Coming back inside the Bureau, Armando takes Silver towards the main counter.
“You were the Team that participated at the rescue mission, right ? Congratulations, first of all, and second, I inform you that the payment has been made.” informs them a young looking man working.
Silver is a bit confused before Armando nudges him with his elbow.
“It might be a good deed, but it’s not charity work. Check your account.”
All in all, it makes sense; they did a job, so they are paid for it. Silver takes out his phone and logs into his bank app. His eyes almost pop out of his head when seeing the amount.
“I’ve never had this much money in my account before.”
“And it’s just the beginning; expect way more the more dangerous mission we take. But I think that’s all for today; we should all go back home and rest.”
The Team then disbands, each going their separate ways, but as Silver starts to leave, something pulls his sleeve. He turns back to see V staring at him.
“You’ve got something from the Dungeon—an item, right ? Then you need to have it appraised.”
“Ye-yeah, I was gonna go loo—”
“Perfect.” she says, cutting him. “Meet me at Drov Boulevard tomorrow morning; I’ll take you to a specialist.”
“Oh great, ok, I’ll meet you tomorrow.”
A big smile appears on her face, gives Silver a thumbs up before she goes away, disappearing in the crowd.
“What an odd girl.” thinks Silver out loud.
The next day, Silver waits at the Boulevard., created as an hommage to one of the first ever Dungeonauts. As he looks around, he sees a small black form coming to him: V.
“You ready ?” she asks, almost immediately starting to walk.
Silver can’t even answer her, following her as they get from the big streets to narrower and narrower alleys before arriving at what seems like a dilapidated commercial district.
“With all the expansion and gentrification of the island, places like this are left abandoned.” explains V. “Ten years ago it was one of the best places to buy anything equipment-wise, but now... at least the people didn’t change, and they still have their expertise.”
Even though he never came here, in the seven years Silver had lived on Karcerinsulo, he had seen many such cases of neighborhoods left alone to make the prices plummet so that they could be brought and completely renovated, selling them back for a much higher price.
“Here.” says V as she points to a small shop.
Silver approaches it, reading the sign next to the door.
Miller’s shop, Dungeon equipment expertise. Closed until further notice.
“Are you sure we’re at the rig—”
“Gramps, you here ?” yells V as she kicks the door, opening it violently.
The hell is wrong with this woman ?
Inside they can hear some grumbling and things moving. V enters , followed shortly by Silver, who starts to think that maybe he should stop going along with everything anyone proposes.
“Old man, I need your expertise.” says V.
“Heard you the first time.”
Behind a small counter is sitting a man, his back facing the pair. After some grumbling, he turns around to face them.
The man has a pretty large frame and is wearing a black turtleneck sweater and some large, brown leather gloves. He sports a pretty big salt and pepper beard, the same color as his rather long hair, pushed back by some weird, mechanical looking glasses. His face is wrinkly and covered in small scars.
He stares at Silver with his powerful green eyes while frowning.
“Who ?” he simply asks.
“A teammate.” answers V as she approaches the man. “He just recently became a Dungeonaut and found some loot, so I had to bring him to the best expert here.”
The man gets up and approaches them. As he does, Silver notices that one of his legs is replaced by a mechanical looking one. He limps forward and pats V’s head while looking at Silver.
“A new dungeaonaut, eh ? Sorry to hear that, lad.” as he says that he lightly taps Silver’s shoulder.
He gets back to his counter and sits down.
“So, tell me Silver, what can good ol’ Miller examine for you ?”
“How do you know my name ?” aks Silver, surprised.
“Lad, everybody knows who you are. A celebrity, that’s what you are.”
It feels weird that now even a complete stranger knows his name and face; good, but still weird. Silver approaches the counter and deposits the pair of gloves he found.
Miller leans forward, observing them. He pulls down his glasses and observes them with great interest. After a moment, he snaps his fingers and points towards V.
“I’d say D+.” she says immediately.
“Nah, C flat. Good shit you found there, lad.”
V lets out a “damn” in frustration. She was pretty sure about this one.
“Ok, so what does it mean ?” asks Silver.
“You a punchy boy, lad ?” asks Miller.
“Yeah ?”
“Good. With those, you can expect to hit stronger without having much recoil. And since they're C, they most probably also have an Engraved Ability.”
“I swear to God, they need to give a crash course or at least a manual because since I’ve Awakened I’ve been surrounded by people spouting crazy terms that don’t mean anything to anyone who isn’t in the know.”
Miller let out a hearty laugh, slamming the counter. He then starts to explain.
“Ok, lad. So, like everything else, equipment is ranked the same as the rest. Equipment of a certain rank then makes it easier to hurt things of a lower rank, or tank more effectively if we’re talking armor. To make it simple, a D rank sword can cut through an E rank monster, but an A rank one would cut through one like a hot knife in butter.”
Up until that point, it makes sense; better equipment would make the life of a Dungeonaut easier.
“But, subtelty: even though everyone can use equipment of any rank, that doesn’t mean that they can draw out the full potential of that piece. To go back to our previous example, someone with an A ranked sword who can’t use it would have a way worse time than someone with a D ranked one who can use it properly.”
Silver takes a mental note of all those informations.
“Then, at C rank and above, equipment can have an Engraved Ability. It’s a unique skill embedded in the thing that can be used by injecting Mana into it. But anyway, those gloves are good, lad. Take good care of them.”
Silver picks the gloves back, looks at them, and puts them on. Weirdly, he feels stronger; probably just an impression, but still.
“You know what, lad ? I like you. V, go grab me my box in the back, please.”
She executes herself, leaving only Silver and Miller in the shop.
“You know, lad,” starts Miller ” V was born here, on Karcerinsulo. Both parents were Dungeonauts, always on mission. So we, the old folks of the neighborhood, took care of her since she was little. She’s always been an oddball, but she’s lovely.”
Silver was a little surprised that Miller would share that, but it now made sense why she brought him here; she had trusted him her whole life.
“I’m telling ya ‘cause she seems to have taken a liking to you.” remarks Miller. “But don’t see it as romantic or anything like that.”
“Don’t worry, I’d immediately realized it was nothing like that. She said I have a “greataura”.”
Finally, V emerges back into the shop with a box in her arms. Miller looks through it before taking out a sheet of paper with some unknown inscriptions on it.
“A man always has to be presentable; that’s just how it is. So here, take this. Put it over some clothes and inject Mana into it; it will imbue them with an auto restoration enchantment that will consume your Mana to repair them. It even cleans them automatically, pretty handy.”
He rummages a bit more in his box and takes out of it a black shirt.
“And here, it’s a D+ rank armor; it should help you out there.”
Silver doesn’t even know what to say; since he became a Dungeonaut, his life had completely changed, and he had met so many people who were ready to help him just like that.
“I’ll wear it with honor.” he says as he extends his hand. Miller shakes it firmly.
After all of that, V and Silver set out.
“See you soon, Gramps!” she yells as she gets out of the shop, followed shortly by Silver.
After a few minutes of walking, Silver looks at the sky.
“If Armando wants me to be the light of the future, then I’m gonna need a place to equip myself. I’ll make Miller’s shop the most famous on this island; you can count on me.”
V smiles as she hears that, looking at Silver’s aura shining brighter than ever.