After being interrogated, identified and searched by cautious officials, Hinata was granted permission to enter the dreary, blizzard-prone town.
As she ambled into the village's icy embrace, she looked up in awe at the three hallow mountains that stood far north of the region, each one sharing an uncanny resemblance to a wolf with its jaws wide open. Hence it was dubbed the Three Wolves— a famous landmark of the Iron Country. It was truly a remarkable sight, eerie in all its glory.
Apparently, architects had done an incredible job in taking advantage of the space inside these mountains to construct a complex arrangement of residential areas. Inside was where, Mifune, the general of the country was stationed — and the Kage Summit also took place inside. But from what she was told by the guards, the blacksmiths would be found here in the outlying village.
Icicles hung from the trees and buildings. It was difficult to admire the country's unique architecture when everything was covered in snow and ice.
The samurais were garbed in thick armor and ominous-looking masks, while the standard citizens wrapped themselves in many layers of clothing as protection against the harsh elements. The residents were so close and yet so distant; sealed away in their thick garments, minding themselves.
Regardless, Hinata brazenly searched around for a jeweler but, those who were not jostled by the recent upheaval and had kept their shop closed out of fear, declared that they were unfortunately out of stock. Most of the shop-owners were aloof and insincere but, finally, Hinata came across an elderly couple who were nice enough to suggest another jeweler. They warned the old man was a bit eccentric, but the princess wasn't intimidated.
Despite the poor visibility induced by the intensified blizzard, she carefully followed the directions she was given, until she came across the small workshop described in the couple's meticulous description. And, sure enough, there was a massive, castle-looking mansion right behind the shop, too, just like she was told. It was an odd-looking structure, constructed with iron and steel, instead of the occasional wood or stone.
Suddenly, Hinata spied a bit of movement, and then a silhouette made its way to the counter. "Hello, comma... can I help you question sign?"
The princess felt a prick of confusion. Comma? Question sign? What is he talking about? "Hello, Sir... um, I was just wondering if you sold accessories — perhaps a lovely ring that could pass as a wedding band?"
Kurama had his head poking out of her jacket.
"I'm sorry to say that I'm all out of merchandise semicolon; all our resources were broken down and crafted into tools to be used in the upcoming war full stop."
A cold gust seemed to blow through Hinata's body, settling behind her sternum, and it wasn't because of the inclement weather. "No," the word came slow and glum. "No! Isn't there anything that can be done? I wanted to give Naruto-kun his ring before the war started. Who knows what will happen, once we're on the battlefield..."
The man paused, gauging the girl's wide-eyed reaction, and as tears tipped her eyes, he couldn't help but assess her. She was young — a naïve teenager with a pure heart and beautiful dreams and aspirations despite being a shinobi. She cried when faced with sadness but, deep down, she was headstrong and tenacious. He could tell from her sorrowful eyes that the she was deeply in love — hopelessly, profoundly, extraordinarily so, and she had traveled a long way in search of a symbolic piece to equalize her nuptials.
Finally, the old man's eyes veered to her fingers where he spied her engagement ring. Overwhelmed by its beauty, for a moment, he couldn't muster a full breath of air into his chest and almost clambered over the counter to clasp her hand for a closer look. Such superb craftsmanship and the extremely rare Aura Stone perfectly embedded at the top — it was only fitting that this breathtaking masterpiece be coupled with an equally remarkable item.
Surely, fate must have brought the girl here. But, was she truly worthy?
"Mmm… I just might have a special ring tucked away for a stormy day such as this full stop."
"R-Really?" Hinata beamed.
"Hmmu," the man nodded, taking another step forward, finally, to reveal himself. Standing less than 4 feet in height, he sported a crude garment ornamented with chain mail. Thick, sagging eyebrows concealed his eyes and a mouth stash and beard, his mouth. "It might just be what you're looking for full stop."
"Thank you so much!" Hinata bowed her head politely.
"Don't mention it full stop." He waved his hand dismissively, and then scooted from the shop into the mansion, closing the door to a slight and curious ajar.
"He has to be on the English Language's list of most detested human."
Hinata didn't argue with that analogy.
Time passed.
"He's really been gone a long time," she whined cutely, breathing puffs of hot air into her gloves in a futile attempt to regain a measure of feeling in her fingers.
Kurama frowned wearily. "That senile old fool must have forgotten he left us out here waiting. Or maybe he had a stroke and keeled over and died."
"Ehh? That's a very mean thing to say, Kurama-kun."
"Doesn't change the fact that it could be true."
The Kyuubi sighed stubbornly, secretly charmed by her adorable pouting. "I'm sorry."
Triumphant, she beamed with a horizontal 3 of a smile. Meanwhile, the impatient Bijuu looked up at the eerie building obscured by snow. "Isn't it a bit strange that old geezer owns a mansion and yet he wastes his time running this small, rundown 'ol shop?"
The princess looked up also, thinking about that for a while. "Um, not everyone works for the sake of gaining a profit. Some people work for the joy of the trade."
Kurama didn't have a comeback; he couldn't relate to all levels of human sentimentality. There was still much to learn about this fragile and complicated race, and being with Hinata promised a most amusing adventure.
Suddenly, the wind gusted and a flurry of snow whipped across her poorly concealed face, pressing icy kisses to her cheeks. Her body shivered violently against the bitter caress and the Kyuubi could hear as her teeth chattered in protest.
"Hime," he called, concerned.
"I-I'm fine," she defended awkwardly. "I'm sure he'll be back... any second now."
Reluctantly, he surrendered to her determination but the Bijuu would at least take the liberty of keeping his goddess warm. And, with that intention in mind, a soothing heat was already radiating from his tiny frame, protecting her from the frigid climate.
"...Kurama-kun," Hinata whispered with an edge of gratitude, recognizing the familiar and comforting warmth of her fire-natured friend.
Energy flowed in and through her, seeming to thaw her joints and relinquish the numbness. And blood circulated hot and fast through her veins anew, color returning to her cheeks — a brighter hue than usual. Suddenly, the princess pursed her lips to hold in a cute whimper. Heat gathered around her sensitive breasts and nipples, inadvertently coaxing those pink summits to pointed peaks. And her eyes hooded in response, her legs gradually converting to wet noodles beneath her.
Kurama sensed the girl's distress, her pulse raging an erratic tattoo in his highly receptive ears. He knew, despite whatever troubled her, she wasn't about to abandon this cold, dreary town without first getting what she came for. "Why don't you just go inside?"
"Eh?" Through the wayward thoughts that flooded her mind, the princess considered that for a while, pursing her lips.
Despite the cataclysmic storm that lurked ahead, she had traveled a very long way in search of what she sought, and was even ambushed along the way with another one likely lying in wait for the return journey home. In addition, she had to be dishonest with her father once more.
This was the only chance for her to seek out Naruto's engagement ring, and it was crucial that she attained it. Our snugglie-wugglie didn't want to seem pessimistic, but she knew the symbolic trinket might very well be the last gift she was able to give him. And, with that notion in mind, she decided to cast aside her courtesy and pride — just this once — to enter the edifice without permission.
If Kurama was right and amnesia or senility had prevented the man from recalling his promise, then she would find him and brazenly jog his memory.
Inside, Hinata closed the door behind her, cutting off the eerie howling of the icy wind. And, with a sigh, she pulled back her hood. Then the tiny deity leaped from her chest onto the ground, bringing his dangerous pheromone-laced warmth with him. The princess could already feel her temperature dropping and strength returned to her legs. She also regained enough rationality to realize that the dark and narrow corridor that stood before them was a path supposedly leading to something unpleasant.
Pulling up the zipper of her jacket, Hinata looked to the rows of old-fashioned lanterns embedded along the wall. "This place is very creepy. It's almost like a dungeon."
Kurama's brows furrowed in his irritation. "I hate dark places."
"Will Kurama-kun stay here by the door, then? I won't be long."
The Bijuu ignored her and began walking ahead. He would always accompany and protect her. Even if this depressing hallway reminded him far too much of the hellish realm within which he was sealed... within which his other half was still sealed.
A few meters ahead, the placement of lanterns came to a halt, leaving absolutely nothing to illuminate the desolated path. But Hinata wasn't just about to call it quits and retrace her steps the exit, no matter how many things were wrong with this picture.
Her persistence led her to find a torch latched onto the iron wall. And Kurama ignited it with a controlled breath of his pyrokinesis. Then they followed the lonesome corridor until they approached and climbed a flight of stairs. The second floor was just as narrow and dreary, but at least there were lanterns and they were lit.
Walking with casual confidence and Kurama, with irritation and impatience, they both failed to notice the subtle alterations in the floor and ended up falling through a trapdoor — plummeting hopelessly back to the first floor on their behinds.
Slowly, Hinata pushed to her feet, whimpering as she rubbed her battered backside. "Ouch! Wha-What just happened?"
"We fell through the floor." Kurama wasn't amused, not even remotely.
"But... the floor is made of iron."
"It was a trapdoor."
"A trapdoor..."
"Traps are usually made when there's something important being protected."
"That doesn't matter!" The princess was upset that she would be thwarted in her endeavor. "Let's just find the shop owner."
With renewed determination, she and Kurama ascended to the second floor once more and carefully avoided the almost undetectable trapdoor. Sustaining that same level of caution, they were able to proceed up the flight of stairs leading to the third floor.
Along the poorly lit corridor, they eventually came across a cardboard sign. It was positioned in front of a crude cobblestone used as a substitute filling in the floor. It was obviously a trap, and the cardboard sign stated as much to boot: Caution! In the middle of the walkway lies a trap!
"How informative!" Hinata said with casual glee, walking to the far left to make her way pass the hazard. But that casual glee was suddenly a shriek of terror as the cubicle of floor gave away.
Kurama transformed into his second form just in time to catch her by the hood of her coat, his eyes closed in his controlled annoyance. "That was obviously a decoy to have you walk into the real trap."
A few seconds later.
"Yosh! Then this must be the ideal route to take!" The princess marched with confidence to the far right corner this time, smiling like a guilty feline when she was saved by the hood again.
Kurama was about to burst a blood vein.
A few seconds later.
Hinata pressed an index finger to her lip, considering the notion. "Then you're saying the right path is actually through the middle?" She frowned. "But the sign says—"
"The sign's just a lie!" The Bijuu clarified.
Our snugglie-wugglie gasped, teary-eyed. "But that's... that's so mean!" She whimpered comically. "Why would the old man do something like this?"
Kurama ignored her and continued along the center of the corridor without incident.
So that really was the true route, after all. "Ku-Kurama-kun! Wait for me!"
Walking along a straight line took the two explorers safely to the end of the corridor, where they took the flight of stairs to the fourth floor. And the Kyuubi's annoyance stemmed even deeper.
"This time it's a maze," Hinata said openly, already accepting the challenge.
Judging by the size of the mansion, there could only be roughly three or four more floors remaining. They were almost there... wherever there was, so why throw in the towel now. They had to get to the bottom of all this — there were answers that needed to be given to explain their trials, even if they were mere intruders.
Watching each other's back, they ventured into the complex walls of hard, cold iron, trying to memorize each curve and dead end. Until, finally, they got the brilliant idea of drawing arrows and leaving notes on the walls. But, no matter how thoroughly they combed the puzzling maze, they kept revisiting areas already explored without finding the right path.
"Maybe there's a secret passage hidden in the walls," Hinata suggested, even as she looked around, scanning the dark walls.
"Wait! Can you hear that?" Kurama erected his ears, listening keenly, focusing on the low, rasping sound originating beyond a few layers of iron walls.
"What is it?" The princess's voice was low.
"There's a door closing not far from here."
"Byakugan!" Scanning the surrounding area did reveal a closing door a few meters away. "Kurama-kun's right — there is a door closing. And there's another one just like it on the far right of the room. That one is slowly opening; it doesn't seem like both doors can be opened or closed at the same time."
"Hurry — lead the way!"
The flight of stairs leading to the fifth floor was completely frozen over — an ominous foreshadowing of what lie ahead. But the princess wasn't discouraged; nothing would drive her away now, not when she was surely closer to finding that old shopkeeper. And, boy, oh boy did he have a lot of explaining to do.
There were windows on this floor, opened windows that left the room subjected to the shrewd storm brewing outside. The floor was layered in twenty inches of snow, and Hinata's knees buckled as an icy draft whipped past her — again and again, easily stealing the warmth from her body.
"Wh-Why's there snow here?" Her teeth had already begun chattering. "Why's this floor so different from all the others?"
In her inability to stand still in the freezing temperature, the princess staggered backward. Then there was a sudden beeping sound, as if something had suddenly been activated... something bad.
"This isn't good," the Kyuubi muttered, transforming into his human form and forging his scythe on the defensive, allowing his senses to swell in preparations for what was to come.
Abruptly, something fired at them from behind. Time slowed as Kurama turned gracefully on his heels and cleaved the object in twine, allowing either side to fly passed them without impact.
"A snowball?" He frowned, a bit addled.
Simultaneously to that prick of confusion, small square chambers began opening up in the walls around the room, and then a volley of snowballs fired at them. One. Two. Three. Four. Thirty — groggy on her feet, the princess was the only one to fall victim to the assault. She looked like a crudely made snowman by the time it was quiet again.
"...S-S-S-So cold!" She whimpered, trembling out of control.
"Hime!" Kurama rushed over to attend to her. "Why didn't you move?"
"T-T-Too cold to move..."
She dropped the picnic basket to her feet as her fingers went numb, which triggered another trap. But, before they could react, a pile of snow fell from a large container in the ceiling, covering her in a mountain of snow. Now she had transcended from Frosty the Snowman to a human Popsicle.
Kurama tried to maintain his composure, but it was difficult when he could sense her distress. And the thought of failing her for a second time was a loathed reality. "Hime..." his voice was soft and reassuring. "I'll give you some warmth; just hold on."
Gently pressing a hand to her chest, he carefully regulated his temperature to raise her body heat. But this convenient source of warmth didn't come without his almost irresistible and dangerous drug — the overwhelming pheromones of the pyrokinetic deity. In response, Hinata crawled backwards until she was safely a few feet away from him — frantic, breathless, wide-eyed. She hugged her chest with scarlet cheeks, still feeling the forbidden imprint of his hand over her breast.
"What's wrong?" Kurama's expression was of genuine confusion.
The princess pursed her lips, still a bit jostled. But that feeling was suddenly lost when the sound of multiple traps sounded. And she ran, whimpered and screamed as she was assaulted with series of snowballs, rice balls, tennis balls, even candy balls.
Finally, Kurama could take the drama no more and he drove the hilt of his scythe down to the ground, releasing an outward ripple of intense heat that melted all the snow and liquid from the floor. But, suddenly, the alarm sounded again, signifying the trigger of another trap.
Embarrassed, he cocked his head to the side as Hinata looked at him accusingly, almost playfully so. The princess had an excuse: being clumsy, but what was his excuse?
A pack of seven white wolves with spiked collars appeared out of nowhere. Their eyes were blue and feral, their bodies buff and bristled in their hostility.
The princess's eyes narrowed in her seriousness, and she eased into a defense stance. "Why are there wolves inside this building?"
"Hime!" Kurama called calmly. "Don't move!"
"Eh? But Kurama-kun…"
"Use your shield and try to decipher the secrets to this room. I'll take care of these pesky creatures in the meantime."
"Okay, but be careful."
He heaved a neat grin. "Of course."
The princess smiled in return then activated her cloak. In a race against the elements, before the ground covered with snow again, she used her ocular ability to scan the floor, layer after layer.
To her astonishment, there was a large pictograph depicting a family dining by a fireplace. The father was sitting around a table prepared with a wide assortment of food, including rice balls and candy, while the mother was bringing more dishes to the table. And, through the window, their kids could be seen playing outside in the snow.
Hinata's eyes dilated a tad when she spied a few odd contraptions beneath the floor, one of which linked by a tube to a tapestry depicting a wolf pack in the pictograph.
To refrain from springing any more traps, which would harm both his pride and his goddess, Kurama stayed in a single spot to battle the wolves. Despite being master hunters with a notorious reputation for their efficiency, the beasts' assertion, agility, and combined power couldn't compare to that of the legendary Kyuubi. His presence; his existence, was more profound and prominent than theirs. The wolves knew the truth of it but, blinded by their pride and their duty, they challenged the deity, anyway. And regardless of surrounding him and pouncing simultaneously, they all met and swift and just end, vanishing in a cloud of smoke.
"Summoning?" Hinata was a bit surprised.
"They were called forth by the old man," Kurama informed.
"The shopkeeper? But why?"
"Maybe because we're intruders."
The princess pursed her lips at that unsavory truth. Still, she would not retreat.
"Did you find out how this room works, and where the door is?"
"H-Hn! I think so." She walked over to the hearth on the pictograph to verify her hypothesis. Stepping on the imagery caused all the windows to close and, almost immediately, the room wasn't as cold anymore. "Just as I thought."
"I see." It seemed Kurama had figured it out, too.
"Mmm," the princess nodded. "It would seem majority of the elements in this drawing are symbolic and linked to pressure-triggered switches beneath the floor. That's why when I stepped on the fireplace, which represents warmth, the windows automatically closed."
Kurama's eyes slitted; he was once more impressed by the level of human ingenuity. "If that's the case, then what would symbolize the door to the next floor?"
The princess rested a curved forefinger beneath her lip, deliberating. "In this case, anyone would guess that the front door in the drawing represents the same door that we're searching for but... I don't think so."
"What do you mean?"
"Etto... well, I may be over thinking this but, if these symbols are as technical as I assume, the front door would lead us backward and not forward. Plus, it's too obvious."
"Then, what do you believe symbolizes the true door?"
"That clock."
Kurama stepped on the clock.
"Ku-Kurama-kun!" Hinata felt a spasm of panic.
But, instead of the worst-case scenario, a door did open in the wall — revealing the path into another narrow corridor.
"I trust your intuition," he smiled warmly.
The princess sighed, pressing a hand to her chest in relief. Her pulse was still a bit wild but instead of chiding the gorgeous deity — not that she could actually do that — they both proceeded into the dark hallway.
"How did you come to the conclusion that the clock was the right trigger?" Kurama's eyes were soft and inquisitive, but still cautious as they proceeded into the perilous abyss.
"Remember on the third floor with the warning sign? From then, I realized that whoever created this place enjoyed misguiding people — and the door in the illustration was too obvious. Assuming it was a trap, the only other thing remotely close to signifying a door was the clock.
The hands of a clock always tick clockwise, never anti-clockwise. Like time, it was always moving forward — progressing with the motions of reality and capturing new occurrences. In a sense, time was another door."
"Amazing deduction," Kurama complimented coolly, saffron eyes bright with adore, and even more so, when she blushed.
The architecture and decor of the sixth floor resembled that of a cathedral — in that it was more refined in design and cultural. The room was more spacious and brightly lit with vibrant color schemes and furnishings. Lanterns were forged in the walls and expertly placed columns that illuminated the room and its exotic array of statuary, tapestries, and antiquities.
The dome-shaped roof was constructed purely of multicolored glass of intricate designs. And, in the center of the tiled floor, like the fifth level, was a pictograph enclosed within a circle. Illustrated in magnificent detail was a majestic bird wrapped in a sea of fire. But the creature showed no distress, as if the flames were innately apart of its being.
Awestruck by the scenery, Kurama and Hinata looked around in their fascination — studying, admiring, careful with their footing as much as they were on the previous level. This ostentatious hall might very well be another means deception to lure them into trap.
"That must be the door to the final room," Kurama suggested quietly, looking straight head.
The princess followed his saffron gaze. At the back of the hall, beyond mirroring rows of lanterns mounted atop pedestals, were a few flights of stairs leading to a tightly sealed door. "Hn! But how do we open it?"
"Look — there's a door made of stone over there," Kurama pointed to the far right of the room. "We might get some clues by checking it out. If we've learnt anything so far, it's that we have to work before we can proceed further into this place."
Carefully making their way over to the next point of interest, Hinata and Kurama examined the curious structure. Perfectly cut stone slabs made the door appeared as if it was a puzzle set, and there seemed to be something inscribed on all the pieces.
"Why is this door made of stone?" Hinata wondered aloud.
"My thoughts exactly. It's strange considering the fact that all the others doors are made of iron." He frowned. "Wait a minute, there's something written on the tiles."
"Kurama-kun!" The princess was assessing a marbled-tablet erected on a stone column. "There's something inscribed here:
Revered is the legendary bird illustrated in the pictograph — a beautiful creature said to have perished by flame and born anew from its own ashes. Likewise, the blade of sword lives a long life and is broken down by fire to be made anew by its own alloy.
This deity born of fire is an inspiration to many that treasures the forge. Show your respect by forming the name of this mythical beast upon the stone barrier, only then will the path reveal itself onto you."
"Forming its name on the stone barrier," Kurama reiterated questioningly. "I think I understand that part, but what's the name of this so-called mythical beast?"
Hinata puts on her invisible thinking hat and rests an index finger below her lip. "A creature said to have perished by flame and born anew from its own ashes. Umm, I think it's called a phoenix."
Kurama raised one eyebrow curiously. "How do you know that?"
"I read about it once in a book. The phoenix is an immortal firebird that appears in a foreign mythology." She stuck her tongue out embarrassingly. "I'm somewhat of a bookworm."
Kurama smiled fondly at her, his eyes soft and alive with fascination. "You never cease to amaze me..."
The princess blushed and averted her gaze. "It-It was nothing."
By the time she turned around, he had already shuffled about the stone slabs to establish all the characters of the word in the right order. The ground trembled as the door withdrew into the floor and, as promised, revealed the path that they sought.
Inside was a small, bland storage room with only a few stone tablets scattered about on the ground. The adventurers were not impressed and, for a moment, they stood in abject shock; at a lost as to what they were to do next. But Hinata soon shook off the despair, adamant that the tablets held meaning. Everything in this bizarre mansion held meaning and, like all the others, they would decipher this, as well.
Further inspection of the stone pieces revealed an unfamiliar pattern on one of the four sides. And a few of them had a circular edge instead of being entirely squared, like all the others. Kurama and Hinata reached the same conclusion simultaneously.
With excited anticipation, they carefully brought all the tablets into the hall. And using the pictograph of the phoenix as a reference, they were able to arrange all the patterns painted on them in the circle, to mirror the original illustration. The ideal weight of the perfectly placed stone tabs triggered a pressure-gauged switched, which opened the final door beyond the flight of stairs.
Kurama reverted to his first form and, in mere moments, the shopkeeper came ambling outside with a ring resting on a red cushion in his hands. "Well done comma, young lady semicolon; you pass exclamation sign!"
"Wh-What do you mean?"
"From the moment I left you outside comma, to the moment you opened this door behind me comma, you were being tested full stop."
"But... for what reason?"
"Why to prove your worth comma, of course full stop. Within my hand comma, I hold a unique and priceless ring full stop. There is only one of its kind comma, and it is called Coatlicue full stop.
Long ago comma, a powerful seal was placed on this ring by a smithy's wife comma, who had a strange bloodline full stop. By pouring a large measure of chakra into this ring comma, one can use its special powers to heal any wound comma, and it is even said it can bring back the dead full stop.
Like the phoenix's ability to be born anew comma, we blacksmith have created a power that can revive anyone from the void full stop. It compliments your Aura Stone well comma, and I am sure it will serve you greatly in the upcoming war full stop.
But comma, before bestowing you with this ancient gift comma, I was curious about your bond full stop."
"My... bond?" The princess was still in awe by the ring's proclaimed power.
"Yes, that's right," an old woman said, coming forth from the recently opened door. She looked just like the man, except she had taller hair and no mouth stash or beard.
Hinata cringed, and she felt her chest tighten in horrible recollection, her cheeks pink in embarrassment. "You-You're that lady who sold me the p-p-p—"
"Panties, yes — sacred panties," she contributed casually.
"Oh comma, I see you have met my older sister comma, Tabitha full stop."
"That's right — this young whippersnapper is my brother, but enough with the formalities. You have been deemed worthy of the Coatlicue. Despite being left outside in the freezing weather by a seemingly deranged old man, you waited patiently for my brother's return. Then, for the sake of your fiancé, you abandoned all modesty and courtesy and rudely entered the mansion in search of the missing shop owner.
By besting all the traps and doors up to this point, you have demonstrated great endurance, tenacity, strength, wisdom, insight, and commitment. You have impressively proven the depth to which your love and affection stems for your fiancé, and we feel honored to rest the care of the ring in your care from now on."
The man nodded with a smile, lifting the cushion in his hands for her to take the ring. She did so slowly. "This is now yours full stop."
Hinata looked down at the silver ring in the center of her palm. It was so breathtaking in its simplicity. "I...I don't know what to say."
"There's no need for thanks," the woman said bluntly, suddenly taking her hand and pulling her in the direction of the stairs, toward the next room. "You've already proven yourself. Now, I have a few sacred lingerie that I want you to try." She giggled, almost ominously. "Since you got the ring for free, I'm sure you have lots of money to spare."
The princess whimpered in her distress. But she knew this was one trap beyond her ability to escape, even with her insight as a bookworm.
The man chuckled, and then turned an enigmatic eye toward the silent Bijuu. "That ring could prove dangerous if fallen into the wrong hands full stop. Protect it and protect her as well full stop."
Kurama frowned. He didn't need to be reminded as he had taken his current form specifically for the purpose of doing just that. Hinata was a goddess — a beautiful and divine goddess whose existence demanded longevity. She kindled a flame in his heart that didn't seek destruction and malice, but knowledge and compassion, instead. The girl was his medicine, his salve, and he would not allow her light to be extinguished. Ever.
Cupid Reincarnated? Kurama's Sensual Ordeal
Having safely returned to Konoha without being subjected to frostbite or hyperthermia, Hinata made her way to the bathhouse before the sun could settle into its routine slumber beyond the distant horizon, secretly smuggling Kurama inside to join her for a much-deserved soak.
Hours had passed since they left the snowy landscapes of the Iron Country, but still their joints and muscles felt as if they hadn't completely thawed. Their journey was a hectic one. And a period of relaxation in the hot bath was the perfect way to enjoy a long day transitioning into night.
Sure enough, the night also had its own share of drama to offer. The princess was surprised when Ino, Tenten, Sakura, and Hanabi sauntered into the room from the changing area in nothing but their birthday suits, chuckling as they shared in casual conversation.
When did Hanabi and the others get so close?
"Hey, look — it's Hinata!" Sakura pointed with a smile.
The girls called out to her blissfully, and then Ino and Tenten screamed in excitement when they spied the small, cuddly canine relaxing beside the nervous Hyūga. Despite their nudity, in a sudden hurtle of friendly competition they scooped up the defenseless deity as a predator would its prey before skidding off into the bath in a great big crash.
Water erupted into the air, spraying sparkling droplets everywhere. Sakura and Hanabi jumped in response, startled as water hit their unsuspecting bodies. Their breasts jumped, too, magnificent curves, edges and creamy surfaces beautifully flushed.
"Hey, you guys!" Hanabi protested as she grew demon horns. Then she stomped her foot before making her way into the bath to extract revenge.
Shannaro! Sakura's inner goddess drove her fist into her palm with a devilish grin, eager to extract some sweet revenge of her own. But, instead, the cherry blossom went to a far corner of the bath to sulk and silently grudge her more fortunately endowed peers. Even the younger sister of her rival had a far more impressive bust line. How their breasts taunted her. Every bounce and giggle of those monstrous melons was a painful insult to hers.
Ino and Tenten were on their feet now, fighting over and smothering a relatively annoyed Kyuubi while Hanabi splashed them with water. But, despite Hinata's plea that they be gentler, the girls couldn't subdue the overbearing furry in them. And, finally, Kurama couldn't take it anymore.
Squirming from their suffocating possession, he impolitely stepped on Ino's face and leaped into the air. Then there was a sudden outburst of fluffy white smoke, which slowly receded to reveal sleek, Persian red hair dripping wet with water, sexy fox ears and a plush tail, firm masculine curves obscured by the rising mist, a soft, cool countenance. And, on either one of Ino and Tenten's breast, was his hand — keeping the pesky females an arm's length out of his private space.
For a moment, the girls merely looked down at that capable hand crushing the pert peak of their nipple. Then they screamed in embarrassment, pink as they hugged their chest and ducked beneath the water. Hanabi, Sakura, and Hinata ducked, too, feeling the sudden spell of unnerving masculine energy that jostled that of their femininity.
"Hi-Hinata-sama!" Neji shouted from the male section of the bath on the other side of the wall. "What happened? Is everything alright?"
"Ha-Hai!" She responded shyly. "Everything is fine!"
Kurama allowed a neat smile, leaning against the border of the bath, garbed in his loincloth-like underwear. "Strange. Why do you hide when you possess such a fascinating form?"
"Because we're naked and you're a guy," Tenten snapped.
"Hime… the water really is wonderful, like you said."
Monster-face. "You, don't ignore me!"
As their shock gradually dissolved, as well as the primeval urge to clobber the male species that dared intrude on their privacy, Ino and Tenten resurfaced a tad, their torso still submerged as they studied the bold stranger that had their heart hammering a fierce rhythm in their chest. This... lovely creature, just who was he? They were quickly bewitched by his soft saffron eyes and furry ears — seduced by his otherworldly beauty. And his supernatural pheromones, his masculinity, washed over them with dangerous effectiveness.
But Hinata, Hanabi, and Sakura, who were already in love, didn't fall prone to his intoxication. They did, however, find him beautiful and attractive nonetheless.
"Hinata... what's going on? Who's that?" Everyone shared Sakura's curiosity. But, unlike the others, the girl's rage was still boiling beneath her skin.
The princess smiled awkwardly, the only one garbed in a two-piece bikini and didn't seem as startled or mesmerized. "Everyone... this is B-kun," she explained quietly. "But his real name is Kurama. Konohamaru-kun taught him how to transform."
"Konohamaru-kun did?" Hanabi was shocked.
"Hn! I was surprised, too."
"Then you were able to speak all this time, after all," Ino said. "But why didn't you before?"
"A lot has happened,"Hinata explained with a tepid smile.
"Who are you, exactly?" Sakura asked the right question again.
Everyone watched the deity intently, strangely not in the least bit troubled that they were stark naked in the presence of a half-naked guy. Tenten and Ino swallowed hard as he slowly swept locks of hair behind his ear with a far too enchanting flair.
"Just think of me as... a secret agent from Naruto's newly formed contract."
"Then, are you here to protect my sister?" Hanabi asked politely.
"You could say that, yes." Kurama's eyes drifted close followed by a smile.
Ino and Tenten flashed the princess a grudging leer, their faces grotesque. "First Naruto and now Kurama!"
Hinata went pale.
"Ino, Tenten-san — get a hold of yourselves!" Sakura chided, but they ignored her.
Hanabi frowned. "I've never seen them act this way before."
"It's Kurama-kun," the elder princess informed, her eyes gleaming with a hint of contrite.
Sakura approached her, still submerged enough to conceal her torso. "Eh? Hinata... what do you mean?"
She gazed at the Bijuu who was busy giving the girls the cold shoulder. "I think he has the power to make girls attracted to him, but he doesn't realize that he's doing it."
"A kind of inherent pheromone effect," Sakura contributed, a bit troubled by this fact.
"If that's true," Hanabi began. "Then why aren't we affected, too?"
Hinata averted her eyes. "I'm not sure. But I do know that Kurama-kun is a fox; there's no reason why he would take advantage of a girl."
"I really don't find that hard to believe," Hanabi agreed in a lazy tone, gesturing to the Kyuubi's evident annoyance as the girls continued to bother him incessantly.
Sakura sighed, ashamed to call them her best friends.
While Ino and Tenten were still busy creeping slowly toward the deity with hearts in their eyes, requesting to touch his ears, requesting to see his tail, Hanabi took the opportunity to tell Hinata that Naruto came to the estate in search of her while she was gone.
"Naruto-kun did?" Her eyes dilated in shock, and she felt a sudden mixture of glee and unhappiness, coursing hot through her veins.
"Maybe he wanted to fight you," Tenten prompted.
"It's more like a challenge to measure our skills and improve his own," Sakura clarified. "He challenged many shinobi in the village, including Kakashi-sensei."
Hinata pursed her lips, her eyes a bit glum. Does that mean I had really sensed him back in the forest?
Ino grinned. "Naruto looked really cool in that ANBU uniform! To think that annoying prankster from our academy days would one day be wearing that suit. You really hooked yourself an awesome guy, Hinata!"
The princess blushed, but she couldn't push aside the grief of missing out on a rare opportunity to see him again. She had so many things to say, so many questions to ask.
"Don't feel bad, Hinata." Sakura rests an attentive hand on the girl's shoulder. "Maybe it was for the best; think how difficult it would be to part with him for a second time. Plus, he was just a Kage Bunshin."
"I...I suppose you're right." She attempted a wholehearted smile.
"So, has Naruto-oniichan gotten any stronger?" Hanabi passed a glance over them.
The girls hug their head. For a moment, there was silence and presumably a tinge of shame. The gap between Naruto's power and their own was too great — and they had seen the undeniable truth of that when they faced him. It made them wonder if what they had to offer in the war would be enough.
Tenten was the first to lift her head. "Naruto's gotten so much stronger that I think we'd undoubtedly win the war, if they just allowed him to fight."
"But he's gotten so much smarter too that I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows the war's about to start," Ino added.
"What do you mean by that?" Kurama asked, a bit assertive in his demand.
"Umm. Well, Naruto was sent on that S-Class mission as a front to prevent him from finding out about the war wasn't he?" She slapped her hand over her mouth. "Y-You can't tell him what I just said, OK?"
The Bijuu was calm. "Not that it's any of my concern but, if that masked man is truly Uchiha Madara, then this Shinobi Alliance will need all the military might at their disposal. And, even then, it might still not be enough."
"Is he really that strong?" Tenten sought a tad of closure, but there was only silence.
"Worrying has yet to actually solve any problem," Kurama was curt, nonchalant, his eyes closed. "Just focus on what you have to do now. And don't worry, Hime… I'll protect you."
The girls leered at Hinata again, and she raised her hands in surrender, her smile awkward.
"But he's right, you guys," Hanabi began. "Worrying solves nothing. Besides, I thought we came to the bathhouse to relax."
"Hanabi's right," Tenten agreed. "Talking about the war now just defeats the purpose of coming here."
"True," Ino murmured, creeping closer to the Bijuu again. The chibi of her inner furry had stars in her eyes. "Kurama… tell us more about you. How did you come to meet Naruto?"
Tenten inched closer, too, careful to conceal her breasts. "Do they have any special ninja tools where you're from?"
The Kyuubi sighed.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the bath, Shino, Kiba, Lee, Neji, Shikamaru, and Chōji was taking their customary soak. Their workload had more than doubled over the span of a few weeks since the declaration of war, and the therapeutic properties of the water always did their muscles well.
"Neji, what's going on over there?" Kiba demanded impatiently as the overprotective Hyūga used his ocular ability to spy on the girl's bath.
Chōji was a bit worried, haunted by flashbacks. "Are you guys sure you should be doing that? Ino and Sakura are over there, too, y'know."
Ignoring the coward, Neji's eyes narrowed, adjusting his vision to pierce through the thin layer of rising mist. "Th-There's a guy in the bath with them!"
Nani?! Everyone was shocked — Lee and Kiba especially ushered to anger by their uncontrollable jealousy. Neji was relieved that Hinata wasn't entirely naked, but he was disconcerted nevertheless. Hanabi was there, too, and she was much too young for such dangerous exposure.
"Oi-Oi," Shikamaru drawled, sensing impending danger. "Are you sure you should be peeping into a woman's bath? Neji, you're the last guy I expected this from; peeping is Kiba and Naruto's forte."
"I have to protect Hinata-sama and Hanabi-sama," the Jōnin defended hotly. "This is nothing compared to how Hiashi-sama would react if something were to happen to them."
Shikamaru sighed, refusing to argue like his mother would. "How troublesome..."
As the girls conversed and giggled buoyantly behind the stone wall, Kiba's blood was surging hot through his veins, and he made a low growl in his throat, his fangs bare. "Oi! How come you guys allow some weird outsider in the same bath, but not us?"
Hinata gasped.
"How does he know about Kurama?" Ino said with shock, hugging her chest tighter.
"It can't be!" Tenten's eyes were wide in disbelief. "Did Neji use his Byakugan?"
The girls panicked and rushed out of the bath through the mist to fetch their towels. Kurama reverted to his smaller form and sprawled out atop Hinata's head, just in time to watch the night's drama prolong, drifting into its final phase.
Lee dashed excitedly toward the wall to meet Kiba and Neji, to ask for a detailed explanation of what his comrade had seen. But he slipped on a stray bar of soap and smashed through the wall onto the other side of the bath. He opened the ninth gate!
The girls screamed in alarm, flushed from head to toe.
And Lee looked up at his potential harem, admiring their damp hair, startled eyes, soft lips, exposed collarbones, and poorly concealed curves. Blood trickled from his nose, and he heaved a lewd smile. This had to be heaven, he thought with a blush. But when the girls' faces suddenly became dark and grotesque... hostile, he had to wonder if he had actually stumbled into hell.
"Lee, you PERVERT!" Tenten snapped, sharing everyone's sentiments.
They ganged up on the daring bastard, stomping him repeatedly, especially where it hurts.
"Go to hell already!" Sakura roared, stomping ruthlessly.
"Die! Die! Die! Hurry up and die!" Hanabi mostly targeted the scrotum.
Ino was just as unforgiving.
Kurama was amused by the carnage.
Kiba and Neji hid behind the wall, sweating bullets.
Shino sat on the small tool by the mirror, washing himself peacefully.
"It's all over!" Chōji had a feeling he would be pulverized, too, even though he didn't do anything wrong. The fat guy always gets victimized.
"What a drag," Shikamaru sighed, still soaking in the bath.
Hinata smiled, ignoring her barbaric friends.
May 13th
Weather: Hot and then cold
Naruto-kun… how was your day? Have you been eating your veggies? Today as probably been the longest day I've had since you left; a lot has happened.
It turns out B-kun is actually the Kyuubi, after all. Using a special technique, he was able to extract all the goddess from his heart, separating it from the bad, and putting it into a single entity — that's the Kyuubi with me right now. And his name is Kurama.
I think he's here to protect me, but he's too embarrassed to admit. But, overall, I did get to meet him, like you promised and he saved me three times today. He tends to be grumpy sometimes but, all in all, he's very sweet.
Remember that I wrote about going to the Land of Iron today? Well, after fighting off a horde of Zetsu from Akatsuki and finally getting there, Kurama-kun and I ended up in a bizarre mansion fraught with trap doors, riddles, and strange contraptions. It was a trial by the jeweler we met, to find out if we were worthy of the extraordinary ring he had to offer.
In the end, we dominated all the floors and rewarded with the ring. We were told it holds amazing power. I'm sure Naruto-kun will like it. Now we both have a ring.
She smiled.
On our way back home, Zetsu ambushed us again. With the destructive finishing move Kurama-kun had unleashed on his army the last time, I was certain we wouldn't have seen him again. But, sure enough, he survived and was still determined to capture us both.
Nevertheless, every one of them was effortlessly wiped out by another finishing move and we continued on to the village.
Lee grabbed a hold of Sakura's leg in a daring move and began rubbing the side of his face up and down the silky skin. "Sa-Sakura-san, your leg is so smooth! Gai-sensei," he wept. "The Spring Time of Youth is truly a fantastic thing! Gai-sensei!"
Sakura felt an unpleasant shiver shot up from that contaminated leg up her spine. Then a beastly growl bubbled up in her throat as she glowered at him. "Shrivel up and die already! Die! Die! Die!" She continued stomping him, the girls sharing in the glorious kill.
Kurama listened to the symphony of crushing bones, still fairly amused. "Your friends never seem to have a dull moment, do they?"
The princess giggled.
I think Kurama-kun is starting to get more comfortable around others. He tries to hide and deny it, but I can tell he enjoys everyone's company. He's even asked me to make pastries with his face decorated on them, like what I make for Naruto-kun. That made me happy.
— "I'd ask for sake, too... but I'm leaving that special occasion to share with someone else."
Hinata beamed.
I think he means you, Naruto-kun. Together, with everyone, let's make Kurama-kun our friend. Let's make him feel at home. We both know how painful it is to be alone. No matter how different an entity is, loneliness is something that always brings hurt.
And with that being said... I really miss you, Naruto-kun. I want to see you soon. When you come back, we should all go on a picnic together — Kurama-kun, Hanabi, Konohamaru-kun, Sakura-san... all of us.
Lee laid lifeless on the ground, battered and defeated.
Suddenly, Ino swiveled her head around, livid, animalistic. "Where's Chōji?"
Shannaro! Sakura drove her fist into her hand, her eyes bright and demonic. "I don't know why but I want to send him to hell, too!"
Hanabi grinned sinisterly. "Yeah, the fat guy always gets pulverized for no reason."
Chōji bolted, and the girls sensed him like a wild predator, chasing after the oversized shinobi to administer his undeserved doom.
The following morning, in one amongst the many training grounds located inside the village, Hinata was performing her warmup exercises — striking a thick tree stump with a powerful series of forward thrusts. Then she paused for a moment, exhausted, and a light blush painted her cheeks as memories of Naruto during their childhood crossed her mind.
This was where he had also trained, as a child. It was nostalgic.
Her reverie suddenly dissolved, however, when Tenten made her way onto the scene, carefully fastening a circular targeting board onto a tree stump. "Morning. You're here quite early."
"Good morning," Hinata returned courteously.
"War is coming; we need to hone our skills."
Tenten took a few steps back and retrieved two scrolls. The unfurled papers twirled around her gracefully, allowing the master of precision to summon a chain of shuriken and kunai, throwing them to hit her target. "Most of all, I still can't wrap my head around Naruto being at the center of this war."
"I wonder what Naruto-kun is doing now."
"He's probably eating ramen in some far-off town. He seemed to be very carefree, when I saw him. By the way," she scratched at the blush that crept into her cheek. "Where's Kurama? He's usually with you, isn't he?"
"Oh. Umm, Kurama-kun is exploring the town today."
Tenten was a bit stunned. "Is it really okay for him to be alone considering... y'know!" She used her middle and index finger to imitate his fox ears.
Hinata giggled at the unimpressive performance. "He covered his ears and tucked his tail inside his clothes, so he should be fine on his own."
Suddenly, Satoshi made a scene, standing out by the fence. "Hinata-sama, it's almost time...," he informed politely.
"What's up?" Tenten was curious.
The princess turned to face her. "We're having a clan meeting today," she prompted softly, then bowed and took her leave. Naruto-kun, where are you now?
Meanwhile the princess made her way to the meeting room, in a far off region within the eastern sea — after his fill of interesting detours and encounters — Naruto was just arriving at his long anticipated destination. He had finally reached the secluded paradise to meet his destiny.
At first glance, the so-called island wasn't the kind of "paradise" he had imagined. But, soon enough, he would have learnt never to judge a book by its cover.
Hiashi sat on a cushion at the forefront of the room with all those summoned for the meeting sitting before him in two parallel rows of three. "The Hyūga clan has an important role to play here in Konoha," he began. "Also, in the coming Fourth Ninja War, we will be assigned missions as Konoha's sensory-type shinobi.
We will have many different assignments but, if the situation calls for it, someone must be able to keep the clan together. However, I was assigned to the reserve forces and Hanabi is still too young for actual combat. Neji," he looked to the young Jōnin. "You will lead the clan on the front lines."
He was shocked, and whispers broke out amongst the clan.
— The branch family?
— Even though there's the head family's Hinata-sama...
Hiashi's voice rose above the chatter. "I believe all clan members are aware of Neji's skills," he looked to his nephew again. "I'm counting on you, Neji."
Strolling along the congested streets of the marketplace, Kurama concentrated on the many curious smells floating around on the wind, oblivious to the many feminine eyes that watched and adored him, coaxed by his sex appeal.
Close by, he spied a lovely woman clad in ivory and peach with sandy brown hair and golden eyes. She stood frustrated by her grocery bags, obviously buying far more than she figured she could carry. Feeling inclined to help he approached her.
"Do you need some help?" Kurama's voice was silky smooth and courteous.
An arrow suddenly pierces her heart — hot, delightful, and intoxicating. He's adorable! The woman's breath hitched in her throat as he allowed a smile, already fallen victim to his irresistible charm and masculine beauty. She blushed fiercely. "Umm. S-Sure! Thank you!"
He smiled, unconsciously caressing her even more, stirring a heat that has been lying dormant for far too long. And that heat kept creeping toward the surface as they walked together on route for the northern district of the village.
"Here, I'll get the door for you!" She said exuberantly once they neared her house, scooting ahead to open the door for the chivalrous stranger.
"Where should I—"
"Anywhere inside would be fine."
Before he could rest the bags down inside the vestibule, the woman closed the door behind her and then threw herself against him. Kurama fell back onto the floor with a thud, foodstuff scattering around them from the grocery bags, cluttering the dining room floor.
Regardless, the woman made her way on top of him, eyes glazed with her arousal. "Why are you so beautiful?" She panted, excited by the mere fact that she was on top of him.
Before a nonchalant Kurama could respond, she leaned in and stole a kiss, securing his lips with her own in a deep, dark, pleading connection. And when she reclined and pulled her blouse over her head in a single, fluent motion, revealing creamy breasts and brown-tipped nipples, he was nonchalant no more.
In his human form, some physiology process took a hold of him without fail — triggered by his brief taste of sensuality, by the whisper of her libido — and blood filled his impressive lever beneath her. She gasped as she felt it, every nerve-ending sparking to life, her centre clicking with impatience and anticipation as it pressed deliciously against her.
"I've been so lonely ever since my husband passed away a few years ago." She explained in between hyperventilating. "You're the only man to ever excite me since, then. Please," she reached for his hands and rested them over her breasts. "Let me remember what it feels like to be with a man."
Kurama felt every muscle inside him went taut with an unfamiliar crave — raw in its intensity. And every fiber of his being urged him to explore, please, and destroy her with that desire. He needed to know if all of her was as sweet as the taste of her lips.
Now he knew what Naruto and Hinata felt when the consuming fires of lust arrested them; now he knew how irresistible its call was. And something told him there was much more to feel yet. With that heady expectation, the curious deity dominated the woman in an overwhelming rush of heat and sensuality, bringing her to a higher peak of ecstasy than her late husband ever could.
His hands squeezed, caressed and worshipped her soft breasts, even as a sensitive nipple ached deliciously beneath the wet assault of his tongue, his erection pushing deep, stretching what was left abandoned and neglected. The deity made the woman beg and plea, scream and cry — ripened and overflowed with pleasure and delight beyond her wildest dreams. She had never felt so alive.
And the Kyuubi shared her exhilaration. His body swelled with a heat that was more sweet and potent than the lethal pyrokinetic energy that dwelled inside him, sweeter than barbecue, than anything he'd ever experienced. Like her, he had never felt so alive.
"Kurama-kun!" The woman called as he sauntered off outside her door. "Please come and see me again!" Her hair was unkempt, eyes glazed with her obsession and contentment. And her cheeks brightened when he raised his hand in a silent goodbye.
Kurama's nose brought him to a restaurant further north of the district, where the smell of barbeque was especially exceptional, urging him to sample a taste.
Inside the congested dining area, he saw a young woman dressed in black and grey and tall stockings, which complemented her raven-black, shoulder-cropped hair and silver eyes. She was bustling about with polished trays upon which the costumers' orders were carried.
Apparently, she was the only one working — in the kitchen, behind the cash register, and at the same time, serving the requested meals. She was under a lot of pressure and, by the looks of it; her legs weren't going to hold up for much longer.
Suddenly, following a cute whimper of distress, the girl glimpsed him and an arrow suddenly pierces her heart — hot, delightful, and intoxicating. He's adorable!
Gliding over toward the exhausted female, Kurama sweetly proposed a proposition of equivalent exchange to her ear. And she shivered with delight at his buttery soft tone, her clumsy-level escalating wildly at his close proximity.
In return for helping her, she would have to feed him — simple. Having ate Hinata's special bento far too soon; he had gone and left himself open to starvation. But how could he help himself when his face was adorably drawn on his rice using fruits and vegetables.
To Kurama's delight, the woman agreed, already drunk and needy by his inexplicable allure. And, even more so, as she watched him slink about gracefully in his apron, distributing the customers' long overdue food. But his disposition was so enchanting that they didn't complain.
After closing the shop for a twenty-minute lunch break, the girl barged into the bathroom on an unsuspecting Kurama as he was washing his hands by the sink. Her eyes were glazed in that lascivious fashion he had grown to know well. "My sister isn't due back for another hour or so," she said suggestively, desperate, pleading. "Would you mind accepting another token of my gratitude for all your help?"
Before he could respond, her eyes changed and she threw herself at him, clasping his kimono and pulling him forward to sample the exquisite taste of his lips. Kurama felt that instinctive and uncontrollable surge of desire again, coursing through his veins with sweet familiarity. He could smell her arousal, and memories of his lever piercing and stretching soft, wet, hot flesh poured into his mind in a sudden flurry, adding fuel to his need.
Pushing her up against the wall with sudden assertion, a low growl bubbling up in his throat, he burst open her blouse in his sheer impatience. Buttons flew in all directions, and the plush curves of her breasts pilled out into his skillful hands. She bit her lip with a whimper and hugged his head as the crimson god took a swollen nipple inside his mouth, laving his warm tongue over that sensitive skin with slow, lazy strokes.
Panting breaths. Restless hands. Electricity — hot and consistent. She lost herself in the heady rush as he found what he sought beneath short skirt and striped panties. She shook, weakened, and whispered his name breathlessly as the powerful deity pleasured her against the wall, her legs bounded around his waist as he took and gave in a magnificent equation of passion.
Finally, she screamed as an all-consuming orgasm washed through her with delicious intensity, her tightness constricting around the thick width of him as she convulsed out of control. But the deity wasn't through yet; he was far from having his fill, and she smiled openly as he continued lifting her higher, towing her to the summit of pleasure.
Later — after the sated shopkeeper packed his lunch to go — Kurama coolly took his leave, her body still tingling all over with the afterglow of what he had given to her. "Bye, Kurama-kun!" She sounded like an exuberant child with a crush. "Be sure to come again! My gratitude will forever be open to you!" Only you...
"Help! Somebody! Anybody!"
Kurama's ears twitched. A young damsel in distress — he could tell from her scream and flustered aura, and yet he didn't move a muscle. He might have been the embodiment of the Kyuubi's good side, but that didn't mean he was a proactive superhero to every soul in a pickle.
North of the village, amongst the lush forestry, the complacent Bijuu was savoring the wide-open space and cool breeze on a slope by the pond. Both his ears and tail were unconcealed, as he lay upon his haori jacket beneath some shade, relaxing while his lunch settled.
Waving pink hair, alarmed ruby eyes, panting breaths — the girl was being pursued by a group of hostile-looking thugs. Their faces illustrated their lewd intentions as they gained on her, lingering dangerously close behind. But the girl wasn't about to let herself be caught without attempting to flee back to the safety of the village.
Dedicated, empowered by her adrenaline rush, she scurried along the byroad, moving faster than what her garb would normally allow. Wrapped in a peach yukata adored with floral designs and a perfectly tied bow, her glasses rendered askew in desperate bolt, she ignored the perverted taunts of the juveniles and focused all her energy on running.
Just before she was out of breath and resorted to throwing her picnic basket at the vile beasts, she spied a handsome man lying in the grass on a slope. Desperately seeking salvation, she clambered down the hillside and threw herself onto his chest. "Please, you have to help me!" She pleaded breathlessly. "I'm being chased by a group of awful men. Please!"
Kurama kept his eyes closed and, despite the caution that the present situation warranted, the girl couldn't help but admire his captivating visage. Already, his inexplicable attractiveness was delving passed her anxiety, fear, and adrenaline rush, stirring arousal and sexual need.
With flushed cheeks, the girl tore her eyes away from the intoxicating male and gasped as the barbarians came to a halt a few feet away, her eyebrows wrinkled with dismay as they grinned heinously at her, certain their fun would finally be able to commence.
"Hey, buddy," the leader said assertively. "If you hurry and get lost right now, I'll pretend that me and my pals here didn't see you tryin' to steal our prey."
They all smirked and snickered sinisterly. One guy pulled out a kunai and swept his tongue across the blade Orochimaru-style while another pulled out a pair of nunchakus. Despite their boss's decision to show mercy, they were eager to unleash their pent up blood lust.
Kurama sighed. "This is why I had told Naruto to kill you four."
One of the guys turned pale. "D-Did he just say Naruto?"
They all felt an unpleasant shiver of recollection run through them. Then suddenly — without compromising his smooth decorum — Kurama raised his hand and forged his scythe from his pyrokinetic flames, rotating the weapon on his fingers with daunting precision and skill.
"Holy facking ass crackers!" A delinquent exclaimed. "He just created a massive scythe out of thin air! What level of shape manipulation allows you to do that?"
"Nowaki!" Another delinquent gave out. "I think you've bitten off a little more than you can chew again!"
"How about you fools quickly take your leave and I'll pretend you didn't disturb my rest."
They swiftly did what they were told, whimpering like helpless puppies with their tails between their legs. Unlike Naruto, they knew this stranger seriously meant them grave harm; they could feel the truth of it down to their very bones.
After a few minutes, when Kurama knew they were far enough away, he dematerialized the menacing weapon and, finally, the girl was able to breathe again.
"Th-That was amazing!"She gushed once she had reclined onto her heels and straightened her glasses. "Thank you for saving me... etto—"
"Kurama," he introduced warmly, finally opening his eyes and turning the full intensity of it on her, his saffron gaze burning into hers.
The girl gasped as an arrow suddenly pierces her heart — hot, delightful, and intoxicating. He's adorable! She blushed scarlet."M-My name is Hatsume..."
He closed his eyes again. "Why were you being chased?"
Glum, she bowed her head. "I'm from the Hidden Mist Village and my father is the head of carpentry; he's responsible for overseeing the reconstruction of the village. Maybe those thugs were out to kidnap me for random."
Kurama was quiet again, as if he had drifted off into a peaceful slumber. And the girl took the opportunity to survey his otherworldly beauty: the sleek luster of his hair, the thick fringes of his lashes, the lean square of his jaw and perfectly chiseled lips.
Suddenly, time stilled.
Somewhere inside her, Hatsume's Otaku Meter jumped from "impressed", "awestruck", "enchanted", "Shut-Up-And-Take-My-Money", to "Overwhelmed". Another hopeless furry, she beamed with stars in her eyes when she saw his ears and bushy tail. She didn't care how mysterious his presence was or if he was even real; all that mattered was savoring every moment until she was drunk from his existence.
Kurama smelt of fresh berries she noted, inching closer to him, despite her nervousness. And with each breath, her heart pounded a more violent tattoo. It was as if he had come right out of a popular manga — her very own Miketsukami Soshi from Inu x Boku SS or Sesshoumaru. Yes, being an anime fanatic did eventually pay off. It was possible to meet a guy just as hot as an anime character, but comparing this irresistible god to fiction didn't do him any justice.
Slowly, tentatively, flushed up to her ears, Hatsume carefully removed her glasses and lowered her head toward his torso. She wanted to know if his pulse was as erratic as her own, but it was relatively steady. Of course, Sessh's pulse would be steady, too; it reflected their awesomeness. As she continued listening, her own heart hammered more wildly in her chest, and her breaths came quicker.
Some powerful force brought her attention to his lips. Her nipples hardened and her centre went hot and damp as she homed in to seize them. But suddenly, his eyes snapped open and heat flared inside her in response. She heaved an amorous moan as he slipped a hand into her yukata to cup and crush one ripened breast — invited by the scent of her arousal.
The Otaku's eyes were hooded and ravenous, and she opened her garment with an open smile to reveal her voluptuous body to him. "Kurama-kun," she whispered sheepishly. "I want to be your submissive. Please have your way with this masochistic fanatic."
The deity silently conceded to her wish as the sight of her chest ignited his own desire. Positioning her to sit on top of him, he leaned upright and caught a pink-tipped nipple between his teeth, holding her at the border between pleasure and pain.
In their remote haven by the pond, sheltered from the sun by the shade of a tree, Kurama explored Hatsume's deepest most darkest desires, making into reality her most far-fetched fantasies, ushering her into a level of synchronization with her passion for anime that she had ever experienced before.
Drunk with rapture, her eyes half-lidded and glazed, Hatsume combed her fingers through his hair, over his adorable ears, as he cupped her buttocks and pulled her down, slamming his steel even farther into her wetness, laying claim to her virtue and giving rapture in return.
The combination of sexual pleasure and her realistic connection with this mythical fox deity — a sexy stereotype featured in majority of her manga collection — was beyond overwhelming. The possession, the domination, the power, the grace, the surrealism — she couldn't get enough. Ecstasy washed through her in all different levels and forms, and she couldn't help but orgasm around his impressive length and width with each delicious thrust.
Hatsume flung her head back with a moan. Beads of sweat flicked from her hair. This perpetual rush and involvement, this heady downpour of gratification and fulfillment: this was the pinnacle of Otaku Paradise! This was sex!
Another orgasm clutched her. She screamed, that amorous whimper echoing throughout the dense forest, across the pond. Now, she could die a happy woman — experiencing a spark that no other Otaku has.
Double Bitch-slap
Sitting on a bench at the back of her home, surrounded by fuchsia-colored flowers, Kurenai and Hinata shared in a pleasant conversation. The princess told her sensei about the drama that transpired in the Iron Country and that; ultimately, she had attained the perfect ring for Naruto.
The woman was thrilled, but especially for the fact that the girl had returned home safely. If anything had happened to her, she would have been the one solely to blame — and she wouldn't have been able to forgive herself.
"I hear that because I, as the Captain, cannot go on missions, Team 8 is practically disbanded and its members are assigned separate missions." She sounded glum. "I feel like I've let you down. Can you forgive me?"
"Yes." Hinata's voice was soft and polite, as if she didn't want to awake the unborn baby.
Kurenai rubbed her tummy affectionately. "Thank you. It's easy when talking to another woman; it doesn't go so well when I talk to Kiba or Shino."
"Really?" The princess heaved a light smile.
"Oh, Hinata," our genius of a Chūnin rounded the corner of the house.
"Hey, Sensei." He was casual, hands tucked inside his pockets.
The woman smiled. "You look busy."
"I'm just back from a mission. But I'm not half as busy as Tsunade-sama or my old man."
Hinata gazed at him curiously. "Were you outside the village?"
"I went with Tenten to resupply Naruto's ship"
She gasped, springing to her feet with evident glee at her fiancé's name. "To Naruto-kun?"
Shikamaru grinned. "Yeah, he's doing well."
She averted her eyes to the ground with a curved index finger at her lip, digging up memories. "So this morning, when I saw Tenten-san… she was actually just returning to the village."
"Sakura, Ino, and Chōji also met them by chance, while on a mission. Oh, yeah... Tsunade-sama was looking for you."
She blushed lightly. "About a mission?"
"No idea," he muttered as she geared to leave.
"Kurenai-sensei," she bowed courteously. "I'll come by again."
She left.
"She's still the same, when it comes to Naruto," the woman mused.
"So, have you decided on a name?"
"For the child..."
She blushed cutely. "I'm considering some."
Tsunade wasn't by her office. From there, Hinata was directed to the Cypher Division, and then from there to the emergency food stores, where she met Ino who was recording all the list of newly imported foods currently being added to stock.
"Tsunade-sama already left," she said with a smile.
"What is it, Hinata," Kiba called from upstairs, transporting a crate with the assistance of Shino. "Did you come to help?"
The princess nodded her head. "No, sorry."
He was obviously disappointed. "I wish they'd send more people; this food just keeps coming in."
"It's because we don't know how long the war will last," Ino informed.
Ignoring the lazy bum, the girl turned around to face Hinata once more, her eyes a bit glum. "Umm, Hinata..." she whispered quietly. "I have something to tell you."
Outside, adjacent to the storehouse, Hinata curiously ask what she wanted to say. If possible, she wanted to see Tsunade as soon as possible. She could only hope that Tenten was wrong about Naruto already arriving at his intended destination, else her desire to see him would have gone up into flames.
She sighed inwardly.
"Hinata… I'm sorry," Ino began.
"Eh? But why?"
She averted her eyes for a moment, hesitant. "A few weeks ago... I kinda forced myself onto Naruto; I tried to kiss him."
Before the princess could completely wrap her mind around what the girl said, her hand rose automatically, mechanically, slapping the insolent teen square across the face with a loud echo.
Ino gasped. Reflexively, she pressed her palm to the area of impact, her eyes wide with shock. Hinata's brows pulled down above peeved eyes. She didn't need to speak; all the girl's charges were illustrated in the Hyūga's eyes.
"I deserved that," Ino admitted calmly. "It's strange, but I feel a little better now. You don't have to forgive me, but I really am sorry."
Hinata sighed and her scowl cleared, the defensive mechanism evoked by her love having cooled. "I'm sorry for hitting you, Ino-san." There was a small trace of assertion to her voice. "And I do forgive you."
The girl gave a wanly smile. "Love really does make people stronger. That even applies to you, Hinata. You have an amazing boyfriend; it's only natural that you'd want to protect him, even from other girls."
The princess blushed hotly, cupping her cheeks.
Ino chuckled. "It's weird seeing you of all people act all girlfriend-like — but I guess we're in that stage of our lives now where growth spurts are regular.
About Tsunade-sama… she said she would check up on the armory next. You should go and check if she's still there."
"Ha-Hai!" Hinata was jovial again. "Thanks, Ino-san!"
"You're welcome."
"Tsunade-sama already left," Tenten informed, hugging a bunch of spears against her chest.
Hinata blushed. "Tenten-san... did you... meet Naruto-kun on your mission?"
"Yeah, we went to deliver some supplies to them. Plus, on our way back, Shikamaru and I were confronted and challenged by one of his clones."
The princess didn't focus much on the latter experience. "Will there be other such missions?" She beamed, like a child.
"I'm not the one who plans those things," Tenten clarified. "Tsunade-sama said she'd inspect the medical teams next."
"Okay. I'll check there." The princess pattered off.
Tenten watched her, blinking rapidly as an idea formed in her mind. Then she grinned intently as it registered. This evening was going to be interesting…
Hinata slapped Sakura square across the face, the violent echo bouncing off the trees amidst the grove that the girl had taken her. "How could you have told Naruto-kun such a thing?" She snapped, teary-eyed. "How could you have told him you loved him, as a means to an end? Naruto-kun... Naruto-kun really loves you!"
Sakura gasped, tears swelling in her own eyes.
Despite what Sai had told her, despite the burden that promise weighed on Naruto's shoulders, she only ended up making matters worse by confessing her love to him in the way that she had. And by ignoring his relationship with Hinata… didn't that make her a monster?
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, she cursed herself, adding her blunder with Sasuke to the equation and torturing herself even more. Sakura was certain she deserved such agony for the unforgivable things she had done — but was it enough to repent for the extent to which she had hurt and disrespected both Naruto and Hinata?
"Sakura-san..." the princess suddenly took her hand in her own. "I forgive you. Your actions may have not been ideal, but your intentions were pure."
"Don't beat yourself up over what has already passed. Let's both look to the future; let's work toward protecting both Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun in this upcoming war." She heaved a confident and reassuring smile. "Naruto-kun will definitely save Sasuke-kun. He said he would, and that's all the reason we need to know it will definitely become a reality."
Sakura felt the girl's confidence and determination as if it were her own, and she smiled widely through her tears. "Hn! Let's both do our best!"
"Hn! Let's!"
Arriving back at the tent where she had left Lee and Chōji, along with other staff members of the medical team, Sakura finally addressed Hinata's question before she had dragged the princess away in search of privacy. "About Tsunade-sama... we were told she couldn't come."
Hinata gasped, disappointed.
"We were told to just send a report later. There's a lot of people helping here."
Lee raised his hand accompanied by an introductory grin. "I have some knowledge of medicines."
"I'm in charge of food pills," Chōji added.
"Oh, there you are!" Tenten called from a distance, trotting toward them. "Oi!" She waved, obviously over-excited about something form of drama.
"Tenten-san!" Sakura pivoted around, curious. "What's the matter?"
She came to a halt. "How about we all go out and have some fun today? We'll go to the yakiniku place!"
"Yakiniku?" Chōji poked his head out of the tent, drooling ravenously in excitement. "I'm in! I'm in!"
"Good idea!" Lee was outside, too.
Tenten stared at them wearily, as if boys did have cooties. "You guys are not invited."
They were shocked, their hopes shattered into oblivion. "Why?"
Tenten tilted her chin proudly. "Well, I'm talking about a girls' night out." She coiled her arms around either girl's shoulder and pulled them closer. "Right? Let's have a meeting of the Girls' Club!"
Having pinpointed the Hokage's location, after far too many wild goose chases, Hinata waited outside the building well into the evening until the woman had finished her meeting.
Finally, she along with Shizune came ambling outside, answering to the Daimyo's summoning. "Um... Tsunade-sama!" The princess's stance was clumsy.
"Do you have a mission for me?" The princess asked politely, walking behind her along the road.
"No, I received a report from Hiashi. It said he's leaving the leadership of the Hyūga on the front lines to Neji."
Hinata bowed her head, a bit somber. "Hai."
"However, don't think he's looking down on you," the elder princess enlightened. "Just continue doing what you have to. Right now, that's enough."
"Tsunade-sama, we need to hurry," Shizune urged.
Hinata paused, unable to digest the woman's reassurance. But father thinks I'm too weak.