A towering beaked creature waving feathered arms dotted by boils stood before a rippling portal of purple energy. The beast stood on hooved feet, chanting in its guttural language. Long, oily dark hair clung to its grotesque chest, and mana hummed around it.
Streams of magical energy flowed from the beast, entwining with the portal and enlarging it with every second that passed.
Archdemon Mana Core Mana 2237/16485 Mana Potential 22456 |
Hmm… draining fast.
The demon’s mana reserves were huge by mortal standards, but the spell was more demanding than it had assumed. Even with the mana shards that lined the circular stone formation that surrounded the fiend, it wasn’t enough. The spell would need to be ended quickly if it were to be successful.
“So, you’re really going ahead with it then, Bethlehem?” A silver-haired, horned man stepped into the dark room, illuminated only by the purple glow of magical energy.
“I am. Our kind have spent far too long beneath the heel of mortal races. The summoning of our brethren to this world is long overdue.”
“Our kind come and go as it is. Do you really believe it wise to open a gate? Demons have never been known to get along.”
“I seek to sow chaos, little one. Why would I care if they get along?”
“To what end?” The handsome demon flicked back his silver hair. “What do you hope to gain from all this?”
“Isn’t it obvious, little Leopard? Freedom. The ability to come and go wherever I please, whenever I please.”
“You fear the mortal races?”
“Only a fool wouldn’t. Enough grains of sand can outweigh a boulder,” the demon said as mana continued to flow up from its arms. “Once this gate opens, our kind will flood this world, and I will no longer need to watch my back. The so-called Demon Hunters of the mortal races will be overwhelmed. And I will be free.”
“You’ve always been one for elaborate schemes. All I can hope for is that this will at least prove entertaining.”
“Oh, it will,” the beaked demon growled, and the portal brightened as if staring into a purple star.
“Hmm—growing tired, huh?”
“It is what it is,” Bethlehem said, lowering his arms. As he did, ribbons of energy shot through the temple’s stone walls, connecting them with foreign planes near and far and securing a doorway into this world for all to travel.
By the thinnest of chances, one of these streams of magical energy caught our protagonist's lost soul, funneled it down to this strange world of magic and conflict, and cast it into a new shell of flesh.
“I could not complete it,” the demon lamented. “It may take years, but the tear will grow over time, and with it, the number of our kind charging into this world.”
“Can’t wait to see the show,” the silver-haired demon golf-clapped.
***The Beginning***
Wait, what’s this? Were my hands always so small? Kal looked up at his tiny fingers. Oww–ow-oww, my ears. Kal's face scrunched up as a powerful ringing pierced through him and banged at his brain. The ringing faded as quickly as it came, and his little plump face relaxed. That sucked. Well, at least it didn’t last long—whatever it was.
“Look, he’s awake, and he’s looking at his little hands. How adorable.”
Who is she? She’s beautiful… in a serene, angelic kind of way.
Yandi leaned closer, her sandy, light brown curls sliding across her soft features as she gently bopped Kal’s little, wrinkled fingers.
Why is she—playing with my hands? What’s going on? What happened to me?
Kal’s thoughts flashed back to his last moments. Chest pain. Really, really, really bad chest pain. I had a heart attack? In his memories, he fell to the ground in pain—unable to move. He tried to scream. To call for help. But there was nobody. Then, his vision blurred. It was all over in minutes—heart attack at forty-two. There wasn’t a thing he could do. No one even came to his rescue.
Friends, family, partners… where did I go wrong? Work, work, work—up until the end. I didn’t even like it. No, I hated my job. Obsessing over other people's accounts—other people’s money. There’s no way I’m letting that happen again. If this life—if it’s a second chance—I’ll make it meaningful. No wasting time or opportunity. I’m going to be proud when I look back.
“I don’t think he likes that,” a charming man with deep-set dimples, reading glasses, and dark hair craned over the woman. “Look at those creases in my little man’s face.”
“Oh, sorry, my Little Beetle,” Yandi gently squeezed her baby’s hand. “I’m not annoying you, am I?”
They’re talking about me, aren’t they? So, I really am a baby. Kal realized the woman was holding him, and they were in a rather sterile-looking room with white blinds. Have I just been born?
Kal tried to speak, but only a squeal escaped his lips—my voice. There’s no doubt about it: I’m definitely a newborn. So, it looks like I really do get a chance to try again from the start. Wait, does that mean I’ve been reincarnated?
His thoughts drifted back to stories about people claiming to remember their past lives. Am I one of those people now?... the crazies. Nah, no way. This is totally something I’m keeping to myself. There's no way I’m spending my second life looked down on as some kind of nutcase.
“So, honey, have you thought about the names I suggested? We really need to make a decision. Preferably before your family visit. I don’t want him getting named after one of your great uncles.”
This is going to be a lot easier if I don’t have to remember a new name.
“Darling, you know I want to name him after my father,” Daedrik said.
“Look, he’s trying to say something,” Yandi said, her smile widening as she focused on Kal’s squeaks.
“Kaarl?” Daedrik chuckled and shook his head. “Maybe he wants to be named after your uncle.”
Yandi scrunched her brow and inched closer.
“I think he’s saying—Kal”
Bingo, lady. Catch up, Dad. Mom’s already running laps on you.
“Kal?” Daedrik thoughtfully crooked his head. “It’s a strong name. Sounds like the name of a warrior mage.”
Mage? Wait, like in a fantasy novel?
“You’re already thinking about our baby becoming a mage?”
“Well, I am a mage and a professor. Of course, I’m thinking about it.”
“Oh honey, what if he doesn’t take to magic?”
Magic? What are they talking about? Don’t tell me… this isn’t Earth, is it? If not, then where am I?
“Doesn’t take to magic?” A smile twitched at the edges of Daedrik’s lips. “Darling, he’s a Jakari. We all take to magic. It’s in our blood.”
Okay, from the sounds of it, I’ve been born into some kind of mage family.
“Fine, just don’t get carried away. He’s his own person, remember that.”
“Don’t worry about me, my love,” Daedrik said, wrapping an arm around Yandi as she rocked Kal and swooped in to kiss her lips.
Oh my days. Don’t make me watch my new parents making out up close. Kal squirmed, trying to turn over to avoid the show.
“It seems the little guy doesn’t like that,” Daedrik chuckled again.
“We’re just showing affection, my Little Beetle. Someday, you’ll find a love of your own,” Yandi said, gently bopping Kal’s nose.
Hey, a little respect. I’m a grown man, or at least I was. Ah, great. This is going to take some adjusting to.
“So, my love, are we going with Kal, then?”
Yandi caught Kal’s eyes for a long moment. “Yes, I think we should. Our little baby, Kal.”
Bloodline Trait Unlocked: Persuasive +4 Charisma. |
Come again? Kal’s little baby jaw slackened as he watched the text box appear before his eyes and gradually fade away. That’s definitely new.
Bloodline Trait Unlocked: Young Master +2 Strength | +2 Agility |
Another one? Look at me go. A few minutes in this world, and I’m already blazing along. Assuming these things are good… they do have plus signs. That means they’re bonuses, right? Yeah, of course it does.
His soft, little hands grasped his forehead, and Kal groaned. The ringing, it’s back!
Looking down at Kal, Daedrik’s brow furrowed curiously.
“Beetle?” Yand said, rocking Kal. “Are you okay?”
Okay, it’s going away. Kal’s face relaxed. I’ve been reincarnated with tinnitus; that’s just great.
“Think he’s okay?”
“Hmm,” Daedrik pondered, rubbing his chin.
“Something the matter?” Yandi said.
“No… it’s nothing,” Daedrik slowly nodded, the smile gradually returning to his face. “He’ll be fine. He was just being a baby. That’s it,” he continued, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself as much as anybody else. “Just a baby.”
***Weeks Later***
I’m really starting to get the hang of this baby stuff. And if I keep pushing myself, maybe I’ll get more of those Bloodline Traits?
“Is he… he’s not trying to?” Yandi stammered as she and Daedrik watched Kal from the hallway, the midday sun casting a shadow on them.
“There’s no way; he’s not even a month old yet.”
Rolling onto his stomach, Kal planted his palms and pushed against the living room's hardwood floor. He had shuffled across the ground before, but this was new.
“He’s getting up,” Yandi swallowed.
“Come on, boy, you can do it,” Daedrik murmured under his breath.
A squealing huff escaped Kal’s little lips as he pushed up and onto his knees, staggering to his side briefly as he found his balance.
“He’s doing it. Our baby son is crawling,” Yandi gasped, pointing at baby Kal as he painstakingly shuffled across the floor, wobbling occasionally.
Don’t fall, you got this. Wait, this actually feels easier than I expected… maybe my baby muscles aren’t so weak after all—or maybe—it's those Bloodline Traits I unlocked?
“He actually did it,” Daedrik slowly said, shaking his head in disbelief as Kal reached the sofa on the opposite side of the room.
“You did say Kal is a warrior mage’s name,” Yandi said, wide-eyed.
“I did… but–but this is something else,” Daedrik replied.
Haha, look at this: I’m moving, baby! I ain’t got time to lay about on my back. I have places to be and things to see. Like hell, I’m wasting this second chance. Get ready, world. This is the age of Kal!
Bloodline Trait Unlocked: Perseverance +3 Endurance +2 Toughness. |
Would you look at that? Hard work really does pay off.
Slapping the green sofa, Kal turned to lap back across the room. His pace quickened as he felt the fatigue that had been building in his muscles and joints fade slightly.
Daedrik’s gaze narrowed on Kal, and his brow rose as his son crawled across to the brass mantelpiece. “There’s something…”
**One Month Later***
“So cute. You love copying your papa, don’t you, my beautiful boy?” Yandi gushed as she watched Kal nestled against his father as Daedrik read through his class’s magic assignments.
“Great minds think alike, huh, Kal?” Daedrik said, nudging the baby at his side, but Kal remained indifferent, his little eyes tracing the papers sprawled before them.
I’m actually starting to understand this stuff. This baby brain freaking rocks. There’s no way I could have learned how to read an alien language this fast in my previous life. Not to mention the magic…. These papers really do confirm that I’ve reincarnated into some kind of fantasy world. These assignments even mention other races. Not that it’s much of a surprise—our family home totally screams ‘elven fantasy cottage,’ what with leaf patterns on the furniture and round windows.
“He really likes to act the part, doesn’t he?”
“Act the part? What do you mean, darling? He’s reading. I told you my son would become a great mage,” Daedrik smiled and ruffled Kal’s thin, baby hair.
“He’s just a baby, Daedrik. He just likes copying you because you’re his father.”
“Believe what you want,” Daedrik smiled playfully. “My boy’s a little genius. Before you know it, he’ll be following in my footsteps.”
Feeling mana veins? Kal scrunched his brow as he read a student’s notes.
I need to get to the source of this magic stuff. Learning to crawl and unlocking those Bloodline things is great, but if I really want to make the most of my second life, it looks like I’ll need to learn magic. And to do that, I’m going to need to learn as much about this world as possible.
“Won’t you, little Kal?” Daedrik said, scruffing Kal’s hair again.
Kal turned to his father with a blank stare for a moment and returned to the book, drawing a furrowed brow and crooked expression from his father.
“Are you sure about that, Mr. Proud Mage?” Yandi teased.
“Yeah… I am,” Daedrik said, his voice sounding distant.
Sensing mana? Every living creature in the world has a mana core—according to this. Kal read a student’s work detailing their experience unwakening their mana core. The student explained how they focused on the feeling of mana trickling out from their core when shaping it into magic, but Kal was more interested in the note’s explanation about the core itself.
Awakening one's core wasn’t just the doorway to learning magic and controlling mana but also seeing it. The student wrote about their experience first seeing stats appear once they awoke their mana core. From the sounds of it, everyone’s cores had stats and a stage, even if they couldn’t use magic or mana.
Does this mean that mages can effectively see the attributes of all living creatures? Even without magic, that sounds like a pretty good boon. Wait, so I’ll be able to see my own stats if I awaken my core? Hey, I wonder how these Bloodline Traits I’ve been unlocking affect my core?
“Something the matter, honey?”
“No, it’s nothing,” Daedrik shook his head. “He’s just a special boy… yeah, that’s it. Special.”
“Of course he is,” Yandi said, swooping an arm around the two of them. “He’s our son.”
There’s no doubt about it. If I want to get the most out of this life, I’m going to need to learn how to awaken my mana core as soon as possible.
Daedrik stared curiously at his son. It was one thing to be a prodigy, but this was something else. He had seen his son’s mana core thump with power three times already, and each time it did, his son’s mana core stats had increased.
But why would his core grow so fast without even reaching the next stage? He had never heard of something like this, not even when reading about the strongest mages. He would need to check and revise his knowledge of the great tomes about ancient archmages to be sure, but deep down, he already knew the answer.
Daedrik knew he would need to keep his son close and hidden away from people—at least until he learned to unlock his mana core and hide its details from unscrupulous eyes. If one of the Kingdom’s mages were to see this, he would be whisked away to the capital and experimented on. No, that couldn’t happen. He wouldn’t let it. Not to his son. For the sake of all of them, he would keep Kal safe.
Big green eyes looked up at him, and Daedrik’s expression softened. Now’s not the time for these thoughts, he reminded himself. They were safe at home.
“You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” He murmured, watching Kal’s little eyes follow the words after they returned to the book.
But he couldn’t shake the thought. There was something supernatural about Kal’s mana.
this has potential