HSA: Allied Shinobi Force & the Final Prophesy [Part C]
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Kabuto's Reprieve & Naruto's Pilgrimage

"Your little friend here was quite restless while you all were away," Mrs. Hirofumi said quietly, gesturing down at Kurama who, while didn't bear any eyebrows, was obviously frowning.

"Sorry, Pal." Naruto apologized sincerely, briefly patting the back of his head. "Something urgent came up — the very reason why we'll be leaving Fuugetsu right away. Hinata," he cast her his eyes. "Hurry and fetch our belongings."


"My bad, Granny Hirofumi... but we'll have to leave a few days earlier than I originally planned."

"That's quite alright," the woman reassured sweetly. "You youngsters now-a-days are constantly on the move. Why, my husband and I were just the same, when we were around your age. Every day was a new adventure!"

"Must have been exciting," Naruto grinned, imagining it.

"Kyaa! That it was. This old lady has had her fill of adventures, mind you." She beamed at the memory. "Since you kids have to go, I'll package lunch so that you can all bring it along with you."

"Thank you, I'd really appreciate that," Naruto said with a smile.

Then the woman was gone — disposing herself to the kind and considerate deed. Once Hinata returned with a curious Kurama atop her head and Mrs. Hirofumi delivered lunch, as promised, Naruto and Hinata said their final farewell and then teleported.

The fresh autumn's breeze gusted across an open greensward, peeling up a few leaves in a harmless whirlwind. The serenity and familiarity made Hinata's heart sag. It was obvious they were no longer at Mount Myōboku, but where exactly had Naruto taken them? Was it possible for navigation go to askew while teleporting — could the technique formula be subjected to flaws?

The princess slowly turned her head around. Behind them, in the far distance, hazy yet familiar, was the lofty skyline of Konohakagure. She had lived in the hidden metropolis for far too long to mistake its arresting and comforting allure.

Before them was a tight-knitted grove, through which Naruto towed them. "I have a surprise for you," was all he said with a look of anticipation.

Following the first few rows of trees — a naturalistic fence of hard, brown wood — the couple eventually came across a quiet glade that nestled a small and attractive cottage within its center. Warm streams of sunlight beamed down onto the structure from the canopies above, coating the building with a fantastical glow that utterly took Hinata's breath away.

A smoking chimney atop the roof; a variety of colorful flowers planted in pottery; a small doghouse at the front; a swing fastened to a limb of a tree astride the house — the princess's femininity crooned in exhilaration. The scenery was so homey, so perfect. She loved and adored it!

Hinata took a step closer and paused, lost in the spectacle. This small house — it couldn't possibly all be there's... could it?

"Surprise!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly, confirming the truth of it when he gesticulated to a signpost that read: Uzumaki's Residence.

For a moment, our Snugglie-Wugglie couldn't quite catch her breath. And she couldn't find the right words to say. "Na-Naruto-kun... this is… when… how did you —"

Smiling, he gently took the hamper from her hand and took a step back, like he always did whenever he wanted to observe her reaction to something new and fascinating. Emotions flickered across Hinata's face, and her eyes sparkled with wonder and curiosity as she pattered toward the cottage and upped the flight of wooden stairs in a flash.

The door opened with a small, but welcoming screech. Inside was quaint in décor. Neighboring the hearth, a large violet rug dominated the center of the living room, a subtle contrast to the dark brown of the lumber paneling the walls. A dining table and chairs sat at a corner, and the kitchen and living room area was separated by a narrow counter. A few tapestries and picture frames hung on the walls, but it was obvious that the cottage was sparsely furnished and adorned.

"Like it?" Naruto said questioningly, his voice suspiciously faint. "I decided I would leave the decorating up to you; since I'm not cut out for that sorta thing." He tousled the back of his head embarrassingly, watching her still.

"Hime…" Kurama whispered, looking back and forth from Naruto surreptitiously. "I don't mean to frighten you, but... I think he's seriously over-exerting himself." His eyes narrowed gravely. "At this rate..."

Before the Bijuu could finish his sentence, they heard as Naruto uttered some form of gibberish before his body hit the plywood, luggage and all.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata rushed to him.

Kurama was on the floor now, worried and attentive.

"He's running a high fever," the princess said, resting a palm over his forehead. His face was shiny with sweat, his body flushed, breathing quick and uncomfortable. "Ku-Kurama-kun — could you go and fetch some fresh water; we need to bring down his fever right away!"

"Right!" He replied firmly, morphing into his human form before the last of the words could leave his lips. Then he was through the door, like a wild breath of wind.

Brushing off her anxiety-attack, Hinata took a deep breath and summoned her strength. Carefully handling him, she removed his jacket and folded the material, placing it gently underneath his head.

"Naruto-kun," she whispered, dejected as she gazed down at his overheating body. "I should have known," she chided herself quietly. "I was always by your side, so I should've known you were putting yourself under a lot of strain." Her eyes narrowed. "It's just that... you've always been there for me — always known what to say and always doing what must be done, despite the odds. I guess... somewhere along the way… I thought you were invincible. But even the toughest rock and tallest mountain can be vulnerable to the wind, and that's where I come in. I'll give my all to protect you, always..."

Once Kurama returned with a pale of fresh water, Hinata fetched a clean washcloth from her knapsack, which she rinsed, wrung, folded and rested atop Naruto's forehead. Then, she administered some medicine that she also had stowed away. And, within an hour, Naruto's temperature was on a slow decline.

"Looks like his fever has finally broken," Kurama said with relief, having long transformed into his second form and curled into a ball around the young couple — offering comfort, care, and protection.

"Thank goodness," Hinata said with a sigh, looking down onto a complacent Naruto, who was sleeping quite soundly in her lap.

Careful not to stir him from his peaceful slumber, she gently swept her fingers through the golden fringes of his hair, adoring the innocent and carefree visage he wore.

"He did well to hide it for so long," Kurama said in a cool, husky tone, his chin propped up upon crossed arms.

Curiously, the princess pivoted her head around to look at him.

"That Naruto... it must be demanding on his body having so many clones summoned over such an extended period, as well as be using such a high-level jutsu like the Flying God Technique."

Hinata's fingers drifted farther into Naruto's golden mane, her eyes somber, wistful, as she gazed down at him. "I know... I know all that now — but, it's obvious that Naruto-kun is our only chance at winning this war against Madara and Kabuto. And he's the only one who can possibly help Sasuke-kun to regain his morality and walk the right path again; Sakura-san's depending on him for that."

Kurama didn't like to see her frown. "You know all that and yet..."

"I can't bear to see him suffer, Kurama-kun!" She returned ardently, her eyes tightly closed in her frustration. "Sometimes... I feel like begging him to run away with me, but I could never have myself suggest such a selfish thing. And, no matter where we went, Madara would constantly be looking for us. And, his plan for world domination would affect us, too… no matter where we fled."

Moments passed and, when Hinata realized Kurama would not reply, she allowed her mind to drift. Her thoughts staggered and stretched until she was unconsciously weighing truth against reality.

Right there, inside her tummy, something was growing — something special, a miracle, that could only be made by both Naruto and her… together. In just a few months' time, she would be bringing a new life forth into this world.

How bizarre, and yet so spectacular!

The princess could feel an influx of emotions as this foreign ordeal lingered at the forefront of her mind. Would the baby be a boy or a girl — and will it be in full health? What would her family think — Hanabi, Kuwashima, Neji… Hiashi? Would the world be an ideal environment for her child? Did childbirth hurt as much as she imagined?

Hinata was perplexed and strung with trepidation by all the unknowns, but Naruto's support was her solace, her comfort, her wall.

— "Hey, are you crying because you don't believe in me?"

She recalled him saying, whenever she was glum and sobbing.

Slowly, compassionately, the introvert brushed her thumb over the length of her knight's eyebrow, watching how uncharacteristically quiet and motionless he was. This wasn't the energetic and seemingly happy-go-lucky Naruto she was used to being with, and something needed to be done about it.

Perhaps one of her many talents was needed in this crisis.

Dark marbled furnishings, tapestries, floral festoons, foreign designs and concepts — Naruto had even gone and equipped her heaven with a complete set of kitchen tools, utensils, and groceries. The kitchen was the most contemporary part in the house, just for her convenience. And Hinata took her time fawning over both its elaborate decor and Naruto's consideration. Then she preceded to cutting up some vegetables in preparations to cook.

The lunch that Mrs. Hirofumi put together for them was mostly starch and little protein, and there was absolutely no fruits or vegetables. If that was how the woman also fed herself, Hinata was surprised she was in such good health and strength, despite her delicate age.

Rice balls, rice cake, rice porridge, bread rolls, dumplings, roasted fish — the princess sighed at the incongruity of such a meal. It was incomplete, taboo, bland — a brazen insult to health standards and fine dining.

Hinata shivered.

Before she could reach for the sesame oil to grease her frying pan, a pair of hands slowly slipped around her sides and met at her tummy. It was Naruto, and his lips were dangerously close to her sensitive ears, his scent overlapping that of her prepared seasonings.

"Thanks for looking after me," he whispered far too softly, his velvety voice sending shivers down her back and to the soles of her feet.

Hinata pursed her lips, subduing the butterflies in her tummy. Then she breathed — a sweet hot breath through parted lips. "Naruto-kun..."

"No need to worry," he reassured with a smile, noting the hint of worry in her tone. "I'm mostly okay now. I promise..."

She didn't speak. Instead, there was just a telling silence that anchored itself onto Naruto's conscience... urging him to be straight with her.

"I'll be okay," he said with great certitude, gripping her a bit tighter. "I'm sorry, but I don't have the luxury of resting as much as I should, or holding anything back. You know as well as I the magnitude of destruction and chaos this war poses on the world."

"And we must do everything in our power to prevent that from happening, right?"

Naruto could recognize the stifled pain in her words, but he couldn't lie to her that this battle wouldn't take more than they were willing give... and even more so. Steeling his nerves, he swallowed his grief and pressed a hard kiss to the back of her head. "So, what do we have here?" He asked vibrantly, attempting a subject-changer.

Hook. Line, and Sinker.

The princess took the bait, effortlessly nudged into her culinary drive.

"I'm preparing some stir-fried vegetables to go with the lunch Mrs. Hirofumi prepared for us. But, before I can get into that, the first thing that a coordinated food preparation connoisseur must abide by is the concept of mise en place."

"And what's that?" Naruto asked curiously.

"It basically means pre-preparation and organization before one starts to cook," she gestured to all the equipment and prepped ingredients with which her food item would be made — everything gathered to guarantee a swift, tidy, and fluent workflow.

"Mmm. Impressive..."

Vaguely aware of his arms still around her body, Hinata geared into action, gingerly fetching a bowl of cabbage from the counter. "I already greased my frying pan with oil, which is now hot, so I will start adding my ingredients."

Naruto was keenly paying attention.

"First off, I'll add the purple cabbage. I'll be adding some white cabbage, too — but since the purple cabbage is tougher than the white, I'll give it a head start."

Having negative zero aptitude for the art and science of cooking, Naruto looked on in wonder as the vegetable sizzled under the pressure of the hot liquid. Once the heat and steam had softened its fibers a tad, Hinata added the white cabbage, followed by julienned sweet peppers and carrots and diced onions and celery, stirring as she went. Then, after adding pack choy with a measure of salt, black pepper, butter, and a pinch of garlic powder, she added the sauces: soy, teriyaki and hoisin.

Naruto unconsciously released her and took a cautionary step back, when Hinata lifted the frying pan by the handle from the stove and began tossing the vegetables, consequently sparking a marvelous flame that danced upward from the open pan.

Skillfully mixing all the ingredients and thoroughly distributing the heat to induce even cooking, the princess's mission was complete. And, through the rising heat and aromatic steam, Naruto could only watch her — admiring the woman in her natural environment, awestruck by her finesse and refined technique. This was her passion, her domain, and no one held as much contentment and control than she did in his moment.

"That was amazing..." Naruto finally said, his voice a mixture of excitement and admiration. But, before the princess could turn to face him, she felt something hard and alive at the base of her back, once Naruto held her from behind again. His lips brushed her ear. "While we're on the topic of fine cuisine, why don't I tell you what I'd like to served..."

Hinata swallowed.

It had only been a few seconds, but her nerves were already flaring — her body growing hot, skin flushed, and she pursed her lips and closed her eyes as his large hands caressed her tummy. Then they slithered slowly and affectingly down her thighs and back up again.

"My lips would serve as the appetizer," he prompt in a far too velvety voice as he nipped her ear lobe with knowing effectiveness. "The main course would be your sweet 'n sour chicken with pumpkin rice and a side of salad." Hinata gasped, both by his suggestive references and the way his capable hands cupped and fondled her vulnerable breasts. "Then, finally, desert would be me... you... my hard dick... your wet vagina... and hours of fucking!"

Naruto released her abruptly, and her breasts fell and shook erotically as he took a step back. The princess's poor heart was a hurricane in her chest, and her breaths escaped her lips, like a typhoon. Her body was breaking out into a sweat, her center hot and swollen with a crave for what he had described to her.

With a needy and purposeful glow in half-lidded eyes, Hinata covered her frying pan. Then she steeled her nerves through the rush of her arousal and returned into the wall of his chest, wishing they were already naked and him, plunging hard and deep into the delicious depths of her core.

She blushed fiercely at the thought, but managed to coil her arms around him desperately, apologizing in advance for the selfish request she was about to made.

She wanted him to make love to her.

"I... I'll do all the work!" She corrected nervously, failing miserably at hiding the pink blush that stained her cheeks. But she went on to reassure him only energy from his waist down would be strained.

Either way, Naruto wouldn't mind at all; he was amused and eager. Despite whatever toll sex would have on him, he was more than willing to make love to his girlfriend, to stretch and burn her until they were both drained and content.

Hinata sighed.

Against the hearty wall of his chest, she could feel his awesomeness, his courage, his pride, his commitment, his strength, his love, and his fidelity — all these merits combined created a heady cocktail from which the princess was hopelessly drunk. She was love-struck and needy, and it wasn't long before they were on the floor, cloths puddled around them, as if they had been undressed by the wind.

Naruto was sprawled out on his back, abs perfectly chiseled across his stomach as he arched his torso to look up at her. Meanwhile, as nervous as his smoldering gaze made her, Hinata was hovering over him, particularly enchanted by his member throbbing wildly across his navel.

On a breath spurred on by her raging hormones, she reached for his length and slowly pulled it backwards. It was hot... hard... rigid, and rebellious, and Hinata could only imagine the delicious chaos such a marvelous weapon would unravel inside her.

She sighed amorously.

Brushing locks of hair behind ear, the princess lowered herself to take him into her mouth. Her core pulsated vigorously at the nostalgic feeling and, even more so as she nestled him farther. She reversed and sucked his tip moistly, and Naruto groaned her name in his delight, suspense building up a storm in his loins. But Hinata didn't cease her slow and magnificent torture — she washed over him with meticulous strokes and kisses, like a tantalizing storm, building his need as she did her own, until they both could stand no more.

With a sinuous movement that etched itself in his mind's eye, Hinata skillfully maneuvered over him, rubbing her clitoris with his hard crest before taking her seat, stretching herself with the hard, lean length and width of his capable steel. The couple both sighed their exhilaration, the heat of their passion, the rush of pleasure, then Hinata tilted her head skyward and trembled vigorously as her peaking suspense made way for a most violent and satisfying orgasm.

"Nhhhhhhhhh!" She leaned forward as the waves continued to overwhelm and weaken her.

In her moment of high, she pushed the creamy curve of her breasts onto his face, giving him the privilege of sucking and nipping her nipples, even as her center squeezed and caressed his hungry cock, stretching and caressing her in return.

"Naruto-kun!" She moaned, her body hot and melting.

In her favorite loveseat, Hinata's inner goddess was watching their intimate interaction on her new flat screen television, stroking and caressing herself — always eager to be thrown, like a ragdoll, into pleasure's dark and addictive embrace.

Despite their arrangement, Naruto couldn't resist the demanding roars of his testosterones, his masculinity, and his sheer possessiveness. Reaching forward, like a famished and ravenous beast, he cupped the firm curves of her behind with his large hands and began thrusting his hips with delicious purpose.

"Nhh-Ahh!" the princess didn't complain, nor would she stop him.

Automatically — her legs astride him — she hoisted her body, allowing him to fluently dominate her, and Naruto didn't hesitate to capitalize on her generous offer. He squeezed her silky butt cheeks in his excitement, rendering her alabaster skin a lovely pink. His scrotum was taut in his arousal, filled with an abundance of his hot, rich seed — little white miracles with the sole purpose of procreation.

And he continued to trust in and out of her, mesmerized by her feminine screams, possessed by the heavenly feel of her — the heat, the moisture, the texture, the friction. With each push, he brought himself closer to the looming edge, desperate to take her along with him.

Then, finally, he stilled with a throaty groan... pushing deep, pouring himself into her — and Hinata flung her head back as the hot fluid invaded her. Time slowed to this glorious moment: her eyes closed; locks of hair danced and sparkled; her breasts bounced; and her fingers clenched. The powerful sensation induced another rippling orgasm, and the princess fell to a spell of hyperventilation, vibrating violently above her incredible knight, sinking her nails into him.

Then falling as a mass of jello against his heaving chest.

Time passed. The couple's pulse normalized, and they snuggled together, sprawled out on the kitchen floor, hopelessly lost in the afterglow of a NaruHina Moment.

"Naruto-kun..." Hinata said, her head resting comfortably on his forearm.

"Do you remember that day —" Naruto interjected softly — "when we left the village for the hot spring country?"

"Hn!" She nodded, seeking his eyes.

"I left a bunch of my Kage Bunshin here, and using what they had learnt from the construction workers and the carpenters, I had them make us this cottage. I wanted it to serve as a commemoration of us getting together — but, after all that's happened between us, I think its value is far more now… don't you agree?"

He didn't wait for a response. "I'm sorry for jumping the gun like that; I just wanted to do something special for you... for us. I was going to surprise you, after the war, but I couldn't wait — and I think there needs to be a grander surprise and celebrations, after the war."

The cottage consisted of four bedrooms, a veranda, and a back porch, which nudged Hinata to ask, with a blush, if Naruto wanted to have three kids. With a hearty laugh that jerked them both, he explained he wanted two kids, and that the extra room was just for guests. Surely Sakura, Sasuke, and Kurama would like to have their individual rooms, when they came over to visit. And Hinata beamed at the thought of that.

Once they had freshened up and dressed for lunch, Kurama conveniently reappeared (as he always did) just in the nick of time to join them.

"Kozo..." Kurama began once they had finished eating, comfortably perched atop Hinata's head. "Before you jump back into the fray… I would suggest you get some more rest."

"I believe so, too," the princess agreed adamantly, pushing to her feet to empathize her wish for him to quietly concede to the idea. "Naruto-kun has been pushing himself so much since the war began..."

He didn't dismiss the truth of her claim. "...And what about you?"

"While you rest, Kurama-kun and I will take a look around."

"In that case," Naruto began, lifting his hands from the table to form a seal. "I'll have a clone go with you, just in case anything happens—"

"No, Naruto-kun!" She clasped his hands together, slowly shaking her head in denial. "You need to preserve your strength for what's to come. I'll be fine," she smiled reassuringly. "Besides, Kurama-kun will be with me the entire time."

Naruto casted the Bijuu an appraising stare, measuring the dependability of the ancient beast — and, indeed, Kurama had certainly proven his adoration for Hinata and his commitment in guiding and protecting her. He knew that, for once, he needed to be rational and not allow himself to be swayed by emotion. But what if—

Hinata squeezed his hands, her eyes pleading and worrisome. And, finally, he conceded with a sigh. "Alright-Alright, already! I'll get some rest."

The princess allowed her shoulders to sag in her relief — sure their journey ahead would be fraught with danger; sure, greater trials and peril lie ahead, but everything had to be done in stages. And she was happy she had Naruto agree to rest before his condition worsened.

Once Hinata and Kurama escorted him into the bedroom, it took only a few moments for Naruto to fall utterly and lifelessly unconscious. Despite his merry appearance, he was constantly battling to stay awake all hours of the day.

Hinata watched him avidly, amazed by how far beneath the tides he had fallen in his weariness, but her smile was of a bittersweet mix. She knew the reason for his fatigue would once again haunt him, and there was absolutely nothing she could possibly devise that could change that dark eventuality.

The princess gently brushed the fine hairs sitting across his forehead with her fingers, as if silently apologizing for her helplessness and casting a prayer for his renewed strength in the same beat. "Rest well," she whispered, and then they were gone.

"Hime — why have you decided to go into town?" Kurama inquired in his deep soprano voice, speeding toward Konoha's inner city with a purposeful Hinata upon his back. "Over lunch, Naruto said our next destination is northwest of the Lightening Country — shouldn't we be trying to figure out where exactly that is?"

"I'm going back home to see Kuwashima," she explained openly. "I need to stock up on dry, instant foods for the long journey ahead. I suspect that our search for the deity will bring us far out at sea. Once we get back, though... you, Naruto-kun and I can put our heads together and try to figure out how exactly we plan to get there."

Kurama grinned, his long, powerful legs covering much ground despite his obvious amusement. "That Naruto should be lucky he has a woman like you."

Hinata blushed, and then she held her head forward with a smile, holding on tightly as the wind whipped across her face, tousling her unfurled hair. "It's been a while since we've been alone like this; you've been great company, Kurama-kun.

I remember being lost and overwhelmed by grief while Naruto-kun was away. I was lonely and certain his travels would be too dangerous to have him possibly return safely, but having you here offered me some level of reassurance — and, even though you didn't speak initially, your presence somewhat quelled my loneliness.

And, for all that and more… I'd like to say thank you."

"Curse you, woman!" Kurama hissed beneath his breath at her counter-attack, unable to mortify the blush that crept into his furry cheeks.

Hinata giggled jubilantly.

For a moment, Kuwashima felt as though her head was taking in water, eyes popped open in abject shock. She couldn't help but stare at the embarrassed teenager standing before her. "Hi-Hinata darling, sweetheart... that's marvelous!" She exulted openly — after finally finding her tongue — her eyes gleaming with her genuine happiness for the girl. "But are you sure both you and Naruto are ready to take on the responsibilities of parenthood?"

Her eyes slowly drifting close, the princess pressed a hand to her chest with a calm and humble grace that had the woman feeling awe and admiration. "While Naruto-kun is against my taking part in the war, priority for us right now lies with stopping Madara once and for all and putting the world at peace again. Afterwards, we will get in the right frame of mind for our upcoming baby."

The woman heaved a wanly smile at the girl's sentiments, disconcerted that she had to grow up faster than necessary in her convictions. It wasn't fair to rest the fate of the entire world on the shoulder of teenagers; it was downright deplorable — and yet she knew that, if they did not persevere, their reality would be forever doomed.

"Hinata..." Kuwashima's eyes were glum. "As mature and admirable are your words, it grieves me dearly to hear you have to speak that way. For you kids to have to share in this great responsibility of fighting for the world — it just doesn't seem fair to me."

The princess's eyes were a bit somber, too, but she tried her best to preserve her optimism. "If there's anyone who's feeling the true brunt of this war, it's Naruto-kun. He feels as though it's his sole responsibility to protect everyone."

"The Child of Prophesy," Kuwashima murmured, recalling his single-handed victory against Pain's in the past.

Hinata nodded. "He believes that more than anyone," she explained. "And he's neglecting his well-being to stay true to everyone's believes. That's why I need to be there for him. Whatever he denies himself, I'll do it for him. I'll keep him strong and healthy. That's my role as his best friend, his fiancée, and the mother to our child."

Sniffling, the woman swept away the tears that spilled over her eyelids and tried her best to retain her decorum. "Naruto's very lucky to have you at his side…"

Hinata's face heated.

"So, have you told your father as yet?"

"About what?" Hinata knew exactly what the woman was asking — she was just buying time to consider a reasonable answer.

"About the pregnancy."

She averted her eyes momentarily, feeling a bit queasy just imagining the man's wild reaction — surely the likes of which she had never seen before. "N-No, I haven't told him — and I don't plan on telling him, either... not until the end of the war."

Kuwashima's eyes were set in curiosity.

"When Naruto-kun defeats Madara and ends the war, I should think his renewed merit and fame will have him win my father's favor. Besides, I don't want to tarnish his focus on the battlefield with this news."

The woman smiled, intrigued. "Your father may be opinionated and a bit rough around the edges, but I think he already honors and respects Naruto, especially after the fight they had before. Nevertheless, I'll leave the timing to your own discretion."

"Thank you…" Hinata bowed her head politely.

"Kurama..." Kuwashima's attention was on the Bijuu now, who was relatively aloof throughout the entirety of the conversation. "It's very nice to see you again. I trust you'll continue looking after Hinata for me?"

The Nine-Tailed fox gave a wolfish grin, looking up from the floor by their feet. "You have my word…" he replied in a husky tone.

The hoarseness of Kurama's powerful voice sent chills up the woman's back. "Oh my," she heaved a nervous smile. "I still haven't quite gotten used to the fact that you can speak. But communication makes you an even more dependable friend."

The Kyuubi cocked his head to the side covertly, hiding the emotions that smouldered in its eyes. And the girls giggled in unison at his apparent embarrassment.

"By the way, Hinata," Kuwashima said with a pressing frown. How is it possible for you to be here, in a time like this — what's the news on the war?"

The princess averted her eyes briefly, contemplating everything that had transpired thus far. "Naruto-kun's doing his best to keep the casualties to a minimum, but lots of shinobi have already been killed — and something tells me the worse is yet to come." Her voice dropped on the last few words.

"While Naruto-kun's recovering from fatigue, I'm here to gather provisions for a long journey we have ahead. We were told by a sage of a power that could possibly give us an edge in the war, but we'll have to travel very far to retrieve it."

The woman allowed herself to feel only a modicum of sorrow and panic, before meeting Hinata's eyes with renewed optimism. "In that case," she said, already turning on her heels. "Dry goods would be the most ideal for travel. I'll pack a bag for you. In the meantime, why don't you go and freshen up?"


The princess was standing in the door to her room now, appraising the familiar space as if she hadn't seen it in decades. Everything was as she left it: floor mats clean and straight, bed neatly spread, curtains drawn, and the book — The Gusty Ninja — sat squarely on her table.

She sighed. "It's my room."

When she felt the warmth and comfort that her room offered compared to the peril and hardships of the war, it brought tears to her eyes. And Kurama turned away from the sorrowful sight, his teeth gritted in his helplessness.

"What's with this gloomy atmosphere?" a small, familiar voice rose in the room, winning everyone's attention. Then he was looking at Hinata gravely. "I have something important to give you."

"Me-Messenger-kun," the princess was sweeping the tears away now, leaving a pink streak below her eyes that merged with the blush upon her cheeks. "Did something happen to Naruto-kun?"

Kurama listened intently.

The amphibian leapt from the windowsill onto the table and shook its head in denial. "While the boss is away, I'm tasked with the responsibility of receiving any important mail, or any other form of communication that comes to the apartment.

Not too long ago, I got a scroll from a messenger pigeon — and its status states that it's urgent. So, upon picking up your chakra signature, here at the Hyūga's Estate, I decided to quickly deliver the scroll, before you left again.

Please ensure that the boss receives it, as soon as possible."

"R-Right!" Hinata accepted the tiny scroll with both hands, as if it were some delicate glass that would shatter under the slightest of pressure. "I'll get it to him as soon as possible."

"Great! Thank you! And, Hinata—" he casted her a long, sympathetic gaze— "good luck out there, both you and the boss." Finally, he looked to Kurama without any regard, before he was through the window again and out of sight and sound.

"I think we should get this to Naruto as soon as possible," Kurama suggested, breaking the princess's long, almost trance-like gaze at the scroll. "Let's get a move on; it's about time for him to wake up, anyway."


Having to turn a blind eye to the privacy of her room, the comfort of her bed, and even a warm shower, our disconcerted kunoichi made for the kitchen to reconvene with Kuwashima. In her urgency, she aided the woman in packing a knapsack full of provisions for their long journey head.

"Where's Hanabi?" Hinata asked, even as she was bustling about the kitchen, pulling down a handful of cup noodles from the cupboard.

Kuwashima was busy on the counter — rolling rice, a measure of crab, eel and cream cheese in a sheet of seaweed. Then she proceeded to cut them into one-centimeter thick circles of perfect sushi. "Hanabi-chan is out with Konohamaru-kun and his friends. They said, until the war was over and everyone came back home, they would protect the village should any rouge ninja or enemy territories try to attack."

"Eh?" the panic was evident in Hinata's voice.

The woman ambled over to the knapsack and packed the sushi inside, and then regarded a worrisome Hinata with a smile. "That was my impression at first, but then I was reassured they would be fine."

"What do you mean?" Hinata had ceased in her tracks now, eager to learn of the reason behind the woman's reassurance — was it guaranteed? "What if they end up encountering a shinobi much stronger than they are, even as a team?"

Kuwashima was still smiling, gazing unseeingly into an open space. "I may not have the keen sense of sight and sensory abilities as a shinobi, but I'm quite sure — on numerous occasions — that I've seen an orange-haired ANBU agent monitoring the children."

"Naruto-kun..." the princess pronounced his name without thinking, a warm emotion bubbling up in her heart, but then it dwindled — making way for sorrow and heartache. "His selflessness… his excessive consideration for others… it's having a physical impact on him — it's making him fatigued and weary. And, at the rate he's going, it's going to be life-threatening, eventually."

"Then go to him," Kuwashima said with a smile, holding out the knapsack for her to take. "Go to him and quell his worries. Be the sheath to his sword and the shield at his hand that you promised. Help to shoulder his burdens and share in the pool of power that will end this war and reunite us with peace."

"I will!" Hinata said passionately, her eyes burning, her smile bright. Then she accepted the knapsack, renewing all her solemn vows and promises in the same beat.

And then she was gone.

Naruto was in a stupor — climbing the ladder of consciousness, when Hinata and Kurama returned to the cottage. When he finally awoke, to Hinata's relief, he seemed well enough rested — and she didn't hesitate to present him with the scroll she had received from his loyal messenger frog. Time was of the essence and not to be wasted, especially considering their circumstances.

Naruto's brows furrowed, our golden warrior focused on the numbers inscribed on the scroll, even as he donned his jacket with obvious urgency. But, even with all the knowledge his clones and himself had assimilated over the span of a few weeks, he couldn't quite decipher what the combination of letters and numbers represented.



— Anonymous

"LATN40 degrees and LONGW73 degrees," Hinata read slowly, battling to comprehend what the code meant, herself. But to no avail.

"Does the scroll have any information about the sender?" Kurama queried in his second form, his body barely accommodated by the space in the living room area.

"No, there isn't," Naruto responded, double-checking the piece of papyrus in his hand. "It was anonymously sent."

Hinata didn't seem quite enthused about that fact. "What if it's just a prank, or maybe a trap?"

Those are the ominous probabilities Hinata contributed, but Naruto didn't allow his expectations to gauge along those lines. Instead: "Whatever the case may be — we should whack two birds with one stone — I suggest we find Shikamaru and ask him what he thinks about this, and we also need to find a way to locate Kabuto so that I can drug him. I'm sure a smart guy like Shikamaru can devise something bullet-proof for us."

Hinata nodded in agreement, beaming at the proposition. "Naruto-kun's right; Shikamaru-kun always pulls through, when we need him most."

"Alright then, it's settled," Naruto said, slinging his bag pack across his shoulder and looping his arms through the straps in the same beat. "But, before we go, there's something I want the three of us to do first."

Curious, both Hinata and Kurama sauntered behind our admirable knight. He led them to the threshold of the grove and stood before one of the trees at the very forefront of the brush. Without a word... just an innocent and scheming grin, he reached into his ninja pouch and retrieved a kunai, then proceeded to carve into the tree trunk.


Wrapped in emotion — a mixture of elation and grief — Hinata cupped her mouth and couldn't help but surrender to the warm stream of tears that flooded her eyes.

She sniffled.

Naruto had done it again. Despite how minute his tribute was to their love and commitment, he had overwhelmed her with joy and reverie. But the chaos that was the Fourth Great Ninja war was trying incessantly to tug and tear both them and their world apart.

Why did evil had to be so tenacious? Why did it strive to deprive them of their recently acquired connection and their wish to become a family?

Naruto's sky blue eyes were smoldering now — a resolute and enchanting gaze that captured and held that of his significant other's. She watched him, charmed by his beauty and his possession, noticed how his eyes changed to that of purpose and intent.

Holding up his thumb, Naruto gave it a light prick with the point of his kunai, holding up that finger long enough for her to see as the warm, rich blood trickled down his finger in a single line. His eyes were hotter now, as if he were chanting some silent oath, the likes of which Hinata understood very clearly, on a visceral level.

Then he swiped his finger along the horizontal line that made the plus sign separating their names, painting the indentation with his blood. Hinata didn't hesitate to follow his lead, when he handed her the kunai. And she swiped her thumb along the vertical line that intercepted with that of the horizontal, mixing the crimson tide of their life together.

"Kurama," Naruto called in a telling tone, swiveling his head around to meet the Bijuu's nonchalant gaze. "How would you like to leave your mark?"

The creature whipped its claws through the trunk of the tree — like a hot rod through plastic — carving four jagged lines below the couple's name.

"Well. That works!" Naruto said playfully.

And Hinata giggled.

Kurama smirked.

Naruto signed noisily, and then he was suddenly serious again. "Hinata. Kurama," they were both looking at him attentively. "This place is called Darlyn's Grove, and we just marked it — not only to label and announce that it's our own. Not only to depict our bond, but to engrave into ourselves an ambition, a vow, a promise... that the three of us have to return here alive, and together. So, no matter what obstacles we face on the battlefield in the next few moments, and over the course of a few days, months, or even years... we have to persevere. And, even if we are separated, at the end of it all, we have to reconvene right here.

"Right!" They responded in unison, echoing their determination.

Naruto tightened the knot of his forehead protector.

Hinata pulled her hair back into a ponytail; and

Kurama fenced himself in a tower of swirling flames, transforming into his human form — Persian red hair, saffron eyes, tall heavy boots, he was ready to unleash hell on the battlefield.

"Alright, guys — get ready!" Naruto prompted, still a bit uneasy about brining Hinata into danger's path once more. "Bear in mind that, the instant we teleport, we'll be in the midst of the war, so get your game faces on!"

"H-Hn! I'm ready!"

"I'll turn every last scum on that battlefield into ash," Kurama sneered.

Naruto grinned, resting his hands upon their shoulders and allowed himself to fall into meditation. His chakra skimmed over the many orange threads that lead to hundreds of different Kage Bunshins in his scope of connections, filtering through each to find out who was closest to Shikamaru's chakra nature — a complex and demanding procedure that demanded utmost concentration.

But, Naruto quickly located the nearest clone, who also possessed the formula to his Flying Thunder God Technique.

And then they teleported.

Meanwhile, at headquarters, the Hokage and the supreme commander, the Raikage, had just received word from their sensory and communications division, that both the Jinchuuriki and Hachibi had escaped Turtle Island and was now on the outside. Bee was on his way to the battlefield while Naruto — well, his chakra signature was all over the place, with some jumping over miles of distance in a single micro-second.

Tsunade felt a spell of panic, while the Raikage was livid, especially since the sensory team couldn't quite pinpoint which chakra signature belonged to the real one. And they couldn't quite comprehend how he was travelling so fast, either.

From the beginning of the war, they had received intel that there were masked warriors with incredible power, acting as key helpers in the war, but to think it was Naruto in disguise all along.

Despite the magnitude of help he contributed to the battlefield; however, it wouldn't make a difference, if he was eventually captured by Madara. It would spell the end of everything and everyone — all they had worked for and achieved up this point would be rendered futile.

The Raikage was intent on retrieving his brother, with the assistance of the Hokage, but Shikaku humbly suggested they refrained from that decision. "With all due respect, it's imperative that the senior officers remain at HQ and oversee the activities of all their troops," he explained. "In addition, if we're having difficulty finding Naruto, then, likewise, it will prove just as difficult and time-consuming for Madara, as well. And he's short on commanders, so he won't readily waste any resources."

"Then what do you suggested we do?" the Raikage's voice thundered, even though he had supposedly calmed down.

"I would suggest we forge contingency plans from now, and continue guiding our soldiers while paying keen attention to how each facet of these circumstances progress." His eyes narrowed. "Plus, we can't ignore the fact that Naruto's been a tremendous help in all of this — not only in the physical sense, but he's managed to keep the soldiers' morale in check. And he's the only one capable of distinguishing and killing off the parasitic clones that has been impersonating the shinobi at the various campsites."

Both leaders thought about that for a while, measuring the pros and cons of Naruto's freedom. Tsunade eventually decided to remain loyal and true to the bet she had made on the Fourth Hokage's legacy, but the Raikage couldn't quite dismiss the pessimism he felt about the entire scenario.

However, as much as he wanted to introduce both Jinchuuriki to his lethal Iron Claw, it truly would have been time-consuming to get to them both, especially Uzumaki Naruto.

"Fine!" the man conceded, cocking his head to the side with a hint of mutiny. "I'll trust in your good intuition, Shikaku of Konoha; you've earned that much."

Tsunade nodded in agreement.

In an instant, sensing the approach of a familiar power, a masked Kage Bunshin swiveled his head to the side, just in time to see the arrival of his counterpart, along with Hinata and Kurama.


It's been a while since he'd last saw them.

On a different occasion, he would've greeted them with a "Thanks for choosing The Naruto Express," but, instead, he wore a grim countenance behind his mask. He had seen too many of his allies fall to feel any spark of humor.

"Where's Shikamaru?" Naruto asked in a stern voice — the environment was playing on his emotions, as well. He didn't need to be in Sage Mode to feel the death and negativity in the air.

"The division made a camp on the mountain side, just below this peak; you can find Shikamaru there."

Naruto looked passed the ridge and out into the blue of the open sea. The whole idea of having to abandon his friends once more grieved him, even if he was leaving his clones in his stead. But the Great Toad Sage's prophecies have never been wrong; our hero knew it was imperative he went on this quest to acquire new power to aid him in this fight for peace, equality, and unity. And he was going to steel his nerves and do what had to be done.

Sensing his tension, Hinata pinched his jacket with worrisome eyes. "Will we be going down to the campsite to meet Shikamaru-kun?" She asked.

"No," Naruto's response was curt as he devised a way to avoid revealing his face in the camp. "Technically, I'm not supposed to be a part of this war — so it's best I stay out of sight for now, as much as possible."

The princess pressed a hand to her bosom, suddenly arrested by the fact that they had illegally escaped from the Lightening Country, despite the guards' best attempts to restrain them. But they were doing the right thing... weren't they?

Ino-Shika-Cho were having a conversation over onigiri when a toad hopped up to them with a scroll fixed to a hostler on its back.

"Mm?" Shikamaru was the first to spot the amphibian through the corner of his eyes, his mouth packed with rice.

"Hey, guys," Ino said staring. "Wouldn't that be one of Naruto's toads?"

"I think you're right," Chōji said curiously, wondering what news the secret ANBU agent could possibly bring to them, at a time like this.

With its flexible spinal column, the toad hastily retrieved the scroll mounted atop its back and held it out for the Chūnin to take. "Hurry and take it — I have a movie to finish at the boss's apartment! I-I mean: Naruto labelled this message as urgent, so you need to respond as soon as possible."

Ino rolled her eyes. "That's an acquaintance of Naruto, alright."

Shikamaru grinned at the truth of that.

The impatient messenger disappeared in a cloud of smoke once the teenager took the scroll from its possession. Three heads poked forward to take a gander at its contents, when Shikamaru unfurled it.

They all gasped.

"Naruto — is that really you?" Shikamaru said upon leaping from the rock face onto the ridge of the mountain, with Ino and Chōji in tow.

"In the flesh," Naruto replied, smiling.

"Ino-san, Shikamaru-kun, Chōji-kun," Hinata called, her voice small but ecstatic.

Kurama stepped forward in his second transformation. He had reverted to conserve energy as human form demanded quite a bit of chakra and stamina to sustain.

The trio frowned involuntarily.

"Wait! Isn't that—"

"The Kyuubi!" Chōji shouted.

Already Shikamaru was on his knees, his seals formed, determined to protect his comrades from the sinister and tenacious fiend. "Shadow Mimic Technique!"

Before the shadow could stretch from its source to the target, however, Naruto demanded for him to cease. Then he explained the Bijuu was the physical manifestation of the Kyuubi's positive self — and that its evil self was still sealed inside of him.

"Then all this time Bi-kun... or rather, Kurama, was just the Kyuubi in disguise?" Ino asked with a blush.

Hinata nodded.

"Then all this time I was—" Her blush deepened.

"So, Naruto — where have you been all this time?" Chōji asked.

"Listen, guys," Naruto began. "I know you have a lot of questions, but all that will have to wait for another time. Shikamaru —" their eyes met — "I urgently need your help with something but, before that, what happened earlier today?"

The squad captain frowned, knowing precisely which scenario he was referring to. "After we had dealt with all the shinobi of Edo Tensei and defeated all the Zetsu, Madara suddenly appeared and summoned a monster."

"Eh?" Hinata felt a spasm of panic.

"A monster?" Naruto frowned questioningly.

"It's a massive humanoid monster that, apparently — according to Gaara — Akatsuki has been sealing the Bijuu in. Needless to say, it was ridiculously powerful. A lot of your clones went and attacked it, but none of them stood a chance against that thing."

Naruto hug his head — in one sense, depressed by his helplessness and, in another — putting together and clarifying all the bits and pieces of information each vanquished clone returned to him.

"That explains why you suddenly collapsed today," Kurama said in his deep, husky voice. "You felt all the strain and damage your clones had received, on top of your own."

Hinata pivoted his head to look at the reticent expression Naruto was wearing, his eyes guarded, his lips an unenthused line. Whenever his clones die, their memories, experiences, and fatigue goes back to the caster. That would explain why Naruto-kun's composure has been so disjointed as of late, and sometimes he can't sleep.

"But no one died, right?" Naruto continued his inquiry. "So why did Madara come here? What was his aim?"

"From what I've heard," Shikamaru began. "Akatsuki has already sealed seven of the nine Bijuu into that giant and a tentacle's worth of the Hachibi's. All that's left is you, Naruto — but, instead of waiting, he came for the Amber Exorcist Bottle and the gourd within which the Silver Brothers were sealed."

Naruto frowned. "They were supposed hosts of the Kyuubi's chakra, right?"

"Precisely," Shikamaru confirmed, deducing that he acquired that information from his clone. "So, that thing might have not gotten all of it, but now it's got a taste of both the Hachibi's and the Kyuubi's chakra, which could spell disaster for us all."

"Which coincides with the reason why I need your help Shikamaru."

"...What exactly do you need me to do?"

Walking toward him, Naruto reached into his rear poach and pulled out a small scroll. "Alright, let's start with the less dangerous one."

The Chūnin felt his brows furrow, but he accepted the scroll without a trace of hesitation. "Tch," he clicked his tongue. "How troublesome."

Curious, Ino and Chōji poked their head forward to look. On the ivory length of papyrus — like Naruto and Hinata deducted — was a combination of words and numbers delicately painted with cautious spacing to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

"It's coordinates," Shikamaru said right off the bat.

"Coordinates?" Hinata repeated.

"That was my first assumption," Naruto admitted truthfully. "But I wanted your opinion before I jumped to any conclusions. Besides, I don't know how to tell where these coordinates are pointing."

Shikamaru's eyes changed, just like they always did whenever he had a brilliant solution to a problem. "It's going to take some work, but I should be able to triangulate the location of these coordinates on an atlas."

Handing the scroll to Chōji for safe-keeping, the young prodigy retrieved another scroll from his poach and unfurled it on the ground. Then he placed his hand on a seal to summon a large world map, along with a compass and other tools, with which to capture measurements to find the coordinate's location.

Everybody was awestruck.

"This atlas is a bit special, though," Shikamaru began as he took up the compass and a ruler, gesticulating to the map. "Along with the typical information of your average map, this atlas depicts the perpendicular lines of longitude and the lines of latitude that are parallel to the equator.

Latitude varies from 0 degrees at the equator to 90 degrees north and south at the poles, while longitude varies from 0 degrees at the whirlpool country to 180 degrees east and west.

On the scroll is written: L-A-T-N which, I assume, is just an abbreviation for 'latitude north'. So, the first coordinate would be: latitude 40 degrees north."

Everyone watched as Shikamaru, using his ruler and compass, meticulously calculated the distance of 40 degrees from the equator in a northerly fashion — and then longitude 73 degrees due west.

"Huh?" Shikamaru exclaimed, once his calculations were through.

"What's a matter?" Ino asked.

Naruto and Hinata were attentive.

"That's strange..." Shikamaru began. "Maybe I made a mistake or something... but these calculations are basically pointing northeast of the Land of Earth or, more familiar to us, northwest of the Lightening Country. But nothing there — just the open sea."

"I don't think you calculated it wrong, Shikamaru," Naruto reassured, even as he filtered through a myriad of information in his head.

"Oi, Naruto," the teenager was getting frustrated now; he didn't like when that sense of accomplishment eluded him. "You need to explain fully what's going on here — where did you even get these coordinates from, and where do they lead to?"

"He's right!" Chōji aided assertively. "This war is to save everyone!"

Ino frowned. "This isn't like when you told us you'd take care of Sasuke yourself; everyone needs to play their part in this war for us to succeed."

"No need to gang up on me, guys," Naruto said with a grin. "I had no intension to withhold the details from you in the first place."

"So?" Shikamaru replied, pushing to his feet, looking on with open expectation.

"In a nutshell, I was told in another prophesy that I needed more power to end this war — so I was instructed by Giant Grandpa Sage to find a continent northwest of the Lightening Country. Then I got this scroll, which was sent to my apartment, inscribed with these coordinates that, I assume, is a rendezvous point with somebody."

"Maybe it's a trap," Ino contributed.

Hinata felt her heart flutter at the thought of that.

Naruto frowned, his eyes resolute. "Even if these coordinates lead to a trap, Giant Grandpa Sage's prophesies have always been right. So I definitely need to go there, regardless of whatever dangers may lie in wait."

There was a moment of silence, then Shikamaru's expression softened. "I've been watching you for a long time, Naruto — personally, I understand why the villagers call you the child of miracles; you've accomplished some crazy things throughout the years. And I can't imagine just how powerful you at right now, especially since you mastered control of the Kyuubi." His smile widened.

"I can't begin to tell you how much you've helped and inspired me over the years — just looking at you, Naruto… proves the fact that anything's possible."

Naruto was a bit astounded. "You, Shikamaru?"

"Sure," he confirmed in his roughed tone. "I might be smart, but it takes courage and initiative to carry out any plan — and talking to you always helps me in that aspect.

Follow through with the Elder Sage's prophesy; he's never been wrong before. Just be careful."

Naruto's countenance was cool and yet grave, as he placed a hand atop his peer's shoulder, instantly sparking a connection. "Now for that final favor..."

Everyone was silent.

"I need to find Kabuto."

Everyone was shocked.

"Before I can commit myself to leaving this battlefield, even for a moment, I need to slow down Kabuto and Madara's plan — and I figured the best way to do that is to incapacitate Kabuto. So, I told Sakura-chan to make a poison for me that was guaranteed to be affective against him."

His eyes narrowed. "All I need is a way to get a technique formula to wherever he is, so that I can teleport there and administer the poison."

Upon recognizing the slight sign of a quirk stretching Shikamaru's face, Naruto was abruptly wrapped in a twisting golden flame of pure, searing chakra. The sudden burst of explosive power echoed off the mountains and reverberated throughout the open bay. It sent dust, brush and debris flying in all different direction. The trees and undergrowth arched opposite the power source, and Ino, Chōji, Shikamaru, and Hinata was rendered to their knees by the force — the utter gravity of the sage's spiritual pressure.

Ino shrieked in her distress. "What's happening?"

"Is all this power really coming from Naruto?" Chōji struggled.

"This must be the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode," Shikamaru enlightened with a grunt, despite the relentless force that pinned him to the ground.

Despite the strain, Hinata refrained from uttering a single word. She didn't want to compromise the resolve Naruto had forged in his heart. For, as risky as it was, she knew it was a just idea to secure a victory in this prolonged war.

"Oi, Naruto…" Shikamaru began, his breaths heavy with exhaustion. "Do you realize what you're asking me to do?"

"I'm not asking," Naruto returned, the Kyuubi's chakra raging, snapping savagely like a wild beast in perfect unison to his words.

And the Chūnin could feel the sheer force and will behind the powerful energy — impelling him to concede, inspiring him, convincing him that no one could match Naruto's level of greatness right now. That he was a god amongst them — destined to liberate the everyone from all their burdens, which included Madara's diabolical plans.

"Okay. I'll do it," Shikamaru conceded with a sigh and his typical wary expression, utterly overwhelmed, terrified, and awestruck by Naruto's explosive display of power — it was a confusing mix.

"I'll fetch Sakura," Naruto responded flatly, and then he was gone — as if into a radiant stream of light that beamed up into the distant cosmos.

"W-Was all that power really from Naruto?" Chōji asked slowly on all fours, dumbfounded by the radical demonstration.

Ino was pretty much flabbergasted, Hinata noted, and Shikamaru, instead of moving, was more concerned with piecing together everything that had just transpired. Disoriented, he fell to his behind, a bead of sweat sitting at his temple.

In but a few seconds, Darui, Chōza and Kitsuchi were on the scene and on the offensive — ready to cleave through and intercept whatever adversary that had invaded their camp and stirred their troops.

Chōji, Shikamaru — what's going on? What's happening?" Chōza demanded in a panic, looking around frantically in an attempt to locate the enemy and get a reading on the situation.

Kitsuchi was still a bit exhausted from trying to cripple and apprehend the Gedō Mazō titan from earlier, but he was on the floor and ready again to throw his boulders around. "For a moment, I thought that monster had reappeared again!"

Shikamaru pushed to his feet in a slouchy manner and brushed the dirt from his behind with a distressed groan. His visage was even more dreary for he knew he had a lot of explaining to do. "Something monstrous did appear, but it wasn't the one from earlier — it was Naruto's chakra..."

The shinobis' eyes widened in confusion and, at the same time, Hinata also scrambled to her feet, following Chōji and Ino.

"Hi-Hinata!" Chōza exclaimed. "Wha-What're you doing here — weren't you instructed by Tsunade-sama to remain with Naruto in the Lightening Country?"

By this point, Kurama had retreated into the concealing canopy of the trees and masked his presence, to avoid any unnecessary commotion. With Naruto absent, he had to be even more conscious of his safety... Hinata's, too.

"Okay, everyone… just slow down," Darui instructed, ambling forward with a raised hand. "If everyone's asking questions, we'll never get anywhere."

And then there was silence.

"Shikamaru..." he called with his customary frown. "You said what we felt was Naruto's chakra — did one of his clones lose control of the Kyuubi's chakra or something?"

"No. It was the real Naruto," the Chūnin explained slowly. "And what you felt was him exerting his power in the new Nine-Tails Chakra Mode he mastered."

Darui's eyes popped open in disbelief. "But that's impossible — both Naruto and Bee-sama should be under high-security surveillance in the Lightening Country."

"Well, with chakra like that, it's no surprise he was able to escape," Kitsuchi said flatly, thinking how like Naruto that was. He was headstrong and stubborn, like a rock — just like him, his sensei.

Chōza didn't know whether he was supposed to be ecstatic or dismal. "I know Naruto's strong, but what I felt just now was completely out of this world."

"I've never felt chakra so great that I've been pinned to the ground before," Shikamaru admitted pensively. "I thought that was only possible in Bleach and Dragonball Z."

"Shikamaru-kun," Hinata intervened softly, her eyes warm and determined. "Naruto-kun will be back any second now…"

For an instant, the Chūnin thought he felt the overwhelming power pressing like an oppressive palm against his conscience again, at the sound of Hinata's words — and he broke out into a cold sweat. "Naruto's asking too much this time," he admitted in a panic. "I've thought about it long and hard before and wasn't able to devise a way to locate Kabuto, nor as Tsunade-sama's reconnaissance team been able to pick up on his trail so far. Considering the nature of Edo Tensei, he's done a great deal to ensure that he's perfectly hidden."

Ino frowned. "I think I would be able to find him," she said in an undertone, winning Chōji and Shikamaru's attention.

"Slow down," Darui reiterated. "You're losing us again. What did Naruto come here for — what does he want Shikamaru to do?"

While Ino explained the nature of her strategy to Chōji and Shikamaru, Hinata took the initiative to explain Naruto's objective and the reason behind his coming here to seek Shikamaru's aid.

Darui frowned, considering the entirety of the elaborate scheme. "As much as that outcome would prove advantageous for us — with my level of authority — I can't approve Naruto's decision to act alone."

"He's right," Kitsuchi added in agreement. "Plus, one of the fundamental reasons for fighting this war is to prevent Madara from getting his hands on the Kyuubi and Hachibi to fuel his plans."

Darui was still frowning. "If we asked for permission to follow through with his idea, I'm sure we would be denied the opportunity, especially by Raikage-sama. And, if we act of our own accord, we would be openly committing treason against the alliance."

Shikamaru sighed, winning everyone's attention, then he was scratching his head wearily. "Like Kitsuchi-san mentioned earlier, Naruto's stubborn and headstrong; whether we decide to help him or not, his mind is already made up — reinforced by the prophesy he was given. And, it's not like we can stop him, considering how much stronger he's become."

The adults' adamancy waned at the truth of that, and Shikamaru continued. "It's better we help guide him — seeing as he'll be going either way — than allow him to go in blind and really end up getting himself caught."

Ino smiled a wanly smile. "I'm sure we can all help out without anyone finding out."

Chōji pouted. "Dad — I'm with Ino and Shikamaru! We're only in this favorable position because of Naruto's clones. So, I'm willing to help him continue everything it is that he's doing!"

The adults were once against speechless, deliberating all that had been said and weighing their options.

Naruto returned in his normal form, but more cautious than he left. His eyes veered from one corner to the next, upon materializing, and he used his sixth sense to scan the perimeter behind him. Surely, before he left, he had drawn attention to the area — attention that could've proved potentially threating.

And he was right. Attention was drawn to the vicinity, but he hadn't yet discovered whether the gathering before him would prove unfavorable or not.

"What's going on here?" Sakura asked cautiously, clutching a syringe containing a lime green fluid in her hand.

Naruto frowned, his lips pressed to a hard and unenthused line.

At the same time, Hinata stepped forward to reassure him. "Naruto-kun, it's okay," she began. "Shikamaru-kun believes he's come up with a plan to get you to Kabuto, but he needed everyone's help to put it together."

Without a word, Naruto and Sakura strode forward. Before them were Darui, Kitsuchi, Chōza and Dan, who was still sealed within the Four Violet Flames Array — a transparent square-like barrier erected by four shinobi.

"Son, you're attempting something very risky," Kitsuchi said with evident familiarity, looking to the teenager with warm, proud eyes — and he was also a bit smug about the fact he had taught this powerful warrior something new.

Naruto's eyes were calm and resolute. "Being blinded by ignorance is risky. Generally being a part of this war is risky. Ignoring a prophesy from the Elder Toad Sage is risky. Jiraiya-sensei used to tell me never to put all my eggs in one basket; what if this whole war is just a diversion for something else Madara has up his sleeve? What if, meanwhile we're here fighting dead shinobi and Zetsu clones, he's putting other plans into motion?

All this time we were under the impression that he needed every ounce of both the Hachibi and Kyuubi's chakra for that giant to move — or rather, that was my impression — but that expectation was wrong. Madara found an alternative to gather a measure of both chakra. What if it's a case where that's enough for whatsoever he's planning?"

Everyone broke out into a sweat at that unexpected analogy — what if Naruto's deduction was true? And what if it was already too late to turn the tables?

"Instead of wasting our time on immortal enemies, we should focus on putting down Kabuto and focusing all our resources on putting a stop to Madara, once and for all."

"For a kid, you pose a very good point," Darui complimented. He was completely onboard, in an inconspicuous sense, of course — along with everyone else.

"For a moment, Naruto sounded almost as smart as you, Shikamaru," Chōji murmured with a teasing grin.

"Oi, Oi," the Chūnin chuckled. "I don't know how he's done it, but Naruto's steadily getting better in all aspects of his individuality."

Ino blushed at that fact, but ever mindful of Hinata's keen intuition.

"Shikamaru," Naruto called, his eyes gleaming with renewed resolve now. "What's the plan?"

The Chūnin looked to Ino, who then took a step forward. "I'll be the one to find Kabuto." She had a serious frown on her face.

Except for Shikamaru and Chōji, everyone was a bit surprised. And curiosity swamped them.

With coy eyes, the girl allowed herself a brief gaze at those soft, sapphire eyes that were set in amusement below a gentle sweep of brows on Naruto's face. He was more curious than anyone else, and he kept quiet and awaited her explanation.

Ino hung her head in an effort to gather her confidence. This was the very first time that Naruto had ever seriously needed her help, and she didn't want to let him down. She was certain Sakura had put a lot of effort into making an effective poison to bring down Kabuto, and Hinata was always giving it her all, as well — evident by the spectacular spurt in growth she had undergone.

Ino wanted to demonstrate a similar level of resourcefulness and dependability as her female counterparts.

"My dad has been drawing up an idea for a jutsu for the longest while now," Ino prompted, quite aware of everyone's curious gazes. "The concept is, quite frankly, to be able to recognize and isolate the chakra signature of a puppeteer through a puppet — whether organic or otherwise."

It was obvious the nature of the technique had everyone caught in a brief reminiscence.

"The Yamanaka clan never ceases to amaze," Kitsuchi said with a hearty grin of his massive jaws.

"That's Inouichi for you," Chōza beamed.

And Ino shared his sentiments. "What motivated him to craft such a jutsu is that, when Gaara was kidnapped by Akatsuki, and, his Bijuu, extracted — the entire ordeal was largely because a spy under Sasori's influence was placed amidst the ranks of the council."

A muscle worked in Naruto's jaw. Everyone felt uneasy at the mention of that tragic incident and, while Gaara was saved, they ended up losing Elder Chiyo in the process.

Ino tilted her chin a bit. "To tell you the truth, while I have all the seals down and the fundamental concepts of the jutsu understood, it's still under-developed. This will be my very first time attempting it. But some things can only be properly refined through trial and error, right?" A dangerous trial, she thought to herself morosely.

"Will you be able to pull it off?" Kitsuchi asked earnestly.

"I don't have much of a choice," she replied flatly.

"The real question is: will you pull it off without harming yourself in the process?" Darui rephrased with a Shikamaru gaze.

The kunoichi frowned. "With what's at stake, we don't have the luxury of being sentimental."

"Ino-san…" Hinata murmured worrisomely beneath her breath.

Sakura squeezed the vial in her hand.

A muscle worked in Naruto's jaw once more, for he knew that she said was nearly the truth. Though, he knew if he had verbally stated as much, it would've left a bad taste in his mouth. The morally sound warrior had never believed in sacrifices, especially if they were not of his own — but he knew better than anyone that drastic measures needed to be made, if they wished to forge a better and brighter tomorrow.

Still, he was in denial. Still, he knew he wouldn't be able to stand idly by and allow one of his dear friends to slip through his fingers.

Without a word, Naruto ambled up to Ino and, when he was to the side of her, rested a hand to her shoulder. "I know we can do this...," he whispered softly in encouragement.

And then he was gone, slinking toward Dan and the others.

Naruto was gone, but his voice lingered — instilling a sense of hope and confidence in Ino… and some other emotions that she didn't want to admit. Pushing them aside, she turned on her heels with renewed zest and proceeded behind Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto, was it?" Dan murmured so that Shikamaru could hear, watching as the nonchalant teenager hovered toward them. "Just who is he? He has a striking resemblance to Nawaki."

"He's the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox," the Chūnin enlightened with a smile. "He's been blabbering about becoming Hokage ever since he was a kid."

"A child like that?"

"He's an idiot we used to study with. But, since recently, Naruto's been proving he's by no means a fool... or even remotely close to one. Matter-a-fact, he's become someone we can all depend on when all else fails — and I'm sure most of us are looking to him for another miracle in this insane war." Shikamaru watched the solemn glow in his friend's eyes as he neared them. "Even Tsunade-sama's betting on him."

"Naruto, eh?" Dan said, watching the warrior's unswerving eyes. So Nawaki and I have successors, even now.

"You might be born of Edo Tensei, but you have your former personality and, to me, that's more than enough to say you're alive," Naruto said by way of introduction. "I don't feel comfortable doing this without your consent."

Dan's eyes widened. Based on that statement alone, he could pretty much assume what Naruto's character was like. And he was impressed. But then he allowed a soft laugh. "With the way you walked up to me just now, that was the last thing I was expecting to hear you say."

Naruto's lips quirked comically, and his eyes softened from their former sternness. "Did I really look that serious?" He patted the back of his head.

"Naruto..." Dan said vibrantly with a hint of glee. "I know this war warrants a strong will, but don't let it change that cheerfulness that I sense in you. And, I appreciate your concern but I've already agreed to this with the others." He heaved a selfless smile. "I'd do anything to save the world that Tsunade lives in…"

Naruto's eyes widened in his surprise, and then narrowed with renewed resolve. "Ino," he looked to her as he pulled a note from his pocket. "This is the technique formula. I need you to engrave it wherever Kabuto's located. Using that, I'll be able to teleport there and administer the drug."

"Ha-Hai," Ino nodded, receiving the piece of paper from him. "I'll memorize it right away!" She promised, eager to please and appease him in their valiant endeavor.

More than ready to face what lie ahead, Naruto heaved a controlled breath and then he was covered in a multicolored flame. Everyone watched him breathtakingly, speechless by both the power and display of his newly attained form.

"That's some special effects he has going on there," Chōji mumbled with a trace of jealously.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata called anxiously, a clenched fist at her bosom. She wasn't sure of what to say or to which deity to pray for his safe return. But, despite it all, she wanted to have his attention.

Naruto turned to look at her, his eyes soft, his lips set in pronouncing her name. "Hinata…" he said, and there it was — the reassuring symphony of his voice. And he touched a finger to her cheek, which flushed in turn. "I'll be back in just a minute."

"H-Hn!" Hinata nodded with a confident frown, her worries quelled by his words. "We'll be waiting for your safe return," she whispered so only he could hear.

And Naruto grinned, noting her reference to their child.

"Oi, Naruto!" Shikamaru called, winning his undivided attention. "You can't afford to screw this up; remember that everyone here is risking their necks for this plan of yours, so the least you can do is pull it off impeccably."

His body suddenly exploded with chakra again — generating shockwaves that were more powerful and successive than the last. But Hinata stood enduringly amidst it all, rooted firm by her unrivaled belief in him.

"This is the new and improved Uzumaki Naruto —" the warrior reassured in his show of overwhelming power — "the one that does not fail or disappoint. I'll get this over with in an instant."

With her hair and clothes flailing in the wild cyclone of Naruto's aura, Sakura approached him cautiously and unfurled her hand with the vial. "Would it be too much to ask you to try for a vein?"

"I'll find out when I get there." He flicked the container into his sleeve.

By this point, Ino had already memorized the formula and had regulated her chakra to cast the jutsu, but there was a problem. "Guys… I forgot to say I needed physical contact with the target for the technique to work."

Everyone looked to Dan sealed in the barrier, thinking how difficult it was to have captured him in the first place. Ino's request was impossible.

"I'll handle it," Naruto said, raising his hand for what everyone figured was a fruitless strike.

"Wait!" One of the shinobi sustaining the barrier said. "You won't be able to destroy the barrier like—"

Naruto drove his arm forward, like a gleave, effortlessly shattering the barrier like a pane of glass. Before anyone had a chance to gasp in her shock — in an impressive display of blinding speed — Naruto was already in an upward arch before Dan, quickly forming his seals so as to render the man motionless in sphere of water.

The Edo Tensei warrior gasped a few bubbles in his spiral imprisonment, but he couldn't move; it felt like he was being crushed beneath the pressure of a ton of water.

Despite his surprise, Kitsuchi pouted like a petulant child — disappointed that his pupil didn't chose to barricade the corpse of Edo Tensei using an earth style jutsu.

The four guardians of the barrier pushed to their feet, their faces pale with dismay and disbelief. "…I can't believe he broke through the barrier," one said.

"That was the Four Violet Flames Array — it was meant to be indestructible!" another man muttered.

Chōza smiled in an effort to cheer up his comrades. "The upside is that now we have an idea what he's truly capable of."

"And now we can understand how he escaped from the Lightening Country," Darui added coolly.

"I guess the special effects isn't just for show," Chōji said openly.

"Yeah," Shikamaru agreed slowly. "He just might be able to pull this whole thing off."

"We don't have any other choice but to believe that," Hinata informed softly, and yet she cupped her hands together, as if to chant a prayer.

The moment Naruto removed his hand from the uniquely forged orb, Ino replaced it with that of her own, pressing a purposeful palm to Dan's forehead in preparations to cast her spell.

"Ninpou: Puppet-Keeper!"

Using this willing soldier of Edo Tensei as a pipeline to guide and channel her search, Ino was able to follow the invisible strings — the undeniable reins of control that conveniently lead all the way back to the crafty and conniving puppet master.

Kabuto was in the confines of his secret lair, as he always had been since the war officially started. He was barely highlighted by the flame of a candle he had by his side, grinning as he watched the strategically placed marbles on his playing board.

All of a sudden, he could feel a bizarre spell of scrutiny — a feeling that was ominous and invading as it was peculiar. But, by the time he could identify the corpse that was compromised and snipped the connection he bore with the warrior, it was already too late.


Kabuto felt his consciousness being hopelessly pushed aside, and his cognitive and motor skills were all but commandeered in the alien invasion. The man grunted in his struggle to maintain control, but he was losing a battle in his own domain.

By this point — under the monumental strain of the technique — Ino had fallen prone to a nosebleed, and then she began coughing up blood when she entirely assumed control of Kabuto's body. Despite Naruto's demand to cease, the teenager exhibited persistence in her endeavor and was able to have Kabuto use a kunai to carve the seal's formula into his forearm.

Naruto teleported, then.

"It's way too late for that now," he suggested calmly, his eyes enigmatic. But, behind his nonchalance, there was a fierce and relentless clash between malice and idealism; almost every fiber and cell of his being wanted him to crush this deceitful bastard where he sat.

On a whim, upon regaining control, Kabuto didn't bother to drive the weapon into his flesh and deface the script his treacherous body had inscribed there — instead, he tilted his head to spare Naruto a curious gaze. The serpent's eyes were wild, his mind flooding with scenarios as to how best he could apprehend the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki here and now.

"Na-Naruto-kun," he said, his devious eyes hidden beneath the sheen of his glasses. "I was just strategizing on the best way to capture the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki." He wasn't lying.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," Naruto replied, his lips an unenthused line. "But, whatever you've got planned, won't work."

Kabuto's eyes were unswerving and suspicious as he looked up at the glowing hero. "You seem... kinda different somehow," he admitted, but he wasn't referring to a change in a physical sense. "Don't tell me that you came here out of desperation to bargain with your life?"

In but an instant, Naruto turned and, with a swift sweep of his hand, sliced clean through Kabuto's snake-like tail that surfaced from the ground behind him. The puppet master clicked his tongue at his failed attempt to incapacitate a mere Genin.

But, before he could veer into a countermeasure, Naruto exerted his power to close the distance between them, clutching the side of the man's head in a crippling grip and shoved it into the side of the wall.


Kabuto felt his heart skipped a beat. He could vividly sense Naruto's hostility and his sheer force and overwhelming power, but then he could only feel pain as the warrior gave a hearty battle cry and began pushing his face hard against and along the hard rock, leaving nothing but destruction in his wake. Then he slammed him down into the ground beneath him, creating a massive crater as he did.

Kabuto couldn't move. Everything happened so fast. He was tattered and bruised, and felt an even deeper spell of panic when Naruto bounded his limbs using extensions of the Kyuubi's cloak.

Kabuto's eyes were wide, his mouth bloodied, and he stared unblinkingly at Naruto with evident scorn and disdain. "Naruto-kun," he smirked derisively. "If you couldn't even kill Orochimaru-sama, how do you expect to kill the new and improved me?"

Naruto didn't flinch when the bastard spat at his face, and the bloody fluid was instantly incinerated the moment it encountered the fiery cloak protecting him. That made Kabuto frown, infuriated that even such a whimsical level of disrespect had no effect on him. He didn't want to admit it but, Naruto had undoubtedly grown more powerful since their last encounter; try as he may, he couldn't retaliate against the Jinchuurikis' monstrous strength and restraints.

"You can't kill me," he bluffed.

"Unfortunately, I didn't come here to kill you," Naruto admitted, straight-faced.

Then he flicked the vial from his sleeve, popped the lid, and stabbed the miserable snake in the neck, ensuring that he emptied every last drop of the vaccine into the heartless fiend.

Kabuto didn't bother to twist his head back into place; he simply veered his eyes freakishly to the side to hold Naruto's gaze with customary disdain. "It's no use; Orochimaru-sama cells have made me immune to all types of poison."

The serpentine wretch suddenly felt a wave of heat and unease skim through his body, and it was then that he realized just how difficult it was to utter his words. He had broken out into a cold sweat, and his nonchalance faded.

The man's eyes were frantic and demanding, to which Naruto replied: "This is a new serum that Sakura made… just for you."

"But that's impossible!" He rebuked aloud. "There shouldn't be anyone aside from Orochimaru-sama, myself, and maybe Sasori who could conceive such a drug."

Naruto released the conniving snake and leaped back, not enough to demonstrate caution, and that fact annoyed Kabuto beyond measure. "Sasori underestimated Sakura, too, which is partly the reason he lost to her and Granny Chiyo."

Kabuto slowly pushed to his knees, completely bewildered and out of breath. "But Orochimaru-sama—"

"Believe what you want," Naruto said dismissively, cutting him off, still holding back the explosive urge to dispense of the vermin right here and now. "Just allow your body to be the judge."

And then he was gone.

Kabuto felt a spell of anger and frustration welling up inside him. Then a nasty cough ransacked his body, blood flowing from the side of his mouth. His chakra was in disarray, and he could feel his control slipping through his fingers.

Unfortunately, his body was more focused on assimilating Orochimaru's cells than fighting off the virus. He was certain death would be at his door, if he didn't make haste in researching a vaccine. I guess their plan was to weaken me to the point where the Edo Tensei jutsu would undo itself, Kabuto thought to himself amusingly, leaning against the wall for support. But Edo Tensei doesn't work like that — it continues, even if the caster dies. He frowned, panting. But I can't afford to risk my chips while I'm working on the vaccine. He grinned, slowly undoing the seal. "Naruto-kun… it seems you've inadvertently gotten what you wanted... but how long do you suppose it'll take me to make an antidote for your serum?"

He fell to the ground.

"Madara… It seems our plans have been pushed back a little."

Somewhere far away, nestled in a sea of forestry, was the Gedō Mazō statue — motionless and eerie in its size and design. And, in its palm, was Madara, who had seven Jinchuurikis standing at attention before him. They were armed with a Sharingan in one eye and a Rinnegan in the other, more than ready to drive the world into chaos with just a simple gesture from their evil instigator.

All of a sudden, all seven instruments of Madara's latest scheme vanished into coffins and disappeared from sight and sound.

The man frowned behind his mask, a slow and deadly anger rising forth within him. "That damned Kabuto — what is he plotting?"

He teleported using his Space-Time Ninjutsu.

And then the Gedō Mazō statue vanished in a thick mountain of smoke.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata said when he appeared by her side again, having brought Sakura back to the medical camp to a most impatient and disgruntled Shizune.

"How is she?" He asked slowly, stooping down beside her in the grass.

The princess heaved a small smile. "Sakura-san administered first-aid and I replenished most of her chakra — but she'll need lots of rest to restore her stamina."

"Naruto..." Ino called wearily, weakly lifting a hand for him. He took it with both of his own. "Did I… do okay?"

Naruto grinned. "Yeah," he reassured. "And I kicked the shit out of Kabuto for you, too."

Ino chuckled softly. "I'm sure you would've done that either way."

Naruto laughed. "No doubt."

She coughed, her throat dry from her exhaustion.

"Ino-san," Hinata called. "You shouldn't speak anymore; just focus on resting and regaining your strength."

"Chōji — bring her some water," Naruto instructed, pushing to his feet. "Ino, I really appreciate what you've done; you did a great job in finding Kabuto and securing the formula. Because of you, I think I might have enough time to fetch something that could help us out a lot in this war.

Your role is over for now. As Hinata said: just try and focus on recuperating for now. The final battle has yet to come."

Ino nodded as she beamed at him, and then veered her attention to Chōji and Shikamaru as they helped her up to partake of the water.

"Oi, Naruto," Shikamaru began with a subjective frown. "Don't you even think about going anywhere; we need to talk."

"He's right," Chōza agreed, looking to where his friend was bounded. "Dan's gone, but what does that mean for all the other Edo Tensei corpses?"

With a rebellious spark in his oceanic eyes, Naruto veered his attention to the ridge's edge, and then out across the sea's horizon, suddenly slipping into Nine-Tails Chakra Mode with a calmer burst of power. "Hinata! Kurama! — let's go!"

"Ha-Hai!" Hinata answered, grabbing her hamper in almost the same beat.

And then Kurama was leaping from the canopy of the trees where it was hidden, momentarily engulfed in a twister of flames to achieve its second transformation before landing on the ground. With the princess safely secured to its back, the fiery deity followed Naruto's lead and vaulted into the open sky, making their way to the sea.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They felt a hint of betrayal and exasperation, too. Sure, Naruto had power, but he needed manners, too. The least he could do was prompt them about his intentions henceforth.

"There he goes…" Chōji said, blasé.

Shikamaru sighed, quite aware of Naruto's bad habits. "The least he could do was teleport Ino back to the campsite."

"Chōji!" Chōza said demandingly, already looming over the young Chūnin with Darui and Kitsuchi in tow. "Are we the only ones who saw what appeared to be the Kyuubi swooping down from that tree and taking off with Hinata?"

"What else aren't you telling us?" Kitsuchi said questioningly, convinced there were secrets based on the teenager's attempt at obliviousness.

"Has Naruto gained complete control of the Kyuubi?" Darui asked just as curiously, just as demandingly.

Shikamaru sighed, more noisily than before, a thumb and forefinger pressed to the ridge of his nose in a weary manner. But, before he could decide where to start filling in the gaps of the adults' cluelessness, there was that familiar sound of a speedy descent.

"Captains Kitsuchi-sama and Darui-sama," a man said urgently, suddenly appearing before them with one knee bent in his humility and respect, a massive piece of technology strapped securely to his back. "I have an important message to replay from the communications shinobi of all the divisions: as of a few minutes ago, all the Edo Tensei corpses vanished simultaneously. Reasons are currently unknown. As for the White Zetsu, they have begun to withdraw.

Word has already been sent to headquarters."

"Naruto… he did just what he said he would," Chōza commented.

"But do you think this is enough to convince the Raikage to allow Naruto to have his way?" Kitsuchi asked, looking to Darui.

"I doubt it."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dangerously charged bolt of lightning shot down upon the ocean's surface with an explosive and deafening clap, stopping Naruto and Kurama dead in their tracks.

Naruto frowned — a kind of cool and collected frown, his eyes transfixed; already having a vague grasp of the sudden turn of events and their current predicament.

"Wha-What was that?" Hinata exclaimed in a panic.

The sheer heat from the lightning bolt summoned an ominous blanket of mist atop the water, and Kurama sneered in response, assuming an offensive stance as he was certain of what was soon to follow. "Kozo..."

"I know..." Naruto enlightened, his shrewd eyes watching the movement of a suspicious figure amidst the shifting mist. And when there was the sound of an electrical charge, both Naruto and Kurama responded by leaping upward to avoid being struck.

"You arrogant fool! I could care less if you've managed to stop Kabuto!" a monstrous voice came cutting through the mist, like thunder. "I won't forgive the fact that you've opted to act independently against the wishes of the Kage!"

Suddenly, pretty much within the space of a microsecond, the enraged Raikage was airborne and more than within range to show Naruto just how fierce his anger burned. He didn't hesitate, but neither did our hero in an effort to defend.

With his entire body coated with the lightening element — bestowing him with enhanced speed, strength, reflexes and defense — the Raikage raised his arm, like a mighty blade, chopping downward onto Naruto's risen forearm that was reinforced with chakra to block the assault.


Blood sprayed everywhere.

Time slowed as the Kage's hand gradually sunk and sliced through Naruto's forearm in a most brutal and unsavory fashion, and much to the devastation of Kurama and Hinata who looked on in dark dread. Before the princess could let out a scream of mortification, they realized the fluid spewing from Naruto's arm was blue in color and not red.


Before the water-based clone could dissipate, Naruto had already made an appearance in the man's blind spot, reeling back his arm to deliver his retaliation. "I've already seen a weakness in your move," he informed coolly.

The man frowned, pivoting his head around.

"You placed way too much momentum and force in your blow. With the right amount of speed and dexterity, I can evade your attacks and use that brief window of vulnerability in your movement to strike."

And he did strike… sending the Raikage rolling and tumbling along the water's surface, like some washed-up plaything. The man was livid, but he pushed to his feet and tried to keep his wits about him.

So, he was able to conclude that much from a single confrontation. Hm. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considering he's the son of the Yellow Flash. And substituting with a water clone while you hid in the mist was brilliant. However…

"Kurama! Hinata!" Naruto called, exerting his power for what's to come. "You guys need to get out of here right now; I'll definitely catch up with you."

Kurama frowned, getting the gist of Naruto's unspoken words. Regretfully tearing his eyes away from his Jinchuuriki, the Kyuubi gathered strength in his hind legs and launched itself forward, careering in the general direction of their mysterious and undetermined destination.

"Na-Naruto-kun!" Hinata called, her eyes wide with horror, a mere thread holding together her resolve to yield to his commanding words. But that thread held steadfast when she saw the gleam of promise and conviction dancing in his oceanic eyes.

"You won't get away!" the Raikage bellowed, eyes dilated, his fangs menacing as he geared himself to give chase.

Before he could bolt ahead with that incredible speed he was notorious for, he was instantly stopped in his tracks as a bullet — a miniature-sized Rasengan — whooshed passed his face at a velocity that rivalled his own. The split second he took to sneer at Naruto cost him the opportunity to realize he was ambushed by three clones that, along with the original, quickly launched into a frenzy of attacks from all sides.

Wind Release: Slicing Bullet — Gatling Gun!

Water Style: Heavy Bullet — Gatling Gun!

Water and wind collided into the man's electrical wall of armor, like tiny missiles, threatening to pierce the barrier and the stubborn warrior behind it. But the Kage gave a loud and exasperated howl, amping up the voltage of his chakra to strengthen his lightening-based shield. Then he leaped into the air in a swift retreat, to regain his bearings, only to be met with the fist of clone engaged in Sage Mode.

The sun glared.


The weight of the entire world was behind the force of that one punch, the man thought in a pained daze, and he felt the impact charge like wildfire throughout his entire frame before making its way down into the sea, driving a large radius of the rebellious ocean inward in a phenomenal display of raw power.

The Raikage plummeted down, like a falling meteorite, but was able to land on his feet atop the water's surface. The sudden and explosive impact triggered an outward ripple of powerful waves that dispelled the three surrounding clones, leaving only the original and the other in Sage Mode.

The lightening around the Kage's body intensified and his hair spiked, like that of a Super Saiyan, as he straightened his bend and brushed the ache in his jaw with his knuckles.

Instead of growing weary, the man's power was growing mightier with his rage, but Naruto met that realization with a smooth Sasuke-smile. He had delivered a crippling blow just because the man simply considered hurting Hinata, but now he was going to fight on behalf of his given prophesy and his desire to succeed.

The Raikage looked in the direction Hinata and Kurama had gone.

"Kurama's a physical manifestation of the Kyuubi's goodwill," Naruto prompted calmly, noting the mixture of curiosity and anxiety that sparked in the man's eyes. "He mean's well."

Reassured — even though the unrefined visage the man constantly wore didn't leak the truth of it — the Kage swiveled his head back in Naruto's direction. "I've received word that Bee's on his way to the battlefield but, since you're ahead of him, I decided I would confront you first.

We don't know how you've been moving around so fast, but since you refuse to listen to reason, I'm going to break both your legs and drag you back to HQ."

Naruto didn't seem intimidated.

"You've definitely grown in power since our first meeting in the Iron Country, but your mindset is still irrational and childish."

"You've changed, too," Naruto replied flippantly. "You're more talkative now."

The man's eyes popped open in blind rage, and a vein bulged at his temple as he darted at Naruto for a bone-crushing assault. But, like before, the agile young warrior simply made use of the man's brief window of vulnerability.

Again and again they clashed, but the Raikage wasn't backing down and neither was Naruto, who maintained the upper hand.

Finally, after sustaining more damage than he cared to admit, the Raikage opt to cool the furnace that seared within him; that clouded his judgement. Suddenly, his coating of lightening was gone and his countenance was something new and uncharacteristic.

Pure calm.

Sensing the new vibes that dawned with the man's sizzling rage, Naruto retreated to a safe enough distance and began observing. As powerful as he might have become, he was still facing off against a Kage — and the Supreme Commander of the Allied Shinobi Force, for that matter.

"I heard from Tsunade that you're the Child of Prophesy and meant to save the world — a long line of outrageousness stemming from your parents to Jiraiya, and to you. But I don't care about such nonsense," he shouted across the silent waves, maintaining his nonchalance. "You shinobi from Konohakagure are adept at using fancy words, but what I care about his power!"

Naruto frowned, insulted by the man's stereotyping.

"If you want to persuade me; if you want me to let you go, then show me your power! Defeat me and prove that you have what it takes to defeat Madara and put a stop to this war!"

A muscle worked in Naruto's jaw, but he didn't utter a word; he didn't abandon his sensei's philosophies. Everyone were culturally diverse — and this, apparently, was the Raikage's preferred way of being convinced. If he had any hope of revolutionizing this world, then he had to at least ace this trial.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto uttered firmly, dispatching a clone on the offensive against the Kage. But, after proceeding within fifty yards of the man, the clone was severely electrocuted and quickly dispersed in a cloud of smoke — utterly obliterated.

The man smiled, as if his victory was already set in stone. "How perceptive," he commended mockingly. "Everyone's under the impression that I'm only capable of Taijutsu, but they are sadly mistaken. I have a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree web of lightening stretching out about fifty yards around me, and while you decide how to intercept that—"

He raised his hand and forged a massive and dangerous-looking lance wrought of lightening, which he swiftly hurled at Naruto and his counterpart with alarming accuracy.

The vigilant Jinchuuriki didn't hesitate; he evaded the projectile by going airborne, both of them did — a wise retaliation as a wide radius of where they stood became deadly with conducted electricity. But, suddenly, the teenagers' wise decision became questionable as the Raikage forged another lance and launched it at them, which Naruto evaded with the help of his clone.

In that brief instance, without exchanging a word, they formulated a plan for the man's downfall and agreed on who would play what part. Naruto was confident and, sure, he had grown since his fight with Pain — but had he grown to the point where he had become a match for a Kage... and the Raikage at that?

Sage Art: Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan!

Using the Kyuubi's cloak as a rein — a large and extendable arm — Naruto grabbed ahold of his clone and stretched the chakra-forged arm toward the Kage in a high arch, like a guided missile moving at incredible speed. The Raikage focused his three-hundred-and-sixty-degree landmine into a single concentrated column, within which a lightening-based shield appeared.

The Sage-mode-clone collided into the barrier with his Rasengan, and a battle between the elements ensued. The sphere shrieked as it labored to break through the wall of energy.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Naruto asserted, both him and his clone pushing harder.


The shield began to shatter then, foreshadowing the man's downfall. But then—

"Ninpou: God's Speed!"

The Raikage's eyes snapped open with a certain zeal, and then four more shields materialized in tandem to the first, much to Naruto's surprise. Following up, the Kage forged and hurled another gigantic lance their way at astounding speed.

But Naruto was able to pull his clone from harm's way before it was too late. Both warriors stood silent, distant, assessing the situation. They were a bit astonished, too. How could the man have accumulated that much chakra in such short time?

"God's Speed…" the Raikage enlightened with a grin. "As you know, the brain communicates with the body through electrical signals, so I merely used my chakra to amplify those signals — and I also sped up the beating of my heart, which induces an adrenaline-rush sort of effect."

Naruto frowned. "So, everything from your motor to your cognitive skills have been enhanced," he added calmly. But surely such a grim revelation warranted more worry.

"Strength. Thought process. Reflexes. Chakra output — every faculty has been refined to crush you were you stand. I'm sure the Hokage will understand, given the circumstances: if we lose this war, there will be no second chances."

Naruto smiled confidently, a bit of hostility evident in the glow of his eyes. "I didn't buss my ass off training just to get caught by Madara, and I sure as hell won't be stopped by you, either. Since you're showing me your best moves, I'll show you one of my top five."

He made his customary Kage Bunshin seal with his fingers. "Ninpou: Naruto Chronicles – Sage Mode!"

At his bidding, roughly a hundred clones popped into existence all around him — and then they all proceeded into Sage Mode and marched ahead as dictated by their high commander, not a hint of hesitation nor fear evident in their oceanic eyes.

In response, the Raikage regulated his chakra nature to help in the summoning of two clones. They all stood back-to-back in complete readiness, widening their field of defense.

But the Yellow Garrison didn't falter; they charged forward with an intimidating battle cry and a splish-splash atop the restless waves, intent on overpowering the man that thwarted the path of the prophesy.

One clone stood at a distance and readied a jutsu — an arch in his back, his legs apart, his hands flying through seals. "Water Style: Piercing Jet!"

A high-pressured column of water spewed from his mouth, effortlessly piercing through the five shields — but it was nullified in a parrying attack by the Kage's shape-manipulated lance forged of lightening. However, the chronicles wasn't over; there were far more episodes to encounter — and they weren't coming in sequences but altogether.

Suddenly, surrounding the trio were a bunch of clones fashioning their hand like pistols, and then they fired.

Sage Art: Rasen-bullet…

Wind Release: Slicing Bullet…

Water Style: Heavy Bullet…


The tiny projectiles packed a dangerous wallop. They were gradually destroying the electrical shields, one after the other, which the clones had to constantly regenerate that was slowly but surely taking a toll on the Raikage

"Water Style: Piercing Jet!"

Naruto's clone fired off another sharp jet of water, which again was successfully parried. Then, in addition to jets and projectiles, clones started throwing clones, who aggressively engaged the Kages with their Frog Fu before falling or being knocked into the electrical mines and meeting a tragic fate.

Regardless, the clones kept coming, falling like rain — and the Kage had to up his count of clones to keep up with relentless onslaught. His eyes were everywhere, almost like a machine, as he quickly responded to each and every threat.

But, when clones started plummeting down with massive Rasengans, along with everything else, the Raikage's refined sequence of calculated moves started to fall short of what Naruto was dishing out.

The man's counterparts would spin their lances on their fingers to negate incoming Rasengans, while others impaled the bearer before defenses were compromised. All this while they were coping with all the other attacks, but it wasn't long before God's Speed started failing and at intervals both the Kage and his clones would receive hits from the incoming force of Frog Fu fighters. But, each time his reinforcements failed, he summoned new ones in their stead to have his back.

"I think it's about time we finished this," the commander said to the clone beside him — the first one to enter Sage Mode.

He nodded.

Both warriors bent their knees and sprang high into the sky, bursting through the air resistance, leaving the chaos behind. And much to the obliviousness of the Raikage and his clones.

Just before their momentum ran out, the commander forged an arm using his cloak to push the Sage Mode clone farther into the open sky. Then, in return, the clone clasped the chakra-forged hand and swung Naruto upwards. They repeated this ingenious strategy until they were hundreds of feet high, then the commander flung the clone downwards — firing off his counterpart, like a humanoid bullet, toward the ocean's surface and their persistent adversary.

At the same time, the Raikage was busy running around with his clones in tow, disorganized as the chronicles intensified. "Big" Ball Rasengans soon evolved into "Ultra-Big" Ball Rasengans that would prove laborious to overcome — and Naruto's clones started to launch combined elemental attacks of water and wind. Some began transforming into massive windmill shurikens and double-headed hammers that would effectively obliterate the Kage's clones and leave his back defenseless.

Battered, bruised and his clothes torn and tattered from the waves upon waves of assaults, the Raikage decided to refrain from spawning any more clones. He also reverted to close-quarter fighting from long-ranged, but kept the gears of his God's Speed turning. In this form, he swiftly turned the tides and began dispatching Naruto's Yellow Garrison one after the other — unmercifully extracting vengeance for the pressure he had to endure.

The man was so transfixed and drunk from his rampage that he didn't realize that the clones were allowing themselves to be struck, nor did he recognize that the ocean had started to glow. It was when the sun was almost completely blotted out and the clouds dispersed, like alarmed wildlife, did the man stop to note that a colossal Rasengan was crashing down onto him, threatening to utterly erase his stubborn existence.

And it was because he was as stubborn as a mule that he held his ground, outputting a hundred percent of his power in an attempt to overpower the monumental sphere with the power he had grown to confide in.

Yes — that's right! He couldn't be beat!

"Both Jiraiya and your parents walked the path of the prophesy and failed, so why do you — a bratty Jinchuuriki — think you have what it takes to succeed?"

Naruto smirked behind his powerful finishing move. "Just goes to show how much you know about me..."

With a frenzied battle cry, the gladiator took on the Rasengan, clutching the cataclysmic orb as Majin Buu did Goku's Spirit Bomb — but it was far too much power than he could handle. Though the creature would never admit it.

In a silky bright light born of his desperation — a surreal world forged of hearts — the Raikage was completely and utterly alone. But, when he looked to Sage Mode Naruto, the teenager had dozens of people — both friends and family at his back; pushing him forward; serving as his support and his drive.

Just before the man was hopelessly devoured by an unsavory fate, the Rasengan dematerialized and its bearer dispersed into smoke. Through the void came crashing down Naruto with a fist of steel. He had condensed the entirety of the Kyuubi's chakra into his right arm; putting everything forward in one final clash.

Brushing off the teenager's supposed act of pity and the fountain of rage it induced in him, the Raikage swiftly exerted his power and pit his maxed strength against Naruto's. He met the Jinchuuriki's fist with his own — a clash that rivalled an asteroid crashing into the Earth's upper atmosphere upon entry from deep space. The sheer impact and shockwave had a radius of the ocean caving inward, like a deadly quicksand, and rising columns of water obscured both warriors locked in a glorious moment of fate.

The Raikage found himself drifting back to consciousness sometime later — a few minutes, hours, days — he couldn't tell. But the first thing he remembered was Naruto whispering some words to him before he left.

"Raikage-sama?" the man heard a voice in his head — coherent and worrisome. "It's Inouichi. The sensory team sensed that you're injured, so we're sending Tsunade-sama at your current location right away. She insisted on teleporting."

"Tell her to hurry," the man returned in a deep, husky tone, lying on his back atop the placid tides. "I think my arm is fractured in five different places, and I highly doubt I'll be able to move a muscle any time soon."

"…What about Naruto?"

"...He got away."

"I see..."

The man sighed, his fangs poking out from underneath his lips. "The fact he was holding back makes me want to believe he just might be able to do it, after all..."

"We're almost there; I can sense something massive, just up head," Naruto prompted calmly, having teleported to reconvene with Hinata and Kurama and keeping up with the deity's speedy pace.

"You didn't kill him, did you?"

"Of course, not! As stubborn as the old geezer is, his presence is necessary in this war. He's the supreme commander, after all."

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata finally called, a hint of petulance in her tone. Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of anger and relief. She hated when he solely decided to play the hero and pushed her away; it was such a frustrating and vexing feeling.

The warrior grinned apologetically at her. "I'm sorry for being selfish — but that was the only solution I could think of at the time."

Kurama casted him an assessing gaze. "The plan was to open a window of opportunity for us to get far enough away. And, if fighting him was too much than you could handle, you had the option of teleporting to us — am I right?"

Hinata looked to him anew, waiting for his response.

Naruto smiled warmly. "I wish the other Kurama spoke as much as you."

The Kyuubi heaved a wolfish grin and straightened its thick neck, looking forward once more. "That was a strategic move you pulled back there; I'm impressed. And I give you points for winning, too."


Hinata blinked at Naruto, her long, sleek hair flailing in the wind. "Does that mean Naruto-kun actually defeated the Raikage? But he's rumored to be the most powerful Kage there is..."

"We're here!" Naruto suddenly announced, and Kurama slowed from his peak speed in an echo to Naruto's reduced pace. "I can feel a ton of hostility just up ahead, but the feeling's distorted. I'll try picking up something in Sage Mode, instead."

"I can hardly sense anything, myself…" Kurama prompted.


Hinata exerted her ocular ability, scanning the immediate vicinity and as many kilometers ahead that her vision would allow, but she didn't see anything out of the ordinary — just the blue lapping of waves stretching all the way out into the horizon.

But Naruto didn't agree. There was definitely something there. He could feel the weight of it in his gut — and, when he finally settled into Sage Mode, he could sense the truth of it. Less than a mile ahead, even though they could not see, was an entire continent spreading out before them — a grand city with a population of thousands.

Hinata frowned her confusion. "But how can that many people be living there and we can't see anything?"

"A special type of barrier?" Kurama surmised.

"I believe so, too," Naruto agreed, ambling forward. "In Konoha, the barrier surrounding the village is programmed more for sensory purposes than to physically keep people out — so maybe there's something special about this one, as well."

Cautiously raising a hand, Naruto touched his fingertips to the invisible barrier. There was a small ripple effect, as though the ancient sorcery would shy away from his curious touch — but, in response to the waves, the entire barrier became transparent to reveal a dark and desolated wasteland with a black sky and dreary clouds.

Subconsciously, Naruto associated this aftermath to his endeavors, should he fail in the ongoing war. And his eyes quivered in dismay — sure he had imagined what the world would be like if he didn't emerge victorious, but seeing an actual visual summoned an unpleasant hole in his belly.

All of a sudden, the clutch of pessimism swept away from his mind, like dust in the wind, when he saw a familiar face hidden in a hooded garb withdrawing from the threshold of the barren island.

The individual ran toward him happily and dove into his chest with a cheerful giggle, quickly tipping on toes to press a long kiss to the knight's cheek.

Hinata's head erupted, like a volcano, and she stood speechless.

"Shi-Shion?" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief, when the girl pulled back the hood. "What're you doing here?"

"Naruto — it's been so long! I've missed you so much! I was shocked to hear you had left with all your friends, even though you promised we would bear a child together."

Naruto felt a spell of shock at her outspoken words, and he scratched at the blush in his cheek with an awkward laugh. But, suddenly, with a deep shiver, he felt Hinata smoldering behind him — her hair curling and waving around, like a malicious fiend, her aura red and toxic.

Kurama stayed behind and ensured he kept his snout shut, certain of the catastrophe that was about to unravel itself here and now.

It's in moments like these he was glad he wasn't human.

R.I.P Uzumaki Naruto.

The princess marched forward, her pace threatening and foreshadowing inevitable destruction. But it wasn't Naruto that she had in her sights — no, it was the conniving vixen whose femininity screamed outrage in an echo of her own.

And she would not lose!

Without hesitation, our Hyūga princess retrieved the girl's hand that rested far too intimately and far too comfortably on her man's chest. She held it in a firm, accusing grasp, looking the girl over with feminine scrutiny. She was sporting an open, hooded trench coat that was sandy brown in color — this over a tube top, short skirt and boots. Her voluptuous body was threatening.

Both woman held each other's gaze with a prolonged grumble, electricity sparking between the two of them on a geothermal level. Then — suddenly, illustrated in their chibi form — both girls lunged at one another; lost to reason in a fluffy cloud of biting, scratching, kicking and pulling.

They looked like two cats in a feud.

The boys were in their chibi form, as well.

"This is the reason why I don't watch TV; I get enough drama in reality."

"Mmhmm-Mmhmm." Kurama nodded.

"Na-Naruto-kun! Who is she — and what is she doing here?" Hinata demanded exhaustedly, her face hot, her cheeks red.

Naruto tousled the back of his head. "Well… this is Shion from the Land of Demons. We met a while back."

"That's right," the girl flashed her hair with a certain flare, as if to woo Naruto and annoy Hinata in return, who had suddenly become her rival. "Naruto saved me from a cruel fate and, in turn, protected the world from the wrath of the dark ruler, Mōryō."

"...Mōryō," Hinata quirked her brows in recollection. "I remember Neji-neesan being sent on a mission in regards to someone by that name."

Naruto frowned, connecting some mental dots in his head. "The coordinates — you're the one who sent them, weren't you?"

The girl smiled warmly. "I believe a sage told you about this place, am I right?"

"Hn. The Great Grandpa Sage did."

"Then he would have been the one I had the linked-precognition with. A few days afterwards, I had another precognition and figured you would need help with both finding and undoing the seal.

I'm surprised you made it here so soon, though."

Naruto's brows descended closer to his eyes. "That only goes to show the urgency of the situation. I might have halted the progress of the war — but that won't last for long; I'm sure Kabuto's already started working on a vaccine for Sakura-chan's drug."

Hinata felt her heart tighten at that distasteful fact, but when Naruto ambled ahead of them with conviction burning in his eyes, she couldn't help but look at him with some level of reassurance.

"I want you both to ride with Kurama," he said, the ends of his forehead protector swaying in the wind. "I think it's about time we entered this place. I don't know what to expect, which is why I want you both to stick with Kurama; he'll protect you — especially you, Shion, who's most vulnerable."

The girls watched him in awe. They studied the broadness of his shoulders and the confidence in his lean stance; they could feel the positive energy permeating from him to them, and Kurama heaved an impressive grin, enthused, as usual.

"Let's go," Hinata cupped Shion's arm and ushered her toward their giant mount. The girl was a bit iffy at first, but then she could sense that the beast was a kindred spirt and allied with Naruto.

So, that's how she's able to walk on water, Naruto noted as Shion proceeded. She hardens spiritual energy into a thin round plate beneath her feet, which serves as a foothold for each step. But, to be doing it so effortlessly, you must have trained very hard.

Impressive, he smiled, pivoting his head back around to face the invisible obstacle that impeded their progress. You've grown a lot since the last time we met. But so have I...

Closing his eyes and allowing his mind to fall into that familiar pivot of focus, Naruto began absorbing Senju Energy — but with a more refined edge than usual. A filtered brand of energy that was more geared in sharpening his sensory reception rather than physical strength.

Once more, he gently touched his fingertips to the barrier, and the wall of invisible energy responded with a ripple that echoed across its entire expanse. Stopping his breath, his senses keen, Naruto concentrated solely on the vibrations — allowing his spiritual observation to flow with the waves, charting out the entire structure the barrier withheld — from mountains, trees and valleys, to walkways, underground sewer tunnels and buildings. But, more importantly… living things.

The sage's eyes snapped open, and he sucked in a lung full of the salty sea breeze. "The weakest point to the barrier is at a cape located at the northwestern side of the continent. Conveniently enough, there's a tunnel lying there, too — so, if I use enough power, I should be able to break through both the barrier and the wall leading into the cave before the barrier regenerates."

Everyone were thrilled by the news. But following in its wake was a bit of anxiety, courtesy of their wild expectations of the otherworldly terrors that could be lying in wait ahead. The complexity of the barrier was alarming enough, so what other manner of sorceries could this new world pose?

Unsuspecting to the gang was just how soon their unspoken questions would be answered. No sooner had Naruto secured their path into the cave, than they were ambushed by a mechanized guardian — the likes of which they had never seen before.

Standing roughly eight feet tall and weighing in about four-hundred pounds of heavy steel and metal, the mechanic warrior possessed a humanoid structure. It was crafted in a cylindrical design, which obviously prioritized flexibility, judging by its nimble movements.

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" It responded noisily with flashing lights for eyes, like a futuristic alarm clock optimized for annoyance. And when the gang noticed its left arm transformed into a lethal blade, they knew then and there the robot wasn't planning on taking hostages.

"Kurama!" Naruto raised a signaling hand behind him. "Try to keep your distance. Remember that you have the girls on your back — and we don't know what this thing is capable of. Plus, we don't want to do anything extravagant and risk a cave in."

"Way ahead of you," the Kyuubi replied reassuringly, keeping its distance with vigilant eyes in the pale light of the cave.

Naruto paid keen attention, too — watching observantly as the robot supposedly did its own scans and arithmetic calculations before flinging itself forward with its blade-arm in front.

With quick side-steps and aerial dynamics, Naruto avoided taking any hits, but then the machine proved it was flexible, too. Its torso suddenly veering back into an anatomically impossible arch to evade Naruto's lethal right hook. In the same beat, its upper body made a one-hundred-and-eighty degree turn so that it could land a fist in Naruto's belly, sending the sage slamming into the side of the cave's wall with a loud crash.

Time and again, the robot sprung the same card — bending, stretching and twisting its body in impossible ways to land the same unsuspecting hits, wedging Naruto into the side of the wall. But, with the hard frame bestowed by Sage Mode, the warrior kept bouncing back, determined to find a quirk in the robot's moves and then a chink in its armor.


Naruto slammed into the wall again, wedging deep.

"…I never thought I would see the day when Naruto is being driven back," Shion said in disbelief, the high expectations of her golden knight faltering.

"Ku-Kurama-kun," Hinata said with a frown without tearing her eyes away from the ensuing battle. "What's happening?"

"Mmm. In Sage Mode, Naruto's able to sense strong emotions — and, in battle, he's able to read his enemy's' movements because of this and respond accordingly. But, that lump of iron doesn't have any emotions, so Naruto's basically fighting blind — and that inexplicable flexibility it has isn't helping any."

"Oh, no!" Shion exclaimed. "Isn't there anything we can do to help?"

Kurama frowned. Of course, Naruto could simply use a clone to control the robot's recoil, subsequent to an attack. But, from the looks of it, he had a hard time dealing with the Raikage. He's worn out again, and even a single clone could have him collapse…

The princess tried to reassure herself with the fact that Naruto wasn't being greatly harmed — but they were in a foreign land; who's to say what madness could unfold as this confrontation prolonged. "I know Naruto-kun would be able to defeat it if he used Ninjutsu... but I guess he's concerned it might cause a cave-in."

Kurama's eyes narrowed. "He's holding back his punches, too."

"Eh? But why?" Shion asked.

"If the impact is too strong, that machine could end up smashing into the wall and causing a cave-in. Then, forget undoing the seal… we'd be dead."

Shion cringed.

Hinata started dismounting her designated guardian, a frown descending above bright crystals. "Likewise, if the force is too weak, then that thing has a better chance to avoid being hit — and, even if Naruto-kun gets one to connect, it might not be enough."

"Hi-Hime — I was told to look after you..."

She smiled appreciatively at his kind words. "And I promised myself I would look after him..."


Naruto was engaged in a fierce exchange with his mechanized foe when Hinata intervened by blasting the robot away with a controlled air palm. The surprised sage pivoted his head around only to see his princess ambling into his company with a blanket of mist and sparkles of frost at her beck and call, slinking graciously at her feet.

Naruto's mouth opened to form the words of his mind, when the girl stopped beside him. But, as he watched her eyes fixed on the machine, he didn't brother to say anything. He bit back the words she would surely perceive as patronizing and watched the well-seasoned kunoichi leaned into a fluid arch for her Jūken Fist, her Byakugan set on the soulless fiend.

Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!

The sudden leap in the woman's chakra spoke to the hostility of her motives, but the robot couldn't move. Both its legs were frozen in place by a small but powerful pillar of ice, hindering its escape. Hindering its mission to protect and destroy.

Abruptly — during the brief moment it took for a droplet of water to drip from the cieling to the ground — Hinata was there, razor sharp blades of ice equipped to her middle and index fingers to enhance her damage rate, as well as to pierce through the robot's thick shell. The princess was no technician, nor did she know about any forms of robotics — but, with her Byakugan, she identified and targeted any vital-looking circuitry and wiring with her first sets of lethal jabs.

And it was effective, too.

Already the robot was screaming "System Error! System Error!" with those flashing lights again.

With one final push to end her sixty-four jabs, Hinata sent the pile of scraps flying with Naruto intercepting its trajectory and staving a wide hole through the machine's frame with a powerful Rasengan, pushing the defenseless machine downwards into the ground and to a total halt.


The flashing lights gradually faded. And the gang could hear as its entire system powered down — a sign portraying their victory.

Everyone felt an unwelcome weight lifted from their shoulders, and it was marvelous... for however long it would last.

Shion watched as Hinata scooted toward Naruto with an innocent demeanor and worrisome eyes, querying if the handsome knight was without harm. Her breasts bounced gloriously as she came to an halt, and the priestess couldn't help but pout in jealousy. It was apparent to her now that she had let her guard down; she should have set out for Konoha the moment she got wind of Naruto's departure and endeavored to woo him.

She blushed at the thought.

The young maiden didn't know where she would have found the courage to accomplish such a nerve-racking feat — but surely she would have eventually found a way. Hinata certainly did.

With a sigh, Shion allowed her shoulders to sag and, with that, allowed the selfish thoughts to fade from her mind. From her linked-precognition, she could tell that the fate of the entire world weighed heavily on Naruto's success in his travel here. And there was something in this region that piqued her interest, too. Beyond the gloom of the cavern, the musky, humid air, the unseen pitter-patter of water, and the thriving ivy, Shion spied what appeared to be carvings on the wall.

Quickly dismounting a curious Kurama, the girl scurried off toward the markings, the haste in her strides drawing the attention of Naruto and Hinata who, in turn, accompanied her by the wall.

"It's allegory," Shion said in wonder, hastily pulling away the ivy and slowly tracing her fingertips along the carvings.

"Can you read it?" Naruto asked in a low tone, as if trying to refrain from waking some unforeseen force dwelling amidst them.

"Long ago, in the Land of Demons, there existed a race of people called the Lytharians. They were a gifted race — and, for many centuries, these people lived together in peace and harmony.

But, one fateful day, a lone wanderer — a scientist — stumbled across the village. He was dehydrated and famished, his clothes tattered and torn as he lingered at death's door. But, being a loving people, the Lytharians nursed the man back to health — rescuing him from a cruel fate.

And so, instead of continuing upon his journey, the scientist decided to stay with the people for a while, to show his utmost appreciation for their help. Using his gadgets, he simplified the people's manual labor — from household activities to those of the outdoors. There were those who thought the man's inventions and ingenuity were fascinating, while others labelled it as evil sorcery.

Even when the man had left — expressing his gratitude to the full of his abilities — the people still bickered amongst themselves. And, as time went by, the race segregated into two halves with one leaving the Land of Demons behind.

The people who remained considered training the body and mind in search of enlightenment, the true way of life… while the others who left had now deemed materialistic power the true way of life; they preferred the convenience that machines offered them.

And so, from that point on, they called their race the Exzzodians and eventually built a great city of lights called Exzzodia, to commemorate their newly established culture."

"So, this is Exzzodia we're trying to infiltrate, right?" Kurama asked as they all ambled down a narrow chamber.

"When I was in Sage Mode, I detected that this island is protected by two broad layers of barrier. We're in the final layer from the city right now, which is the strongest of the two, so I can't sense anything at all beyond this point."

"I can't see anything with my Byakugan, either," Hinata added.

"I'm not surprised," Shion said, looking passed the ivy to the old runes that were still etched in the walls around them. "The Exzzodians went through a lot of trouble to mask their existence from this world, especially from us. If it wasn't because of my destiny to help you, I wouldn't have had a precognition with the location of this place."

"Especially from us," Naruto reiterated with a slight frown of enlightenment. "I guess that confirms my suspicions. Shion — you're from the race known as the Lytharians, aren't you?"

"H-Hn!" she nodded.

Everyone's eyes widened with surprise.

"My mother and I were the last of the Lytharians — and now, it's just me. Along with the Uzumaki clan, the Lytharians were also a race that were feared for their powers, so most of us were killed throughout the course of the Great Ninja Wars."

Naruto tried to keep his expression even, but he clenched his fists in his sudden fury. "All the more reason why we have to be successful in what we came here to do." His eyes flashed open in Sage Mode. "And be quick about it, too." He sprang into a dash, using a combination of gut-feeling and his senses to lead the way.

The girls were already with Kurama and keeping pace with Naruto's speedy career. They followed his lead until the cavern around them broadened into an ominous labyrinth filled with many dark paths — but not once did Naruto stop nor stutter. He took every turn, every ascent, as if the right directions were programmed into the forefront of his mind.

All of a sudden, they were confronted with a dead end and the girls' felt a spell of anxiety unravel in their bellies. But Naruto didn't look worried — instead, he dispelled Sage Mode and took a deep, steady breath. And, in the same beat, Kurama's body dipped into a defensive stance, as when felines were confronted with danger.

"This is it, everyone!" Naruto announced with great certitude, tightening the straps of his forehead protector. "We don't know what to expect from this place, so everyone just stick close to each other, alright."

He casted Kurama a telling sidelong glance, reminding the deity of his solemn oath to protect Hinata, especially now that she was with child — and the Kyuubi heaved a wolfish grin, reassuring the shinobi his woman would be without harm.

"Hinata. Shion. Are you ready?"

"H-Hn!" the girls nodded with confidence.

And then Naruto was facing the wall again, a massive Rasengan forming in his hand. He was ready to pave the path to their goal, even if his diplomatic efforts failed and brute force was the only choice he was left to work with.