Flashback: Percival - 1 week before leaving with Sage
Percival wore a very tired expression, massaging his temples. He was not happy to hear his friend's report.
“Are you sure, Chris?” He watched his friend—Chris—tapping the desk nervously.
“Yes, terrorists infiltrated the academy,” he said solemnly.
“How strong?” Percival asked his Detector friend.
“About 10 high ranking warriors. There could be more.”
“I agree. Damn, they sure chose the perfect timing.” Percival groaned.
They chose the day both the princess and headmaster weren't present. How Percival wanted the princess—the school's strongest student—to be by his side. He trusted her more than the headmaster, and knew she would compensate for what he lacked.
Now he had to deal with the situation on his own.
“I'm assuming you don't know who sent them or what's their motive.”
“No.” Chris frowned. “Why would I know that?”
“I don't know, their mana signature or some bullshit. Forget it. Where are they? We will head there. I trust you will cover my back.”
Chris smiled anxiously.
Percival knew he wasn't going to like it.
“In the main lecture hall.”
“The one where there is currently a big lecture?”
“The one we are bailing because of how stuffy it is? Filled with the entire school to the point no one know I am not there?”
The two ran to the lecture hall, passing through the hallways. Once they arrived, they stealthily entered and listened as one of the terrorists spoke.
“This is annoying. Don't bother resisting if you don't want to die.”
Silence ensued. No one muttered a single word, not even daring to breath.
The smell of blood wafted in the air, and Percival realized that some of the stronger teachers died. However, he did not let it waver him, continuing to analyze the situation and coming up with a solution.
“Chris, I will fight. Stand by in case something unexpected happens.”
He peeked, distinguishing the terrorists by their clothes, learned their locations and movement habits, and studied their physique. He visualized the battle hundreds of times.
Minutes later, and for him, it was over. The actions were set, impossible to change, and he knew he wouldn't fail.
Slowly, he stood up, revealing himself.
“Hey, brat! Sit down or...” a terrorist shouted at him, but Percival no longer listened. He concentrated solely on mana control.
He dashed, his mana Surging strongly.
At a speed moat would find difficult to perceive, he slashed three men at vital points. His weapon, made of excellent materials easily pierced their mana defenses.
One of them rushed at him, with five other forming an encirclement.
Percival lunged his sword and pierced the man's skull. Sweeping, three men had their throat slit, but the fourth retreated in time. Simultaneously, the fourth dodged a kick and pressed further.
Unable to reposition, Percival twisted his body, increasing the output of Surge just a little to add enough speed, and managed to sever the guy's abdomen.
The one who dodged swung his sword, but using the twist, Percival was able to turn and meet the blade. He succeeded in hitting the knee with a kick from this impossible position and bypass the defenses, killing this man as well.
Only two were left.
Taking a deep breath, Percival braced himself to the pain.
Limit Surge activated, and in a single attack, the two men had their entire lower and upper bodies separated, unable to compete with the immense force Percival called upon.
They were strong, no doubt, but Percival was just that skilled, predicting their every move and putting in enough power to contend with them. Them being experts capable of maintaining their cool actually worked against them, as they did not deviate from his expectations.
Now, he just needed to break his body unleashing one more attack; to defeat the guy that probably hid, that maybe bypassed Chris.
Percival slashed again, hearing his body creaking.
He opened his eyes, only then realizing they were closed all this time.
Chris lied in a pool of his own blood. A deep cut—a mortal wound—adorned his chest.
From this position and this position alone, Percival could analyze what happened very clearly. With the depth of the cut, it was obvious Chris had ran towards him in a very fast speed. Considering his speed, the time it took Chris to start running was exactly when Limit Surge was activated.
But why would Chris run to him when he was most vulnerable when he should pay attention to others being a threat to him?
No, it was a stupid question.
Chris sensed Percival draining his mana completely and rushed to attack him. He betrayed his best friend... no, he was never a friend.
Percival couldn't help but wonder what would've been his friend's last thoughts.
Would he be angry that his plan failed?
Or would he be happy that everyone got to witness Percival killing his best friend without so much as flinching?
He collapsed, knowing full well no one remembered him as a hero.
Sage throws my brooch at me. It has the crest of the Reinhardt duchy, and even these imbeciles would recognize it.
And like that we leave, to the whispering and fearful looks of others.
“Did I overdo it?” I ask, knowing master is the only person in the world that would understand what I mean.
“No, he was ready.”
So I wasn't wrong. That guy was ready to attack me, secretly strengthening himself with mana.
“I think they are aiming at me. They try to either kill me or ruin my reputation.” It isn't directed to master specifically, more like me speaking to myself. “I will find the one behind this and crush them.”
“I see.” He doesn't say anything more, and I am both happy and scared at how unbothered he is after I just killed two men and even plan to kill more.
Sometimes he shows these glimpses of his true self, making me unable to ignore it. Still, I treat him normally, because he reacts normally.
We keep walking silently.
Day and night.
Resting little, we eat scarcely and drink only some herbal teas. I keep up, fueling my body with mana and determination, refusing to lag behind.
The entire time, I observe master's every action, trying to learn more. He continues to meditate, and I watch him.
I start rethinking my abilities, putting into perspective the new ideal that Sage became to me. He had that much of an impact on me.
I have grown. Tremendously.
And I have gained an idea as to how the strongest should look, and that is better than everything else.
“We have arrived,” master says as the walls of the capital revealed themselves.
The capital city of the Vitorion Empire, Kaelith.
Angst takes over me, a feeling I never felt in battle. My body moves, because I ordered it to. I tremble, proof of my recovery.
Once we pass the gates, I am once again Percival Reinhardt, the future duke.
A cold-blood killer.
A failure.