Chapter 9 – Second Light
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“We’re in range,” I whispered, crouched behind a rock that was positioned roughly twenty metres from the edge of the goblin camp. There were around a hundred or so goblins gathered around the lava pool. 


Our position was elevated compared to the goblins, with a single direct path up and plenty of coverage from large rock formations. Although it was difficult to navigate the dark, the lava pool allowed sufficient vision of the goblins whilst we were still cloaked in relative darkness.


The plan was simple. After we eliminated the gun goblin, there would be two things that the goblins would attempt. 


I looked at Kim Si-woo and nodded.


“Ready. Set. Attack!” Kim Si-woo counted down as he handled an ice sword that I conjured for him. 


On his signal, I unleashed a wave of ten ice spears directed at where the gun goblin was located whilst its back was turned to us. Immediately, nearby goblins cried out to warn about the approaching ice spears, but it was too late.




The goblins nearby rushed in a scramble, hollering gibberish that warned the others. Those near the goblin that died went ahead and tried to grab the gun, but I prepared another wave of ice spears and denied them any chance of obtaining it. 


Other goblins, who were near our location, began to rush up the hill with wooden spears and makeshift blades in hand. At the top, Kim Si-woo confronted them individually as they funnelled upwards.


“Watch out!” I shouted as I conjured extra ice spears to target goblins equipped with bows and throwing spears. 


“Don’t worry,” Kim Si-woo calmly intercepted the arrows and spears that passed with his void. 


I watched Kim Si-woo’s fighting figure, which was extremely impressive despite having no combat experience. Although I trained in spearmanship, I couldn’t help but notice the way he handled his sword effortlessly, turning goblins into butter.


This was different from our duel when we first met. Was he intentionally concealing his abilities? I couldn’t recall a reason why the protagonist would hide his powers due to how limited information about him was in the game. 


I refocused on the battle and gritted my teeth as I prepared seemingly endless salvos of ice spears. The time it took to conjure this spell was roughly ten seconds for all ten spears. However, Charlotte was renowned as the light of the era.


Despite the mental and magical burden, I could reduce the delay between each Salvo to only a few seconds by layering the spells. Unfortunately, due to my weakened form, my body struggled to keep up with my mind, so my accuracy lowered slightly. 


Despite this, my eyes burned even brighter. 


I maintained a keen watch on goblins climbing the funnel, especially those with spears and bows. Normally, I would also be on the frontlines too with a spear, but the nature of the funnel was poised for only one individual, Kim Si-woo, to deal with it alone. 


I watched Kim Si-woo’s brilliance in his blade, like water flowing down stream, it faced little resistance. However, I had more kills than him. 


This was my brilliance on the battlefield- the distinguished Second Lieutenant with infinite versatility. The flame inside me ignited further as I watched Kim Si-woo.


I was better than him.


[It’s because he can only attack one at a time, compared to you…]


…I was better than him. Shut up. 


I was brighter than him on the battlefield, with clearly more kills and versatility. 


With prideful eyes, I watched the goblins scatter once their numbers diminished more than half. Although intelligent, most goblins weren’t capable of advanced thoughts like humans. This naturally made it vulnerable to tactics like funnelling. 


“Good job, Private. Let’s secure the perimeter.” I secretly sighed in relief as my salvos drained me. I moved down to Kim Si-woo and patted his back. 


“Why do you insist on calling everyone with that antiquated system?” Kim Si-woo questioned as he finished off some dying goblins. We walked down to the lava pool, where the goblins were camped before we destroyed them.


“A command structure is crucial in battle,” I replied as I walked past the mass of sticky goblin blood and organs on the ground.


“We’re still students, so does it really matter?” Kim Si-woo asked again. 


[Yay, his trust is increasing!]


I looked at him. He has become more open and talkative than before. His statement also reflected the general census of the academy- a primarily civilian educational institution with roots as a military one. 


Although the roles and ranks assigned still had powers and responsibilities, it wasn't strictly enforced. The industry was slowly privatising, with very few individuals operating in the armed forces. Therefore, the students with positions lost their former autonomy as teachers slowly replaced them. 


However, it soon became a major mistake to have civilian teachers in charge of what could essentially be called a private militia. 


“You can never be too prepared. I have a feeling the future won’t be so peaceful.” I commented as I continued walking. 


I made my way up the rifle that belonged to the goblin- a Kalashnikov chambered in 7.62. With senses still on alert, I crouched down and disposed of the gun into the lava pool. 


Immediately, I stood up and turned around to Kim Si-woo with an ice spear conjured.




The ice spear flew past Kim Si-woo’s face, who held a complicated gaze and directly impaled a goblin that tried to sneak up on us from a nearby rock. 


“Why are you so… sure of it?” Kim Si-woo frowned, unfazed by the spear that went past him.


“You’ll understand soon enough,” I wisely nodded. It was finally time to utilise my excellent acting skills. It is to be known that every teacher in a story must maintain an air of mystery, the whole ‘this knowledge is forbidden’ and ‘you’ll find the truth yourself.’ 


Although it was a rough start, I can feel the ice breaking between me and the protagonist. 


[Good job! You’re one step closer to becoming a wife]


And you’re one step closer to being executed at a guillotine the moment I find your physical body. Teacher-disciple relationships are forbidden!


[Forbidden love… the most romantic]


I shook my head with a sigh. 


“Who… are you?” Dissatisfied with my response, Kim Si-woo presented the perfect opportunity for the teacher’s grand entrance.


That was right!


“I’m your new master.” 


I could finally present my role in this world! The one and only teacher of this era’s light, an unparalleled master who shone more brilliantly than even the light of the era-


Charlotte Invidia!






"I politely decline." 




Bonus chapter as promised. Apologies again for being late yesterday and thanks for reading! 
