Chapter 4 – Rough Fight
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I readied my spear and pounced forward in a direct thrust that utilised my weapon's superior range. Kim Si-woo perfectly timed a parry in response, redirecting my spear to the side. 


With my spear parried, I quickly retreated out of range before he could counter-attack. To aid my retreat, I conjured several ice shards to distract him.


In response, Kim Si-woo’s right eye glowed a cool blue before he effortlessly parried my shards. It was to be expected since he was a cheat protagonist. 


It was time to increase the difficulty. 


I conjured several more ice spears to attack Kim Si-woo at different angles. With the first barrage, I dashed forward to deliver another thrust. I watched as his eyes, heterochromatically black and blue due to one of his abilities, sensed my intentions. Within a few moments, black voids were conjured to swallow my ice spears. However, he wasn’t strong enough to maintain more than a handful of voids.


As a result, I managed to pierce his shoulder with my own spear as he was distracted defending against the ice. 


Once again, I conjured even more ice spears. That was his weakness early in the game- Kim Si-woo was unable to confront multiple enemies at once due to the costly consumption of his abilities. He was an optimal early-game single-target DPS. 


He wouldn’t realise this with his dilly-dallying in class, with lacklustre 1v1 duels. In terms of practical performance, Kim Si-woo remained one of the top. Yet, his carefree playboy persona led him to perform horribly in both theoretical and practical exams. 


He wouldn’t realise this until he experienced a shock. In the game, it was the death of his best friend. But now? 


I will become his trauma. 


The flame within me roared louder, proportional to the decreasing surrounding temperature.  


Kim Si-woo gritted his teeth, visibly disoriented as I mercilessly unleashed another barrage of ice spears. I was being quite kind to him here, utilising only ice spears. 


[Is this what they call tough love?]


My eyes twitched for a moment, but I refocused on Kim Si-woo. It was then that something surprising happened. He was making progress. As time passed, he took more steps with every barrage, despite being covered in wounds from my barrage.


[He must’ve really wanted that date. With such dedication, you should naturally accept his proposal!]










Good, stay sad.


I smirked at myself. I had no intention of losing this fight. With him subdued for a month, I already had a training plan regimented for him. 


This was a short fight, or rather, massacre. 


“Time to end things,” I stopped my barrage and walked up to Kim Si-woo. He stood, barely, with his gaze focused on the ground and his left hand holding his right arm. The white uniform, or what remained of it, had been dyed red. 


Did I take it too far?


He managed to be somewhat fine after his childhood friend was killed, so this much should be fine. If he struggled now, then he was worthless. 


No wait, what am I thinking? 


Ma Dong-seok’s death had severely different implications. 


I heaved a sigh and cleared my mind. 


The brilliant flare in my eyes faded as I moved my spear to his neck. It was clearly his defeat, with a concerning endless stream of crimson from every body part. 


[Does this count as domestic abuse?]


“Admit your loss,” I coldly commanded. A dreary silence shrouded for a few seconds. There was no response. 


Did I really-?




Reactively, I moved my body to the side in response to an unexpected slash from Kim Si-woo’s sword. 


That was right. The protagonist would never falter to something like this. 


However, as Kim Si-woo’s stance looked to be preparation for a thrust, he suddenly loosened his grip on his sword, which landed on my feet before hitting the ground. 


“This counts as a forfeit. That was a valiant attempt at a sneak attack,” I commented. To drop one’s weapon was no different than to give up one’s life in battle. 


“Are you sure about that?” Kim Si-woo asked as he finally looked up to face me with grinning eyes. 


[Oh, as expected of your future husband!]


“Huh?” I tilted my head. Was there something I wasn’t seeing here? 


“My sword touched you just now, didn’t it?” Kim Si-woo pointed down towards the sword that lay at my feet. 


“No- well, clever- but-” As my eyes widened, a new heat rose up in my face. I was so confident earlier too! How did I not notice such an obvious trick?


[Ahahaha! Is he not charming? Don’t forget, your senses are probably numbed after losing so much trust earlier] 


Right. It wasn’t me. It was Kim Si-woo and that damned voice’s fault! I was only, kind of, maybe, partially at fault here!


“See you tomorrow! Cha-cha!” Before I could give a coherent rejection, Kim Si-woo made his dash, leaving only a piece of paper with his phone number on it. 


“Not even visiting the medics…?” I muttered as I watched his figure disappear in the distance. 


This defeat was unexpected, but luckily, I still had contingencies. Although I lost the platter presented right in front of me, there were still plenty of opportunities to pull the protagonist into my special training regiment. 


“Did you see…”


“I can’t believe….”


“She actually…?”


As I snapped out of my trance, I realised a crowd had formed. It was to be expected that some passerby would spectate a match that involved one of the top students. However, it also meant that everyone witnessed my defeat.


Kim Si-woo truly shined brightly today. He had stolen my brilliance. He utilised a crooked tactic to-


“Lotte!” As my head began to ache, two familiar figures approached me from the crowd.


It was Mikhail, accompanied by another friend, and also a heroine in the original work, Liu Qiufeng. With brown hair tied in buns, she represented the competitive archetype that loved to banter with the protagonist like a sibling. 


“What did that first-year do?” Mikhail gripped my shoulders with a grim face, a complete contrast to his usual attitude. 


“To beat up a first-year so badly, he must be a really bad person,” Liu Qiufeng added with a nod. 


How should I explain this?


[You should start by announcing your new relationship status]


“No, I’m not dating him!” I sternly replied. 






I just said that out loud, didn’t I?


Mikhail and Liu Qiufeng stared at me with complicated gazes. 


[Well, that is one way to announce it. Here, I’ll reward you]


[Item gained! 1x consolation chocolate bar (unbranded), please check your pocket!]


Thanks for reading!
