HSA: Kurama’s Obsession [Part D]
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While Sasuke was busy having his brother's eyes transplanted, to counter this new power Naruto had attained and drive him along with his village to the deepest reaches of hell, our heroes were busy making their way back to Konoha. Karin was within their ranks, who, was to be interrogated to gather additional Intel, which could somehow help to tip the tides of the impending war.

Meanwhile, in the other villages, the Kages were busy consulting with the council — to receive approval from the Daimyos in regards to the Allied Shinobi Force. Once the "OK" was given, all shinobi were instructed to make an inventory of all items and create a list of all that was needed. And all those on missions were to return and placed into battle squads. Preparing for the Four Ninja War was priority at this point, and they had little time to prepare.

In Konoha, the village was still under heavy construction, but the hierarchy was also in ruins. And Kakashi was expected to restore order by taking the throne in Tsunade's stead, as there was no change in her comatose state. While becoming the sixth Hokage held no personal interest for him — in light of Madara's declaration of war — he knew the village needed a trustworthy and dependable leader, to collaborate with the other countries and help to guide logistics.

"How could Sasuke have done that," Shikamaru said, his sentiments mutual between all his friends that stood around Naruto.

"It's hard to image," Shino added.

"That's why I'm asking all of you to leave Sasuke to me," Naruto reiterated calmly.

Ten-Ten slammed the side of her fist to the timber on which Lee sat, a gleam of rebellion quivering in her eyes. "Deal with Sasuke by yourself? There's no way we're going to sit by and let that happen!"

"Ten-Ten's right, Naruto," Shino agreed. "We can't indulge your stubborn attitude. Why? Because this is a major problem for the entire village."

"I'm not being stubborn," Naruto defended.

"You said you'd explain everything once we got back, and this is all you've got to say?" Kiba wasn't enthused. "We've already resigned ourselves to killing Sasuke!"

Shikamaru frowned. "Oi, Naruto, I hope you're not telling us that you'll take care of Sasuke on your own, just to mask your true intention of protecting him."

"No, I have no intention of protecting him."

Sakura's eyes quivered and she recalled the devastating clash Naruto and Sasuke had on the water. She knew he wasn't entirely trying to protect Sasuke, but it pained her to hear him declare the truth of it from his mouth.

"Why didn't you deal with him when he was weakened by fighting at the Five Kage Summit and against Danzo," Neji demanded hotly.

Sakura frowned, feeling a tad offended. "Because Madara was there, too! It wouldn't have been so easy. Besides..." she averted her eyes.

"That's no excuse for letting him escape," Kiba scolded. "Come on, Naruto, you're strong — aren't you the hero who took down Pain?"


"Yeah. You should've dealt with Sasuke like that!"

"No, I couldn't have."


Naruto pivoted his head back around, his eyes somber. "The way Sasuke is now, I couldn't beat him with just that. I know that much." He also has, inside of him...

"What exactly did you figure out," Chouji inquired.

"For now, none of you should take on Sasuke." he sounded like a commander with his stern instruction.

"What do you mean?" Neji was still dissatisfied.

"I'm saying I'm the only one who can fight him."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Ten-Ten snapped.

"Tell us, what exactly happened," Neji continued to pry.

"When the time comes, I'll tell you."

Kiba clicked his tongue. "Hey! You're beating around the bush again! Geez."

Naruto?Sakura's eyes narrowed to emerald slits, quivering with reminiscence. He'd told Sasuke that if they fought, they would have both died in the aftermath. What are you hiding?

"Well, that's all," Naruto said dismissively, abruptly taking Hinata's hand and making his way off the scene. "Just leave it to me."

"Na-Naruto-kun," Hinata squeaked sheepishly, melting in the spotlight.

"Hey, Naruto," Kiba called.

"Naruto." Shikamaru was calm yet inquisitive.

"Wait, Naruto!" Neji demanded.

"I-I'm sorry everyone! Please for given him," Hinata apologized on behave of his rude dismissal.

Fate – Naruto's Enigmatic Prediction

Well aware that, unlike the others, Hinata desperately needed an explanation and closure — she deserved it — he decided they would have a discussion at Ichiraku over a bowl of his favorite ramen.

"Alright, here you go," Teuchi said, resting two hefty bowls of ramen atop the counter. "Two Special Miso Soup Pork Cutlet Ramen to celebrate Naruto's happy match and his heroism in protecting the village."

Naruto grinned, patting the back of his head sheepishly.

"T-Thank you," Hinata muttered shyly, her cheeks pink as she gazed down into her steaming bowl.

"You're welcome, young lady," the man smiled warmly. "It's on the house so eat up, and don't be shy to ask for seconds."

"What, you sure," Naruto exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Of course! This is a special occasion for my favorite customer. I'll be around back — you lovebirds just give me a call, if you need anything."

"Thanks, pops — you're the greatest."

He disappeared behind the counter with a blush.

"Itadakimasu," Naruto chanted, after reaching for his chopsticks. But just before he dug in, devouring the small slices of heaven that made up his bowl, he looked to Hinata whose depression had her appetite in a bind. "Eat — you'll need your energy. Your hair got singed again, so I have no choice but to punish you again."

The princess blushed crimson, but she didn't look away from her bowl, and, as she pursed her lips, Naruto could note a gleam of sorrow illuminating her hooded eyes.

With a sigh, he placed his chopsticks across his bowl and placed an attentive hand upon hers. Hinata's breath hitched and, finally, she cast him her eyes. "Listen, Hinata... I won't lie about dying, if I faced off against Sasuke right now. It's like I told everyone: the way he is right now, I wouldn't be able to beat him."

The princess's lips began to tremble.

Naruto cupped the side of her face, brushing her scarlet cheek with his thumb. "Are you going to cry because you don't believe that I'll keep my promise?"

She blinked up at him beneath her lashes, recollection flickering in her lovely eyes.

"Regardless of what I said, I won't allow Sasuke and myself to die and, I don't intend to accept this level of strength, either; I'll get stronger, Hinata. And I'll keep my promise to you — nothing will destroy our bond."

"Oh, Naruto-kun," the princess couldn't suppress her smile or the tears.

He smiled back at her, brushing his fingers along the lock of hair that was damaged by both Neji and Sasuke. She felt her heart skip at beat at his suggestive gesture. "Eat".

She nervously did as she was told — tentatively taking her chopsticks and saying grace. A chain reaction of flavors exploded in her mouth upon sampling Naruto's most cherished dish. The noodles were perfectly done, eggs thoroughly boiled, pork deliciously seasoned, everything bathing in a pool of hot, rich soup. She may just have another serving, after this one.

Moments passed, and Hinata peeked up at Naruto. Having finished his first serving, it seemed as if he were enjoying a private joke, a trace of a smile flirting with his beautiful mouth. "Naruto-kun?"

He pivoted his head to look at her. "Do you remember when we were playing games on the Playstation 4?"

"Of course," she said, her proud chin hiking up with her reply.

Naruto frowned frivolously. "Enjoy victory while you can; I do plan on getting my revenge, y'know!"

The princess giggled adorably, caught in his infectious, playful mood. "Naruto-kun won't defeat me so easily."

He grinned."We'll just have to see about that!"

"And in Call of Duty: Ghost..."

Hinata's answering smile was quicksilver and playful as they both scurried along the corridor toward his apartment door. He was chasing her, but the princess didn't plan to lose in this contest, either.

"I can't believe you threw that grenade and took me out, your partner, along with those three other challengers."

Hinata chuckled, quickly using her key to open the door, but he caught her within the vestibule as she was taking her slippers off. Her startled shriek dissolved into laughter... then, before long, the breathless moans and sighs of a female well pleasured and fully sated.

With a smile, Naruto brushed sleek locks of hair behind Hinata's ear, her cheeks silky, lips smooth and glossy. She was sleeping soundly and quite snug, her head resting atop his chest.

She always looked so innocent and adorable while she slept; he couldn't help but stay up and watch her, battling with his raging hormones in an endeavor to refrain from disturbing her. But despite his control, he couldn't stop his lever from rising, hardening, remembering the delicious taste of her heavenly cambers.

Enchanted by the tempting curves of her beautiful lips, Naruto lowered his head to capture them with his own but, just before they touched, he found himself standing naked in a far off land. Literally.

"Oh, so that's what it looks like," Shima said calmly, her eyes fixated on Naruto's rigid steel.

"Ehh?" Naruto let out a high-pitched shriek, covering his erection with both hands and ducking behind the stone pedestal situated in front of the Great Toad Sage's massive chair. "Wh-Why am I here again?"

"Why are ya naked," Shima asked in return.

"I...uhh, just came out of the shower — you should really warn me next time before you chose to bring me here!"

"Sorry, Sorry," Fukasaku apologized effusively. "I reversed summoned ya because the Great Elder is gonna give ya your prediction."

"Prediction?" Naruto repeated, once he was given a length of fabric, which he used as a loincloth.

"Yeah," the minute old toad replied, and then looked to his massive superior. "I've brought him forth."

"Sup," Naruto saluted ecstatically. "It's been a while Giant Grampa Sage!"

"Ho-Ho, it was I who called you forth," the sage returned. "Um... uhh... who are you again?"

Naruto's burst of enthusiasm withered. "Uzumaki Naruto," he drawled wearily. "Can you give me a break and at least remember my name, Giant Grampa Sage?"

"Oh, yes, that's right. That's right. Naruto, was it?"

Fukasaku signed inwardly. Bah, do we have to go through this routine every time?

"Naruto, I have seen your future."

"A prediction, is it? That's fine, I'm ready for it."

The giant sage slightly opened one eye. "In that case, calm your heart and listen: you will soon meet an octopus."

"Huh?" Naruto imagined a typical octopus. "Tch! Of all things, why an octopus?"

"Well, you can say: I could not see it clearly, but I am certain there were octopus tentacles." the toad's eyes widened a tad. "And then, you will... battle a young man, wielding power in his eyes."

Naruto felt a sudden prick of recognition.

"And then—"

"Yeah, I understand," he said bluntly.

"Whaddya mean ya understand," Fukasaku asked.

The young sage bowed his head, recalling the confrontation he had with Sasuke, and then he clenched his fist.

"You have seen it," the Great Toad Sage asked calmly.


"And you know who he is, the young man wielding power in his eyes?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes. I'm prepared for everything."

The elder narrowed his already half-lidded eyes. "Gerotora," he called to the toad sitting adjacent to his throne chair. "I have foreseen your transfer into Naruto, as well."

"Wh-What'd you say," the orange and black amphibian exclaimed.

"Hand over the Fourth's seal to him."

Gerotora folded his arms across his chest, not in the least bit enthused. "If you say so Great Elder; I don't care anymore." suddenly, his body stretched vertically about eight times its regular size, revealing the contents of the scroll to the young sage.

For a moment, Naruto was flabbergasted. "This is..."

"The key to the Fourth Hokage's seal that he left on your stomach," Gerotora informed flatly. "With this — if you think it's right — ya could release the Kyuubi completely."

Naruto didn't like the way he phrased it.

"Press your hand on the square area."

He nodded, and then looked to his fingers, his thoughts racing.

"This is your chance to perfect the technique that Jiraiya spoke of."

"…The key to releasing the Kyuubi." Naruto said the words slowly, thoroughly absorbing what that meant.

"Ya feeling hesitant, Naruto," Gerotora said, breaking the sudden chasm of silence.

"What's tha' matter," Fukasaku asked. "Hurry up and push tha' Storage Seal!"

"I see you're anxious, Naruto," Gerotora kept hitting the nail on the head. "Well, that's to be expected.

"Whaddya mean?"

"Fukasaku-sama, the two elements that compose the Kyuubi's power are its chakra and its will. To control the Kyuubi's power means to only pull out its chakra and fuse it into that of your own, thus turning it into your power. However, it's not that simple.

If you pull out the Kyuubi's chakra, its will comes out along with it. The Kyuubi's will is a mass of hatred, and it's bound to the chakra with great strength. No matter how strong your self-control is, it fuses with the hatred you have in your heart and overwhelms you.

In other words, in order to control the Kyuubi's power, you need a strong will devoid of hatred. This will completely separate the Kyuubi's will from its chakra.

The Fourth Hokage made the seal in such a way that a small amount of clean chakra could leak out of the Kyuubi's cage and naturally become Naruto's chakra. This is called the Eight Trigram Seal. It's actually the Four Symbol Seal applied twice.

However, if we use this key, the Four Symbol Seal will be opened and all of the Kyuubi's chakra can be pulled out."

Fukasaku had broken into a sweat. "If that's true, then along with tha' Kyuubi's chakra, all of its will would come out, as well."

"And when Naruto's will loses to the Kyuubi's will — the Kyuubi would be completely resurrected." the words left a bitter aftertaste Gerotora's mouth.

Oh my, Fukasaku couldn't help but second guess the Great Toad Elder's decision to hand over the scroll to Naruto. "So, have tha' Four Symbol Seals ever been opened before?"

"Until now, each time the seal has weakened — like during his training when Naruto started to turn into the Kyuubi — we've used the key to restrain him and close the seal.

Jiraiya was troubled by this. Once he found out that the seal the Fourth Hokage made had grown weaker, he realized that there was no telling when Naruto would turn into the Kyuubi again. This lead to Jiraiya deliberately wanting to open the seal a bit — he wanted Naruto to gain the power to resist the Kyuubi's will.

Well, that didn't succeed."

"It's not like I wanted to hurt Ero-Sennin," Naruto said softly, a hint of guilt backing his deep voice. "The more I try to gain power, the stronger the Kyuubi's will binds me. It ignores my will and goes on to hurt anyone it can."

"That's what happened when we opened Naruto's seal just a bit," Gerotora clarified gravely.

Fukasaku looked up at a glum Naruto. "So, that's how Jiraiya-chan got those wounds on his chest. What happened after that?"

"I can't explain it well," Gerotora admitted.

Naruto frowned in cold reminiscence. "When I faced Orochimaru, I chose to rely on the Kyuubi's power and I surrendered my will to it. When he talked about Sasuke I was overcome with anger — and, at some point, I lost sight of myself.

Captain Yamato told me to fight with my own strength, rather than rely on the Kyuubi's chakra. Training while Captain Yamato suppressed the Jinchuuriki is one thing, but in battle, there is always hatred. That's why I thought I didn't need the Kyuubi's power anymore.

If I can't suppress the Kyuubi's will with mine, I don't need this power that will hurt people close to me, like Ero-Sennin and Sakura-chan. That was my decision. But... when Pain defeated Hinata... the hatred, the regret, the feeling of uselessness — my heart connected with the Kyuubi's will on its own.

For now, I'm still safe because the Fourth mended my seal, but... I don't know when I'll lose it again. However, in order to fight Sasuke, I need the Kyuubi's chakra. After all, I'm the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki; I can't keep running from that."

Suddenly, he heard a rehash of the Fourth's words in his mind: "I made the seal so you get half of the Kyuubi's chakra — because I believed you'd master this power."

That's right, Father, Naruto thought mentally. Even if I hurt my friends, even if I lose to the hatred, he accumulated chakra to his fingertips and walked up the flight of stairs to the scroll, where he pressed them to the Storage Seal. Nothing good will come of further hesitation.

Fukasaku looked to Naruto, proud, and at the same time concerned. Now I understand how dangerous releasing tha' Kyuubi's chakra really is. Yes — he who bears the Fourth's hopes and inherits Jiraiya-chan's spirit — he can do it.

"The contract is made," Gerotora announced, admiring Naruto's determined smile. "We'll do the storage!"

Naruto withdrew is fingers. "So, how do you do the storage?"

Gerotora retracted the scroll and regained his original size. "You don't have to do anything big. Just open your mouth."

Naruto pointed wearily. "My mouth?"

Gerotora mirrored his gesture. "Yes. Say 'ahh'".

The young sage did what he was told.

"Open wider!"

Naruto's face quirked with irritation but, again, he did was he was told.

"Here we go — storage!"

He leaped into Naruto's mouth, and the young shinobi let out a stifled shriek. He felt like his jaw was going to break, just before he suffocated. And he didn't like the taste of frog.

"Hey, open up wider," Gerotora scolded in his frustration, kicking his legs in his effort to get the rest of his body inside. "Are you going to let me complete the storage?"

Naruto couldn't help but run around in his suffering, tears flowing from his wide eyes. Why through the mouth? He's all slimy — it's disgusting!

Abruptly, Fukasaku came to the rescue with a Falcon Kick to Gerotora's backside, which sent him flying down Naruto's throat in a fluent and rather unpleasant descent.

Our traumatized hero fell to the ground in a fit of coughing, far from enthused when Fukasaku told him the storage was successful. Maybe he should propose a Frog Fu sparring session so that he could extract his vengeance. Gerotora would pay, eventually.

"Now we'll proceed to return ya to Konoha," Fukasaku continued. "Then ya have to search for tha' octopus."

"That's right," Naruto raised his head, teary-eyed, drool still running from his mouth. "The premonition was that I'll meet an octopus."

Fukasaku nodded.

"Where is that octopus? Aren't there any hints?"

"It's not clear," the Great Toad Elder added. "But it's on a secluded island — a place where humans don't go near; a paradise for all living creatures. I think it'd make a nice resort for me."

Naruto smiled, imagining the most natural and surreal environment deprived of shinobi and their meaningless squabbles. It was a paradise for him and Hinata — the Great Toad Elder was just fine here.

"The octopus should help you there. There you have your guidance."

"Yes, sir," Naruto saluted firmly. Then, after saying his goodbyes, he was sent back to Konoha, in the comfort of his bed from which he was stolen.

"Na-Naruto-kun," a frantic Hinata called from next to him. She had the sheets pulled up to the threshold of her cleavage, her body still flushed from the afterglow of their intimate copulation. "What happened? Where did you go?" her eyes were wide with anxiety. "I-I woke up and realized that Naruto-kun was gone without a trace, and I knew you weren't a clone."

With a reassuring smile, he gently cupped the side of her face, and she instinctively leaned the weight of her head into his loving possession, a warm glow spreading slowly through her veins. But a hint of curiosity still danced in her eyes. "I'm sorry I made you worry. I was reversed-summoned to Mount Myouboku. Apparently, the Giant Grampa Sage had something important to tell me."

Hinata felt a wave of relief move through her as her eyes closed, escaping her lips on a hot sigh.

Naruto's eyes smoldered, arousal stirring in his nervous, kindled by the sweet, aphrodisiac-like breath that passed his nose. Hinata's eyes blinked open in abject shock as her charming knight stole a kiss in a sudden assault. Before her mind could register what was happening, her body was already responding, lust streaking through her system, like an intoxicating drug.

She let out an adorable mewl against his sweet lips when he found the creamy softness of her breast behind the sheet. Hinata leaned forward and reached for him in a frenzy, pulling at the crude material that separated his bare body from her greedy hands.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door. They could hear it from the bedroom. The signal spoke of a visitor, and their arousal quickly dwindled, like salt in water.

"Na-Naruto-kun," Hinata looked to him, anxiety creasing her forehead once more, as though they were wanted criminals being hunted by law officials and vigilantes.

He kissed her lips again, smiling when her eyes popped open and her cheeks heated. "Don't worry, I'll go and check who it is. Meanwhile, you go and freshen up."

The princess nodded obediently, her eyes innocent and shy. Embarrassingly, she scrambled off the bed, clumsily wrapped in the sheets to conceal her privates. After retrieving a fresh pair of panties from Naruto's drawer, which were mixed with his boxers, Hinata stole into the bathroom and locked herself in.

Naruto couldn't help but grin — there was no limit to the extent to which she was adorable. Every gesture that she made aroused him. This visitor better have a good reason for intruding, he thought as he took off the loincloth and donned his usual attire.

By the fifth knock, an irritated Sakura pushed the door open and stepped inside the vestibule. But her anger cooled and froze into icy grief and jealously upon spying Hinata's slippers on the inside mat.

For a moment, she couldn't believe her eyes but, upon further observation of the apartment, she realized that it was clean and tidy. This was definitely a girl's touch; she could barely recognize the place. But the smell of Hinata and Naruto danced on the air. Now this was also a place she called home — a place where Sakura could've called home, too, if she had leaped at the opportunity. But, instead, she chose the darkness over the golden light — the dark, lone knight of the fallen Uchiha clan.

Sakura stood in the vestibule. She couldn't take another step; this was no longer a vacant territory; one of her kind had claimed it and left her mark. She attempted an wholehearted smile when Naruto entered the living room, but she couldn't hide the unyielding lines of distraught sitting below her eyes.

"Sakura-chan! Hey, is something a matter?"

He's been suffering the longest and, even now he had to endure. It was only appropriate that he was the first from the team to taste true happiness. "Naruto! It's Tsunade-sama..."

His eyes popped open, and then his brows dropped into an anxious frown. "Did something happen to Granny Tsunade?"

Sakura smiled openly, reliving that moment when she caught wind of the wonderful news. "She's finally awake, Naruto! Tsunade-sama has come out of her coma!"

"Really?" our hero couldn't control his excited grin. "She's finally recovered?"

"Ha-Have Tsunade-sama really regained consciousness," Hinata said sheepishly, slowly approaching from the bedroom, fresh and lovely from her quick shower.

"Yeah," Naruto spun around gleefully to look at her. "Now Kakashi-sensei won't have to keep frowning about taking on the title of Hokage."

The princess smiled shyly. "He truly must be relieved."

"He is," Sakura clarified, winning their attention. "By the way, Naruto, Tsunade-sama wants to see you right away."

"Oh, okay." he turned his attention to Hinata, a questioning gleam alight in his eyes.

"Naruto-kun should go ahead — I'll go and tell Neji-niisan and my father the good news."

Sakura couldn't help but stare at the way they looked at each other — with true unconditional love and affection. There was deep, dark desire quivering in their eyes. There was admiration and respect. There was selflessness and understanding.

Would she ever have this level of commitment with Sasuke? Had everything he told her been a lie? If so, why didn't he kill her sooner on the bridge, or when she was fighting him along with Hinata?

"You were with the Great Elder Toad Sage?" Tsunade reiterated, stirring the curiosity of Sakura, Yamato, Kakashi, and Shikamaru.

"Yeah, I was reversed-summoned," Naruto replied casually.

"Geez," Shikamaru sighed and pivoted his head to the right. "Just causing people trouble over nothing!"

"Eh?" Naruto turned to him quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Inoichi-san has been keeping tabs on you since you came back from the hot spring country, so everyone panicked when your chakra trail suddenly vanished without a trace."

Naruto hadn't decided if he appreciated being monitored just yet.

"It would have been nice if Fukasaku-sama had notified us," Tsunade complained.

"Still," Kakashi added calmly. "I'm relieved that you're safe, Naruto."

"Alive and kicking, as you can see."

"Why did the Great Elder Toad Sage call you," Tsunade asked right off the bat. Everyone's curiosity peaked.

"Giant Grampa Sage gave me a prediction, too."

"Like the one he gave to Jiraiya? So, what did he tell you?"

Naruto tiled his head as he skimmed through his mental archives. "Well... you see..."

"What is it?"

"It looks like I'll be going to a resort and meeting an octopus." Naruto seemed far too excited with the nonsense he just spouted.

Shikamaru broke into a sweat. "What? An octopus?"

Everyone shared a gaze, Kakashi looking to Tsunade. "What does that mean?"

"Um, well... that octopus is kinda supposed to help me. It seems Giant Grampa Sage doesn't know the details, either. Also," he bowed his head and his tone hardened. "I was told I'll be fighting Sasuke."

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura echoed the Uchiha's name, as if she hadn't known the truth of it.

There was a moment of silence, and then Naruto raised his head with a wide smile, his eyes still slightly troubled. "But, I've already prepared myself for that."

Sakura uttered his name worryingly, and he cast her a reassuring grin, his eyes the physical depiction of his confidence. "Sakura-chan, it'll be alright; you can trust me to deal with Sasuke."

Upon the request of the Raikage, a meeting was held at Kumogakure between all the Kages, where they shared information they had gathered on the enemy. For the Alliance to be prosperous in this upcoming war, it was imperative that they openly shared and compile all acquired Intel.

Tsunade wasn't enthused when she was informed that the Hachibi and Kyuubi would be hidden throughout the war, but she had no choice but to concede being the only opposing voter. She was somewhat appeased, however, when the Raikage told her that his brother, the Hachibi, would be teaching Naruto the method to gaining complete control over the Kyuubi at the secluded island on which he would have them both secured.

But, of course, Tsunade couldn't allow Naruto to catch wind of the war. He wouldn't stand back, like a coward, while his friends risked their lives in protecting him. He would sacrifice learning to tame the Kyuubi, just to stand by his comrades on the battlefield.

Therefore, as a cover, the Hokage told Naruto that he had an S-class mission that only he could handle. And that the mission was located on a far away island in accordance to the Great Toad Sage's prediction. He had no clue, however, as to whether or not this mission was in turn connected to Sasuke. Tsunade, on the other hand, knew it was not — and also knew what the "octopus" represented in the prediction.

Naruto was ecstatic and, without any complains, he accepted his duties.

Fated Departure

Hinata was training in a remote, wide-open field when Naruto's messenger frog leaped atop her head. She had spotted the amphibian with her Byakugan when it was a few meters away, but she was still a tad startled as to where it chose to come to a stop.

"Messenger-kun," she looked up adorably with a blush, still remembering how perverted the little critter was. "How did you find me?"

"Have you ever considered wearing a V-neck top," the toad murmured disappointedly, peering down at the zip that was pulled up far too much on her hooded jacket, concealing her cleavage.

The amphibian hopped from her head as she hugged her chest and pursed her lips, her silky cheeks pink with embarrassment. Looking up at her, the messenger couldn't help but ogle at the girl's lovely demeanor. "This is quite interesting, too." he cleared his throat upon noting her steady frown. "Oh, you asked how I found you? Well, I can sense chakra — and I've had a fixed on your chakra signature since the very first time we met."

Although enlightened, the princess kept her chest concealed, her eyes fixed on the scroll.

The toad sighed. "I don't think Naruto expects a reply, so I'll just leave the scroll here."

After gently resting the length of papyrus onto the grass, the lecherous critter saluted and dispersed into a puff of smoke. Relieved, Hinata dropped her defenses and quickly retrieved the scroll, excitement stemming from the deepest depths of her tummy as she unfurled the sheet.

Hey, what's up?

I thought you would've come and seen Granny Tsunade by now.

She's doing great — doesn't look any different from before.

It's like she was never in a coma.

Oh, two guys asked for my autograph at the campsite. It felt really weird.

It's almost sundown and I know how busy you get in the evenings at home.

So, later tonight, I want you to meet me beneath that tree we had our picnic

the other day. I'll be there from eight.

I have something important to tell you.

Again, I'm sorry about us getting interrupted.

I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Miss you.

— Uzumaki Naruto.

Hinata went through the motions with the contents of Naruto's message at the tip of her mind. What important news could he have to share? Why couldn't he have written the gist of it on the scroll or sent a clone? Of course, both her and her inner goddess preferred to see him in person — to feel that delicious electric charge and the attraction. To be reassured of his love and passion.

"Hinata, dear," Kuwashima said, winning the girl's attention. "Why don't you go and make yourself comfortable at the table. I'll bring the rest of the food out."

There wasn't much of a conversation during dinner. Hanabi was reflecting on today's activities with Konohamaru, and Hiashi was also preoccupied with his thoughts. It must have been grave to prevent him from flooding them with questions as he usually did.

After assisting with the dishes, the princess made her way to the shower, and then escaped before Hanabi could intrude in her room and struck up embarrassing conversations regarding their relationship.

Once she was off the Hyuga's estate and away from the many protective eyes that watched it, Hinata allowed her shoulders to sag accompanied by a sigh of relief.

It was well after eight o'clock by the time she arrived at the appointed area. Naruto stood beneath the shadow of the tree, a hand against the trunk as he gazed out into the motionless water. Even as a silhouette, he effortlessly took her breath away, an incredible creature that perfectly blended in with the marvels of nature.

Suddenly, he sensed her — not her chakra, not the sound of her heartbeat, but a resonating energy that only true soul mates shared. "I'm sorry for making you come all this way so late," he said as a means of introduction, his smile warm and repentant.

"Mm-Mm," Hinata shook her head slowly, smiling from ear to ear. She would've walked a thousand more miles, just to stand by him like this.

"Hinata..." he was suddenly beside her, his tone somber and his smile gone as he brushed locks of hair behind her ear. Then cupped the side of her face. "I'll be leaving the village on an S-Class mission tomorrow."

The princess could feel the shock spreading across her face, and she bit back the flood of questions that rose in her throat, a deep, dark spell of sorrow and loneliness uncoiling in her tummy.

"I haven't been properly briefed on the details, but I do know that the method in learning how to control the Kyuubi is linked to this mission."

"W-Won't it be dangerous?" she couldn't hid the glitter of worry from her eyes.

"In any case, this may be my only chance to make good on my promise to you. Plus, I need more power if I hope to be a match for Sasuke, and to protect the village."

Hinata lowered her head sadly. "I-I don't want to lose you..."

With a curved index finger, he tilted her chin, his dark eyes burning into hers. "You won't..."

Some desperate, selfish, and irrational part of her had wanted to cling to him and beg him to reconsider. She would offer him anything. Say anything. Be anything. But she knew he couldn't, or wouldn't change his mind. After all, this wasn't only for the best between them — but for the good of the village and his very humanity.

And she loved him too much to try to make him bend his integrity just to satisfy her breaking heart. She couldn't betray her home, either. But it hurt to think of letting him go, of possibly losing him forever.

The princess's eyes glazed over as grief and despair swamped her. She felt so confused and afraid... so alone already, even with his thumb now brushing her cheek.

Naruto's mouth was drawn tight, his face rigid with regret. "Hinata..."

"I understand," she replied, utterly devoid of emotion.


"This is something that Naruto-kun has to do. It's like my father said: you can't change the world without power."

"Come watch the stars with me."

The princess blinked rapidly as he took her hand with a smile, ushering her closer to the bank of the lake. Without a word, he released her, and then sprawled out on a small patch of meadow with an ecstatic sigh.

Hinata looked down at him shyly, at a complete loss for words as she meddled with her fingers.

"I love your dress," he grinned, looking up admiringly at her. "You look amazing, Hinata."

The girl blushed crimson, veering away her eyes. Nestled atop her head was a white beret. Beneath an ivory white cardigan, she wore a peach, spaghetti-strapped dress with a ruby sash. And on her feet — showing short neat toes — were cute little slippers.

"I love that pink underwear, too," Naruto added with a flair that made her heart skipped a beat.

With a sharp gasp, she patted the hem of her dress to her legs and dropped down in the grass next to him, sitting adorably on her heels. She averted her face and blushed hotly as he giggled softly beneath the rustle of the surrounding trees.

Seconds ticked by — slow and glorious seconds — and the couple remained silent, reveling in one another's company and the beauty of nature that surrounded them.

Hinata looked out across the surreal, moonlit water. It was still the mating season for fireflies, and the males were hard at work — trying restlessly to woo a female with its lovely courtship dance, illuminating the water's surface with a lime green glow as they did.

The princess couldn't help but think back to the first time she and Naruto made love, and as her body recalled each sizzling scene; each delicious position, her eyes automatically began drifting over his motionless body. His legs were long in his customary orange pants, his shoulders and chest pronounced in his black t-shirt.

His chest...

Hinata's eyes paused there. She was tempted to inch closer and rest her head atop that oh so familiar surface, curled up next to him as she always does. Butterflies were flapping up a storm in her belly by the time her scrutiny froze squarely upon his lips. Hers parted in turn, and then she felt her eyes widen and her face heat when his eyes met hers.

"Have you ever wondered what's out there?"

The princess found a trace of composure and followed his gaze upwards, to the galaxy of shimmering starts that sat in the endless dark blue sky. "I-I have..."

"Are we the only ones in the universe?" Naruto's eyes narrowed, almost frustratingly. "If there are other life forms, do they steal and kill each other like we do to survive? Do they have different races that live separately and follow a single ruler?"

"...Naruto-kun." Hinata's eyes softened.

"I've always wondered about the unknown, especially since I started reading Ero-Sennin's documents. But there's one thing I'm sure of: as long's the world continues to turn, I'll always love you, Hinata..."

Knowing far too well how excessively shy she was — expecting no reply — Naruto pushed to his feet and stood before her, offering an attentive hand. "Let's go — I'll walk you home."

Hinata shook her head, too lost for words or reason. All she knew was the demanding desire she had for this golden knight, this incredible, gallant, honorable hero who should have been hers a long time ago. Who might never be hers again, once this precious night was through.

"...One last time," she whispered recklessly as desire swept like adrenaline through her system, waking every nerve ending and receptor in its path. Her eyes were suggestive, innocent, and hopeful, as she took his hand and pulled him down.

"This isn't the last time," Naruto corrected warmly, knelt just inches away from her.

He stared into her pair of wide, luminescent eyes the color of polished silver. They were smooth as glass... hypnotic, but sadly not powerful enough to phase his resolve. But they did stir his hunger, and he leaned forward, taking off her cardigan as his lips crushed hers.

When he withdrew, the princess was out of breath, her eyes hooded lasciviously, gleaming brightly in her plea for more — but Naruto just smiled.

The most intimate part of one's body, Hinata lightly traced her fingertips down the line of his sideburn, over the curve of his jaw, and across the softness of his tempting lips. Hers parted as his eyes burned brighter with his admiration and desire.

Suddenly, with tears tipping her eyes, she lunged forward into the comforting wall of his chest, sending them both toppling over into the tall grass. "Naruto-kun..."

With a low moan of distress and a grin of intent, he learned upright and placed his hand atop Hinata's head, removing the crumpled beret and resting it aside. "How about taking control of the first round?"

The princess looked up questioningly from his chest, her hands tightly bounded around him.

"Take my clothes off." seduction coated his words.

Hinata felt her breathing stop, and her insides practically contorted with potent, needy, liquid, desire. Naruto gazed at her, waiting, his oceanic eyes blazing with utter anticipation.

"I'll take your clothes off in return," he added to fill the sudden deafening chasm of silence, inflating her shyness even more.

W-Where should I start? she reclined onto her heels and looked him over meekly. Finally, she clumsily reached for his t-shirt, and the amorous prince lifted his arms to make things easier for her, his eyes alive with wild excitement.

Hinata's nervous drummed in her ears when he stood before her, and she couldn't help but register the reason behind his gesture when she looked up and sought his eyes. Her center clenched when she saw the bulge behind his zipper, and her inner goddess's hand shot down on her bubble, massaging herself in her state of wild arousal.

"I wonder what could be behind that door," Naruto said with a playful, perverted smile, his pride throbbing with impatience.

Hinata swallowed and freed him in one fell swoop, her eyes popping open at the sheer size and power of him, as though she had never been introduced to his muscle in her life.

Just before she coiled her fingers around him, Naruto caught her hand pulled her up against him. The princess was dumbfounded, but she stood obediently as he loosened her sash and eased the weight of her spaghetti straps over her shoulders and down her arms. Her lips parted on a shiver when his fingers brushed the side of her breasts.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Naruto's question took her by surprise, but she was even more shocked, when he knelt before her, and pulled down her underwear to reveal plump cheeks.

His hands smoothed and shaped each of her buttocks as his nose pressed and skimmed over her erected button. And she moaned and whimpered when his magnificent tongue brushed her — slow, lazy, continuous strokes that left her vibrating and breathless against him.

"Don't stop," she begged sweetly, quickly approaching that oh so familiar meltdown.

But her sensual knight wasn't about to let her experience a standardized level of orgasm — no. He slipped his hands in between her legs and cupped her buttocks, standing tall with her sitting on his shoulders.

Hinata took fistfuls of his hair reflexively. She felt a wave of panic, but above that wave was a cyclone of foreign, erotic pleasure — the likes of which she'd never felt before.

She closed her eyes in a heartbeat, feeling the buildup — that delicious, slow, step climbing build. Pushing her higher, higher to that familiar summit wrought of pure ecstasy. And as her senses coiled around this new perception of rapture, turbulent rivers converge to form a pool in her belly, and she exploded in a glorious and beautiful release.

Her senses dimmed and her body quaked atop her humanoid throne chair, so violently that Naruto toppled in the grass on his back with Hinata sitting quite comfortably on his face. She held her position innocently, her head reclined as her body continued to shake as pleasure flooded every curve and crevice of nervous system.

Her Highness took her time to find her breath, but when Naruto gave a mumble, she realized that he hadn't such an opportunity. "Na-Naruto-kun... I'm sorry," she bowed her head sincerely, adorably sitting on her knees before him.

The golden sensualist licked and moistened his lips, tasting her again and again to the princess's embarrassment. "...Show me how much you're sorry." he gestured down at his rigid pole, and her inner goddess practically swooned before the mighty, godlike steel.

Naruto sat at a 90-degree angle, propped up on his hands. And Hinata shyly crawled closer to him, her eyes fixed, her lips pursed. She kissed her way around his thick lolly, admiring the length and width of his power before dipping her head and catching the blunt tip of him in her mouth. She teased and savored, loving the silky, salty taste of him.

Naruto's mouth formed an O as he took a breath. Hinata sighed breathlessly and flexed her fingers around his impressive girth. His skin was so smooth, soft… and hard — a delicious combination.

Hinata felt powerful. It was a heady feeling, teasing and testing him with her mouth and tongue. He tensed underneath her as she ran her mouth up and down him, pushing him to the back of her throat, her lips tight… again and again. But with each tap of her throat, she felt an answering contraction between her legs — and then she coughed in defeat. Again.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle.

Hinata's inner goddess whimpered heartily, and from somewhere born of sadness, frustration, need, and sheer Hinata-bravery, she pushed him down onto the grass. He grinned as he fell, and she gazed down at him feeling victorious in her vengeance.

The princess quickly eased from her seat on her heels and crawled between his legs, mounting herself over him — desperate, impatient, hungry. She held his lever for precision, guiding him to where she needed him most.

Hinata let out a prolonged whimper as he stretched her open, filling her, her mouth hanging open in surprise at the sweet, sublime, agonizing, over-full feeling. He was deep inside, sheathed to the hilt, and she sat in place, for seconds… minutes… she had no idea. The princess closed her eyes and reveled in the harmony of their pulsations, his delicious blade cutting all the knots that had form in her tummy.

Naruto flexed and swiveled his hips in a slow motion, the sensation radiating throughout her core and belly… everywhere. Moaning, she threw her head back, her hair tumbling down her back. And very slowly, he sank back down onto the bed of grass, allowing her to resume her control and find her pace.

Fireflies surrounded the couple caught up in Lust's sizzling flame. Their beacons flickered in a unique and sublime pattern, a silent hymn composed of lights that was dedicated to the young and newly betrothals.

As if to enhance Naruto's desire, the majestic insects flew across erotic regions of his princess's body, illuminating it for his eyes to see: the luscious curve of her gaping lips, the smooth, slender column of her neck, and a bead of sweat rippled down her cleavage. Damn...

In a rush of raw excitement, Naruto abruptly leaned forward and Hinata whipped her head back at the searing, wondrous rush of pleasure that spiked through her as he sampled the taste of her hard nipples, crushing her breasts in his large hands.

His breathing was ragged, matching her own as the needy princess continued to ride him into oblivion, and he lifted his pelvis as she came down, bouncing her back up.

She was making love to him. She was in charge. He was hers and her, his. The thought pushed her — accompanied by heat and fiction — over the edge, and she climaxed around him… shouting incoherently.

Hinata collapsed onto his chest, overwhelmed, somewhere between fantasy and reality — a place in which she had become addicted.

Her inner goddess was prostrate… well at least she's quiet.

A few minutes later, Hinata was bent over, her back a perfect arch, her chest heaving, her breasts swaying back and forth.

Naruto couldn't help but stare down at her heart-shaped buttocks as his hips went back and fro, his eyes transfixed on the deep and erotic interaction between their sexes.

Cupping both her curves, he eased his thumb along an uncharted crevice, teasing and caressing her forbidden chambers. The princess's eyes shot open with surprise, a growth in pleasure spiking through her at the unfamiliar sensation. And then she exploded again, clenching around his deliciously animated rod.

Naruto grabbed her hips in that instant — and closing his eyes — tipped his head back and spewed his rich essence within her core with a snarl. Hinata screamed, falling to her elbows, her body flushed as their loins vibrated in unison and adrenaline shot through their veins.


The lake was a beautiful reflection of a vigilant full moon and clusters of stars that swam in the vast sea of the endless night sky. Vibrant colors of blue, ivory, and lime green surrounded them in the pond, but the enraptured couple cared only for the magic that emanated from each other.

A perfect fit, Naruto's muscle nestled deep and hard inside Hinata's hotpocket, her legs bounded around his waist, face buried in his neck. They remained motionless, hovering at the bridge between a warm calm and the fierce seas of pleasure.

"Why are you so tight," Naruto murmured rhetorically, an edge of delight coating his warm tone as his lady kept contracting around him.

"...Because that's how Naruto-kun wants it to be." her whisper was hot against his ear, and he throbbed vigorously in response.

A gasp escaped her lips, but she pursed them and reclined in his arms to look at him. Naruto gazed in return at his mesmerized goddess, the soft glow from the water lighting her angelic figure. She was on fire, burning brighter than a shooting star.

Hinata's eyes fused with his as the fire grew, fanning the flames between them so hot that it melted their hearts. The water that surrounded them was cold, but still their temperature continued to soar.

"I'll come back," Naruto said, after dissecting the worry that quivered behind the desire in her eyes.

"I know Naruto-kun will. You have to; I can't go on without you..."

"I love you, Hinata."

"And I love Naruto-kun more."

He smiled at the admiration and challenge that she beamed at him. And he slowly, gracefully, romantically, eased out and then into her. Their colors burned and brightly burst into a million sparks that all intensified to reveal a familiar world — the sanctuary, the peak of ecstasy.

"Nhh — so good!" Hinata panted, and Naruto found her lips in a fiery kiss, leaving her breathless and intoxicated.

Tears and screams of pain and pleasure echoed throughout the open pond, gifts they would share forever. Amidst the wondrous elements, Naruto held Hinata at the border between pain and rapture. Water kissed swollen skin and flesh as hard steel scrapped and burned, engraving pleasure into every fiber and cell of her being.

The princess knew nothing but sweet gratification as her chivalrous knight stretched and filled her deliciously, his hypnotic voice keeping her mind afloat. His scorching kisses bringing her blood to a boil beneath her burnish skin.

And then, for the final time, she surrendered to the converging energies that arrested her in a sudden and overwhelming downpour. She sank her neat nails into his back as the cataclysmic explosion pilfered her energy, the frigid water kissing the fresh wound — a sensation that blended with the rush of pleasure that dominated his receptors.

And in the same beat, he leaped off the razor's edge to join her, filling her core with his hot nectar.

Breathless, enraptured, they clung together desperately as the quake of their orgasm rippled through them in the sweetest most divine of repercussions.

"I love you more," Naruto grinned once he caught his breath.

The princess still couldn't pull a lungful of air into her chest, and so she kept her eyes close and let his words seep into her heart and soul, where they would be engraved until his glorious return.

When our golden knight kissed her this time, it wasn't with searing hunger but with infinite love and reverence. He held her as if she were made of glass, worshiped her mouth as though it were the rarest delicacy. He loved her, with every fiber and cell of his being. She smiled, and then as their eyes met anew and they shared a cosmic moment, she buried her face in his neck once more and calmly ceased resistance against the beckoning hands of unconsciousness.

Minute Incarnation

Having brought Hinata home, Naruto lay motionless on his back in bed, his body exhausted and his spirit ripe with the post-coital glow of his sexual scene with her.

The room was quiet, except for the ticking of a clock and the howl of the wind outside his window. But, somewhere, beyond the reach of the night's elements, amidst the isolating dimension of a certain seal, there was a rush of activity and restlessness.

The Kyuubi sat on its hind legs, its hands tightly bounded to the steel bars of its dreary cage. "The Fourth Hokage restored the seal to its original form and, with that, years of having Naruto dependent upon my power — weakening the seal as a result — has gone to ruin. Curses!" its razor sharp teeth glinted maliciously in the gloomy darkness.

"With his newly acquired strength, he will require less of my power, if any at all. Will I be trapped in this silent hell until I'm sealed within another blasted infant? It's already been sixteen years since I last roamed the earth. I long for the night's breeze and the taste of sake. Damn you, Fourth Hokage!"

Suddenly — through the creature's blinding rage — there was a flicker of soothing memory, which rendered its boiling fury to a light sizzle. "That woman..." the beast's eyes softened. "At this rate, I won't be seeing her again for a while. Ah! But why do I care; she's just another human!"

In a heartbeat, he remembered her compassionate words to Naruto about him suffering, too. That's what she said, but words are cheap — he'd come to know that far too well. Still, the girl's existence relented in the creature's thoughts. Why?

I... do I want to find out if her concern is genuine? No! I'm the incarnation of hate and malice — why should I care what that human thinks? We Bijuu have always been regarded as tools. I'm sure her intentions are the same as the rest. I know this, and yet... I want to meet her.

Before his judgment could be dipped farther into an acidic pit of arrogance, malice, disdain, and selfishness, the Kyuubi clasped its hands together and began concentrating.

Grandpa Rikudou knew we were bound to be sealed within people for their own selfish gains, so he left us all with a certain technique so that we may seek some measure of freedom and happiness.

It reads the heart of the caster, and if the Bijuu has a burning desire to protect and/or to roam without conflict, then the technique is usable. To think that this technique would ever be tried by me. Again.

Bijuu Fission: Heaven's Judgement! The Kyuubi quieted its thoughts and allowed the natural, assessing energy to flow throughout its body. The creature frowned slightly. It still remembered the icy, intruding power that coursed through its veins as it did now, trying incessantly to cool the fires of its rage. But this time — with its desire at the forefront of its mind — the beast didn't resist the bitter scrutiny.

Suddenly, in a place where the creature hadn't accepted was real, beyond the egotism, hate, and pride, came a burst of warm emotions from both the past and the present — emotions that were sealed away, supposedly posing a threat to the searing hot flames of hate that fueled its destructive power. The scrutinizing energy reacted, swelling into a massive ball of white light, which gushed from the Bijuu's body.

The translucent white aura, having taken on a secondary color of orange, shot through the bars of the dreary prison toward the distant exit. In an instant, the seal on Naruto's belly began to glow, and then it caved in to reveal a dark void — an alternative dimension.

With the warrior still fast asleep, a miniature version of the Kyuubi poked up its head, struggling to climb out of the tiny portal, snarling as it did, as though it were trying to escape a thick, muddy quicksand within which it had been imprisoned for an eternity.

In the concealing cover of darkness — having gained its freedom — the small fox carefully crawled out from beneath Naruto's t-shirt. For a moment, the tiny tyke looked astonished, and then it cast Naruto a fleeting glance before escaping through an open window in search of what it sought.

Exhausted — having freed the incarnation of his positive consciousness — the Kyuubi reclined in its cage and curled into a ball, quickly easing into slumber to regain its stamina.

On the rooftops, beneath the luminous light of the sacred full moon, the creature followed that divine trail of chakra to its source.

Its senses expanded in an excited rush, relishing the elements that had eluded him for far too long. The night's humid wind caressed its fluffy coat, filling its nose, and there was a myriad of different scents wafting around him — a mixture of nature and delicious food.

The night was still and silent, except for the rustle of trees enclosing the village and the screech of crickets hidden amongst the rubble.

It was far better seeing the world from its own eyes, and what better spectacle was there than the one that lay motionless before him. Hinata was fast asleep, moonlight streaming through her windows, tinting her interesting features. She was beautifully garbed in your pajamas and curled up peacefully in bed, under the covers. The Kyuubi's eyes lingered on her long, sleek hair, her closed lids, and the pink curves of her lovely lips — she was the embodiment of a goddess, even while in slumber.

And the creature watched her quietly in the still of the night as the seconds, minutes, hours flitted by him. Finally, you're right here... before my eyes. It's nice to meet you... I'm Kurama.