Chapter 18: The Fox And The Hare
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'Kit' had a lot of questions on his mind already—why did his old friend get thrown out of the moon realm? What was possibly the crime he did to get cast out? Looking at the dumb rabbit across him… a stupidly innocent expression on their face. 

He wanted to get his questions answered already, but he glanced over to the human. He couldn't trust a human to listen to them speak without some agenda or endeavor springing up to this case. He half-wondered if he could erase this pitiful martial artist's memory or even their existence—but that would be too much effort on him.

And it had been a bit hard to cultivate with the pollution too. How could humans decide to live in this garbage? He sighed and decided to go for the next solution. "Tuzi, why don't you come with me and leave this foul place?"

The man's eyes lit up. "Huh, are you suggesting that we travel to find Hou and Ta?" 

He could be easily read sometimes—the eagerness to find his good friends apparent in his voice and face. He hadn't been able to keep in touch with their former companions, and it would be a bore to rekindle relationships but. "We could do that—"

The rabbit cut him off with his musings. "I have to say my temporary farewell to Miss Chan Lee then, hmm… I should bring back a gift when I return."

The fox spirit blinked at the hare. When he returned? "You want to return back to this hellish place?"

"Yeah—" He paused, his expression turning blank. "Were you suggesting that I leave with you permanently, Huli?"

Kit let out a breath of disbelief. "Of course, who'd want to get stuck in a place like this? It may not look like it, but there are still pristine forests and mountains that we could go—where no silly human could follow us." He tossed a look at the Hua Zhao. He wasn't so sure if their reputation exceeded them, but he wouldn't want to deal with a fool. "We could have a place of sanctuary." At least until he figured out what happened to his disgraced friend anyway.

"I-I...kind of like it here. Do you know that they have these devices that allow far-distance communication and contain a countless amount of information than a library full of scrolls and texts? And their food is delicious too, they taste really good..." The rabbit rambled, averting his gaze to the ground. If he had been in his true form, their ears were probably flattened against his face by now.

Kit held a hand over his face. "Do you like that human that much?"

"Yes." He looked up with a sheepish smile.

Kit felt the male human with them try not gawk, hardly managing to keep a blank expression. Even he would have been surprised if it were not for his advanced years and countless experiences. "Then it's better if you leave with me." He replied curtly.

"W-Why?" The man frowned at him. "Couldn't we take her along with us?"

This man wanted to pluck her out of their society just like that? There was a lack of judgement and then there was selfishness. How did this rabbit manage to get himself on the moon again? If it had been him, he would have ascended into the Heavenly Court already.

"I think you're aware that you'd endanger her life by staying by her side." Kit sighed. "And what about your duties to Chang'e? Have you forgotten about that?"

The rabbit's expression wavered. "O-Of course not!"

"Doesn't seem like it." At least they were starting to have some sense, though he felt the uneasiness on the rabbit's body. He was twitching like he always did, an annoying tick that didn't wane despite centuries. His friend had been plucked too quickly from the earth—it made him too relaxed with his expressions.

Zhao cleared his throat. "Would the two of you like a safe passage to reach your destination?"

"We don't need a mortal's help." Kit scoffed at the thought.

The human's expression darkened but he simply ignored it, a more important situation on hand. He needed his friend to leave with him already, he had already taken too long in tracking him down. It had been a stroke of both luck and skill that he had seen the girl on the streets one night.

He felt a disturbance in the air, and he sighed. "It seems we have guests." Too much for getting his friend to leave with him already. 

The door slammed open to reveal a lovely young woman—for a human—made her way to Hua Zhao without even much of a glance in their direction. "Zhao!" Kit made a face, her endearment and adoration—it was disgusting. It was a waste of time and talent.

"Ning Bi what are you doing here? It's dangerous!"

Kit couldn't help but roll his eyes over that statement. He wouldn't even bother revealing his strength nor lift a hand against them, it was an absolute waste of energy. Soon, the human that his friend liked too much also arrived. They were panting like some dog. He might as well tick his friend off.  "Oh, look who couldn't resist herself and came to get me herself." Kit greeted her with a lazy but sensual smile. "You missed a lot."

His old friend's attention shifted to her. "Miss Chan Lee." The displeasure evident on his face but they expertly concealed it. "I suppose you have already met my dear friend, Huli. We go a long way back. I'm glad that the two of you already get along~"

A rabbit also had its claws afterall.

He almost forgot it.

The young woman managed a smile. "So you two were really friends, I'm glad."

"I wasn't lying at all." Kit rolled his eyes. "How distrustful."

He had been observing her a few days ago already—even taking care of some lurking entities by himself. She could be a beauty yes, but in the countless of ages he'd been alive? She was simply another face that would be forgotten in a field of thousand beauties. So what exactly did make his friend fuss over her? All he could see was a clumsy girl and absent-minded girl. Someone who blamed him for an attack when he had saved her already before. 

It was a thankless job wasn't it?

Deciding to observe their interaction was what he could do. His friend already made his way to the girl...Chang Lei? Oh, it was Chan Lee.

And she touched him.

It was a bit offensive, how could his friend not lose face over that? Grabbing his wrist and even allowing her to do so with a slightly relaxed and pleased expression. Had she seduced his friend? His poor virtuous friend? His nose wrinkled at the scent of salt, tears and noticed them brimming in the girl's eyes.

So she also held some attachment to his friend?

She made an excuse and then ran down the flight of stairs. It would be a surprise if she didn't trip with all her eagerness to get away.

All in all, it felt like the story of Chang'e and Hou Yi was once again starting. It would be a troublesome thing, he had to uproot it before emotions further developed.

"Miss Chan Lee!" His friend tried to make a run for it and he grabbed the man by his shirt's collar. "Let me go!"

"Could you at least use your head for once?" Kit growled at him. "Isn't it both painful and stupid to always listen to your heart?"

"But she was crying!" His friend struggled in his grasp. "I have to apologize and try to make her feel better."

Did he have to explain every single thing to him?

"It's best for her to cry today than have her cry in the future." He hurled his friend to one of the walls—fracturing the wall with a sickening crack. A dust of smoke emanating around him as crumbles fell down the floor. It was a bit relieving to no longer hold back his frustration. Why was he even reasoning with this mad rabbit? He let out a sigh, tossing a look at the now silenced mortals. "You could assist me by keeping that under wraps." 

"I'd rather she not cry at all." The rabbit coughed, collapsing onto the floor. "Especially because of someone like me."

His friend was naturally unharmed—though their glaring told him it was at least uncomfortable. He couldn't care less about that. "Do remember where the two of you stand. You are immortal and she is not. I don't care if she dies brokenhearted, but I know you'd bother me with your wailings in the future if you continue down this path of yours, Tuzi."

"Well," The rabbit simply picked himself up, sauntering towards him and patting his back. "My dear friend, I think you may have forgotten who you're talking with."

He didn't like his friend's tone at all.

" I can create the immortality elixir." They walked past him. "And my name is Xue, old fox."