Chapter 14 – Turbulent Excursion 3
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“Teacher, how about you accompany us?” I proposed to the stern-faced rock in front of me. 


“Why would I? I saw you also had a military instructor attached, so what difference would I make? Now, go away and stop disturbing me.” She hurriedly shooed me away, waving her hands.


“Wait!” She stopped at my words.


"What is it?" She continued. 


"I know you have a military background," I added. 


The room temperature seemingly chilled down as her previous gentle expression shifted to a deadpan one. I could’ve sworn I heard a teacher in the background sneeze from how cold it was.


“So what?” She asked, eyes narrowed. 


“This is a safe expedition. I’ve verified the security and creatures common on the other side of the gate,” I continued. 


“So what?” 


“You’re worried. I’m doing everything in my power so you wouldn’t be.” 


“...Didn’t you hear what I said earlier? It’s not a concern of safety.” 


I paused at her words. 


Right, she did say it was an era of peace. 


I wrapped my head around her words for a moment. What was her purpose? Could it be something like jealousy, or was it something much deeper? 


We stared intently at each other. 


As sparks clashed in the middle, her gaze seemingly faltered for a second before she finally sighed. 


“…Tsk, fine I’ll accompany you just once,” the seemingly gentle teacher replied with a gangster attitude. 


My intense glare turned to confusion as I tilted my head. Why did she suddenly agree? Not that I was complaining though.


“What are you standing around for? Go away before I change my mind,” she said, giving me a dirty side-eye as she shooed me away again.


Her eyes, strangely fixated on mine, held a complicated gaze. However, I didn't dawn upon it further. 


I promptly saluted and left the staff room. 


Questions can be left unanswered. Results were all that mattered to me right now. 






A week passed. 


At the base of a certain mountain on the outskirts of Seoul, a group was gathered with specialised equipment made from materials belonging to the other world. Monster hide that was as strong as steel and flexible as rubber. 


The early morning mist shrouded the area, but it wasn’t enough to hide the glare of a certain anomaly. It was a crack in space about 10 metres in diameter with blue fragmented highlights.


The team was split between those reluctant to enter a gate and those expectant. Kim Si-woo and his teacher weren’t particularly excited, but Ma Dong-seok, Liu Qiufeng and Mikhail all wore a smile. 


Traditionally, expeditions into a gate by the military operated through multiple detachments of 12-man squads. They were also supported by dozens of auxiliary staff. 


However, with a controlled environment, monitored by a temporary military encampment, there was a lot more leeway. 


“Good morning!” I saluted the captain of the company in charge of managing the gate. 


“Good morning to you and your group too.” The captain, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline, responded as he handed over some military equipment. 


Specialised walkie-talkies made to receive and send signals through a gate. They monitor everyone who passes through the gate and coordinate any operations on the other side. 


Like police dispatchers, they were the unsung heroes of the battlefield. 


“Thank you.” I thanked the captain and turned back to the squad.


We only had 6 people, so half a squad, with a military instructor on the sidelines for emergency response. 


Kim Si-woo’s homeroom teacher, Mikhail and Liu Qiufeng all have experience in gates before. Therefore, today’s excursion was supposed to expose Ma Dong-seok and Kim Si-woo to the environment of the dungeon.


It may seem a little early to do it now, but baptism by fire ingrains the right amount of trauma- a reality check on how dangerous gates can be. After all, the media romanticises the industry. 


[How ruthless]


As a former manager, I valued the end result over feelings in most scenarios. It would only cause more suffering if I followed my emotions alone. 


For today’s expedition, Kim Si-woo’s teacher acted as team leader, with me being deputy. In the frontlines were our two newbies, Kim Si-woo and Ma Dong-seok, being a sword wielding frontliner and a defensive specialist respectively.


I was also considered a frontliner, wielding a spear, but as a major boss in the game, I could naturally substitute as a backliner with my magic. 


Meanwhile, Mikhail acted as a quick response force whilst Liu Qiufeng defended the rear as a martial artist utilising her fists. 


Finally, the protagonist’s teacher served as a medic with healing magic, a rare specialist. 


I’ve briefed everyone beforehand- our purpose was to expose Kim Si-woo and Ma Dong-seok to the environment of the other world. No intervention was permitted unless deemed necessary. They would lead in combat. 


We checked the leather pouches at our waist, which were enchanted with spatial magic to store a cubic metre of items. All the emergency equipment and rations were checked and set. 


“Ready!” With the shout of the captain, we were cleared to go into the gate.


As we stepped through the darkness, I could see some nervousness in the faces of everyone except Kim Si-woo and his teacher. 


On the other side, the cool morning air changed as a wave of warm air rushed into our faces. It was daytime in the other world. 


“Welcome!” As we crossed over, we were greeted by a First Lieutenant in charge of the temporary watchout in the other world. 


He was a young, impressionable man with combed blond hair and gentle blue eyes. 


We finished any final pleasantries and checks with him before we proceeded away from the encampment. 


We had to use a paper map to navigate the other world. There have been past attempts to launch satellites in the other world, but they were all destroyed by an unknown force along with planes. 


Drones and helicopters were the only viable methods of air support in the other world, limited to a certain altitude. 


Strangely enough, despite being a world filled with demons, it was filled with green trees and abundant grass like Earth. If you ignored the red sky and dual sun, it was no different, as the trees in this world had an uncanny resemblance to Earth’s trees down to the genetic level. 


After an hour, when we ventured far enough from the camp, Mikhail began to take the initiative and interrupted the small talk on the way. 


“Can I go ahead and scout the area?” 


“Negative. You stay in formation,” the brick wall (Jeanne Pucelle) immediately shot him down.


I could discern that she felt worried about us. However, there was something greater. When we crossed through the gate, her eyes reflected a dark glow momentarily, unlike the anxiety of the others. 


However, her psychological state is not my concern right now.


I looked at Kim Si-woo. 


He seemed extremely calm, likely out of arrogance as set in his original background. However, his eyes were actively scanning the surroundings like an eagle, as if he were a veteran. 


It made me doubt his nature for a moment, but I-


[You’re just anxious about your hubbie, aren’t you?] 


I sighed and turned my gaze away from the vigilant Kim Si-woo. I was likely overthinking things.


There was no way he could be a natural in the other world like that. 


He shouldn’t shine that brightly yet. 


I shook my head and focused on something else. 


"We have contact!" Utilising my superior senses, I notified everyone of some oncoming trouble. 


It was time to see him struggle.