. Then, I found a way to connect with the System and found a path to follow. I've learned to expect the unexpected. Anything is possible here, and I'm ready to accept whatever comes our way. It's all part of the adventure."

"Really, Aira? Your explanation is that it's just easier for you?" Lila raised an eyebrow, her tone sharper than she intended. "Elder's breath, that's way too simple! You can't just brush it off like that."

"Well, it probably is easier for me now," said Aira. "I sort of gave up on it being normal. However, Ainorrh had some surprises reserved for me as well. She shared some of their ideas about the workings of the System. And I'm still unsure how to fit it within my understanding of the arcane powers. Still, just a few months ago the mere concept of travelling between the worlds wouldn't even come to my mind."

Lila nodded, finding some comfort in Aira's calm acceptance. "Well, bark and brambles, at least I'm not the only one who's lost here," Lila muttered, running a hand through her green hair. "You're right—this place is full of surprises, but it's twisting my roots! I've had questions my whole life, Aira, and every time I tried to dig for answers, someone yanked me back. And now? Now it's like everything I thought I knew is worse and more tangled than I ever imagined!"

"Yes, but we'll get to the bottom of this," said Aira. "We will, right?"

"We will," said Lila with a sigh. "Not that I've got an easy way back. They probably think I'm either feeding the worms or a full-blown traitor. Either way, I'm out of the picture."

"Well, their loss," said Aira. "I have an idea. All this time, we were training separately. My routine is more focused on meditation and yours on physical training. Throughout my life, physical training wasn't something that I gave too much attention to, magical boosts allowed me to have what I needed anyway. Only after arriving to this world and feeling the effects of some sub-par stats, I realized that it may have been reasonable to have more focus on elements of the routine besides meditation."

"Wait, hold up! I have to tell you about what just happened!" Lila's eyes lit up as she leaned closer. "It was wild—almost like what you told me about your meditation. But… different, you know?"

Without any delays, Lila described her experience with the enlightened ritual.

"They had to be using magic," Lila said, her voice full of wonder. "But it wasn't anything like the flashy stuff you do. It was… deeper, quieter. I felt it in my core, like the whole thing wrapped around me. I've never experienced anything like it."

"That…" said Aira. "Really sounds like a peculiar experience."

"So, what's the deal here?" Lila asked, tilting her head. "I mean, I can't do magic, so what's in it for me? And sure, we're evenly matched in speed, but I've seen you outlast me by miles. There's no way I can keep up with that!"

"I'll train without gadgets," answered Aira confidently. "That will mean that I won't have any System boosts, creating a more even ground for both of us. I hope you will include me in your training routine. In return, I'll teach you my meditation. Together, we can create something new. And who knows where it would lead us."

"But hang on," Lila added, frowning. "What about the magic parts of your meditation? I can't tap into that, so what's the point? Seems like I'd be skipping half the routine."

"That's true, but only in part," said Aira. "That last stage allows me to consolidate my skill gains and improve understanding their mechanisms even more. Still, most of the routine isn't about using magic, it is about centering yourself and feeling your place in this world. It may help both of us in these tumultuous times."

"I'm in!" exclaimed Lila. "Anything to untangle this mess in my head."

"And maybe we can integrate some of the routines those enlightened used," said Aira. "We'll have to ask Ainorrh what that was."

Their minds set, Aira and Lila didn't want to wait before beginning to work on their joint training routine. But first, Aira left all her gadgets at the treehouse to remove the boosts they provided. Momentarily, she felt a significant drop in her abilities, and her undead nature especially affected her agility. But it wasn't only that. It felt like the whole world dimmed for her momentarily as she lost the magical sensations of the enlightened forest.

Aira didn't realize how much she got used to constantly spreading the probing strands of her Energy Manipulation skill around her, feeling the arcane currents of the ambiance.

Now, it was just an ordinary forest, if only untypically lush for a moment that early in the year.

Aira growled.

"What is it? "asked Lila.

However, as soon as Aira prepared to transmit her answer to Lila, she remembered that it wasn't possible anymore. All her magical abilities were absent at that moment, including her powers of influencing the gadgets.

She could only growl a bit more, pointing at the place on her arm where the wristband was just moments ago and offering Lila to follow her.

They came to a nearby clearing where the lush foliage provided a serene backdrop for their training. The afternoon air was cool and crisp, filled with the scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth.

For Aira, it was like the world shrunk to her closest vicinity, with her most potent senses inaccessible. Since she regained access to the System during their break-out from Mountain View, she was anxious to lose her gadgets and that renewed connection. She was afraid of returning to the state she was in during her first weeks in this world. These moments when she thought she'd never be a mage again were some of the most traumatic in her life.

But now, Aira made a conscious decision to cut herself off. The absence of magic was jarring, like stepping out of a warm room into a biting winter wind. Without the steady hum of arcane energy, every sound seemed sharper, every shadow more pronounced. She stretched out her fingers, instinctively searching for the strands of power she was used to weaving, but there was nothing—just the quiet rustle of leaves and the distant chirp of birds.

This disconnect gave her an opportunity to appreciate the ambient magic and connections she had with their surroundings.

Somehow, she understood the flavor of magic in the enlightened city much better now. The absence of the arcane made her understand the place it occupied in this world… in all worlds… in a much more profound manner. This hole she could almost touch, feel its shape with her hands, drew an even clearer picture than the full immersion she experienced just a few moments ago.

With a bow, Aira invited Lila to begin her training.