I do something very dumb.
I put on the bracelet in an isolated place where an assassin might be on the loose.
Then I do something even dumber.
I keep it on.
This nasty, evil cuff is amazing. Something so evil should be destroyed. Rousing this 1% feels like 100%.
But if you change your perspective, rousing 0.01% is the same as 1%.
Normally, it's harder to grasp such tiny quantities of mana. That's especially true in my case where such percentage wouldn't measure to a single point.
Last time I checked, my mana pool was about 90 or so, making 0.01% a mana pool of 0.009.
In general, regardless of mana pool, it takes exactly 10 hours to fully recover from 0, and that makes my regeneration 0.0025 mana per second. Still less than the minimum possible capacity to grasp.
That brings me to Infinity.
This mana technique requires from the user a very simple thing—to consume mana at the exact rate as it regenerates.
A fucking 0.00278% per second!
Not only does it require insane levels of control, concentration and endurance, but also my own compatibility is the worse.
So yeah, the idea is using the cuff as a crutch for now, mastering Infinity while it's a hundred times easier.
I forgo sleep, spending the night concentrating on the exercise with master sitting near. I try, and I fail, again and again, without giving up. Every second, I recover enough mana to continue, so even if I deplete a hundred or a thousand times, I can keep trying without a stop.
By the end of it, the sleep deprived part of me experience the familiar regret after pulling an all-nighter, but it's worth it. I made in one night more progress than in the two months.
At some point, I fell asleep, and the next thing I know, master is calmly drinking a strange concoction of herbs.
I glance at my empty wrist.
He doesn't even look my way. “No cheating.”
There goes that plan.
Now, to plan B.
“Is that it?” I ask. “You just take it, even though it's mine and I got it by risking my life? No compensation? Such a cheapskate master.”
For a moment, I believe I see the tiniest signs of amusement flashing on Sage, but it dissolves into his usual deadpan expression.
Long minutes of silence ensue, both of us staring into each other's eyes. I refuse to yield, even as Sage pries into my very soul with just a look. He probably knows exactly what happened, but I insist with an unreasonable attitude.
I know he wouldn't bother refuting my arguments, even if slightly tweaked or straight-up lies. His ability to read people doesn't work well with his antisocial tendecy.
With a sigh, he snaps his fingers, and a pale blue crystal materializes in the air in an instant. He gestures for me to check it.
The moment I touch it, my mana connects to it, and I sense a huge volume of mana residing inside. Playing with it, I realize that not only can I draw the energy inside, but I can also store more.
It's a freaking mana battery!
Aren't these things only made in nature? Not only that, it reacts only to my mana signature so its value to me is immense. I can't believe Sage gave me this treasure for a measly little piece of voidsteel. Dumbass. Hehe.
He is definitely scamming me.
Well, I don't want to push it so I will graciously accept it.
We descend the stairs, having finished our stay. I still have about two weeks before we arrive so I better up my game...
“This is him! He is the murderer!”
My body shivers slightly, yet my legs continue to move against my will. Sage grabs my shoulder, and I stop.
The man who shouted this is surrounded with the knights of this village—insignificant bunch that can't even recognize me, a future duke. They are wary, placing their hands on the hilt, ready to draw their weapons.
I breath deeply, trying to calm my agitated heart. My face is stone cold, reflecting no emotion. “What?”
“Don't play innocent on me!” The man, someone so fucking obviously an assassin, feign furor, adding a tinge of mourning to his voice. “I saw you killing my friend. You ripped his eyes and slit his throat! You even had the audacity to take his stuff. Murderer.” He trembles convincingly.
Is this fucker a killer or an actor?
“I did not—”
“Don't dare deny!” His voice drowns mine. “This sword on your wrist is embedded with my friend's initials: H. M. Or you just happen to have the same initials?”
The guests and staff whisper to each other. Of course, now they notice how I didn't come here with a sword. They show fear and apprehension, while fearlessly calling me a murderer.
My body continues to shiver almost imperceptibly, and I instantly regret ever trying to restore my nerves.
“Kid, we need to check this sword.” A knight steps forward. “If what this man claims is true...”
“You should have escaped when you could,” I say simply, ignoring the knights, the staff, everyone.
Sage doesn't stop me, so I activate Limit Surge. With immense speed, I crush the man's knees, and kick his nuts before anyone can react.
All these actions, made in the split of a second, were set the moment he called me a murderer.
Everything feels so heavy. Are my arms made of lead? I feel dizzy, but I regret nothing. I will never let anyone mess with me as they please.
I have the power to protect myself.
The wisdom to outwit my opponents.
And the cruelty to have no one daring stepping on my toes.
“Murderer!” Someone decides on this word for what I just did, which is funny.
My eyes dart to the owner of the voice, and I see that waitress girl. Somehow, that makes me laugh, much to everyone's horror. The girl steps back, paling in fear.
That's so homophobic.
The knights draw their weapons, but Sage steps forward to protect me. He says something I can't hear as I struggle to stay conscious.
I do not need your help.
He doesn't react to me. Is he ignoring me? I did say it out loud, right?
Whatever, I will let him deal with it.
I focus on breathing, exploring my meridians, and practicing Infinity.
I do everything to become stronger, even in this chaos, but the word “murderer” doesn't leave the back of my mind, echoing persistently.
Numerous voices play the word in my head.
My parents among them.