11: A lot of quests
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I am taken on a walk in the garden of the Saintess.

“Aren't they beautiful?” she asks.

“They are very calming.”

It's very... blue.

“You probably noticed that I like blue flowers,” Saintess Vania says, somehow noticing my thoughts through this deadpan expression of mine. “They remind me of the eyes of the person I like the most.”

“My father?” I joke, noting how the color is identical.

The Saintess openly shows disgust. “As if! Kyle is brainless. I am still amazed he was really given the title of a Duke.”

“Well, many other countries made tempting offers. The Empire had to make the best offer to keep them.”

It's a story I hear often. The strongest competitor was the Lardia Federation, where my mother is from.

“Forget it.” The Saintess dismisses the subject with a gesture. “I meant you, by the way.”

“Me?” I am genuinely confused before remembering I have the same eye color as my father, then a different confusion remains.

Somehow, it's hard to believe a kid like me could impress her.

“Why not? I have been watching, Percival. You are a Pioneer, from the age of 10! You defeated warriors many times stronger than yourself, proving the difference in mana irrelevant. You have even became that Sage's disciple, and he has been picky ever since the end of the war.” Saintess Vania smiles at me friendly, still holding my hand. “Unlike your parents, you are mature and thoughtful. I am sure that if you were born in our time, you'd have been standing by our side as a hero.”

“I don't think so.” My lips quiver, sadness tinging my voice.

She definitely noticed, but doesn't mention it.

I am receiving some tremendous compliments, by a hero, no less, but I can't feel happy.

The Saintess knows I'm a Pioneer because I was brought to her for treatment. She's acted as my doctor, reassured me I will be fine so long I master my technique, and even acknowledged me when I most needed it. She is my benefactor.

That's it I can't trust her.

She is too nice, too caring. There is no way she doesn't have an ulterior motive.

“Frankly, Percival, I called you here because I was curious about your journey with Sage, but seeing you know, I feel you've changed. Something is.... different. It's hazing my sight.”

My first thought is the screens, but there's no way she can see that, right? I barely have it for a few hours.

I decide to probe a bit, “Someone broke into my office, putting a bizarre message.”

I focus fully on her reaction, trying to detect the most subtle twitch.

“You don't think it's the group that's after your life? If they managed to enter your office...” Saintess Vania reacts perfectly normal.

“No, they are not related as far as I can tell.” Was I wrong? “By the way, the journey was boring, annoying and short, but I learned a lot. If that's all, I will be on my way.”

I turn to leave, but the Saintess still doesn't let go of my hand.

“Wait, Percival, one last thing, I promise!”

“What is it?” I shake her hand off.

The Saintess claps her hands. “Please, don't go out at night. Troubles have been stirring in the shadows lately.”

“I will take your warning to heart.” I bow slightly and leave.

Yup, as frustrating as Sage.

Congratulations! You have acquired a new skill: [Burning]!

Looking at my Status, it shows the new skill, labeling it at the Basic level, which must be the lowest level.

Makes sense with how long it took me to get it.

The different message format could have had something to do with it. Maybe the three first skills are the easiest to get, like a bonus. Although it does take my ability into account, there must be something more to it.

My meeting with the Saintess left me with more questions than before, things that I will have to check in addition to everything else.

I am one skill away from completing the quest, and I focus on the task entirely.

The simplest use of mana I can think of, beside the other skills, is body strengthening.

Unlike Burning that converts mana into stamina, it is about using the force of mana to reinforce the movements and durability of the body. Some top class warriors are capable of using Burning for that, but that's a bit too advanced a skill for me just yet.

I slash the air with my sword time and time again, moving my body like a machine that pursues perfection. The blade slices the wind, moving with it instead of against it, and my mana depletes as I move faster. A leaf gliding down enters my sight, and I cut it a dozen times in a second.

Congratulations! You have acquired a new skill: [Body Strengthening]!

This is so weird.

“Shop,” I say, waiting for the magical screen to appear like a crazed guy reading too much fantasy.

Actually, I can probably write a decent story with the Status thing, it would be revolutionary in the literary world. Could earn me a lot of money. I might have done it if not for the fact someone else has or is aware of this Status thingy.

This time, unlike the relatively small, single screen that came so far, there are multiple big screens offering a variety of products. I can see a picture of the item next to an ample description below its name.

There is food, water, clothes, weapons and even a few miscellaneous items for everyday life. I can buy some items already, but it's really not worth it even as a test.

Also, there is this weird thing at the end of the names of weapons. They all have (Mundane) written at the end and I think it's a rank of a different system than the one used on skills.

Such a pain.

“Is everything alright, Milord?”

“Any info on who left the note?” I ignore Katherine's question and closes the screen. It's really invisible to her.

Katherine shakes her head. “There wasn't even a whiff of residual mana. Even the paper itself was not something similar to the ones sold at any shop in the capital. My apologies.”

I think about the paper I saw in the Shop.

Yup, turns out having a Status is a thing now.

Is this a new trend among the kids?

“Leave it be then. Instead, see if Sage is still in Kaelith. I need to speak with him urgently.”

I can check the authenticity of the stat point using my measurement device, but that would mean Sage could do it as well. I don't want him of all people to notice an unnatural mana increase.

“Understood, Milord. I will see to it right now.” Poor Katherine bows and leaves to handle the task.

As soon as I return, I flood her with work. I should give her a nice vacation soon.

Okay, for now, let's check the last keyword. “Quests.”


Quest: Efficiently utilize your Mana Skills

Reward: 1000 gold


Quest: Bring the Surge skill to Intermediate level

Reward: Skill upgrade rune (2nd stage)


Quest: Learn the Compression Mana Skill

Reward: Random rune fragment


Quest: Learn the Infinity


- 5000 gold

- Passive skill


Quest: Find the Shadow of Kaelith


- 1000 gold

- Passive skill


That's a lot of quests.

I note to myself how learning Infinity is harder than that last quest of finding the Shadow. Also, all these quest, I want to do them. Not because I am given quests, but even before that, by my own will.

It's like it knows what I'm thinking and shows me I should do it.

So much to do; the quests don't even cover half of it.


I tense, brought back to reality. My immersion has caused me to completely miss those tiny steps coming closer. Juliana stands behind me, calling me with a longing voice, making an expression I cannot see.

Flashback: Percival - 9 years old

“Is Theo still playing with Juli instead of studying?” The young Percival sat in his room, reading a book as he asked Katherine.

At least he tried to. He hadn't managed to concentrate and was stuck on the same page for minutes now.

Frankly, he was bored. The book wasn't interesting, he just read it because someone mocked him for not knowing some random, unimportant, useless history facts. It was the story of how the heroes defeated the Demon Monarch; a story his parents never bothered to tell him.

“Should I go scold him?” His nanny suggested with the usual eyes laced with worry.

“Nah, it's fine. Let him have his fun. Oh, can you go check if there're any letters for me? Thanks.”

Percival was mildly jealous. He also wanted to play with his baby sister, but instead, he was doing this. Yet he pushed those childish thoughts aside and focused on the book.

Really, six people hailed as heroes ganged up on a single being and called it a heroic victory. It was ridiculous how big the gap was. What if the Demon Monarch struck them separately? A quick work.

As he kept reading, his eyelids grew heavy. He was pulled into a dream where he was the Demon Monarch and had to fight six people at once.

Upon waking up, he noticed the daylight seeping to his room behind the curtain. He was covered with a blanket and a light breakfast was served. Percival stretched his heavy arms, trying to push the sleepiness away. That's when he noticed the letter.


His nanny rushed inside seconds later, witnessing Percival's trembling hands. “What happened, Milord?”

“This document... is this true?”

Katherine took the document and read it carefully. Percival knew exactly what she was reading.

Juliana Reinhardt

Estimated mana pool: 300

It had the seal of a certified Detector. Ironically, it was the same guy who appraised him.

Even in his panic, Percival acknowledged this piece of paper as real, as much as wanted to deny it. 300 was much higher than himself, but for a Reinhardt, it was just as deplorable.

Would she have to go through... that, like me? Such a scary thought crept into his mind.

“Milord...” Katherine, who has been with Percival since his birth, understood his fears, yet there was nothing she could say to soothe him.

“No way, I will not let others direct their malice at her!”

But how?

He thought of it for days, racking his brain like never before, considering every possibility.

In the end, Percival found his answer.

He needed power. The physical power to defeat those hundreds of times stronger. The power of status that will make others shut in his presence.

And he knew just where to start.

“Katherine,” he said, more determined than ever, “bring a book about biology.”