Arc 0: My name is Seth Chapter 13
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Right now, the problem isn't about asking the school for forgiveness, it's about how the hell are we going to clear those monsters out!?


By now, all of the parents, teacher and kids should be already be here so it's safe for the moment but why are the people not using their brain? It's suspicious on why would monsters suddenly appear?


There might be cases or someway that monsters could escape from the dungeons or towers but how did they exactly appear??


Somehow I had a bad feeling and I didn't realize that tighten my hand that was holding to mum's hand. 


"What's wrong Seth? Are you afraid? Don't worry mum is here and I won't let anything bad happened to you'' She worriedly said. Maybe Katie sense that something was wrong with me that she decided to hold my right hand and now I'm right behind mum while Katie is right beside me. 


Back on the topic of monsters. Even if hordes of monsters were travelling towards this place, the nearby people or the school security would notice the presence of the monsters but no, there wasn't some sort like an emergency announcement.


This is weird and I tried forming a possibility of them appearing out of thin like how storage rings works which is unlikely and impossible as storage ring has its own limits.


From what the system told me during this one year, storage can't store living beings that are alive and it's only able to keep dead corpses so because of there's only one way left for it to happen.


Someone who has a skill like a summoner must have made them appeared purposely but who could it be and what's their purpose?


Is there any particular reason on why that someone would choose this school or is it perhaps he or she wanted to attack a specifical person?


Well, the only person I could think is the principal as he's the one who's in charge of this school and if someone wanted to target this school they would consider eliminating or probably that person has a grudge and hatred and due to that, he wanted to take revenge??


There could other possibilities but I'll just narrow it down to these two. 


*Sigh* Why am I even thinking about it? As much as I want to help there's no way I could so with my current strength and beside mum wouldn't let me. 


While most of the people here were continuously scolding the teachers to no end, a few meters away from us appeared a blue colour spiral similar to how black-hole works and I freaked out.


It's just so out of sudden and our situation is already worse enough and who's causing this black-hole lookalike to appear?


I was wrong to the thought of it as an enemy attack because someone came out from that black-hole. How did that person just suddenly appear?


Thinking about it for a while I've finally reached a conclusion. 


Is that a teleportation portal!?


Yeah, that must be it! I didn't think that the possibilities of teleportation could exist and although I don't know who's the person that just came out but judging by the faces of the people they were delighted so I thought they weren't enemy and it's just our allies.


One thing I've been wondering is why aren't the people here attacking the monsters? Even though we're outside, we could still see them and instead of charging towards us they just started to wreck things apart every single thing they cross apart.


This just makes me think of another question if they are ignoring us were the monsters perhaps trying to scare off us away from the school??


*Sigh* You know what forget it, I'm not going to figure it out nor solve it, this isn't my time nor my job yet and just let them adults settle it.


As you know it, the blue portal main function is transport people or any other things but I'm not certain what's the limits are, like how many people it could carry or what's the furthest it could travel and the first question would be answered later on. 


The first man that just came out of the portal had golden colour armours covering him and he held a weapon that's called a katana as it was at his belt and behind him, there were his members and soon there were hundreds of them.


Some wore armours some wore fancy clothes and each and everyone was holding weapons. They were holding many types of weapons and some I've never seen before. 


"We're from the Rakta Guild!! Don't worry citizens as we are here to wipe those monsters out, You can count us on that" The first man claimed.


As soon as he said those words all of the people were relieved and the guild people entered the school premise and it began, there were sounds of spells and attacks echoed all the way until here.


Not all of the hunters went it, there were probably around ten people stayed here that were belonged to that group.


Those ten people mention that there are backups coming soon to check on us whether we suffered any injuries or whatsoever.  I guess they might be some sort like a healer. 


It's kinda funny that we just wanted to attend a ceremony only to be welcomed by monsters instead but just as they started to check on us one by one, the ground beneath us started to shook intensely as though earthquake of high magnitude was happening and again, the kids started to cry out.


Katie and I held to mum tightly never letting it go while parents cast some sort like a shield on their child and I was surprised but right now I couldn't, there was something more shocking is going on. 


The ground didn't split apart it was just only shaking vigorously but because of that, Golems formed by the Earth started to appear one by one.


Their bodies were big enough to flatly step on any of us and from their rocky heads, there was some sort like a glowing brown colour light what seems to be the eyes.


I don't know how strong they are but one thing for sure they are bad news.


The people started to move around trying to flee and run only to be stopped by the golems whenever they move and I'm shocked by the speed they have.


I thought they would be slow but it seems I'm wrong. 


If the situation wasn't worse enough the clouds above started to darken with devastating dark purple lightning stormed around it, we were terrified by this ominous situation as it can't be a coincidence that monsters, golems and this thing happening could happen at the same time.


By now, all of us have realized that this isn't any mere coincidence, someone must have planned this.


I don't know who has caused this cloud reaction but he or she must be someone powerful and when I noticed mum expression, all I could say is that she felt unpleasant about this whole thing. 


At the same time when the clouds were darkening, there was a portal above us and instead of blue colour it was red malicious colour and it was terrifying as though it's made from the blood of humans.


The one who came out from it is a man in his early thirties, he has black hair and red dark eye with sharp pupil, if I could describe his facial features, it would be like a demon yet not a one as one of his eye it's like a human while the other is like a demon other than that everything is normal except for his spooky clothes with lots of spikes and a wand with a black colour orb, it seems like as though he's entire existence is made from pure black. 



"Finally this day has come! The day where I'll be able to have my revenge, the day where I'll personally kill you with my bare hands. Come out CESTA!! I know you're here, don't try to run or hide! I could feel your aura" He shouted angrily.


Just by his voice, I feel like I'm an ant in front of him and I truly felt overwhelmed just by his presence and somehow my body grew heavy, it's like the gravity has increased.


How is this possible!? His voice is so strong that it broke the gravity. Before it gots worse, I don't know what mum used but the whole area went back to normal and when I looked at mum, it was the first time that I saw her truly furious and I got chills from it. 


"Why are you here!? CROA!! I thought you were dead!? How is this possible! I saw myself with my own eyes so how can you survive that!? No, it's impossible, you're definitely dead. You're probably someone who's an imposter" The principal said.


So the one that the guy is referring to was the principal. Now, this is getting interesting. It seems this guy was supposed to be dead but maybe a miracle happened and looking at the terrified expression of the principal seems to be true but he seems to be desirable. 


"You took everything away from me and it's my turn to take everything that you have!!! Be prepared for your doomsday!!" He shouted in a crazy manner. His eyes contain insanity and he's laughing like a crazy person. 


"Golem fuse!!" He stretched his hand out and said as though posing from an ultimate attack but at first, nothing happened but the golems weirdly started to gather in one place.


The whole time, the Hunters who had stayed and the people tried to destroy the Golem but it was futile.


Whenever they destroyed a part of their bodies it just keeps regenerating as though nothing happened and because of that we couldn't escape from here and not once did I ever see mum launched an attack although I wanted to question her I'll keep it to myself, I don't want to be scolded from her for the second time for whatever reason.  


The golems were gathered in one place and they formed a pyramid and its height was tall enough that it blocks the sunlight and soon their bodies started to fuse, there was almost a thousand golem and when they fused together, they formed a massive gigantic golem.


I can't even see its face and it was just standing there, not moving a single step. 


"Hahahahah, today's your doomsday Cesta, you can't escape from here!!" The guy shouted.


Somehow he was able to levitate in the air and the Hunters and the principal couldn't in any way strike him or pull him down.


It's either the attack will die out first or that guy would dodge it.


The more time passed the worse the situation will get and we couldn't let that Giant golem roam around, it will affect other innocent people and residents nearby but how are we able to deal with that especially with its sturdy body!? 


"Mum, can't you do anything about that?" I asked mum hoping she would be able to do something. If that golem started to move, I bet all of the people in this city would perish with no doubt and we need to stop them before it could begin.


She was contemplating for it a while and I don't know why she has to think. For all I know mum is considered the strongest person I've known so if she can't defeat this golem if she can't then who else!? I never appraise mum status before as I didn't have to so I don't know how strong she is.


I called out to her many times and yet she never replied and I stopped once I realized she never answer my question. I don't know why she refuses to help but I can't force her.  


"Golem on my order, destroy every single thing that you see!! HAHAHAHAHA" That guy said. After he said that, the giant golem started to follow his order and when it took its first step, the whole ground started to shook till the point where some of us lose our balance. 


''Ouch!'' Even I lost my balance. The worst scenario has already happened and who could possibly stop that!?


If it's some weakling then we could deal with it but I doubt the people were able to do so as their attacks are ineffective. We weren't just standing idly looking at the golem, we tried to escape from here but we were caged. I have no idea what that used to suddenly formed an unbreakable wall around us, locking us in one place. 


''You guys will be the first to witness and the sacrifice for the might of this unfathomable golem which is made from all of my efforts, I've sacrificed and prepared everything just to deal with you Cesta! Everything that you have done, I won't ever forget about it especially my wife!! I won't forget all of it!! This hatred of mine is not what you could ever imagine and understand it!!'' He said. 


Hearing his screaming made me question what did this principal ever done to him to cause so much deep hate from him and when he mentions about his wife, I now can understand one or two things.


That feeling he has, I could similarly understand it but why is he involving the innocent ones!?


I just wanted to use this tiny hands of mine to just smack him right in the head, waking him up from his delusions. He'll just be the same person as every evil person if he assumes that what's he doing right now is considered justice. 


Now that we're locked in this place with nowhere else to escape, the people began to despair, there's no way we could destroy that massive golem but just as we began to lose hope, something like a laser penetrates through the golem, it penetrated through the golem chest, creating a massive hole but since this golem is not a living being, it just regenerated back and now there wasn't any hole. 


"Don't think just because you have this golem, it's enough to stop me Croa!! You think that I'm weak to not handle this golem!? Although I'm not sure what you are talking about as I didn't do anything on what you have just claimed, everything that you said I've nothing to do with that!'' The principal angrily denied.


Now I don't know who's talking the truth and who's the one lying but one thing for sure is that the guy isn't lying. 


"HAHAHAHAHA, trying to lie just so you won't be guilty!? Just because you have a change of heart!? You think I'm foolish enough to believe everything you said!? You think I didn't see with my own eyes on that day where you ravaged my wife while laughing lunatically!? You didn't think I've seen it!? Are you pretending to be dumb or that I didn't personally see you silence her!? HUH!? HUH!??" He screamed on top of his lungs. 


"What are you talking about!? I never did anything any of that kind of stuff to your wife!?" The principal said. 


"It's too late for regrets now Cesta, Golem, destroy everything!!" Once more he started to give an order and the golem started to rampage.


It lifted its right leg up to 90 degrees and the whole surface of its foot was big enough to wipe us out. It's such a terror for this to happen, who would have thought that your normal every normal day turns out to be terrifying.


''There's no way we can survive that!!"


"Oh god!!"


''Why did I even applied this school for my child for!?"


Some people grieved for hope, some had given up their life, and some even regretted their decisions coming here.


It's totally understandable if you are witnessing this scene, there's no way anyone of us could evade this enormous rock hard foot.


There's just no way, even I started to despair.


My whole hand starts to tremble and my legs were getting weak and the only one who's calm is mum and sis. They were just standing holding my hands with a nonchalant expression as though this crisis is nothing. I wonder they get such courage from? 


"*Sigh* It seems like there's no choice for me" Mum suddenly said.


She sounded so relaxing and calm in this situation we are in. She let go of her hand and told me to stay close to Katie. I didn't know what's going on, my head's already hopeless enough to realize that she's walking away from us.


I subconsciously held Katie's hand tightly to heed what she told me and Katie responded back by holding my hand tightly.


I just hope that whatever mum's going to do would solve the problem.


The wall was too high for us to climb over and it's sturdy enough to repel the people attacks, there weren't any signs of reinforcement and there's only a single woman that dares to stare at the incoming foot where the others were cowering in fear or using their bodies to hopelessly at least protect their child. 


There weren't any words coming out from my mouth to call back mum, I just felt it's meaningless, even with this system and the skills I have, it's all unavoidable to escape death. It's all useless or so I thought. 


For some reason, mum smirked when she sees the incoming that was slowly yet fast coming towards us.


It was like a giant meteor falling down.


As the foot was coming down, mum raised her left hand all the way above her head and she formed her hand into a fist, I didn't know what she had done but there was a force of air travelling up towards the foot and in mere seconds the previous meteor has now shattered into dust. 


I was dumbfounded and shocked to see this kind of strength and all this time I underestimated how much strength, seeing that she easily broke the golem leg, she could possibly have a rank that's above S+. 


Many people were stunned by this, it was so quiet that even the battle between the principal and that man have halt and the children that were crying have now shut their mouths.


I don't know who it was but someone broke the silence by cheering and soon one by one the people started to celebrate and cheered loudly. 


Now, the people and I have started to regain our hope and the only one who's not delighted by this is that man.


He was angered by this outcome, he couldn't believe that how can a high ranker appear in such places, he didn't want to believe it.


The golem that its leg was destroyed wasn't able to regen it back and it made formed a possibility that it has limitations and requirements, and the most obvious reason is that it probably uses mana from its owner and the required Mp to restore its leg back to normal could be enormous. 


Mum probably notice this and she continued her attacks, waves after wave the body of the golem started to have holes all over it and that man was getting furious every second. 


All of us were cheering for mum including Katie and I, it seems pretty funny to me, I feel like we're some sort of cheerleader but was it my imagination that she started to increase her attack?


There were more waves launching towards the Golem damaging it more, the golem couldn't do anything. Its sturdy defence was not able to defend or repel against her attacks and it doesn't have any skills to use and it's too slow to dodge her attacks.


The only purpose of having that giant golem it's because of its defence but it'll need someone with the same calibre as mum strength to overwhelm that golem. 


There were sounds of sirens could be heard outside the walls and it sounds of vehicles were travelling here and the moment it stopped it created a loud screeching noise due to how fast it travelled and because of this the people were relieved but someone was not.


It's probably the backup that the hunters had mentioned just now.


That man couldn't hold any longer his anger anymore, he someone pushed away the principal using some sort like psychic powers and he flew pretty far till he hit against the wall. 


The principal squatted down after he managed to stand while using one of his to support his knee.


He suffered an injury as he was coughing out blood, many of the people were worried about his condition and one of the hunters went up to him and cast some sort like a healing spell and due to that, he stopped coughing. 


While the principal was being healed by the hunter, that man used his levitation skill to float up in the sky, looking down on us as though we are mere insects and he couldn't be contained his killing intent when he stared at mum with his eyes but mum wasn't flinched by this instead, she somehow overwhelmed his intent skill which had shocked him. 


Now that the reinforcement is here, why aren't they entering!? Are the walls too tough for then? A mere walls!?


I was just too agitated and impatient because I'm scared. I'm scared by this person who still maintaining a calm expression despite the reinforcements and mum and all of the people here, it's like he has huge confidence in facing against all of us and there could only be one reason for this. He still has an ace on his sleeves. 


"It seems that it's still not enough despite everything that I've prepared but fear not Croa for I shall return one day and payback for what you have done" He said while smiling. 


The principal just groaned because of the pain he's still feeling. 


"However, before I go, let me just give you one final presentation, I hope you like it" He smirked. 



I have a bad feeling about this, a really bad one. 


He summoned the red ominous portal but before he went in he snapped his fingers and said "This is my present for you, happy birthday in advance, Golem pillar explosion!!" After that, he hurriedly went into the portal as though escaping from something. 


All of us were dumbfounded by what he has done, we don't know what was his last words meant. What present!? And for me when he said something about the golem, I immediately turned my head towards the golem and what I saw was horrifying yet fascinating. 


The golem was shrinking, no, compressing slowly until it formed a huge boulder and somehow all of my sense was telling me to run away and I trusted it.


I don't what's that boulder going to do or what's its purpose but I'm not going to stay around just to find out. I hurriedly pulled Katie's hand and ran full speed towards mum. 


I heard Katie moaned because of the sudden pulled but you have to hold on! I just didn't have time to explain and because of that, she didn't understand what's going on.


The flow of time was in slow motion and my heartbeat started to pump fast because I am panicking and I ran towards the direction of mum's place and at the same time when I had a glimpse on the boulder there was some sort like brown light particles that were formed in its centre and slowly it started to grow bigger and slowly it started to bigger and watching this made my heart screamed in horror. 


There's just no way I could make it in time to reach where mum is at.


Everyone one of us were terrified when they saw what's happening in the boulder and they tried every mean of escaping and after mum sees the boulder she tried to find me and when she turned her head in my direction.


She has an expression of someone who's having a heart attack. She immediately sprints towards me and I could for sure say that she's running a fast pace, faster than anything, she was so fast to the point it left afterimages however the light was fast and it will be too late before she reaches me. 



Realizing this, I decided to use one of the skills that I've obtained during the last year which is Manual point. 


Instead of using it on me, I used it on Katie, this manual point is only able to transport one thing or a person per time between two points of location and I needed to set the point which I already did.


The point that I've set is on Mum. When the monsters appeared I already applied the point or location setting on mum in case I was separated by her so of course, I would use it now. 


The moment I cast the skill, Katie who's behind me had disappeared and reappeared behind mum.


She's not surprised because she already knew this skill of mine and so, she formed an orange colour barrier around her. I wanted to know more about her skills but it's not the time for that as I need to teleport but I didn't because I heard something and I looked behind me. 


There were sounds of screamings, people asking for help, people screamed in pain and what hurt me truly the most is the screaming of the children. I can hear them screaming for their parents and that made me turned behind and I stopped because of what I saw. 


People and children were melted by the light and they turned into particles of light, it was such a horrifying scene but that's not the reason why I stopped.


There's a girl on the ground with an injured leg maybe because she tripped had over.


She was crying really badly because of the pain and the situation we're in and I looked between mum and her, hesitatingly what I'm supposed to do and when mum sees my hesitance she knew what I was going to do. 


There's no way I could just let her be and I could see mum shaking her head and her mouth formed the word 'Don't' but I can't do it no matter what, the light will reach her in no time and it's just a matter of 3 seconds.


The more I looked at her the more I wanted to save her. By no means am I a hero nor am I trying to act one but I just can't abandon her there's no way and that's why I moved my feet. 


3 second

She's not far away from me but the light is going to reach her and I was getting closer. 



I was moving closer towards her while stretching my hand out trying to reach her



I'm getting closer, just a bit more.


2 Second

Just a little bit more



A tiny little bit more


1 Second

Alright! I caught her!! 



Without wasting any more time nor trying to explain to her who had a surprised expression I used Manual point. 



It took a second for her to disappear and reappeared like Katie.




When I faced mum, she has tears all over her face with despair kind of expression and Katie too has the same expression.


Both of them were reaching their hands out to me but I knew it was too late.


The light has already reached my back and I could feel its heats and trying to teleport will take a second which wasn't enough but I at least tried to reach out my hand towards mum hands which are the nearest to me. 


0 Second


*System, commencing emergency teleportation*



*Choosing random place*





*Place has been chosen, beginning teleportation*



It's too late already, the light has already reached my hand and when I tried touching her hand, it went through it instead and I know that I can't avoid my death so I cried while giving her the best smile I could ever form with my slowly disappearing face and said: "I'm sorry mum and Sis and goodbye". After that, I disappeared like the rest into a particle of light. 


