Morning soon came unrepentantly to announce a new day. Chan Lee rubbed her swollen eyes and let out a sigh. She had been vehemently against Xue leaving to go outside and meet Kit, but…
"That sounds like a good plan, Xue." Zhao made his assent despite her protests. "We'll go there in the morning and I'll pick you up here before that."
Chan Lee had gotten herself up from her bed to glare at him. "Hey, wait up! I'm not letting you drag Xue into this."
"Miss Chan Lee? It is my own choice to go out and not his." Xue had told her with a somber smile. "Can you please respect my decision?"
She hated it.
"Well, you guys can't force me to stay at home either then."
"Lee, it's for your own safety." Zhao sighed.
Han Jing shrugged. "Well, if I could spectate the boss fight, I'd be there too."
"This isn't some spectacle to watch." Zhao frowned.
"Yeah I know," Han Jing pouted. "Hey, Lee, maybe you can record with your camera when the fight breaks out?"
Zhao had tossed her an impatient look to which she simply shrugged in response. "Aren't you supposed to get back to your dorm room by now?"
The flicker of irritation vanished from his face and morphed to an awkward one. Much more befitting on him. "Right! Thanks, I'll guess I'll see you guys tomorrow."
That had been last night and she hadn't gotten enough sleep after that. She didn't want to get up from bed, she wasn't eager to go to university—a door clicked open.
"Oh, good morning Miss Chan Lee!" Xue greeted her with a smile as he came out from the bathroom.
Chan Lee gawked at the sight.
"I-is there something wrong?" He asked while drying his hair with a towel.
"Uh, nothing." She looked away, "You might want to get your clothes now."
"O-oh, my bad! Sorry for bothering you." He walked to the closet and grabbed some clothes, retreating back into the bathroom.
She wiped her nose, "I'm overreacting, it was just his chest." She shook her head.
The door creaked open again, "I'm fully dressed now...apologies for being indecent. I assumed you would still be asleep when I came out." Xue stepped out once again with a white shirt and cargo shorts.
Chan Lee made a decision then and there to buy him new clothes. Or maybe she could borrow from Zhao? Though Xue was actually a bit taller than the guy now that she thought about it.
"Um, Miss Chan Lee?"
She scratched her cheek, "I was just thinking of getting you new clothes."
"Oh but wouldn't that be expensive? Han Jing's clothes are comfortable too. I think I like it."
No. Don't like it!
"It'd be better to return them." She smiled at him.
He stayed silent for a moment before gravely nodding. "You're right, I've been depriving him of his garments. I have been too selfish."
"I wouldn't be surprised if he festered with a shirt for a week—you're doing fine." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Anyway, I better get prepared for university as well." She stood up from her bed and walked over to her closet. "There's still some fruit, right? I think we can still eat before Zhao arrives."
"That sounds good." Xue nodded.
Chan Lee smiled before she headed to the shower.
The water was frigid as it splashed against her skin—a sensation she needed right now. It felt like small bullets pelted down her flesh that pulled her thoughts away from last night. She scrubbed even harder, relishing how it calmed her nerves. Soothed her palpitating heart even if temporarily.
The growls—
Soap lathered on her skin and streamed down her body into the drain along with her shampoo. The sensation of minty caressed her skin refreshingly. The scent of peppermint and bamboo calmed her mind.
The water poured out continuously—a noise that lulled her senses. Until she was finally ready to come out again.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, Zhao was already there and stopped in the middle of eating his peach.
"Mhmph!" He inadvertently swallowed and stared at her. "You took quite a long time."
She shrugged. "Well, let's go now."
"Xue and I have to get inside the university another way than the main gates." Zhao stood up from his seat. "Catch." He tossed something to her.
And she missed as the bracelet fell down the floor, she picked it up with a frown. "What's this?" It was made of pure black beads.
"Special beads." Zhao answered as he handed one to Xue. "To hide your presence in case a fight does break out."
"Ooh, we got matching bracelets, Miss Chan Lee." Xue smiled and held his bracelet up.
"No, yours function a bit differently. It'd be bad if we encountered other spirits before we get to the university—that's masking your aura until we get there."
Xue wore the bracelet, it had cerulean beads that looked good on his pale wrist. "Sounds the same if you asked me, Mister Hua Zhao."
"Let's just get going now." Zhao sighed as he sauntered towards the door. "Please wear the bracelet now, Lee."
The three of them had made their way to the university, specifically to a shrouded area in one of its walls. There was a decent amount of foliage of tall trees and shrubbery around them. "We're going over this wall." Zhao nodded to Xue.
Chan Lee checked around them, thankfully not a lot of people were passing by and she was sure that they were obscured by the vegetation. "It seems like you're familiar with this spot?"
"Yeah, Bo Ling and I scaled up the trees when we snuck back into the dorms some time ago."
"Well, it only happened one time with Bo Ling, he kind of got a fracture when he jumped." Zhao scratched his cheek. "Anyhow, you better get through the main gate, Lee. It's safer."
"B-but…" She looked over at Xue. The gentle looking one, the one wearing Han Jing's clothes which made him look petite and fragile... "Can you climb up the tree?"
"Y-you don't have to worry about me! I can do this." He told her with a hesitant smile. "I think…"
She turned to the man in charge of this plan. "Hua Zhao, I suggest that we sneak him in through the main gates and let's make up an excuse!"
Zhao sighed, moving away from one of the tall trees as he stepped closer to them, "You don't have to worry about him. I have an idea."
"What's your—" Xue rose up.
"—and up we go." Zhao grunted as he picked up Xue. He was carrying him in the style of a princess in the arms of a knight in shining armor. "I'm only doing this one time, don't get too used to it."
Or at least that was what it looked like with Xue's long hair cascading down his back. She had forgotten to tie his hair up again. But it was a lovely sight…
"Is this the only way we can get to the other side?" Xue asked with a frown although his hands were already looped around Zhao's neck.
Chan Lee tried not to think too much about this scene.
"I can always toss you into the other side if you want." Zhao made a face and tossed a look at her. "We'll see each other at the tracks, though you can still back out if you want—you look worn out, you know? There are bags under your eyes."
"Geez, just go away already. I'll meet you guys there in a couple of minutes." She crossed her arms, slightly regretting going all the way here. She had to run all the way back to the gates and then into the track area.
"You don't have to rush yourself, Miss Chan Lee." Xue gave her a smile.
She tried to smile back but couldn't muster one. "T-thanks, I appreciate that Xue. Well, see you."
Zhao gave her a brief nod before he bent his knees and then ran towards the wall, completely forgoing the trees and then leapt up. The two of them disappeared into the other side.
"I guess it's no surprise that he moves too fast." Chan Lee shook her head to herself. She stared at the walls before turning away and making her way back to the university's main entrance.
It was a long walk for her.
A few of the young women squealed around them.
"Who is this?" one of them mustered the courage to approach them.
Xue for the most part had hid himself behind his back. He didn't know how somebody could be this passive and uncertain. Unbefitting for someone of stature like him, it was a bit annoying frankly to him.
"This is...Hua Xue, my cousin!" Zhao laughed until he saw her arrival.
Chan Lee was struggling not to smack her face with a hand. Or him. Maybe she wanted to smack his face. He kind of deserved it.