Chapter 7: Vipers in the Oasis
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The village people were busy. It had been three days since they have been warned by the traveling merchant. 
The village chieftain watched his men strengthen the barricade when Raajimera approached. 
“Chief! I think I have found a way to protect our village, but I'm going to need help from the entire population.”
The man turned his head and raised his eyebrows. A group of women looked at them from a distance. 
He asked, “Is this another magic project of yours?” after a brief moment of hesitation. 
“Yes, you'll see, it's going to be-” she started, but he interrupted her. 
“I apologize, but we need a reliable way of protecting the village. Your abilities are excellent, but I'm not sure if we can entrust our safety to them.”
She gazed at him with despair in her eyes. 
Aya separated from a group of women and walked up to them. 
“I overheard your conversation. Maybe you should give her idea a chance, I trust her.”
The chieftain sighed. “I am not distrusting her, I just don't know if we can afford to be slowed down by that plan. What if we can't execute it before the Empire strikes once again? Already, we have lost a lot of time.”
“Chieftain, you said that you prayed to Raa to bring me here and help. I'm able and willing to do so. Why wouldn't you allow me?” Raajimera asked. 
The boss glanced at Aya, who looked at him with the same question in her eyes. 
“Okay, fine, but if we find anything concerning, I'll send my people back and protect the community. Hurry.” 
Raajimera nodded and vanished into thin air. She had already pre-positioned her enchanted flowers in a circle around the village. They were buried in the sand to conceal them from intruders. 
The woman then gathered all the people in the village around the well. 
“Dear friends,” she said, “today I'm going to give you the most precious gift of all.” Raajimera observed the bewildered expressions of the villagers. “I know it might sound crazy, but I found a way of protecting the village, and I need your aid. I will create a protective barrier above the village to ensure that the Empire will never find us. It's a mighty spell, and I'm going to need you all to lend me your life energy to kickstart the process.”
“Is it going to hurt us or not?” One of the women from the village looked worried.
“Not at all,” Raajimera assured her. “All you need to do is join hands in a circle.”
The locals reluctantly agreed. They gathered in a circle and tentatively grabbed each other's hands. 
Raajimera took out the rest of her seeds. Most of them were already in the ground, but she kept a few for the end. The woman reached into the bag, grabbed some of its contents, and spread them around the well. She then put the sack away and joined the circle, right next to the village chieftain. 
“This day marks the beginning of a new glorious era in which we will no longer have to worry about the Empire. Beautiful foliage will turn this place into an oasis for generations to come, as the water of the well will never dry out. May this blessing of Raa forever protect this village. Raise your hands with me!”
Raajimera threw her arms up, and her friends followed her. 
Suddenly, the ground started to shake and beautiful, vividly green plants sprouted all around. There were some that started blooming and others that bore fruit. A golden ring of light emerged from the soil and slowly wandered up the sky, shining brightly until all that was left was a pale halo on top of the newly created dome.
“What happened?” Aya asked her, awestruck.
“I created a protection spell that will hide the village from the outside.” Raajimera expressed pride in her voice.
“How is this possible? Can anyone check it?” The chieftain was floored by what he just saw. 
One of the men from the village ventured to the edge of the dome and subsequently returned. 
“That's right, it really does work,” the villager said.
“Incredible!” The chieftain held his hands together. “I'm impressed.”
Raajimera smiled. “See? Raa is on our side, with her blessing…” 
“We still require you to pick your Snake King.” The chieftain interrupted her. 
“But I showed you that I'm more than capable of taking care of the village on my own.” The woman seemed to be defensive.
“But the prophecy is…”
“— You didn't tell me the end of the prophecy.”
The chieftain rolled his eyes. “You already know everything you need to know. It is crucial that you choose the Snake King. Now.”
“But I didn't get to know all the candidates well enough! Only one of them was in my face at all times. I don't think that's fair.” Raajimera tried to reason with him, but he was stubborn.
“Then pick the one you are familiar with. You said you can protect the village on your own, didn't you? Then why does that matter which one you're going to pick? You should go for the one who was by your side most of the time. I can assure you that he was following you around for a reason, and he cares about this place just as much as you do.”
Raajimera turned around, and her eyes locked with Seyed's. The way he looked at her was so sweet, yet she felt pressured and really didn't want to appoint anyone. She envisioned herself as the sole hero of Duskvale. 
The woman glanced at the leader as he urged her to decide. Everyone's eyes were on Raajimera, and it really got to her. She desired to flee, but Seyed approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder. 
“It will be alright. This is simply a formality.”  Seyed didn't break eye contact with her.
She took a deep breath and exhaled. “Fine. Seyed, I have chosen you.”
The man looked very excited. He grabbed her hands and said, “I will protect you until the end, Milady.”
“This calls for a big celebration.” The chieftain exclaimed. “Let's arrange a coronation party worthy of royalty.”
“Another party? Do you think it's the right time to do that?” Raajimera questioned.
“We are protected, are we not?” The leader's voice impaled her with an overwhelming strength. 
“That's right.”
“Alright people, let's party!” The chieftain shouted. 
Everyone applauded and gathered around Raajimera and Seyed. 
Everything happened so quickly. Soon they found themselves surrounded by beautiful decorations and tables bending under the weight of delicious food. A group of young men from the village began playing instruments. 
Aya and her friends bought two beautiful diadems on red pillows. The chieftain took one of them and went to Raajimera and Seyed who were standing under a beautiful arch. 
“With these crowns, we officially recognize you two as Snake Queen and Snake King. May your reign bring us glory!” After placing the diadem on the woman's head, he rested the second one on the man's hair. 
Everyone cheered and began to dance. 
“You look incredible,” Seyed stated. “The flowers in your hair and the reflections of light in your eyes…”
She couldn't decide what to say. 
“Milady, I got a gift for you. Will you accompany me? I do not wish for everyone to view it before you.”
She looked towards the chieftain sitting nearby. He nodded, urging her to follow the newly appointed Snake King. 
Raajimera grabbed the young man's hand and let him lead her.  They appeared in front of a small building she didn't know existed. Seyed opened the small door and they proceeded inside. The room was filled with things that were covered in fabric. 
“I'm sorry about the mess,” he said. “I want it to be a surprise, I will uncover your gift, but I want you to turn around and close your eyes, okay? I don't want to spoil it for you.”
She nodded and turned her back to him. Raajimera heard some faint noises which she assumed were sounds of uncovering. 
Suddenly, she noticed that something slipped out of her pocket and bounced off her leg. 
“Oh no, Feng? I forgot about it. Poor thing.” She thought to herself and instantly forgot about Seyed's request. Raajimera opened her eyes and turned around to check if her scaly friend needed help, only to see the young man holding an ornate ritual blade right where her back was. 
She gasped and nearly tripped over. The woman stared at him with her eyes wide open and her heart beating rapidly. 
“I'm going to bask in the eternal glory as I challenge the gods after drawing your blood, Queen,” he thrust the blade towards her. 
The tip of the weapon only managed to open a small wound on her chest, when suddenly a flock of wild snakes appeared from all sides and attacked him. 
The man tried to fight the animals off, but he lost. 
Raajimera's legs were shaking and she hyperventilated. Tears began to gather in her eyes. She ran out of the small room, leaving defeated Seyed behind.
Everyone was waiting outside, expecting him to come out. They were surprised to see the wounded demigoddess. 
“You knew.” She spoke with judgmental intent. “All of you.”
“Queen, I…” The chieftain tried to say something when suddenly his face was distorted in fear. 
Raajimera's eyes began to glow, while the mark on her forehead shifted to white. 
The village people were terrified when they heard the voice of Raa coming out of her mouth.
“Rats, all of you! You begged me for a champion to save your pitiful little village. It took me years to find a suitable person, years!” Raa shouted with wild, unbound fury. “And you do what? You attempt to assassinate by beloved champion. You worthless worms, I should finish you off and wipe you off the surface of this world.” 
Raajimera's body walked around like a furious lion preparing to pounce. The village people moved away from her in fear. 
“I ought to witness you fall, one by one, for what you've done. See your precious little village crumble to dust.” Raa continued, “nevertheless, she should be allowed to decide what to do with you. Should you be forgiven or perish, it's all in her hands now. If she decides to end your pitiful existence, I shall not stop her.” 
As Raa's influence ended, Raajimera's face went from anger to fear. Her eyes and the mark on her forehead returned to normal. 
She started crying uncontrollably. The woman could no longer control her celestial powers. 
Dark clouds gathered above the village and a violent sandstorm was raging around her. 
Nobody could see what was happening, so she took her chance and ran away from the village. All she knew was that she had to leave this place quickly, even though she heard them calling her name faintly. 
The woman ran blindly for a long time before she passed out of exhaustion. 
A group of Imperial soldiers finally got to Duskvale. 
They couldn't understand why they were unable to see the village anymore. 
One of them glanced down and noticed one of Raajimera's glass flowers that had been exposed during the sandstorm.  He broke it with his pike, and a portion of the dome disappeared. The men looked into the hole created in it.
“Vile trickery!” Their leader shouted. “Break all of these strange objects and seize whoever is inside!” The soldiers concurred and shattered the protective spell. They invaded the village. Blinded and injured citizens were no match for their strength…