Chapter 4 – Happy Day
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Refnier who lived almost all the time in a boring and lonely monotony in the mansion, caused by servants with revulsion towards him and tough parents. The passage of time was lived very slowly and suffocatingly, killing his childish spirit little by little, but, however, at 5 years he met his uncle for the first time, and it was he and his subsequent but very few visits, who were able to Heal his spirit and instill in him the arts of rebellion and disobedience typical of a child, which I use repeatedly to let off steam later even though this causes him to be punished.
Although his happiness improved with his uncle and his teachings, loneliness was still a significant factor that constantly eroded his spirit. But this changed, a year later when his uncle brought Lifnerion the Wyver into his life, forming with him, his first happy constant fixed in his life, a deep bond of friendship as well as an emotional attachment of equal proportion to the animal, making him little little by little a more complete child, even if he is dependent and sensitive to his pet.
But who would say that the child would be completed when 4 months later, he would meet his fiancée, with whom he would develop his first and innocent childhood infatuation without him realizing it in his first meeting, and that later as the visits between them were carried out , was considering her an important being in his life, completing the child's joy. And now after 2 years now the 8-year-old boy, in a spring like many others, was practicing his magic with Lifnerion and his little Golem the same size as him.
"Come on Lif tries to dodge this"
Refnier said sending a command through a wave of mana his small mannequin-shaped golem, which received the order, jumped to attack the Wyver now the size of a medium dog, who responded adequately elusive and effectively attacked with A claw to the mannequin throwing it towards its master.
"Good, great. Well done, Lif, but let's see if you can handle this," Refnier said, sending the golem to attack again.
"Wow! It seems that your technique with the golem is improving every time I come," Sofia said, suddenly appearing behind Refnier, making him disconcentrated and making the golem not avoid Lif's claw and was unfortunately thrown to the ground.
"Ahh Sofia, what a surprise, I thought you would arrive tomorrow".
"Well we thought so, but a stagecoach was canceled, so the trip was faster"
"Oh I see, how sad".
"Don't worry, it wasn't important, but it really surprises me no matter how many times I see it, how can you handle that golem, I never could and I've tried."
"This is not surprising, I simply have no talent, my father always tells me that at his age he could control 3 at a time and fight seriously with them".
"Don't say that, I think it's because you don't practice enough and you play a lot with Lef"
"Ohh don't say that you look like my father."
"Hahahahahaha" both laughed
"But I don't know why you say that amazing to use golem, they never seemed to me the great thing it takes a lot of study and they don't do the great thing, better is your water magic that you can attack and heal with it just by manipulating your mana".
"Hey, don't underestimate your family that dedicates itself to the golem, besides the water is also difficult to handle, I always need to be still so that the water doesn't fall and not even think about turning it into steam or ice".
"You say that but you always beat me in a duel, and that even Lif sometimes helps me".
"That's why you don't practice diligently hahaha."
"Ahh let you laugh, come let's have a duel to erase that smile".
"¿Wasn't it that you couldn't beat me? Stuff to try".
"Ahh I can't stand you when you get like that, ¿do you want the duel or not?"
"Well good, I just can't resist when you get mad like that, but expect me to switch to something suitable."
"Oh well it's fine, I'll wait for you here".
and agreeing to the duel, Sofia went inside to change while Refnier planned his tactics, and after 20 minutes Sofia appeared with a dark blue simple magician's tunic with light blue stripes on the sleeves, neck and one that went down the middle from the robe from the neck to the floor that covered it in its entirety, in addition to a bucket of water, which was carried by a maid behind her.
"It took you a long time" Refnier said complaining.
"Of course not ..., so shall we start?"
"If we start, the same rules as always, no physical attacks or Lif".
And with all said, both invoked at the same time their magic forms, Refnier with his magic raised his golem and put him in attack posture, on the side of Sofia she concentrating, raised with her mana all the water in the bucket forming a shapeless water snake around her, in doing so she commented.
"As I said the magic of water is also difficult, another reason is that a true magician of water, forms water from the air, by means of spells and not with a bucket…"
"Yes, yes, whatever you say, you start the ladies first."
"Oh thank you, Mr. Knight wyvern, then I will take your word
That said, she snapped a handful of water at high speed from her snake to Refnier, who could barely dodge it and said next.
"I also tell you, that manipulating a golem is useless since it takes time to send orders".
next, he sent his golem to her, who without moving with the flick of her snake, sent him to fly to his owner.
"It's because you lack practice ..."
"¡Enough with that!"
Then the duel unfolded with ease, resulting in half an hour to a Refnier all soaked with his golem on a tree branch, and Sofia unharmed with only a third of her snake.
"I lost" said the drenched Refnier.
"I do see it, but this time you managed to lower my water to less than half".
"I don't know whether to rejoice, or feel bad".
"Best first, hey, ¿how about we go and eat something?"
"Okay, okay, but wait for me to change."
And as such it was part of a joyous day for Refnier in the company of his pet and his fiancee and friend Sofia, a joyous day that Rafnier appreciated his insides and struggled enough, with enough studies and minimal behaviors not to receive severe punishment and prohibitions.