The Ancient Art of Ball Handling
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For one blissful moment between sleep and wakefulness, Tulio was himself again. Male, relatively dignified, and definitely not in possession of childbearing hips.

Then he rolled over.

"Oh right," she groaned as several bits of anatomy exhibited very not-masculine properties.

"Oh good, you're finally awake!"

Tulio cracked open one eye to find his own face grinning down at him with an expression he'd never worn in her life.

"Go away, Chel." Tulio pulled the silk sheet higher.

"Oh please, no need to hide," Chel laughed. "Those are my breasts, I know what they look like."

"The Chief certainly had good things to say about them at breakfast," Miguel offered helpfully from somewhere behind her.

Tulio bolted upright, then squeaked as the sheet slipped. "MIGUEL!"

"What?" He held up his hands defensively. "I'm just saying, he was very... enthusiastic in his appreciation. The whole city heard his, uh, enthusiasm. And, um, well, yours..."

"The WHOLE city?" Tulio's voice hit a pitch that shattered a priceless vase.

"Well, maybe the eastern district might have missed a few of the more colorful moments..." Miguel hedged.

"'YES CHIEF, SPLIT ME OPEN WITH YOUR—'," Chel added cheerfully.


"Oh? Then what DID you say?" Chel's smile was pure evil.

"I... um... you..." Tulio spluttered, clutching the sheet like a shield.

"I've got it!" Miguel chimed in. "Ahem: 'Please Chief, I need your massive chiefly cock, I'm just a helpless little temple dancer, use me like the sacred vessel I am—'"

"THAT'S IT!" Tulio leaped up, modesty forgotten in favor of murder.

Unfortunately, gravity and silk sheets rarely take the side of justice. Tulio's foot caught in the fabric, sending her tumbling to the floor in a heap of flailing limbs and bouncing flesh.

Miguel and Chel exchanged a look.

"So," Chel said conversationally as Tulio struggled to right himself, "I guess the rumors about the Chief's 'scepter' were true?"

"Are you referring to his ceremonial cervix crusher?" Miguel vaulted over a table as Tulio lunged for him.

"I was thinking of his tribal battering ram," Chel adjusted her headdress in the mirror, unconcerned by the shrieks of rage behind her.

"Ah, the blessed breeding pole!" Miguel narrowly avoided death by decorative vase.

"His mighty monument to manhood..."


"I think what our little lovebird is trying to say," Chel interjected as Tulio chased Miguel around the room, "is that the Chief's equipment was a bit... overwhelming for a delicate flower such as herself."


"Of course not, darling. You're a sturdy, well-plowed field now."

Tulio made a sound like a boiling teakettle and launched himself at Chel, who sidestepped neatly.

"Temper! Is that any way for a sacred vessel to behave?"

"Someone's grumpy this morning." Miguel leaned down to pat Tulio's head condescendingly while she was in a heap on the ground. "Is this one of those lady moods?"

Tulio lunged, but was hampered by the sheet, her hair, and the fact that certain parts of her were still quite sore from the previous night's activities. She settled for an inarticulate howl of rage.

"We should probably get some food in her before the homicidal urges set in," Chel diagnosed.

"Oh, I think the Chief took care of that," Miguel said cheerfully. "From what I heard, he gave her quite the protein shake—"

The scream that followed caused birds to take flight from the trees in the distant jungle. Altivo, grazing peacefully in the courtyard, raised his head and then, deciding that he wanted no part of whatever nonsense the humans were up to now, went back to his breakfast.

"I DIDN'T WANT TO DO ANY OF IT!" Tulio's voice was hoarse from shrieking, but that didn't stop her. "HE WAS JUST SO BIG AND IT WAS ALL HAPPENING SO FAST—"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down," Chel held up her hands. "Take a deep breath. Start from the beginning."

Tulio glared at her, chest heaving. But she did take a breath.

"The beginning," she said through gritted teeth, "was when this conniving backstabber of an IDIOTIC SLUT—" she jabbed a finger at Chel, "—offered me up like a sacrificial lamb!"

"Hey now, let's not be dramatic—"


"Should we... stop her?" Miguel asked uncertainly.


"Nah," Chel said, examining her cuticles, which were in dire need of some attention. "She needs to get it out of her system."


Miguel's eyebrows shot up. "Wow. Okay. That's... vivid."

Chel smirked. "I told you. The Chief's totem pole is the stuff of legend."


"Should we be taking notes?" Miguel asked, tilting his head. "Some of this sounds like it could be useful for the future novelization."


Chel considered. "Might not be a bad idea."


"Wait," Miguel held up a hand. "So she's saying she... liked it?"

Tulio froze mid-rant, her eyes going wide. "I didn't... that's not what I..."

"This is too good," Chel grinned. "Our little Tulio discovered the joys of womanhood and now she's hooked!"


"Methinks the lady doth protest too much," Miguel said sagely.


"Okay, okay, let's all calm down," Chel interjected before Tulio could launch herself at Miguel again. "Clearly, last night was a lot for you to process. But the fact is, it happened. And from the sounds of it, it happened pretty thoroughly."

"IT WAS THE BODY!" Tulio screeched, gesturing wildly to his curvaceous form. "This thing has a mind of its own! It was just... reacting!"

"Reacting to some VERY thorough stimulation," Miguel added helpfully.


"Look, it's nothing to be ashamed of," Chel said in a tone that suggested the exact opposite. "The Chief is a powerful man. Virile. Charismatic. With an absolutely gigantic—"


"—sense of civic duty."

Tulio blinked. "The POINT IS," she said through clenched teeth, "it wasn't me. It was this body. It... it wanted things."

"What kinds of things?" Miguel leaned forward eagerly, taking notes.


"Yes, but what kinds of—"

"Use your imagination!" Tulio snapped.

There was a moment of silence as both Miguel and Chel appeared to do just that.

"Wow," Miguel said finally.

"Yep," Chel agreed.

"That's... a lot of things."

"SO many things."

"Would you two PLEASE—"

"All right, all right," Chel held up her hands. "But Tulio... you do realize this is just the beginning, right?"

Tulio's face drained of color. "The... b-"

"Well, now that the Chief has had a taste of your sweet honeypot—"


"—he's going to want more. A LOT more. And as the official sacred vessel..."

"-of that sweet, sweet, oozing honey-" Miguel offered.

"...I'm obligated," Tulio finished numbly. "Or else risk exposing the whole con and getting us all killed."


Tulio sat down heavily on the bed, new curves jiggling enticingly. "I can't do this," she whispered. "I can't keep letting him... use me like that. I'd go... crazy. I can tell my brain would... poof. I need to... protect... myself... or something..."

"Speaking of which..." Chel's expression turned serious. "There's something you should probably know about the Mirror of Xibalba."

"What NOW?" Tulio groaned, flopping back on the bed.

"Well... remember when I mentioned the five orgasm rule?"

Tulio sat bolt upright. "Huh? Five orgasm rule?"

"You know, when I told you about how five peaks of pleasure would seal your soul to that body forever?"


"Right after we switched! I distinctly remember saying—" Chel paused. "Oh wait, you were too busy screaming about your new breasts. My bad."

"FIVE ORGASMS?" Tulio's voice cracked. "And you're telling me this NOW? AFTER I—" She clapped her hands over her mouth.

Miguel's eyes lit up. "After you what?"

"Nothing! After nothing!"

"Ohhhhh," Chel's grin was positively feral. "Someone hit their first milestone last night!"


"Really? Because that scream about seeing the cosmos explode behind your eyelids suggested otherwise..."

"That was... that was..."

"A very enthusiastic sneeze?" Miguel suggested.

"One down, four to go!" Chel said cheerfully. "Unless..."

Tulio did not like that 'unless.' "Unless what?"

"Well, there is one OTHER way the change becomes permanent..."

"What?" Tulio asked, dreading the answer.

"If you get pregnant."

The silence that followed was so complete you could hear Altivo chewing grass three stories below.

"P-pregnant?" Tulio squeaked.

"Yep. The Mirror's magic considers that a pretty definitive sign of accepting your new form." Chel examined her nails casually. "Which is why you REALLY need to learn some alternative techniques. Unless you want to end up as the Chief's favorite baby mama..."

"TEACH ME!" Tulio practically launched herself at Chel. "Teach me everything! I'll do anything!"


"Yes! Just... please don't let me get stuck like this!"

"Okay, okay," Chel held up her hands. "The first thing you need to learn is how to stop things from going too far. And the best way to do that..." She reached over and plucked a banana from a nearby fruit bowl. "Is with these."

Tulio stared at the banana, then at Chel. "I'm pretty sure fruit isn't going to save me from the Chief's raging hard-on."

Chel rolled her eyes. "Not the banana, dummy. These." She tapped her lips... or rather, Tulio's lips. "Your mouth is your best weapon. Learn to use it right, and you can keep any man from crossing the finish line."

She peeled the banana slowly, maintaining eye contact with Tulio. "The key is to worship the cock. Make it the center of your universe. These luscious lips?" She ran her tongue over them obscenely. "These are dick pillows, designed for sucking and pleasuring."

Tulio made a strangled noise. "Please don't do that with my mouth."

Chel ignored her, closing her lips around the tip of the banana. "Enthusiasm is key," she mumbled around the fruit. "You gotta act like sucking dick is your sole purpose in life."

She hollowed her cheeks, sliding the banana deeper. Tulio watched in horrified fascination as his own face contorted in exaggerated pleasure.

"Use your tongue," Chel instructed after a particularly lewd slurp. "Lick it like it's the last lollipop on earth. Trace the veins, flick the tip. Drive him wild."

She demonstrated with gusto, swirling her tongue around the banana in a way that made Tulio deeply uncomfortable in her new panties.

"And don't forget to use your hands," she added, somehow still perfectly articulate with a mouth full of fruit. "Stroke what you can't suck. Cup the balls. Tease the taint."

"OKAY, OKAY, I GET IT!" Tulio yelled, hands clamped over her ears. "JUST STOP DOING THAT WITH MY FACE!"

Chel pulled off the banana with an obscene pop. "Fine. You try."

She tossed Tulio a (fresh) banana. She fumbled it, nearly dropping it down her cleavage.

"I... I don't..." She stared at the fruit like it might bite her. 

"Oh come on," Chel goaded. "It's just a banana. Pretend it's the Chief's lucky staff."

Tulio whimpered, but slowly peeled the banana with shaking fingers. She held it gingerly to her plump lips, then glanced at Chel.

"Like this?" She awkwardly put the tip in her mouth.

"No, no, no. You gotta commit."

Tulio inched a little more banana past her lips, looking deeply uncomfortable.

"This is painful," Miguel commented. "It's like watching a baby bird try to eat a worm."

"You think you can do better?" Chel raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, I mean..." Miguel shuffled his feet. "I'm more of a visual learner myself..."

"Ugh, fine." Chel threw up her hands. "We need a live model. Miguel, drop trou."

"WHAT?" Miguel and Tulio yelped in unison.

"You heard me. Whip it out. Tulio needs to practice on something that isn't going to mush in her mouth."

"Absolutely not!" Tulio screeched.

"I don't know..." Miguel hedged.

"Oh, so you'd rather go out there with zero blow job skills? Because let me tell you, the Chief and his buddies aren't going to be satisfied with awkward little licks. They're going to expect the full gluck gluck 3000 deluxe treatment."

"The what now?"

"Cock worship," Chel clarified bluntly. "We're talking sloppy, enthusiastic, deepthroating, ball-fondling, taint-tickling, eye-watering, throat-fucking oral service. You need to be able to suck the gold off a ceremonial headdress if you want to survive this."

Tulio looked faintly green.

Miguel swallowed hard. "Well. When you put it like that... desperate times call for desperate measures?" He glanced nervously at his partner.


"Look, if it'll keep us from being executed, I'll take one for the team!" He squared his shoulders bravely. "Just... be gentle, okay?"

Tulio gaped at him. "I don't... you can't... this isn't happening!"

"Think of it as an investment in not dying horribly," Chel said. She patted the bed. "Now get over here and put that dick in your mouth like a good little vessel."

"No! I refuse!"

Chel rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's do this the hard way."

She strode over to Tulio, grabbed her by the shoulders, and spun her to face Miguel.


"Lesson one," Chel said, ignoring Tulio's protests. "Seduction. You've got tits and ass for days now. Use them."

Tulio gave her a panicked look, then glanced at Miguel, who was watching with wide eyes.

"I can't..."

"Oh yes you can. And you will. Now get over there and shake what the gods gave you." Chel gave her a firm shove.

Tulio stumbled, nearly falling into Miguel's lap. She caught herself at the last second, hands braced on his thighs. Her new position gave Miguel an eyeful of tantalizing caramel cleavage as the striped tube top strained to contain the voluptuous swell of tit-flesh.

"Sorry! Sorry. I didn't mean to-" Tulio's face flamed, the apples of her cheeks turning an alluring shade of pink. 

Miguel swallowed hard. "Um. That's... that's okay..."

"Less talking, more seducing!" Chel ordered from the bed, leaning back to enjoy the show. "Work those hips, girl!"

Tulio shot her a murderous glare over her shoulder. But slowly, reluctantly, she began to sway to imaginary music, her hands sliding up Miguel's thighs.

As she stood, Miguel got a face full of Chel's - no, Tulio's now - glorious ass. Her trailing loincloth left little to the imagination, revealing the tantalizing curve of her cheeks and the merest hint of what lay between as the fabric slipped between the rounded globes. Each movement made that perfect peach jiggle enticingly, begging to be grabbed.

Hips swinging, hair swaying, Tulio turned to face Miguel with lidded eyes. She tried to channel the temple dancers she'd seen, the confident sway of their step, the knowing looks. It felt foreign on her, this brazen sensuality. But the way Miguel was looking at her, like a man dying of thirst glimpsing an oasis... it stirred something in her. A sense of power.

Slowly, she began descending to her knees, thighs spreading. The loincloth pooled around her, framing the bounty of her body like a lewd offering. Even covered, Miguel could clearly see her nipples straining against the thin fabric of her top as she leaned forward. Her cleavage was a shadowed vale, promising untold delights.

"Now take out his cock," Chel instructed. "Nice and slow. Make him want it."

Tulio's fingers trembled as they went to the ties of Miguel's breeches. This was wrong. This was so wrong. But the heat in Miguel's eyes, the quick rise and fall of his chest, the twitch of his hips as her knuckles brushed him through the fabric...

"You don't have to..." Miguel's voice was strained, barely above a whisper. Trying to be noble even as his body screamed for her touch.

"Apparently I do," Tulio muttered. The knot came undone, and she slowly peeled back the fabric to reveal...

"Oh," she breathed.

Miguel's cock sprang free, already half-hard and flushed a rosy pink. It bobbed gently, almost shyly, a bead of pre-cum forming at the tip.

Tulio stared at it.

Miguel's cock stood proudly from a nest of golden curls. Long and thick, with a pronounced vein running along the underside. The tip glistened with pre-cum, practically begging to be licked.

"Ooo, he's a grower!" Chel sounded absolutely delighted. "You got so lucky, bitch. That's a premium pole right there."

Tulio ignored her, focusing on the task at... well, at mouth. She gave it a tentative lick, tongue flicking out to taste him. He shuddered, hands clenching at his sides.

"Fucking slobber on that thing!" Chel demanded. "Drool on it like the cock-hungry slut you are!"

Cheeks burning, Tulio let saliva pool in her mouth before drizzling it over Miguel's shaft.

"Uhhhggg, yesss," Miguel groaned, head falling back. "Just like that... Chel."

Hearing that name from his lips made Tulio's cunt clench. But it also felt wrong.

With each movement, the disconnect grew stronger - between who she was and what she was doing, between memory and reality. Her hands trembled against Miguel's thighs. The room felt too hot, too close.

"Tulio?" Miguel's voice was gentle, concerned. "You're shaking..."

"I'm fine," she managed, but the words came out strangled.

Her chest was too tight, breathing too shallow. The silken weight of her hair brushed against bare shoulders, and suddenly it was all too much - the softness of her skin, the sway of her hips, the way her body responded to things her mind wasn't ready for.

"Hey," Miguel reached for her hand.

"No." The word finally came out as a strangled gasp. "No no no no NO!"

She scrambled backwards so fast she nearly gave herself whiplash, tumbling gracelessly onto her perfectly rounded behind.

"Are you KIDDING ME?" Chel threw up her hands in exasperation. "You can take the Chief's cock like a champion but you can't handle a simple—"

"This is different!" Tulio's voice cracked. "That was... that was just..." She gestured wildly at her treacherous body. "This meat prison doing its thing! This is MIGUEL!"

"Oh, so now I'm not good enough?" Miguel tried to joke, but his voice was shaky.

"You're my BEST FRIEND!" The words burst out of Tulio like a dam breaking. "We've shared everything – meals, cons, prison cells – but this isn't... I can't..."

"Well, you'd better figure out how you CAN," Chel snapped, somehow making Tulio's gangly frame look imposing as she stalked forward. "Because in case you've forgotten, you've got four chances left before you're stuck with those 'meat prison' urges FOREVER."

"I know! Don't you think I know that?" Tulio clutched at her head, fingers tangling in the endless waves of dark hair. "Every time I try to think straight, this body just... takes over! One minute I'm ME, and the next I'm just this bundle of... of FEELINGS and URGES and—"

"Welcome to womanhood, honey!" Chel threw her hands up. "You think I spent years as a temple dancer because I enjoyed the outfits? This is survival! If you can't figure out how to use what you've got, you're going to end up as the city's favorite ritualistic broodmare!"

"I don't want to use what I've got!" Tulio's voice rose hysterically. "I just want to go back to being ME!"

"News flash, princess – THIS IS YOU NOW!" Chel jabbed a finger at Tulio's heaving chest. "You seem perfectly capable of embracing when it's the Chief splitting you in half!"




The silence that followed was deafening. Miguel looked like someone had just slapped him with a fish.

"Oh," Chel said finally. "Oh. I see. You can handle being the Chief's plaything because it doesn't matter. But Miguel? That would make it real, wouldn't it? That would mean accepting that this—" she gestured at Tulio's curvaceous form, "—this HORRIBLE LITTLE BODY OF MINE, is more than just a temporary inconvenience."

"I..." Tulio's lower lip trembled. "That's not what I..."

"By all the gods," Chel pinched the bridge of her nose. "We're doomed. We are absolutely, completely—"

The temple doors burst open with dramatic timing.

"MY LORDS!" Tzekel-Kan's voice boomed through the chamber. "I bring most excellent news about today's sacred game of—" He stopped short, taking in the scene before him: Miguel's cock hanging out, Tulio sprawled on the floor with tears in her eyes, and Chel wearing Tulio's body like an ill-fitting suit.

There was a very long pause.

"The sacred game of..." Miguel asked.

Tzekel-Kan's face lit up with religious fervor, apparently choosing to ignore whatever divine drama he'd interrupted. "Pok-ta-pok! The most holy of competitions! Our finest warriors await to demonstrate their prowess in honor of your divine presence!"

"Warriors?" Tulio squeaked, hastily wiping her eyes.

"Oh yes!" The priest's smile turned predatory. "They have trained since childhood for this honor! Their skills are legendary, their dedication absolute! Though..." His eyes narrowed as they swept across the scene before him, lingering on Miguel's state of undress, Tulio's tear-stained face, and the suspicious banana peels littering the floor. "Perhaps I should be more concerned about what sort of... rituals our gods are engaging in. One might almost think they were behaving in a rather... mortal fashion."

The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees.

"Unless," Tzekel-Kan's voice dripped with dangerous speculation, "there's something our divine visitors would like to explain about these... unusual activities?"

"WE'LL PLAY!" Miguel suddenly burst out, frantically tucking himself back into his breeches. "Yes! The ball game! What better way to demonstrate our godly... uh... divinity?"

Everyone turned to stare at him.

"What?" He shrugged with forced casualness, clearly desperate to redirect the priest's attention. "We're gods, aren't we? Surely a simple ball game is nothing compared to our divine... ball-gaming... abilities?"

"Miguel," Chel said through gritted teeth, "You don't know what you're talking about."

"The gods themselves wish to participate?" Tzekel-Kan looked like his birthday had come early. "How... perfect."

"We're dead," Chel muttered.

Tulio just sat there on the floor, still trying to process how they'd gone from potentially life-altering intimacy to impending death-by-sports in the span of five minutes.

Outside, they could hear a growing roar from the gathering crowd, drums beating a rhythm that sounded suspiciously like a funeral march.

"I mean it," Chel paced back and forth, somehow making Tulio's gangly form look menacing. "We are actually, literally dead. Do you have ANY idea what pok-ta-pok is?"

"Some kind of... ball game?" Miguel offered weakly.

"Oh yes, just a ball game," Chel's voice dripped sarcasm. "A nice friendly game where the losing team gets SACRIFICED!"


"And you," she rounded on Miguel, "just volunteered us to play against men who have trained their entire lives for this!"

Through the window, they could see the opposing team warming up. Each warrior was built like a stone idol come to life, muscles rippling as they practiced impossibly athletic moves.

"Well," Miguel swallowed hard, "how hard can it be? It's just hitting a ball through a hoop, right?"

Chel stopped pacing to stare at him. "You think... you actually think..." She burst out laughing, but it wasn't a happy sound. "Oh, this is perfect. This is just perfect. Not only did I hitch my wagon to the two most incompetent con men in history, but now I'm going to die because one of them couldn't keep his mouth shut, and the other one, her mouth open!"

"Hey!" Miguel protested. "I was trying to save us from Tzekel-Kan's suspicions!"

"At least if he'd caught us, it would have been quick!" She threw up her hands. "But no, we get to be humiliated AND sacrificed!"

One of the warriors outside executed a perfect backflip while juggling what appeared to be a solid rubber ball the size of a melon. The crowd went wild.

"Maybe..." Tulio ventured from her spot on the floor, "maybe we could fake an injury?"

"Oh no," Tzekel-Kan's voice made them all jump. He stood in the doorway, grinning like a jaguar who'd cornered particularly stupid prey. "The gods themselves declared their intention to play. To withdraw now would be... unfortunate."

The way he said 'unfortunate' made it clear that any attempt to back out would end with them taking a quick trip down the temple stairs. Headfirst.

"Of course we'll play!" Miguel declared with false bravado. "We're just... discussing strategy!"

"Excellent," the priest's smile widened impossibly further. "The warriors await your divine presence."

As soon as he swept out, Chel rounded on them both.

"Listen to me very carefully," she hissed. "The only way to survive this is to cheat. And I mean cheat like your lives depend on it, because they DO."

"But won't that be obvious?" Miguel asked.

"Less obvious than getting our asses handed to us by professionals! Now shut up and pay attention..."

Ten minutes later, they stood at the entrance to the great ball court, a massive stone arena that looked more like an execution ground than a sports venue. The walls rose impossibly high, decorated with carvings of previous games that seemed to feature an awful lot of decapitation.

"Remember," Chel whispered, "you can't use your hands or feet. Only hips, knees, and elbows."

"No hands?" Miguel squeaked. "But how do we—"

"Just try not to die," she muttered as drums announced their arrival.

The crowd roared as they entered. The opposing team stood ready, their oiled muscles gleaming in the sun, ceremonial face paint making them look like warriors ready for battle.

Which, Tulio realized with growing horror as she was led to a special viewing platform, was exactly what they were.

"Let the sacred game BEGIN!" Tzekel-Kan's voice boomed across the arena.

The ball was thrown into play, and immediately Miguel discovered several important things:

1. Solid rubber balls HURT when they hit you at high speed

2. Professional athletes can jump REALLY high

3. He was probably going to die

The opposing team moved like a well-oiled machine, passing the ball between them with devastating precision. Meanwhile, Miguel flailed around like a drunken puppet while Chel (in Tulio's body) managed to look even less coordinated.

"Come on!" Tulio shouted from her safe perch. "You can do better than that!"

"Easy for you to say!" Chel yelled back as the ball caught her in the stomach, driving the air from her lungs. "You're not the one getting murdered by geometry!"

The ball ricocheted off the walls at impossible angles. The El Doradan team anticipated each bounce perfectly, while Miguel and Chel could barely avoid being concussed.

The score mounted rapidly in the warriors' favor. 3-0. 5-0. 8-0.

"This is painful to watch," Chief Tannabok commented from his seat beside Tulio.

Below, Miguel had just been used as an impromptu springboard by three warriors forming a human pyramid. The ball bounced off the wall, caught him in the head, and then  hit Chel in the stomach, right before going through the hoop. Again.

"THAT'S NOT EVEN PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE!" Chel wheezed from the ground.

"Speaking of painful..." The Chief's hand landed heavily on Tulio's thigh. "I trust you're not too sore from last night's... activities?"

Tulio squeaked, face flaming. "I... that is... we shouldn't..."

"Oh, don't be coy," he chuckled, fingers tracing idle patterns on her skin. "I've been thinking about how perfectly tight you were. Like a virgin." His grip tightened possessively. "Which is interesting, given your... reputation."

Below, the warriors had formed some sort of human Catherine wheel, spinning the ball between themselves while Miguel and Chel flailed helplessly.

"MY SPINE ISN'T MEANT TO BEND THAT WAY!" Miguel yelped as he was bulldozed.

"Perhaps," the Chief mused, his hand sliding higher up Tulio's thigh, "you've been holding out on us all this time. Saving your... true potential."

Below, Miguel was being used as an impromptu volleyball by three warriors who had formed a perfect triangle formation. The ball ricocheted between them while Miguel spun helplessly in mid-air.

"I DON'T THINK THIS IS REGULATION PLAY!" Miguel howled as he was launched across th court.

"Your... resistance..." the Chief continued, his fingers tracing idle patterns that made Tulio squirm. "The way you trembled, so innocent, so pure... yet took me so perfectly..."

"SINCE WHEN IS COMPETITIVE INTERPRETIVE DANCE PART OF THIS GAME?" Chel screamed from underneath three warriors who had somehow tied themselves into a Celtic knot.

"You were so tight," the Chief whispered, his breath hot against Tulio's ear. "I could feel your heartbeat in your pussy..."

Tulio's face burned as she watched Miguel being spun like a top by two warriors while a third used him as a backboard.


Tzekel-Kan leaned down to whisper something in the Chief's ear, his eyes gleaming with malicious satisfaction. The Chief's hand tightened on Tulio's thigh.

"It seems," he said carefully, "that our 'gods' might not be quite as... divine as they claim."

Tulio's blood ran cold as she watched the priests begin setting up what was unmistakably a sacrificial altar. The stone table gleamed ominously in the setting sun.

"Unless..." the Chief's thumb traced circles on her inner thigh, "someone were to... intervene."

Tulio swallowed hard. "What... what did you have in mind?"

His smile was pure predatory male satisfaction. "Tomorrow. My chambers. No pulling out this time."

"But... but I can't..." Tulio stammered, watching as Miguel was turned into a human pretzel by the increasingly creative warriors.

"IS THIS EVEN A SPORT ANYMORE?" Chel shrieked as she was catapulted across the court.

"Think carefully," the Chief murmured, his hand sliding higher. "Your friends' lives hang in the balance. And I..." his fingers brushed against her core through the thin fabric, making her jump, "I want to plant my seed deep in this fertile little garden."

Below, the warriors had formed a perfect pyramid, using Miguel as the ball while Chel was being spun like a human windmill.


Tulio watched in horror as more priests arrived, carrying ceremonial obsidian knives that gleamed wickedly in the fading light.

"Tick tock," the Chief whispered, his thumb pressing against her most sensitive spot. "What's it going to be? A quick death for your friends, or..." he leaned closer, "letting me breed this perfect little pussy?"

Tulio squeezed her eyes shut. "Fine," she whispered. "Just... save them."

The Chief's smile was triumphant as he stood, raising his voice to address the crowd:

"BEHOLD! The gods, in their infinite wisdom and mercy, have allowed our champions to triumph! This is not a defeat, but a divine gift! Tonight, we feast in celebration, and the sacred vessel shall be... worshipped... by our victorious warriors!"

The crowd roared its approval. The priests looked confused. Tzekel-Kan looked furious.

"But my lord," the high priest protested, "the ancient laws demand blood sacrifice!"

"The gods have spoken," the Chief declared firmly. "They desire celebration, not blood. The old ways change."

The crowd cheered even louder at this. Nobody, it seemed, was particularly enthusiastic about human sacrifice.

"This is blasphemy!" Tzekel-Kan hissed.

"This is progress," the Chief countered smoothly. "Unless you wish to question the gods' will?"

The priest's face twisted with rage, but he could hardly argue without undermining his own position as speaker for the gods.

"Tonight," the Chief announced, "our champions shall worship the divine vessel with their... offerings." His hand returned to Tulio's thigh, squeezing meaningfully. "And tomorrow..." his smile turned predatory, "she will receive my personal blessing."

The warriors below had finally stopped their acrobatic massacre of Miguel and Chel, who lay in a groaning heap.

The Chief turned to Tulio, his eyes dark with promise. "Tonight, you'll pleasure my warriors," he murmured. "And tomorrow..." his hand slid higher, making her gasp, "I'm going to flood your womb with my seed until you're swollen with it."

Tulio's heart dropped into her stomach as she watched the warriors approaching, their oiled muscles gleaming in the sunset, their eyes hungry.

"Oh gods," she whispered.

"No," the Chief chuckled. "Just men. Very, very enthusiastic men."


"I can't believe that actually worked!" Miguel lounged across a pile of silk cushions as attendants draped him in gossamer fabrics that probably cost more than his entire life of crime. "Did you see when I did that thing with my elbow?"

"You mean when you accidentally knocked yourself unconscious?" Chel drawled from her own nest of pillows, as attendants massaged scented oils into her shoulders. "Very impressive."

"Hey, it was a tactical maneuver!"

"The only tactic involved was gravity."

They both dissolved into laughter as more attendants arrived bearing platters of exotic fruits and steaming delicacies. The evening air was thick with incense and anticipation, torchlight casting everything in a dreamy golden glow.

"You know," Miguel accepted a golden goblet from a particularly lovely servant girl, "for a near-death experience, this turned out rather well!"

"Mm," Chel agreed as someone began combing her borrowed hair with expert fingers. "Nothing like narrowly avoiding sacrifice to work up an appetite."

"Pass the chocolate-covered whateverthoseare?"

"Coming right up."

Across the chamber, separated by a strategic arrangement of curtains and cushions, Tulio sat rigidly as attendants fussed with her hair and adjusted her minimal clothing.

"I still don't really understand how we pulled it off," Miguel mused through a mouthful of something involving honey. "One minute we're about to be sacrificed, the next the Chief's declaring it a celebration! Talk about divine intervention!"

"Must have been my charisma," Chel preened, then laughed as Miguel pelted her with a grape.

"Hey Tulio!" Miguel called out. "Come join the party! These little fruit things are amazing!"

Tulio's shoulders tensed visibly. "I'm fine here," she managed through clenched teeth.

"Aw, come on! We won! Well, technically we lost spectacularly, but we're not dead! That's the same as winning!"

"Some of us," Tulio muttered, "have a long night ahead."

"Oh right, the victory celebration!" Miguel brightened. "Lucky you, getting to party with the warriors! They seemed very... athletic."

Chel snorted into her wine. "Did you see those abs? Like carved marble!"

"And those thighs! You could crack coconuts between—"

"If you two are quite finished," Tulio snapped, "some of us are trying not to think about what's coming."

"That's not what you'll be saying later," Chel smirked, then yelped as a cushion hit her squarely in the face.

"Aw, don't be like that!" Miguel protested. "Think of it as... taking one for the team!"

"Several," Chel added helpfully. "You're just cranky because we get to enjoy the feast while you have to... feast differently."

"Shut. Up."

"Come on, it won't be so bad! Just think of it as... cultural immersion!"

"I'll immerse YOU in—"

But whatever threat Tulio had been about to make was cut off by the sudden blare of conch trumpets. The curtains at the far end of the chamber parted, and in strode the warriors.

They moved as one, a phalanx of oiled muscle. Their loincloths rode low on their hips. Intricate tattoos swirled across their chests and arms, seeming to ripple with each flex.

Behind them came a flurry of giggling attendants, their gauzy skirts floating around their hips as they scattered flower petals. The air filled with the heady scent of ylang-ylang and anticipation.

"My lords," the lead warrior bowed deeply to Miguel and Chel, "we come to pay tribute to your divine presence and," his eyes flicked to Tulio, "your sacred vessel."

Tulio swallowed hard.

"Tribute, you say?" Chel leaned forward, interest sparking in her eyes. "What kind of tribute?"

As if on cue, more attendants flooded in carrying trays laden with gold. Goblets, plates, figurines, all glittering in the torchlight.

"For you," the warrior gestured grandly, "the finest treasures of El Dorado."

"Well," Chel sat back, satisfaction curling her lips, "who are we to refuse such generosity?"

The attendants swarmed forward, draping Miguel and Chel in gold chains and pressing jeweled cups into their hands. Chel sipped appreciatively, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure.

"You know," she mused, "I could get used to this."

Tulio watched, heart sinking, as a particularly lovely attendant draped herself across Chel's - HIS - lap, all coy smiles and fluttering lashes. Her skin was the color of honey, her almond eyes sparkling with mischief. When she leaned forward, her big breasts nearly spilled out of her top.

Chel's hand settled on her hip, thumb rubbing circles on the smooth skin. The girl giggled, pressing closer.

Across the room, Miguel found himself similarly occupied. Two attendants had settled on either side of him, their long dark hair brushing his shoulders as they leaned in close. One was tall and willowy, with high cheekbones and a regal bearing. The other was shorter, softer, with dimples that flashed when she smiled.

They took turns feeding him morsels from the laden trays, their fingers lingering at his lips. When the taller one 'accidentally' spilled wine on his chest, the other was quick to lean in and lick it off, her small pink tongue darting out to trace the lines of his muscles.


Tulio trembled as the behemoth warriors encircled her, their brawny chests glistening with oil in the flickering torchlight. Cocks sprang free of loincloths, each one a throbbing monument of virility that made her eyes widen in feminine dismay. They were huge - veiny, pulsing weapons jutting towards her pretty face, balls dangling low and swollen.

"Look at those lips," one chuckled, thumbing her lush bottom lip. "Those will feel nice."

"And that hair," another fisted a hand into her silky tresses, pulling her head back to expose the slender column of her throat. "It will make a good leash."

Tulio's thick brown thighs quivered, ass clenching against the plush silk cushions as hot, steel-hard cockheads brushed her flushed cheeks, smearing pre-spunk across her soft skin. Bitter musk invaded her nostrils, the reek of swollen balls and drooling cocks overpowering the floral incense.

"P-please," she stammered, heart jack-hammering as cocks closed in on all sides. "You don't have to--"

A calloused finger pressed against her plump lips, silencing her. "Shhh. The gods have offered your slutty little body to us."

It was an utterly male stink - sweat, pre-cum, the heavy odor of balls churning with jizz. Tears pricked her eyes as she realized the impossible task before her. Each cock had to be over a foot long, thicker than her dainty wrist. Sticky pre-jizz dribbled from their gaping piss-slits.

*'I can't do this,'* she thought wildly. *'They'll break me in half!'*

But she had no choice. With shaking hands, she reached for the nearest vein-riddled shaft, wrapping slim fingers around the throbbing girth. It pulsed in her grasp like a separate beast, radiating feverish heat against her soft palm. The warrior grunted at her touch, muscles flexing as he thrust into her hand.

"That's it, whore," he rumbled. "Worship this dick."

Her gaze flicked desperately to where Miguel and Chel lounged in debauched splendor, pretty temple maidens draped across their laps. For a moment, white-hot envy surged through her. It wasn't fair! She was a man too, not some simpering cock-maid!

But that petulant thought vanished as quickly as it came, drowned out by the insistent throb of rigid fuckmeat in her face.

This was her fate now.

*'Chel's tips,'* she reminded herself. *'Lots of spit.'*

Tulio steeled herself and leaned forward, letting a thick glob of saliva drool from her open mouth to slather the broad crown of the nearest dick. Using her tongue, she smeared the slick drool all over the bulbous head, laving the sensitive stretch of flesh just under the glans. The warrior jerked at the sensation, fisting his hand tighter in her hair.

Emboldened, Tulio released a flood of spit, coating his shaft until it glistened obscenely. Her hand glided easier now, pumping from root to tip. She repeated the process with the cock in her other hand, letting drool ooze liberally from her cock-hungry maw. Soon bothwere glazed in her oral slick, twitching in her stroking grip.

It was not an insignificant task - there was a lot of surface area to cover!

"Fuck yeah, get 'em nice and wet," one warrior grunted. "Gonna need it to plow that tight little throat."

Tulio's heart hammered against her ribs as she eyed the jutting purple heads before her. Spongy pre-slop frothed from their slits, mixing with her spit to form a nasty slurry that webbed between them when she pumped. They were so BIG - angry and engorged and leaking all over. She didn't know if she could handle even one, let alone the whole throbbing bouquet.

But there was no delaying the inevitable. Swallowing her trepidation, Tulio parted her plush lips and suckled the nearest glans into her oral embrace.

An explosion of taste battered her senses - salt, musk, the acrid bitterness of pre-spunk. She nearly gagged, eyes watering as she stretched her jaw to accommodate his girth. The warrior growled above her, holding her head steady as he fed more of his turgid cock-log between her straining lips.

*'Breathe through your nose,'* she reminded herself frantically, nostrils flaring as inches of dense fuckmeat crammed her gullet. *'Hollow your cheeks, tongue the underside...'*

But all coherent thought fled as the warrior bottomed out, smashing her nose into his pungent pubes, heavy balls slapping her chin. Tulio gurgled, eyes rolling back as her airway was blocked, stuffed to capacity on his bitch-breaking shaft. Just when dark spots began dancing across her vision, he wrenched back, letting her sputter and gasp around the spit-soaked head.

Her loincloth was shoved aside, the flimsy silk no match for the warriors' greedy hands. Fingers, thick and rough, shoved between her plump cunt-lips, stirring up the sloppy wetness gathering there.

"Ohhh fuuuuck," one warrior groaned as he sawed his turgid fuckmeat between the sweat-slicked valley of her heaving tits. "Gonna glaze these cocoa cannons with so much fuckin' nut..."

Tulio gurgled around the throbbing cock-log clogging her throat, eyes rolling back as another warrior seized her hair and wrenched her head to the side, cramming his stinking shaft against her stretched lips. Thick dollops of pre-spunk smeared across her cheeks.

"That's it, whore," the warrior growled. "Worship this fucking DICK."

With an animalistic snarl, he SLAMMED his hips forward, spearing his bitch-breaker straight down her gullet. Tulio convulsed, nose mashing into his pube-bush as his swollen cock-head punched the back of her throat. Tears streamed down her face, black kohl streaking her cheeks as drool frothed around his girth, bubbling out past her straining lips.

But there was no respite. The warrior pumping between her jiggling jugs let loose a guttural roar, seizing her face and emptying his churning balls all over her horrified expression.

Great splattering ropes of jizz coated her features - the first blast striping straight across her forehead, painting her right eyebrow. The second spurt caught her across the bridge of her button nose. Globs of spunk dripped from her lashes, clinging to her cheeks in ropy strands.

And still he came, hosing down her chin, her hair, her heaving tits. The musky stench of man-cream filled her nostrils, the bitter taste of sperm sliming her tongue as stray gouts caught the corners of her stretched lips.

"FUCK YES!" The brute roared, shaking out the last dregs all over her cum-streaked face. "Fuckin' take that COCK-SNOT you divine gutter-slut!"

Tulio wanted to sob, to retch, to scream. She was utterly degraded, bukkaked like a common floozy, her beauty defiled by their beastly lust.

But as the shame burned through her, something else sparked to life - a molten, unfamiliar sensation swirling low in her belly. Her nipples tingled, her cunny clenched around the probing fingers. A traitorous moan slipped out around the thrusting fuckmuscle in her throat.

A dark, primal part of her psyche relished being used like this - like a vessel for their pleasure, a cocksleeve for their base desires. Chel's body was BUILT for this kind of depraved worship.

Her voluptuous curves, her lush holes - they were the keys to these men's devotion. And if she wanted to survive this ordeal, she'd need to wield them like the weapons they were.

*Here. Goes. Nothing.*

"Mmmm, yessss," she purred as the warrior pulled his spit-shined shaft from her throat with a wet *schlick*. Looking up through cum-clumped lashes, Tulio flashed him a lewd grin. "Give me more of that fuckin' spooge, boys. I'm your sacred spunk-dump tonight."

The warriors exchanged surprised glances, clearly not expecting such wanton enthusiasm. But they quickly rallied, lecherous snarls stretching their lips.

Tulio reached for the nearest two cocks, wrapping her dainty fingers around their girthy shafts and pumping with gusto. She lavished sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along their lengths, her plump lips leaving smears of lipstick and jizz.

"C'mon you fuckin' brutes," she growled, tongue swirling around a bulbous glans. "Wreck me with these divine dick-spears. I wanna CHOKE on your blessed ball-batter."

She threw her head back, long raven tresses cascading down her back as she RAMMED a steely shaft straight down her throat, gobbling until her nose smashed against taut pubes.


Her throat bulged obscenely as she deepthroated him to the root, spit spraying as she sloppily slurped. She massaged his heavy sack, rolling his cum-bloated balls in her palm.

When he suddenly tensed, hips spasming, Tulio knew what was coming. She hollowed her cheeks, tonguing his slit as he erupted straight down her esophagus.

An absolute DELUGE of thick, pungent spunk flooded into her stomach. The first blast alone made her belly gurgle, the next few jetting out her nostrils in ropy sprays.

Her eyes rolled back as he pumped what felt like pint after pint down her guzzling gullet. It was utterly filthy, utterly depraved.

But she powered through, GULPING down every stinking drop, her middle slowly swelling with his seed.

"Holy FUCK," the warrior groaned, at last wrenching his cock from her throat. Long strands of dick-slop webbed from her swollen lips to his steaming slit. "You took that fuckin' nut like a cock-starved CHAMP."

Tulio gasped for air, spunk cascading down her front to drip off her bouncing boobs, sticky jizz matting her hair. Her face looked like a Jackson Pollock, painted in pearly spatter.

But the fire in her eyes burned bright.

"Who's next?" She rasped, throat raw. Her hand shot out, seizing two cocks in her sticky grip, forcing them to joust against one another. "C'mon studs, baste this juicy ass, frost these fat fuckin' tits."

She scooped up a glob of spooge dripping down her cheek and lewdly lapped it up, moaning exaggeratedly.

"Gimme those alpha loads," Tulio goaded. "Douse this divine dickmitten in jizz!"

With a snarl, the warriors closed in, and then it was ON.

Cocks slapped against her cheeks, balls draped over her eyes. Dicks rested on her tits, prodded at her lips. A veritable forest of fuckmeat, all straining towards her lush body.

One warrior grabbed her by the hair, wrenching her head back and SLAMMING his cock straight down her throat.


Tulio's eyes bulged, drool splattering as he PLOWED her face, using her skull like a fuckin' fleshlight. Spit-strands flung from her nostrils. Tears streamed down her face.

*'Fight through it!'* She told herself, even as he HILTED, smashing her nose to his pube-bush. *'You're Tulio! Con-man extraordinaire! If Chel could do this, so can y--GLUK!"*

He wrenched out, his shaft steaming, only for another to replace it, stretching her throat-cunt to its limit.

She gagged, she sputtered - but she didn't break.

*POP!* Another cock pulled free of her mouth. Before she could catch her breath, another stream of jizz caught her across the brow. She gritted her teeth as the searing batch COATED her face, painting her a pearly mask.

*'It's just spunk,'* she told herself harshly, even as another salty blast spattered her tongue. *'Fuckin' sperm. You've dealt with worse!'*

But that thought fled as she was suddenly HEAVED into the air!

"EEEP!" Tulio yelped as a warrior hooked his elbows under her knees, FOLDING her in half. Her dripping cunt was yanked between his thighs, exposed.

*'No no no!'* Tulio thought desperately, even as her body sang, clit THROBBING so hard it almost hurt. *'Not that! Can't waste an--'*

Her world went WHITE as something HUGE speared between her lips, notching at her tight, sloppy entrance...

And then he was IN her, stretching her open on his massive FUCKLOG!

"HHHHHNNNGG!!!" Tulio keened, back bowing as he HILTED, cock PULSING against her cervix. Oh gods, oh FUCK he was big, every ridge and vein of his shaft scraping her sensitive walls. She clenched helplessly around him, cunt GUSHING as he ground into her, stirring her guts.

"Fuckin' TIGHT!" The warrior grunted. "Cunny clampin' me like a gods-damned GLOVE!"

*'Don't cum don't cum don't cum!'* Tulio chanted internally as he started to MOVE, sawing into her drenched quim, her ass CLAPPING against his hips. But her body betrayed her, pleasure zipping up her spine with every SLAM of his cock.

The others pressed in, fisting her hair, pawing at her bouncing tits.

"FUCK YEAH, rail that sacred snatch!"

"Make her fuckin' FEEL that horse-cock!"

"Stuff that divine dick-socket!"

Their words washed over her, each filthy proclamation stroking that dark, secret place inside that craved this debasement. Her body reveled in it, even as her mind tried to shy away.

But she HAD to endure. For Miguel. For their con. For Chel...

*'Take it like a fuckin' champ!'* She snarled to herself.

So even as the warrior PUMMELED her pussy, even as ORGASM licked at the base of her spine, Tulio threw her head back and HOWLED:


She reached back and SPREAD her asscheeks, giving them a lewd jiggle.

"Gimme that COCK! Ravage my sacred CUNT! FUCK your divine cumdump!"

The men roared their approval, dicks jumping, balls tightening. Tulio bared her teeth in a feral grin, reveling in her power even as she was SKEWERED on bitch-breaking dickmeat.

She twisted, capturing a bobbing cock in her mouth and GULPING it to the root, all while grinding back on the dick PLOWING her pussy.

"MMMGLLLKK!" She gagged theatrically, making sure to let drool SLOP messily down her chin, frothing over her huge bouncing tits.

The warrior she was throating cursed, fisting her hair and PISTONING into her face-gash.

She clenched her eyes shut as he suddenly stiffened, feeling his prick SWELL, knowing what was coming (her).

*'That's it, you brutish fuck!'* She thought savagely. *'Paint me! Drench this body in your stinking SEED!'*

"FUCK! TAKE...MY...NUT!" The warrior roared.

And then he was HOSING HER DOWN, great ropy spurts splattering across her face. Jizz webbed her lashes, coated her nose, dripped from her chin.

Tulio gurgled happily, lapping at the viscous streams, licking ball-spew from the corners of her stretched lips.

She released his cock with a vulgar *POP*, turning her pearlescent face towards the next straining cock.

"GIMME!" She demanded, opening her mouth lewdly. "Feed me that fuckin' BATTER!"

The warrior SLAMMED home, using her throat like a cock-socket, balls SMACKING her chin as he nailed her esophagus. Tulio sputtered, cheeks hollowing as she VACUUMED him.

"Shit shit shit..." He grunted. "Gonna...gonna...HNNNGG!"

Tulio's cheeks ballooned as he geysered straight down her GULPING maw. She swallowed convulsively, CHUGGING his load as jizz sprayed from her nose, streaked her tits.

AAll the while her pussy SQUELCHED obscenely as the other warrior RAILED her, his veiny cock barreling into her guts.

*'Don't cum, don't cum, DON'T CUM!'* Tulio chanted desperately.

But it was a losing battle. With every POUNDING thrust, the coil in her belly wound tighter, her cunt fluttering and spasming helplessly around the GIRTH stretching her wide.

*'No no NO! Fuck, I can't- can't hold it!'*

Tulio was on the knife's edge, orgasm bearing down on her like a runaway cart. One more deep SLAM, one more electrifying scrape against that secret spot inside her, and she'd be LOST, tumbling over into absolute ecstasy...

Suddenly a raging TORRENT of jizz BLASTED across her face, so thick and HEAVY it nearly knocked her over. Great viscous ROPES splatted across her cheeks, webbing her lashes, streaking her hair.

Tulio sputtered, momentarily shocked out of her impending crisis. She forced a shaky grin, peeking through one cum-caked eye at the warrior currently hosing her down like a fucking CUM FOUNTAIN.

"Y-yeah, that's it!" She slurred. "Paint me! Frost this divine spunk canvas, stud!"

*'Come on, come on...'* She mentally urged the brute plowing her pussy. *'Fuckin' NUT already!'*

But to her horror, she felt him abruptly WRENCH out! Her pussy GAPED at the sudden emptiness, clenching forlornly.

Before she could process this unpleasant development, her world suddenly TILTED - and then she was FLIPPED arse over tit, knees shoved up by her ears and RUMP hiked high.


Tulio let out an ungodly HOWL as something impossibly GIRTHY shoved against her TIGHTEST hole. Her rosebud stretched, strained, resisted... But it was no use. With a guttural roar, the warrior CRAMMED his fuckin' BABY-MAKER up her ASS!


Tulio saw goddamn STARS as her sphincter LOCKED around his engorged cockhead. She swore she could feel him in her fucking GUTS!

"Hnnngh, holyfuckingshit..." She gasped, eyes rolling back in her skull. The burn, the stretch, the absolute POSSESSION of having a fat fuckin' sausage-log SKEWERING her shitter... It was almost too much to take.

But the snarling warrior gave her no quarter. With a flex of his powerful hips, he SHEATHED himself to the goddamn ROOT!

"EEEYYYAAAHHHHH!!!" Tulio's scream could've shattered glass. Her overstuffed shitpipe CLENCHED around his vein-riddled shaft, every bump and ridge SCOURING her sensitive inner walls.

She clawed at the opulent cushions, drool bubbling from her lips as he started SAWING in and out, setting a BLISTERING pace. His swollen balls SMACKED her jizz-streaked crack with meaty THWAPs.

*'Endure! Endure!'* She sobbed to herself, even as white-hot pleasure/pain seared through her system. 

Dimly, she registered raucous CHEERS through the red haze pounding behind her eyelids.

"Goddamn, look at him GO! He's absolutely RUINING that sacred shithole!"

"Fuck YEAH! No mercy for that divine dumper!"

"Give it to 'er, mate! Paint 'er fuckin' GUTS with nut!"

But worst of all were the familiar voices cutting through the fray:

"Damn, Tulio is really taking one for the team!" Miguel's light tenor. "She looks like she's DYING on that dick!"

"MMMPH, fuck yeah she does! Absolutely SPEARED on that schlong!" Chel's - ugh, Tulio's own - voice, rougher with arousal. "Getting her ass OBLITERATED!"

Oh, so they finally decided to pay attention, eh? Now that she was getting her goddamn RECTUM REARRANGED? Where was their concern when she'd been deepthroating BULL DICKS and getting bukkake'd like a two-bit floozy?!

But she couldn't focus on that mounting indignation, because the warrior plundering her pooper was SPEEDING UP, hips PISTONING.

*'He's gonna-!'*



"NnyyYYAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Tulio keened as his behemoth battering ram PULSED, GUSHED, FLOODED her bowels with what felt like a goddamn fucking GALLON of brogurt!

ROPES of viscous ball-sludge SPEWED into her spasming shitpipe, the obscene wet SLUUURRRCHING drowning out even the raucous cheers of the other warriors. She swore she could feel each thick GLOB splattering her guts, CRAMMING her colon until cum-slime was backed up all the way to her small intestine!

The warrior braced himself, GRUNTING like he was deadlifting a bull as he emptied his CHURNING nuts into her divine dumper, pumping load after molten load into her quivering innards.

Tulio's eyes rolled back, drool bubbling from her slack lips as she was packed DENSE with warrior spooge. She could FEEL her belly swelling, gurgling ominously as it struggled to contain the veritable RESERVOIR of seed being force-fed into her shitter.

Finally, blessedly, the hulking brute yanked his softening dick free with a wet *SCHLUUUURP*.

For one pristine moment, there was absolute silence. Every eye in the room was fixed on Tulio's cum-stuffed asshole as it winked and twitched, trying desperately to hold back the flood.

She clenched. She squeezed. She prayed to every god she knew (including herself).

But it was no use.

With a sound like a backed-up drain finally unclogging, Tulio's ravaged rosebud suddenly ERUPTED! A pressurized GEYSER of chunky warrior chowder BLASTED straight up into the air!


Great ropes of pearly spunk arced gracefully over her head, spattering across her arched back and into her cum-matted hair. The fountain of fuck-custard seemed endless, her guts CRAMPING as they expelled wave after wave of backed-up ball-batter.

And then... the warriors went absolutely WILD.



"Like a fuckin' VOLCANO!"

"Greatest. Celebration. EVER!"

They hoisted Tulio into the air on their broad shoulders, parading her around the chamber like a champion while jizz still dribbled down her thighs.

"CHEL! CHEL! CHEL!" They chanted.

"Now THAT'S how you take a loss with grace!" One warrior bellowed. "Unlike those 'gods' who couldn't even score a single point!"

"Truly the divine vessel!" Another agreed. "Built to receive our sacred offerings!"

"Hey, let's take her down to the falls!" Someone suggested.


They burst out of the temple and into the night streets, a raucous horde of nude warriors whooping and hollering, with a jizz-soaked Tulio still hoisted on their shoulders.

"Sorry Mrs. Pachamama!" A warrior bellowed as they thundered past an elderly woman tending her night-blooming celosias. She just shook her head fondly.

"Young people these days..."

The golden city glowed under a blanket of stars, moonlight glinting off towers and temples. Fireflies danced between the flowering vines that draped every building. In the distance, parrots called sleepily.

"This way!" Xoco, the largest warrior, led them down winding stairs carved into the living rock. "Best swimming hole in the city!"

They emerged into a hidden grotto, where a waterfall tumbled into a crystalline pool surrounded by bioluminescent flowers. The water looked like liquid silver in the moonlight.



Warriors dove in left and right, their muscled forms cutting through the water like bronze arrows. Their laughter echoed off the stone walls.

"Come on, Chel!" Tizoc called, floating on his back. His spent cock bobbed like a compass needle. "Water's perfect!"

Before she could protest, Tulio found herself airborne, shrieking as she was LAUNCHED into the pool. She surfaced spluttering, her wet hair plastered to her face and breasts.

"You JERKS!" But she was laughing despite herself.

It was... actually kind of fun? The water was deliciously cool against her overheated skin, washing away the dried cum and sweat. Her body felt weightless, voluptuous curves moving with a new freedom.

"Marco!" Someone called out.

"Wrong culture, dumbass!"

Soon they were playing some kind of elaborate water game that seemed to have no rules except "dunk the person nearest to you." Tulio found herself caught up in it, squealing as she was tossed between warriors like a very curvy ball.

Her breasts bounced and jiggled with each movement, but somehow it didn't feel sexual anymore. Just... playful. These huge, muscled men who had just absolutely RAILED her were now splashing around like children, calling each other silly nicknames and trying to do underwater handstands.

"Bet you can't do THIS!" Yaotl attempted a backflip and belly-flopped spectacularly.

"Poetry in motion," Tulio said, then shrieked as he yanked her under by her ankle.

They played until the moon was high overhead, their laughter mixing with the sound of the falls. Finally, exhausted but clean(ish), they sprawled on the rocks to dry off.

"You're alright, Chel," Tizoc grinned, patting her shoulder. "Sorry about, uh, you know. The hair thing."

"And the face thing," added Xoco.

"And the ass thing," Yaotl chimed in.

"Let's maybe stop listing the things," Tulio suggested.

For a moment, Tulio almost forgot about tomorrow's "appointment" with the Chief.


"We should do this again sometime!" One of the warriors called as they parted ways.

Tulio just waved, heading back to the temple with a slight (okay, significant) limp which she was beginning to get used to.

"Well," she muttered to herself, "at least I didn't orgasm."

A small victory, but she'd take what she could get.

Just another night in El Dorado.