Transient Remedy
Kazemachi's Unforgivable Subterfuge!
Only afterimages remained when Naruto teleported the gang back to Lucari's secret hideaway. Upon their arrival, the warriors instantaneously scrambled off at high speeds, flanking an intruder on all sides, who had wandered onto the site.
Lucari and Ekodae only felt a rippling gust, but they saw nothing in that split second. As for the soldier, he was frozen in place, practically traumatized.
Kurama was in his third form at the rear, holding his scythe dangerously close to the soldier's throat; Naruto and Damion were at the sides, kunai and twin blades held at the lungs, and Hinata was in front, more than ready to seal every chakra hole, her Byakugan sharpening.
"Everyone!" Lucari called desperately, finally grasping the situation. "Please do not hurt her; she is my subordinate!"
The elite fighters thought about that for a while, then they slowly lowered their weapons and cautiously backed away, giving the female space to breathe again. And she did breathe — sucking in a lung full of air before letting out a long sigh. Then she sunk to her knees.
Kurama returned to his miniature form.
"Dayum, gurl," Damion began in a friendly, high-pitched tone. "I almost killed you. Dat wuz cuttin' it a bit too close, right?"
The soldier nodded, her head still fairly concealed inside her helmet, her legs still the consistency of jello beneath her. Once she had reaffirmed her composure and collected her thoughts, the young patriot silently cursed her cowardice and lack of elegance, in the presence of her fair princess.
But, in light of the news she came to report, none of that was important. Throwing her helmet to the side — offering her scarlet hair to the wind — she made her way before her mentor and childhood friend, bowing her head down low in utmost reverence.
"Princess, I come bearing urgent news!"
"Please, Kyoko," Lucari said softly. "Lift your head; we are not in the palace."
"Ha-Hai!" She did as told.
"Now what happened — is Kazemachi up to something again?"
The girl nodded, but then cast the gang a sidelong glance.
"It is fine," the princess reassured. "We can trust them."
"Right," the girl nodded, holding the princess's gaze once more. "As you guessed, it's Kazemachi — he's gathering the people in the plaza for an announcement, and he's projecting it throughout the entire city, as well. Princess," the girl's expression was depressing and grave. "He's planning on brainwashing the people into believing that the workers in the kitchen conspired to poison your father."
Lucari's eyes dilated in horror, and Ekodae gritted his teeth and tightened his fingers into fists. But there was more frustration than grief in their response — because against Kazemachi and his followers, there was only so much they could do alone.
Just when they believed matters couldn't get any worse, the girl told them that District One's general — who was also the guardian of the palace —would be returning from his expedition throughout the other districts.
"The Commanding General will be returning to the capital, princess..." she reiterated quietly, regretting to be the bearer of such unsettling news.
Disguised in thick cloaks, the gang separated into groups of two — Naruto with Hinata and Lucari and Damion with Shion, Kurama and Ekodae — and blended into the attentive crowd within the square, as the conniving king stood upon a makeshift platform and spoke to the people.
Naruto looked around with eagle eyes, scouting out the soldiers amidst the crowd who were also disguised as civilians. Snippers were hidden in the surrounding trees, brush, and even distant roof tops in their endeavor to secure the king.
"So, what's the deal with this Commandering General, anyway?" He asked Lucari, even as he clasped Hinata's hand and guided them through the seemingly entranced crowd of people.
"The Commanding General is the head of Exzzodia's military. He also leads the other three generals posted in the other districts. He is very disciplined and committed to his work; he has no interest in politics and never questions the instructions he receives from the king or the council."
"On top of being tenacious and resourceful," Ekodae said. "The man is very powerful. He is one of the few who wields the power of our ancestors."
Shion bit her lip, a light blush in her cheeks as Kurama wiggled in her clothes. "...But I thought it was forbidden to practice the sacred arts in Exzzodia?"
"Let me guess," Damion said with a tad of annoyance as he, too, scouted the area with as much shrewdness as Naruto. "He doesn't truly seek enlightenment, he jus wants tha' power to supplement his role as Commander General?"
"Precisely," Lucari confirmed quietly. "But, at this point, practicing the sacred arts might have you find enlightenment, but it would not quite be possible to achieve the power that the commander is blessed with."
"What do you mean?" Hinata asked.
Ekodae held Shion's curious gaze. "Since we renounced the sacred arts upon our segregation centuries ago, our power has dulled with each new generation of people. Now, only a handful has received the genes from our ancestors and can hone tremendous power through meditation and practice."
"Isn't there anyway to tell these people apart?" Naruto inquired.
"There is," Lucari said. "They will look like Shion — light blonde hair and pale lavender eyes."
Naruto raised one eyebrow amusingly. "Aren't you describing yourself, too?"
The woman looked a bit flustered, then she shook her head in denial. "Unfortunately, I do not possess any special powers — besides, my eyes are orchid purple, not pale lavender."
Hinata looked to the woman avidly, as if with some unforeseen truth.
Damion frowned. "It's weird dat Lucari doesn't 'ave any power; she's tha' princess, isn't she?"
Ekodae looked a bit disappointed himself. "Yes. But, like natural disasters, power does not discriminate. Almost anyone could be blessed with our forefathers' genes, despite their age, gender, or social status."
"Our fair city might have continued to thrive, but I have not forgotten about our former king," Kazemachi said ardently, winning everyone's undivided attention.
Low chatter broke out amidst the crowd, and Lucari and Ekodae stopped dead in their tracks, gazing toward the platform at the shady character as he spouted the suspicious words.
"Considering our prevalent peace, we all believed that the king succumbed to a terminal illness. But, I have reason to believe he was poisoned by conspirators, not only in Exzzodia, but terrorists from the outside world who seeks to invade and destroy us all!"
The chattering and whispering grew.
"Conspiracist?" Someone reiterated questioningly. "Is there a secret collaboration between Exzzodians and Outlanders?"
"How could people from the outside get into the city?" Another asked.
"Does that mean Exzzodia isn't as impenetrable as we thought?" Another wondered aloud.
"What tha' hell is he talkin' about?" Damion murmured, evidently annoyed.
But Ekodae looked more absorbed than anything else. Even if this was just another elaborate lie, he could sense that the truth lied somewhere underneath all that fabrication — somewhere just above the surface. And Lucari knew the truth of it, too.
"But you needn't worry, my people!" Kazemachi reassured, his voice booming and influential. "We might be a peaceful country, but by no means are we cowards or weaklings. And —" he unfurled his hand in a telling gesture — "with the return of our Commander, our esteemed General Kisaku, that holds even more true!"
Ching. Ching. Ching!
The man's armor sung a sacred ballad as he ambled onto the platform from behind the scenes, his demeanor cool, collected and confident. He wore an impressively designed suit with a helmet completed with a pair of intimidating horns, and, on his back, was anchored a massive two-hand sword. His presence screamed of power and duty, and the people sighed in astonishment and waited patiently for further words by their awesome king.
"Fear not, everyone! Along with Kisaku, there are four mighty generals that stand with is, and then there are the high-end technology and power sources that Exzzodia holds. Together we will crush the insurgents and bring war onto them, if that is what they please. But for now, we take priority in investigating the former king's untimely passing. We will not rest until this villain or villains are apprehended and brought to justice for what they did."
"It's the cooks!" A soldier disguised in a hooded cape shouted. He was perfectly camouflaged in the crowd, but Naruto was able to distinguish him and his crude getup.
"They are the only ones who cook for the king!" Another solider shouted in disguise.
"It could be the servers, too!" Another clarified.
"Kill them all!" They added fuel to the flames.
Like a wildfire, the people embraced the baseless notion and started accusing the kitchen staff, as though hard evidence had already been found and proven. The plaza came alive with the sound of unsavory chanting, and Kazemachi heaved sick and conniving smile that only the gang could decipher.
The man raised his hand for a moment of silence, then announced he would launch a thorough investigation of the staff. If evidence leading to the crime was found, then every individual, from the cooks, to the servers and even sanitation, would be brought to this very platform at noon and hanged, to ensure the culprit and possible accomplishes received just punishment.
Elsewhere, family and friends of the suspected staff members starting breaking down at the man's heartless declaration. But he didn't care — he was fulfilling his desires under the pretense that it was for the greater good, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
It was then that Damion started to sneer. He had a special kind of loathing for despicable pricks and the thought of being powerless. His resentment swelled and evolved — ghostly hands that stretched to torment and squeeze the very life from its targets.
Suddenly, Kisaku removed his helmet to reveal his short-cropped hair and piercing pale lavender eyes. He wore an unenthused expression and, as if he could taste the bitter animosity targeted at him, figuratively latched onto the undulating wisps of emotions and began tracing it back to its source.
His eyes fixed in Damion's direction.
But, just before he was uncovered, the Jamaican quickly relinquished eye contact and suppressed his hate. Kisaku looked a bit disappointed, but he heaved a smile of amusement. He had an idea this whole predicament was going to prove worth his wild.
Damion was still frowning intensely when they all rendezvoused behind a cluster of trees and brush outside the congested plaza. He was taking this entire situation very personally. How could people resign so readily to such a superficial claim when the stakes were so high — just what were people's lives to them?
"There's someting different about dat Kisaku guy," he murmured, more to himself than to the others. "He's strong..."
"I sensed it, too," Shion whispered, even as Kurama transferred from her to Hinata. "He definitely has some sort of special abilities. We should try and avoid any confrontations with him"
Naruto didn't look worried.
"Should I go ahead and crush him by myself?" Kurama invited in a cool, dark tone.
And Naruto answered rather casually, too, which made everyone wondered just what the hell were shinobi — and how deep did their power stem? "As less complicated as that sounds, no... we didn't come here to start a war. And, if we simply beat everyone up to a pulp without proving their crimes, we'll just seem like the bad guys."
"Keh," the Kyuubi cocked its head to the side. "Suit yourself."
Naruto tousled the back of his head and grinned. "Thanks, Kurama... but I'm gonna need to speed things along and I'd rather avoid unnecessary fighting." His expression hardened. "From this point forward, I'll be the one going ahead."
"Naruto-kun!" Hinata squeaked her protest, but bit back the words on her tongue upon noting his adamancy.
"If we all enter the palace to carry out our own investigation, we'll just be at a disadvantage. So, instead of interrogating people who distrusts us, and searching a building we know nothing about, we'll just search their minds, instead."
Everyone except Hinata was confused.
"You're going to ask Ino-san?"
Naruto nodded, then grinned apologetically when everyone grumbled in their frustration. He spared the time to give them a synopsis of his friend's power and the idea of using the transformation technique to impersonate Exzzodian soldiers, before entering the palace. That way, they would be able to roam free and quickly assimilate truthful information, without losing much time.
"In addition to the throne room, I left a Teleportation Formula at Lucari's cabin. Should I bring you all back there, before I leave?"
No one seemed interested.
"I tink we shud stay here," Damion spoke on behave of everyone. "While you're inside, we'll ensure dat nothin' crazy goes on out here dat could interfere with tha' plan."
Hinata nodded in agreement. "You should save your strength, Naruto-kun. If what your clone said is true, then we might have to enter the war sooner than we think."
Everyone cringed inwardly at the thought.
Naruto didn't deny her, nor the gut feeling that her assumption was more probable than she imagined. Any minute now, he anticipated his other Kage Bunshin returning to him with tragic news. His heart was leaping, and he couldn't settle it.
"Hinata..." His eyes softened, a tinge of contrite twinkling in those oceanic depths. "While I'm gone, you should speak with Akiko about the dynamics of her powers. I was told it would help me... but that power will manifest through you. I want you to master it."
The princess beamed, and then nodded in conviction, a tight fist at her bosom. Just over the span of a few days, she had been bestowed with great powers — first from Kushina and now from Akiko, and she had already dwelled on these powers and devised great and strategic ways of using them.
She pressed a hand to her tummy, her eyes still quivering. "Naruto-kun can count on me; I'll protect everyone!"
The goddess of medicine was suddenly there, chibirized and smiling warmly at her. "Thanks to the new life that dwells within you, it will give rise to a maternal loving that will enhance your healing abilities."
"Shit, forget tha' healin'," Damion exclaimed, chibirized, too. "Are you really pregnant?"
Naruto and Hinata turned neon pink, averting their eyes.
Shion and Lucari had their heads hung, their faces cast in the shadow of their hair. The girls were flushed up to their ears and caught in a wild twister of emotions. Uzumaki Naruto. The man they sought and desired was bound by another — both his heart and genes.
How would they compete with that?
Shion heaved a hot puff of breath through parted lips, and Lucari bit her lip endearingly. Both girls offered Naruto a coy stare and slowly began shedding their clothing with a sexy, seductive flair.
Pleasure. Possession. Temptation. Desire — he had to yield to what they would willing offer. And Ekodae and Damion's nose spewed forth a geyser of blood.
Naruto's eyes popped.
Hinata fumed, leering at him.
The princess and priestess moaned, pushing into him.
Kurama's chibi form was adorable, his eyes weary. "What are you both doing?"
"We're going to have Naruto impregnate us, too!"
"Ehhhhh?" Naruto shirked, trembling in his shock.
Hinata's features transformed — twsiting and stretching into that of Medusa's grotesque appearance. And she exploded with her malicious fury.
Shion and Lucari laid motionless on the ground, their bumpy heads steaming.
They groaned lifelessly.
The bruised bump atop Naruto's head was steaming, as well. "Why did I get hit, too?" He wailed.
"Just because!" Hinata pouted.
He was serious now, his eyes glowing with conviction. "I'll be back in a jiffy..."
"Kick butt," Hinata said with a warm smile.
Naruto winked at her. "Like I'm capable of anything less."
And then he was gone.
"Naruto~!" Ino whined in an undertone as they proceeded quietly along the corridor to the kitchen. They were disguised as soldiers. "I can't believe this is what you've been up to while we worry ourselves to death about the war!"
"I'm just repaying a huge debt before I leave."
"Well, it better be worth everyone's lives!" She murmured looking around.
Naruto had told her Exzzodia's technology was decades more advanced than their own, but this was a lot to take in.
The crystal-like floor upon which they tip-toed shouted "extravagance" and "futuristic". It was designed in animated layers of blue, gray, and aquamarine diamonds and embodied the feeling of walking upon the cosmos. Even more so, as bright silver lights streamed along its dazzling frame. The linoleum walls on both sides were simple enough — its canvas portrayed a soft, square design. But there was a horizontal streak of light running along the wall with probing infrared rays.
Naruto and Ino could feel it — something inside those lights was watching them, analyzing the shinobi against figures and comparisons with a keen precision they could not comprehend. And, it was only a matter of them before the drama unfolded.
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Ino warned.
"The feeling's mutual," Naruto uttered, looking to the suspicious lights. "Let's hurry and get this over with," he urged. But compromise wasn't what worried him. "I'm sure whatever Kabuto's up is, by extension, to gain an advantage in the war... and we need time to prepare for that."
They started running.
"Naruto," Ino called. "What about the staff — I need everyone together in a seal so that I can cast the jutsu!"
"Don't worry, I've got an idea!"
He busted through the double doors equipped with the persona of a soldier who enjoyed knocking people around for kicks, and the workers recognized the stereotype right away, looking to the man in abject shock and subservience.
One man almost shit himself.
Naruto's face was set in a dark scowl. "The king demands an audience with you all and will be here shortly. I need everyone to stop what they're doing and gather right here." He pointed to a clearing in the large and spacious kitchen. "Is this everyone — chefs, servers and sanitation?"
Seemingly the bravest of the dozen, a man stepped forward to make himself seen. "We were told an hour ago that the king wishes to see the hospitality staff, so everyone has already gathered here."
Naruto frowned inwardly. So, I was right. Kazemachi did orchestrate everything from the start. But what is he hoping to accomplish by killing off these people?
By this point, everyone had gathered where they were instructed. And, while the king and his officers may have not explained what their intensions were, the people were nervous and, some, for the most part, utterly traumatized.
Naruto's expression softened, and the sudden transition had the staff regarding him in a different light. It was reverse-psychology: the demon had evolved into an angel, and they couldn't help but look to him for sympathy and reassurance, with the hope that he wouldn't revert again.
"Do you believe in miracles?" the shinobi acted on their faith in this moment of despair.
The people nodded with desperate eyes.
"Then close your eyes and pray for a moment."
They humbly did as requested.
Naruto looked to Ino and nodded.
"Psycho Mind Transmission Jutsu!"
Carefully regulating her chakra, she initiated the technique, summoning an elaborate seal around the staff who were quite meek and docile during this trying moment. Taking a deep breath, Ino considered the crowd of mixed genders and ages, and then closed her eyes and focused. Using this newly formulated seal to supplement the process, she delved into the minds of her targets.
Seconds ticked by.
Upon blinking her eyes open, the kunoichi found herself inside a soundless and surreal realm that stretched on into infinity. But only the immediate area was illuminated, and through billows of drifting mist that she figured was the people's defense mechanism, their privacy, she spied a gigantic tree. It had many branches — big and small — that stretched in all directions, and it was completely barren of leaves.
Ino approached the lofty attraction, instinctively knowing beforehand that the tree was the collected form of everyone's subconsciousness — and, on each limb, was holstered a large, red journal that was securely closed. However, before the might of her powers, nothing could be truly concealed.
With merely the flick of her hand, the books popped open, the pages automatically flipping in reverse to reveal their earlier contents. And Ino raised her hands and closed her eyes as the contents flowed into her — a cascading band of magical light that would have angered any philosopher.
Sifting through the information, she eventually came across a few pages in a single book with ink smeared over the page — it was a mental blockade, and one that wasn't done personally.
Evoking her powers, Ino began repairing the pages.
Slowly, they began reforming.
She gasped.
Damion and the gang dug deeper into the brush when they heard the whizzing of aerial drones overhead. At the same time, he noted both Kisaku and Kazemachi looking down at an electrical device on their wrists, and then glancing at the palace behind them. As the two men exchanged a telling look, Damion knew what it meant.
"Shit!" He swore.
"Damion-kun?" Hinata whispered worrisomely. "What's wrong?"
Everyone wondered the same.
"It's Naruto," he replied, frowning. "Looks like dey tripped sum kinda alarm. Even if they're still in disguises, I'm sure dat bastard will be able to weed dem out."
"You mean, Kisaku?" Lucari wondered.
"Yeah, him. I jus know he'll be able to do it."
"Kozo..." Kurama called in a husky, telling tone.
"Yeah," Damion understood, holding his gaze. "Looks like I 'ave no choice..."
Before the girls could demand an explanation, which would have surely been something warranting their rebellion, Kurama interjected by instructing them to return to the cabin until the objective was complete.
They didn't budge.
"I don't intend to fight to tha' death," Damion reassured quietly. "I'm jus gonna keep him preoccupied until Naruto finishes his business at tha' palace."
They conceded.
"Take this..." Hinata offered before she turned to leave.
"Wat is it?"
"It's Naruto-kun's Teleportation Formula," she explained hurriedly. "With this, he'll be able to find you, after all this is over."
The man grinned appreciatively, accepting the piece of paper. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Please be careful."
"Sure ting."
They left.
"Okay, Asshole!" Damion said, pivoting his head back around and casting his heavy cloak to the wind. "Let's get dis fuckin' show on tha' road. Fuck yeah — I've been waitin' for dis!"
Tightly clasping his dual blades in large, capable hands, the warrior closed his eyes and summoned his bloodlust, allowing that toxic energy to boil up and ignite inside him. Then snapping his eyes open, looking up beneath his lashes, he released that glorious buildup of malice — gearing every bit of negative energy toward his target.
And Kisaku received the import of energy in a familiar, but challenging rush. It was like an eerie shriek and a stab from a ghastly and malevolent spirit. Unable to resist the beckoning call, the man spared the king a hint and then leapt into a high skyward arch, using his power to propel himself into his preferred trajectory using a sudden burst of energy.
He landed to the ground, like a hazardous meteorite, the earth surrendering — caving in at the man's explosive descent. Despite the zigzagging cracks and splintering earth that crept toward Damion, he didn't move a muscle. Instead, he was sharing a face-splitting grin as noxious and foreboding as the other man.
Time slowed, dirt and debris rising between them.
"You rang," Kisaku said in a slow, rasping tone.
"Took you long enough," Damion ridiculed in an equally hostile tone, freeing his blades that flashed and crackled with lethal electricity.
Kisaku responded by equipping his helmet and reaching for the massive sword holstered on his back. It was almost the entire length of his body and boosted a unique design.
Then their weapons became one. Their energies clashed as their blades did, and they could both sense the delicious prologue of an epic and memorable battle, even as earth and undergrowth broke and tore away from them in a lethal shock-wave of epic proportions.
"Ino, what is it?" Naruto asked following her gasp.
But the girl didn't reply. She simply dismissed her power and asked the staff if they knew anything about the king's death, which was contrary to the reports. However, their response was that they didn't recall doing anything unethical or treacherous, and Ino noted they didn't exhibit any signs of dishonesty.
After which, she explained to Naruto that she found remnants of a chakra signature in one of the servers who, in fact, was the late king's distant nephew.
"You mean that same guy who spoke up before?" Naruto confirmed, gazing at him amidst the crowd.
Ino nodded. "None of them were lying when they confessed to not having anything to do with the king's murder, but that male server shows signs of being manipulated... and by a shinobi, no less."
Naruto's brows furrowed in his disbelief. "A shinobi? Here?"
"You're wondering how he got through the barrier, right? Maybe someone let him in..."
Naruto considered that for a while. "Think you can find him?"
Ino looked to the door behind them, peering through the windows into the corridor at the dozens of armed soldiers that marched toward the kitchen. "It's really either that or be arrested by those incoming guards."
Naruto rested a hand upon her shoulder. "We're heading back to the cabin."
And then they were gone.
Damion planted his foot in the ground as he endeavored to hold back Kisaku's dark blade with his own. Our Jamaican comrade sported tall, heavy white boots within which dark, close-fitting pants were tucked — and around his waist was a belt with a large golden buckle. His hard and muscular chest was sparsely concealed in a small, open vest with sleeves that cuffed off into a design at his elbows. And cascading over his back from his shoulder-gaurds was a pair of narrow caps that sported his country's yellow, black and green flag at their end.
Kisaku grinned. "How much do you know about barriers?"
Damion frowned, pondering the question.
Almost instantaneously, he was repelled by a powerful force — like a brick wall or Thor's hammer — that sent him bouncing and cleaving through the earth for yards, before finally slamming into a tree trunk with a loud thud.
No sooner had the words escaped his lips than Kisaku was driving his sword through that very tree. He showed no mercy — but Damion had already evaded the assault with his awesome reflexes and speed, skidding along the grassy turf as though he was surfing a smooth wave.
With a boisterous roar, Kisaku sawed through the defenseless wood and careered toward him, annoyed by his opponent's nonchalance and pizzazz. But, before Damion could confide in any fancy footwork, the man outstretched his arm and folded his fingers into a fist, pulling our hero toward him with some manner of bizarre power.
"My barrier can do this, too!" Kisaku smirked, gearing up to utterly cleave the man in twine.
But Damion simply used that forward momentum to increase his own speed, zipping passed the burly giant with a cross slash of his dual blades. On his knees — his twin blades gleaming with the sun's praise, he contemplated a boast but...
Kisaku turned, completely unharmed. And he wasn't enthused, either. "I don't know how you were able to move just now but, even if you manage to get passed by barrier and sword, you will never pierce this reinforced metal armor."
Without a word, Damion pushed to his feet and pivoted around, focusing his vision to seek the truth it for himself. There, on the torso of the man's ostentatious armor, he noted a minuscule gash from his attack. It was so small no wonder the man hadn't noticed it for himself. And, sure, it was small... but its existence proved his armor wasn't as indestructible as he proudly proclaimed.
Damion would have loved nothing more than to gloat, contradict, and embarrass him with the truth. But he held his tongue and kept his expression even, patiently putting together and calculating the equations that would secure his victory, but Kisaku couldn't quite see that strategy passed his own clear power advantages.
And he heaved a mocking grin. "I will consider sparing your life for the sake of being my personal sparring partner, when I desire the sport... but that is only if you tell me why you are all here."
Ignoring the bargain, Damion charged, rearing his dual blades like the fangs of a vicious dragon. In but mere moments, he had closed the gap between them — and Kisaku saw as the twin blades drew a sharp arc as they flew towards him, a blinding white light illuminating their trajectory. But, with his powerful arms, he merely anchored his mighty sword before him, absorbing every consecutive blow.
"Tek kick inna yuh bloodcloth!" Damion swore darkly as he assaulted now with a barrage of heavy kicks.
He quickly retreated upon noting Kisaku's shift in posture. A wider field of barrier suddenly protruded from the man's body — stretching about six feet in diameter and peeling away everything within its circumference.
Switching to its second form, the man encompassed the tree he had chopped down before — as if with telekinesis — and hurled it at Damion. But the Jamaican narrowly avoided impact, bolting up a tree and navigating the branches to catapult himself downward above his adversary.
Kisaku alternated to the former state of his barrier — to negate the assault — but Damion held his blades forward and eased into a rapid spin, effortlessly shattering the man's spiritual defense. Sparks gashed as two-hand sword and dual blades labored in competition and, even when Damion got to the ground on his hand and eased into air-flare, the man still had his sword at the front, protecting himself against the powerful legwork.
Finally, Damion grounded himself and finished with a roundhouse kick, sending the man sliding a few feet back. And the giant wasn't pleased in the least.
"How did you break my barrier?!" He barked viciously.
Damion jammed his blades into the ground and geared for a charge, like Usain Bolt gearing for another record. "How much do you know about lightnin'?"
The man attempted to speak, to convey his contempt and murderous intentions in his rage. But, when he noted the dangerous flickers and wisps of electricity playing around the man's frame, he, instead, focused on erecting his barrier at full capacity.
Damion didn't falter. With the little training he had done with his mentor so far, he dug deep — reaching into the clouds of his power affinity, stirring the serene elements into hostility. And his energy changed as the clouds blackened, his spiritual energy shifting to deadly electricity. And still he kept beckoning at the power, coaxing it beyond the point of safety.
Then he vanished.
Becoming one with a blinding lightning bolt, Damion accelerated to a velocity that would normally be physiologically impossible for the average human. He sharpened his blades with electricity — super-powered fangs that effortlessly staved through the man's barrier, like the powerful jaws of a serpent.
Power surged from his impact in a skyward eruption, followed by a strident clap of thunder that echoed for miles, rolling off the mountains and valleys, terrifying every single individual on the island.
An ominous haze drifted through the grove — wafting along blood-stained leaves, rocks, and tree trunks. Remnants of electricity still buzzed and slithered across the greenery. The air smelt of chard steel and burning flesh, but still the two men stood, their stamina and drive stemming from their warrior's pride. However, his injuries proved too great and Kisaku finally fell to his back — stiff and lifeless, like an iron giant. His helmet and sword were utterly destroyed and a large bloody X was engraved in his chest, through his armor.
Damion limped toward him. "Hey. Are you dead?"
The man opened one eye, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth.
He breathed. "If you didn't hold back... I would be." He struggled for air again. "How did you... manage to break my barrier? No one... has ever done that before."
The Jamaican cupped his shoulder with a grin, his clothes tattered and torn with steam still relatively rising from his body. His shades were still perfectly intact. "When you first caught me in your barrier... I realized dat electricity could deteriorate it. 'An then I found out coatin' my blades could cut your armor. I didn't want to give away my plan, so I kept a low profile."
"Your power is indeed impressive..." Kisaku complimented. "But it would seem it is a double-edged sword."
Damion grinned passed the excruciating pain. About a third of his body was covered in second and third degree burns, and his energy was leaving him fast. "Well... lightnin' doesn't exactly like to be controlled."
"Heh. Evidently...," he grinned. And then he was unconscious.
"Lucky bastard," Damion chided under his breath. "If dis wuz my backyard, I'd be able to sprawl out, too," he said limping away. "But wid tha' party we jus had, people are bound to cum runnin'. I 'ave to find somewhere to kickback until Naruto wraps up everyting."
Ino sighed in a combination of frustration and annoyance, a hand resting upon the forehead of man securely tied down to a chair outside an abandoned hut. He was garbed in the stereotypically dark ninja attire, completed with weapons and a sword mounted on his back. He also wore a mask.
"It's great that you caught him in record time, Naruto... but all that will be for nothing, if we can't extract any information from him."
"Ino-san," Hinata called. "Isn't it possible for you to bypass the mental blockades inside his mind?"
Ino flickered her finger at the man's forehead in her irritation. "It's possible..." she informed confidently. "But, the war aside, bear in mind that the execution is scheduled for noon — that's little over an hour away. And getting inside this guy's cranium would probably take me half a day."
Naruto folded his fingers into a tight fist and took a step forward, not a speck of humor on his face. "What if he were on the brink of death?"
The man flinched, but only for the briefest of moment — but Kurama noted his cowardice and frowned meditatively at the prospect.
Ino shook her head. "That wouldn't make a difference."
Shion looked to Naruto — their obvious guide and leader — considering everything they had been through. "What will we do? At this rate..."
Everyone was looking to him now, but he couldn't quite think of a solution. The future of the shinobi world was enough, but now he had to shoulder those of foreigners, as well. The weight was getting too heavy, and it was getting harder to breath...
"Listen, Naruto..." Ino said, walking up to him. "As much as I'd like to help and see this thing through, I have to go back now. If you're right that Kabuto's on the move, then everyone's going to need my help."
"...Ino-san," Hinata whispered.
"I understand," Naruto returned coolly. "Thanks for the help, Ino."
She grinned. "Anything for the village's hero," she replied sweetly. Far too sweet for Hinata and Shion's taste.
Then she scooted over to the priestess and whispered: "I heard from Lee-san that you asked Naruto to father your child. But, at this rate, you're going to lose to Hinata."
The girl heaved a V of a smile, and then she was gone.
Shion glowed pink with embarrassment. Still she found her eyes drifting to her rival's tummy. But, no sooner had she started studying the progress of the nonexistent curve, than Naruto returned — and, without uttering a word, he approached the man in binds and started weighing his options.
Naruto knew no matter what he said or did, the shady outlaw wouldn't feel any less enthusiastic about spilling his guts, to which Kurama decided to rectify through some unpleasant means of interrogation. The man might not want to conform to what Naruto said and did, but surely the Kyuubi — the incarnate of evil and malice — had other convenient means of swaying his mind.
Naturally, our golden knight wasn't pleased with Kurama's method of extracting the information, but the deity reminded him they were in a race against time. Dozens of lives were at stake and, the longer he lingered here, millions of lives would be set in the same level of danger.
A sacrifice had to be made.
And it begun here.
The gang cringed as the sound of tearing, breaking and bloodcurdling screams echoed from inside the dark, closed room of the hunt. It was inhumane — a dark and unsavory sound that blurted out "incongruity". But no one felt as much regret and guilt as Naruto — sure, Kurama willingly decided to aid in their plight, but no one knew just how much doing this was making him suffer. He wasn't evil but, rather, was everything that represented the Nine-Tailed Fox's kindness. Surely this ordeal was wreaking havoc on his conscience.
When the screaming stopped and the door screeched opened, Kurama asked the girls to turn around; he didn't want them to see him as he currently was. Presently in his second form, the Kyuubi's pawns and snout were drenched in blood, the sleek luster of his once perfectly groomed mane, gone.
With a low and dispirited tone of voice that was uncharacteristic of him, he asked Naruto to use a water-based jutsu to cleanse him. Without a word — his fists trembling, his features hard — the shinobi disposed himself to the quiet demand.
Kurama closed his eyes and allowed his muscles to sag as the cool water flowed over his body. Then, suddenly, he smelt the familiar fragrance of cherry and felt as a pair of tiny hands began to massage the soup into the furry coat at his neck.
"Hi-Hime!" He exclaimed.
"It took almost an hour for me to brush your hair last night," the princess chided softly with a smile. "Kurama-kun... there's no need to tell us to turn away; we're all in this together."
"She's right," Shion added, circling her hand along the deity's massive torso. "Unless we all shoulder one another's burdens, we'll never make it through this."
Naruto smiled.
And Kurama allowed a wolfish grin. "...Thank you."
He bowed his head.
Teleporting back to the cabin to regroup with Lucari and Ekodae, Kurama launched into a synopsis of what he had found out from the rogue shinobi.
Indeed, like the gang presumed, Kazemachi was the mastermind behind this whole conspiracy. He was the head councilor and right-hand man of the former king, but was known to some as a conniving bastard. Though, none of them lived to tell the tale, if they were not accomplices in his grand scheme.
In addition, the king was, in fact, slowly poisoned through cooking so that it would seem he succumbed to a terminal illness. And Kazemachi received help from the rogue, to ensure the poison was arranged and administered every day, as planned. It was a well-known fact that the king's nephew was the only person he ate from, so they manipulated him.
As for the announcement in the plaza, that was carefully orchestrated, too. Soldiers disguised in the crowd announced their suspicion of the hospitality staff, which led to the entire congregation being led to believe a simple suggestion was a concrete fact.
Then Kazemachi simply proceeded to the next phase of the plan, which would be the utter elimination of the late king's entire kitchen of cooks — including the servers and sanitation workers, to ensure the culprit(s) received just punishment. But, in truth, he just wanted to diminish the number of people who were still faithful to the late king's ideals and posed a potential threat to his plans.
Naruto took a fistful of the bastard's clothing and lift him clear off the ground meanwhile Kurama and Hinata held off the guards at his rear. "Why go so far?" Naruto bellowed, his expression fierce and unforgiving. "You've already received the title of king, so why continue to kill and torment innocent people?"
The man struggled, his legs dangling, grabbing onto Naruto's arm to prevent himself from being choked to death by his own garb. "...Centuries ago," he spluttered, "the Exzzodians abandoned the teachings of the Lytharians. They... no longer believed that seeking enlightenment and transcending to Nirvana was truly embracing all that this world had to offer. It was... merely a way of life that limited human curiosity and growth. For generations, people never evolved... their understanding and ingenuity never matured; they were at a standstill. Prone to the whims of disease and natural disasters.
It was a... coward's way of life. Never tackling the obstacles of this world's mysterious and the many questions and wonders of the universe, just hiding away in solitude until they could ultimately move on to a better place."
Frowning still, Naruto lowered the man to his feet. But he didn't release him.
Kazemachi sighed, catching his breath. "Despite the revolutionary decision our ancestors made generations ago, King Ragnus portrayed a disposition that was akin to a Lytharian's. He wasn't curious, just simply fascinated by the wide outdoors and the natural beauty of nature. He was just a fool. He didn't care to build and fabricate. If the kingship was left to him or passed on to his daughter, their way of life would've doomed us all."
The man continued to complain that the king was familiarizing himself far too much with the people. Such lowly acts would be received as weakness in the eyes of the people and they, in turn, would greet it with impudence and presumptuous behavior. On the contrary, by ruling with an iron fist and making examples of those who defied the rules, the people would be instilled with a sense of fear and took extra care in abiding by the royal decrees of the king and his vassals.
As Naruto listened, he couldn't help but think the man reminded him of Danzō — truly loving his home country and feeling an innate need to protect it, even using unsavory methods. But this country wasn't Konoha; they had no neighboring countries that threatened to rob and kill them. The circumstances were much more diverse. And, no matter the reason, Kazemachi acted purely out of self-interest and personal believes. Sure, things might have looked dire, from his point of view, but there was no guarantee his negative predictions would come to fruition.
Yet he acted on his emotions and killed.
And he was out to kill again.
Naruto shook off his reminiscence and scowled at the man anew. "It still comes down to the fact that you killed and is out to do it again. By the way," his voice lowered on a more serious note. "We happened to have caught your ninja friend."
The man sneered, silently cursing their resourcefulness.
"We had him tell us everything — from start to evil finish! Now I want you to go out there, release the people you arranged to be executed, and tell the people everything that you've done."
The man started snickering.
But Naruto continued his threaten, regarding the man's response a mere camouflage. "It's either that or we tell the people everything ourselves!"
The man didn't seem to mind the fact that he was currently apprehended and his withholders could easily accomplish what they threatened with their ridiculous heap of power. "A futile endeavor," the man mocked, then his brow raised in that conniving fashion he wore so well. "Naruto-kun, was it?"
Our hero's frown deepened.
"I have a proposition for you," the man began, psychology in full effect. "The shinobi world is facing a catastrophic war right now, is it not? I assume this is the reason why you came seeking the power of the deity?"
"What are you getting at?" Naruto asked quietly.
"Naruto-kun!" Hinata called anxiously. "We need to hurry; I won't be able to hold them back for much longer."
Even while Kurama was blasting the tenacious bastards away with spheres of compressed air from his snout, the soldiers were still constantly increasing in number and pounding on the ice crystals the princess erected around the throne chair.
Kazemachi gloated, already tasting a tinge of victory from their cry of desperation. "I've already set the stage to have the people believe that the shinobi from the outside was an accomplice in the murdering of the king. That way, I'll have the best excuse in launching a full-scale attack on your homeland using the newest technologies that Yokotsue's developed!"
Naruto clicked his tongue in exasperation, throwing the man down on the ground. "So, my hunch was right, after all. At the end of it all... you do intend to start a war."
"Join me..." the man invited with a nasty grin, wiping the saliva from his mouth. "Lend me your power and insight as I voyage to your world to purge it of all corruption and strive. I'll personally put an end to the war, and you'll have a place by my side."
Flashing an arm in his abrupt denial, Naruto was suddenly engulfed in the dancing flames of his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. "I've had enough of your nonsense!" He roared, and those who were not subdued and driven prostrate by the incredible gravity of his spiritual pressure was knock aside by his chakra-forged arms as he cleared a path to the outside.
He reverted to his normal form.
The people gasped and gossiped amongst themselves as the shinobi proceeded along the wooden platform constructed specifically for the execution ceremony. Without a word, he cut the noose from around the victims' neck and freed their arms and legs with a friendly smile, asking if everyone were unharmed.
They all confirmed as such.
"That voice...," a woman began. "Weren't you that soldier who came to us before?"
Everyone remembered.
The late king's nephew stepped forward, rubbing the bruises inflicted by the ropes that had bounded his wrists. "I couldn't quite wrap my head around what you had us do before but, with everything that's happened, I prayed you'd come back and save us... whomever you were."
He bowed his head humbly in gratitude.
Everyone did.
After he acknowledged them, Naruto turned to address the unsettled crowd. He spoke with confidence and veracity, humility and respect, and even a hint of repentance. He tried to convince the people that they were deceived, that Kazemachi was a traitor, which was why the princess fled in search of aid. But the people didn't seem accepting of this sudden revelation, nor did they feel a need to entertain it.
Naruto was just a stranger with no credibility or evidence to support his claims. He was the man who freed murderers without explanation and was to be labelled as one himself.
Just then, Kazemachi downed the stairs, as if in a hasty retreat. He wore a panicked and desperate expression, his face bloodied, which was surely not an injury dealt by Hinata or Kurama.
With evident theatrics and dramatization, the man told the citizens that Naruto attempted to kill him just now — and that it was really him and his friends who killed the late king, to make it easier to steal the country's national treasure. And, in addition to brainwashing the princess and kidnapping her, he had sought to bring war and destruction to their home.
At the man's words, there was a sudden upheaval. And, despite the rage of the people and their growing urge to rush onto the platform to administer their own punishment, our golden knight looked to the man then, not with anger or contempt, but with pity.
"I tried to resolve this issue in a rational and diplomatic way, but you insist on making this more difficult than it is already."
"I always have my way..." the man whispered mockingly.
"Don't say I didn't warm you..." Naruto returned with a certain nonchalance that had the man secretly worried.
In the nick of time, Hinata and Kurama came running outside with more than a dozen soldiers hot on their heels. The impatient law enforcers were presetting figures into their refiles in preparations to open fire. But Naruto was one step ahead of them; he had already told the captives to hold hands and, the instant Hinata came in contact with him, they were gone.
Though, not before reminding Kurama of his objective. And the Kyuubi — daunting and overwhelming in his second form — vaulted into a high arch over the vast crowd of people, pouncing along the lofty skyscrapers toward his destination.
Shion, Elder Tier and a few others from District One scrabbled toward them when Naruto teleported everyone to the site.
The hospitality staff where at a loss for words.
"Wh-What just happened? Where are we?" King Ragnus' nephew asked in a fit of panic. Just mere moments ago, they were at the capital's plaza.
The man's colleagues shared his concerns, to which Hinata responded. But they weren't pleased about being taken to the local prison — could this really be considered a heroic rescue, if they weren't truly free? Were they deceived yet again?
"You'll be safe here," Naruto reassured quietly, and everyone stopped to listen. "I had Shion erect a powerful barrier within that of the original, so no one will be able to enter or harm you guys while you're in District One. It's a special type of barrier that uses energy recognition to grant entry. So, only those of you who are currently here — excluding the soldiers I have tied up over there — will be able to enter and exit as you please.
This place is mostly barren, but I've tasked princess Lucari with the duty of bringing seeds so that you all can start farming. I teleported a warehouse full of food and other provisions, to last a year, and the people have started moving the garbage to the far side of the district and tilling the land. With a little work, I'm sure everything will work out.
Sure, it's going to be rough, but it's either this or risk being hunted down by the king and put on display for execution all over again."
The staff conceded, but not without showing their gratefulness.
Just before they were ushered away by one of the elder's attendants, there was the thunderous sound of an explosion that shook the very foundations of the country. Then they felt a powerful quake beneath them, as if the very tectonic plates of the earth shifted — and everyone looked to the northeast with abject shock, where they saw a pillar of hellfire, plumes and black smoke darkening the velvet sky.
And it wasn't long before fiery brimstone and debris started raining down upon the barrier, as if the destruction was the ending of the rapture and marked the prologue of Armageddon.
Devastated, horrified, everyone looked to Naruto for clarification — or protection, if that is what was necessary in this sudden cataclysm. But, if anything, our hero portrayed a note of urgency than worry.
"Until I have more time to help with this country's internal affairs, I had Kurama destroy Yokotsue's mansion," he informed coolly despite everyone's surprise. "With any luck, that should slow down whatever plans he and Kazemachi are hatching."
Kazemachi was watching the destruction, too. And, even as his people scurried around in their panic with individuals falling to the ground and being trampled in the chaos, he could only fall to his knees in paralyzing shock and pray that this storm wouldn't take everything from him.
Tier's brows were raised in awe, but still his eyes could not be seen. "It's truly fascinating," he complimented openly. "The wealth of power and different abilities that shinobi possesses..."
"It can be frightening, too..." Naruto said enigmatically, looking to the skies. And Hinata could tell he was referring to the war and the unrelenting cycle of revenge. "With any luck, once the soldiers are aware of the barrier, they'll get the impression we're still here and stay away from District One for a while.
Speaking about soldiers—"
He teleported.
And Hinata knew what crossed his mind. She geared herself to administer first aid and, no sooner had she steeled her nerves than Naruto returned, gently resting a motionless body down onto the ground.
It was Damion!
"I found him hidden in some bushes," Naruto said. "Looks like he got into a fight."
"Those burns are awful," King Ragnus' Nephew commended, just before they were all lead away in hopes of allowing the shinobi to focus on what they needed to do.
"These burns truly are awful," the princess reiterated, already scanning the man's body with her Byakugan. "But, he doesn't seem to have any internal injuries. Aside from these severe burns, he's just incredibly exhausted."
"Damion!" Shion called worrisomely, dropping to her knees beside Hinata.
The man's eyes blinked open a tad, and he offered a lean grin. "Hey... no need to get your panties all tied up," he teased on a strained breath. "I'm not gonna hit tha' bucket anytime soon. Sex is way too awesome to leave behind!"
The girls' faces turned bright pink.
Naruto and Tier laughed.
"Dat iron giant didn't interfere, did he?"
Naruto frowned. "You mean that general you warned us about? You fought him?"
"He looked at me funny." Damion smirked.
"Don't speak anymore," Hinata ordered as she began the healing process.
Damion complied. It felt like iron nails were constantly being driven into his skin where he had the third-degree burns, but as Hinata healed him, he could feel that infernal fire that was his pain transitioning into a cool and refreshing calm.
But it didn't end there: he could sense as new life and vitality was being poured into him. It flowed to every corner and crevice — replenishing his energy and stamina, strengthening his blood and oxygen circulation, relieving the aches in his joints, tenderizing and invigorating his muscles.
He was born anew, and he felt amazing!
"...Welcome back, Furball," Damion teased when he opened his eyes and saw Kurama, along with everyone else standing over him.
He grinned.
Chibirized, a vein protruded in the Kyuubi's face, exploding like the sound of pie dropping to the floor — splat! Then he emotionlessly bit the man in the face without remorse.
Damion squealed.
Blood trickled down his face.
"Kurama-kun!" Hinata protested childishly. "I just healed him!"
Shion chuckled.
Naruto scratched his cheek with a rueful smile. He wished he could relish in this moment for a bit longer, but it was about time he closed this chapter and raised the curtain on another.
Making his way to where the soldiers were held — along with Elder Tier and a few of the most muscle-bond men in the District — our Golden Knight guided the law officials to the front gates and set them free with a warning.
"Be sure to tell Kazemachi this," he began, and the men listened — some with disdain and others with humility. "District One is now under my protection. If he insists on continuing with his twisted ambitions, Yokotsue's mansion won't be the only thing I destroy."
The men heeded the words without ramification or a frown. There was no hint of hesitation nor doubt in Naruto's voice. His deep, dark husky tone spoke to the truth and feasibility of his threat — and it spoke to the tremendousness of his power, as well.
He was not to be taken lightly.
Once the men were far enough away, Naruto and the gang said their goodbyes and inconspicuously left the district, as well.
On their journey back to the coast, they stopped at a lake to refill their pouches and gather their bearings for what was about to come.
Elsewhere, Lucari and Ekodae felt the quakes of the explosion and knew that Naruto had kept his promise to them. With a smile, the princess laced her fingers at her chin and prayed for the man's success in the perilous journey that laid ahead of him. With his triumph, she knew he would remember his oath to one day return and liberate them from Kazemachi's heinous plot.
"Naruto-kun... be safe..."
Her sincere words travelled along the carefree wind to greet him, and Naruto turned with a warm smile. Hang tough, everyone. The first chance I get, I promise I'll come back and do something about this place...
Hinata had just finished helping herself to a few gulps of water from her pouch, when Akiko appeared and caught her in the gesture of running her tummy.
The woman smiled. "I am certain you will give birth to a beautiful babe."
Damion and Shion's eyes popped, and they couldn't help but spew the water from their mouths in their shock. Again? Were they going to do this again?
Hinata blushed scarlet.
Naruto couldn't quite conceal the flush that crept into his cheeks, too.
"The maternal loving of a mother..." the woman pressed a hand to the girl's tummy, in an echo of her own gesture. "This is a special type of energy that could significantly enhance your healing powers, Hinata. With this feeling in your heart, you and I will have better psynergy with each other. You were destined for my power."
Shion slowly pulled one arm from her trench coat, getting herself naked.
Damion started seeing glitters.
Naruto's eyes popped. "DON'T TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF!"
Shion shot him a rebellious look. "But I was the one you promised to do it with," she said with a hint of petulance in her tone. "You promised!"
Hinata frowned. "Na-Naruto-kun is mine! He's always been!"
"mmmmMMM!" Shion fumed, shooting the girl a fiery gaze. "Says who? You haven't gotten officially married yet — just because you got knocked up doesn't mean he's automatically yours!"
Hinata gasped, embarrassed at her rival's brazen behavior and crude words — and even more so when the girl took one of his hand and planted it to her bosom, under her tube top.
"This feels much better than hers, doesn't it?"
"Eh. Ehh?"
Our Snugglie-Wugglie's face was as red as a beet, but she took Naruto's free hand and placed it over her breast, too. "Na-Naruto-kun! Don't give into her!"
Naruto was in a panic. "I'd say you're the one who's giving into her..."
They both fumed at him.
And he chuckled awkwardly.
"Shit..." Damion swore openly. "Wat if I had gotten myself killed before I got tha' chance to see dis blissful heaven? Goddman."
Kurama's expression was dreary.
"Damn dat Naruto, though — tellin' her to stop before I saw dem tits."
Shion sighed. "Fine. I suppose I don't mind being your mistress or second wife." Her cheeks heated. "So long as it's you, Naruto. And I still expect you to keep your promise..."
Hinata shielded him. "I won't share him!"
They snapped at each other again.
Sometime later.
"Naruto..." Shion called, winning his attention. "Considering the urgency of the situation, why didn't you just teleport back to the battlefield?"
He considered that for a while.
"Didn't you teleport, when you fetched Ino before?" Hinata asked.
"Well, for one, I didn't want to get you and Damion involved in this war. And, second... I didn't make a straight trip when I went for Ino. I'm not sure if it's possible to teleport through the barrier, so I didn't attempt it."
Kurama frowned. "Worst case scenario, you're easily obliterated by the barrier in your dematerialized form during teleportation."
Naruto shivered at that possibility.
"Den how did you do it?" Damion wondered.
"When we first arrived here, I left the Teleportation Formula on the wall of the cave we made our way through. I exited the barrier and then teleported again."
Hinata was curious. "Then... why didn't you do the same this time?"
Everyone listened for his reply.
Naruto's face hardened as his thick brows sunk above his dark eyes. "The war has started, Hinata..."
The princess's eyes dilated in horror.
"Not long after I returned from bringing Ino back, I sensed when the final clone disappeared." Naruto's eyes burned. "It's Madara — he's the one who attacked. We no longer have any time to spare, guys. This is the moment of truth. It's now or never..."
Everyone steeled their nerves and was ready to start moving again.
Damion frowned. "Dat still doesn't tell us why you didn't jus teleport us to tha' cave."
Naruto raised an arm and tightened is fingers into fists for everyone to see. "It's a bit too late for that now but, I want to conserve my energy for what's to come. Believe it or not, teleporting actually takes a lot of chakra."
Kurama was suddenly bigger following a pillar of spiraling flames. "Get on!" He ordered both Shion and Hinata, his glorious main fluttering in the wind.
Damion was flexing his arms and legs, electricity flickering off his body. "I'm ready whenever you guys are. Try not to get left behind."
The wind gusted.
Naruto's eyes snapped open.
He was already in Sage Mode, and Hinata retrieved his favorite red cape from her knapsack and handed it to him. "Watch out Madara. I'm on my way..."
And, with that, the gang were off — retracing their path a thousand times faster than they had ventured forward before. It took only fifteen minutes to traverse the vast expanse of forested valley, until they were at the hole in the mountain that Naruto had made with his Rasengan.
How nostalgic...
With Kurama's flame, they quickly navigated through the cave and once again, broke through the barrier leading to the outside. Everyone were eager to dispose themselves to Naruto's aid in the impending battle but, for Damion and Shion, they couldn't quite imagine or comprehend what lie ahead.
What exactly was a ninja war going to be like — would they even stand a chance, or merely become a burden to Naruto, instead? Sure, they were anxious to help, but they couldn't quiet shake the insistent buzz of nervousness that had set up tent in their bellies.
The serene sound of the ocean seemed to quell their worries, and Damion and the girls couldn't help but allow their shoulders to sag at the deity's soothing symphony.
Mounted atop an annoyed Kurama now (he's not able to walk on water) Damion gazed long and hard across the lapping waves. Naruto was a powerful fighter, and with his certainty that the entire world would be enveloped in destruction, the Jamaican expected to see an endless sea tainted with blood and lifeless bodies. It was only after the thought passed, did he realize just how ridiculous it was.
Perhaps he was reading a bit too many comics.
"The barrier's still up, which means Eve wasn't destroyed," Naruto said slowly, even as he scanned through his clones, deciding which one faced the most formidable of enemies. "I just hope enough was destroyed to slow them down for a while..."
Kurama's eyes narrowed.
"Not very keen on saying goodbyes, eh... Damion?" Naruto turned around, ambling toward the man still mounted atop the Kyuubi.
Curious, Hinata and Shion pivoted their heads to look at him from below.
Damion grinned ruefully. "So, you noticed, huh? Your power is really somethin' else, man. It scares the shit outta me sometimes."
Naruto shared his grin, raising his arm so that he could bump fists with the man. "I guess your story ends here; you weren't meant to fight in this war, Damion."
"Heh. Looks like Madara didn't draw tha' short straw dis time."
It was now that Hinata and Shion was realizing that Damion's body was breaking down into tiny sparkles of light, from the legs up. What were they to presume of this — was he dying or just returning home?
"Don't worry... I'm pretty sure my friends 'ave done someting on tha' other side, to bring me back — dat's all," he reassured, noting the girls' distress.
Shion's eyes slitted. "Perhaps there's more to Exzzodia's barrier than meets the eye," she suggested. "It could be a case where it delayed the process of you being summoned back home."
Damion passed his gaze over them all, and even dared to tap Kurama atop the head. "Maybe us meetin' here wuz fated, then." He grinned heartily, then he was looking at Naruto. "Once 'ur story is through, be sure to read mine, as well. Tha' writer hasn't given tha' tale a name yet, but it's a work in progress. I promise I won't let your expectations down..."
"Sure thing," Naruto nodded. "I'm curious to learn about that planet Giggas you mentioned before. Just be sure to get stronger so you don't get your ass handed to you again."
"Hah! I didn't lose," he retorted with a petulant frown. "I jus — ah, went a bit overboard, that's all! But I'll continue trainin' so dat we can fight again someday."
"You're on!" Naruto challenged.
"Damion-kun..." Hinata called sadly.
His eyes softened. "Naruto's a bit rash, like I am... so be sure to watch his back, aiight. In Jamaica, dere's a sayin': behind every strong black man is a strong black woman — sure, you guys aren't black but, you get the drift." He grinned widely.
"Uh-Hn!" She nodded. "I understand. I promise to do my best!"
"Keh. Get the hell down already!" He sneered enigmatically.
Damion smiled. "I'll miss you, too, buddy..."
Then, finally, he looked to Shion, leaping from the Kyuubi's back to hover atop the blue tides. He was almost completely faded now.
The girl had her hands pressed to her chest in her sorrow. It was bad enough that she didn't get to say much of a goodbye to Lucari, but now Damion was suddenly leaving, as well.
"Damion..." she breathed.
Removing his shades, he touched his fingers to her chin, his dark eyes half-lidded and smoldering. "You're a strong 'an wonderful woman, Shion. But, it wud seem our fight isn't tha' only ting I lost to Naruto." He smiled sweetly. "Take care of yourself..."
The priestess couldn't find the right words to express what she was feeling at that precise moment. She could but hold his burning gaze as he disappeared from her life forever, and all too soon... he was gone.
Shion's eyes gleamed. And she bit her lip.
Slowly withdrawing from Hinata's embrace, the girl felt when Naruto's hand weighed down on her shoulder. It was reassuring.
"I haven't gone to the Land of Demons since I learnt how to teleport, but I could bring you to a neighboring country, if you'd like."
The priestess shook her in denial, a wanly smile teasing her lips. "Save your strength," she said, resting her hand over his. Then she pushed to her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "My journey has ended, but yours is only just beginning..."
"Shion..." His eyes quivered.
"I'll be fine," she reassured in return, her cheeks flushed. "I didn't use any offensive spells, but that doesn't mean I'm not capable of any. Besides, most of the journey back is over the ocean." She averted her eyes from his. "Just... don't be a stranger, kay."
Kurama heaved a wolfish grin when she scuttled off, thanking him for taking good care of her.
"Naruto!" She shouted from a far, finding her courage. "Don't forget that you owe me a baby! You promised!"
Then she was off again.
Hinata's hair was spiraling at the ends, rising into a float, and her face became grotesque as she fumed her malice. "I'll break her!" She hummed, a Rasengan in hand.
Naruto laughed awkwardly, hugging her from behind. "You're targeting the wrong person — Madara is in that direction!"
The War Ensues & The Inseparable Three's Bond
Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Gaara — the commander of the Allied Shinobi Force — had succeeded in sealing his father, the Third Kazekage, after an emotional reunion and a fierce battle. Followed was the Second Tsuchikage, and then an epic struggle was currently underway to immobilize and seal the Second Mizukage.
While Gaara and Ōnoki were locked in a strategic battle to do just that, the Fifth Division had their hands full dealing with the Third Raikage. Leading them was Temari and Dodai and, quite frankly, the odds were not in their favor.
"I have better aim when I'm asleep," The former Raikage said, effortlessly dodging a barrage of kunai with his lightning speed and quick reflexes. His voice was openly mocking and hoarse, like gravel being dragging along cold concrete.
"He's so fast that nothing connects!" One man muttered in his frustration.
Temari frowned, gritting her teeth. As the deputy captain of the squad, no one's frustration stemmed as deep and as hot as hers.
"I'm only saying this once," The Raikage began, nonchalance radiating from his posture. "I'm a Lightning Element user; I wrap my body in lightning to push my speed and defense beyond normal human limits. A non-stop Wind Element assault is the only way to bring me down."
"We wouldn't be having so much trouble if we could actually hit you with it," Temari returned, more to herself than anyone else. "No, wait...," an idea struck her. "Wind Element Unit," she commanded, unfurling her giant fan. "Attack Formation C!"
Two men suddenly flanked her, unravelling their fan, as well. And, with Temari's command, they geared for the assault.
"Hump!" The Raikage wasn't enthused. "What fool announces their surprise attack in advance?"
"Group Wind Technique!" Temari ignored him. "Wind Element: Throwing Net!"
The Raikage didn't move. If anything, his frown merely deepened. "An attack that covers a wide range in order to nullify my speed? Magnificent!" He howled upon being ravaged by a web of wind-forged blades.
"Great!" Temari exclaimed, shooting a telling gaze to the men behind her. "Let's use the momentum to finish him off!"
Shinobi from the sealing squad immediately heeded the woman's command — zipping toward the beast of a man with their large scrolls in hand. But, even as he was being driven back and ripped to shreds by the wind attack, the Kage was still able to launch a counter-strike powerful enough to free himself and send the unit flying.
Dust blanketed the area.
And the man didn't say anything. But Temari could see the look of ridicule and disappointment on his face. And she couldn't help but wince in response.
"No matter what we throw at him, it doesn't make a difference!" one man announced in a rage, his morale diminishing as he watched the wounds burning into recovery on the Kage's body.
"It's like we're not hurting him at all!" another added.
The only thing I can think of now is throwing all our Swift Slashing Dance Techniques at him in quick succession, Temari thought, but then Dodai stepped before her. He knew she was pondering something rash or futile, and he would prefer if they preserved their power for a more strategic and coordinated assault.
There would be no second chances in this fight.
Or in this war.
"Dodai... is that you?" The Raikage asked.
"Yes, Sir," the man responded, and then they shared a moment's silence. "The Third Raikage was a shinobi capable of surviving nearly anything thanks to his vast speed and power. Even long-ranged Wind Elemental attacks — the only thing capable of hitting him — lack the power to land a killing blow.
We need a stronger Wind Element user."
"I'm pretty good with the Wind Element," Temari informed. "How did this guy die?"
Dodai thought about that for a while, recalling the memory. "He became bait to let his soldiers escape, and faced ten thousand men alone. They said that, in order to buy enough time, he fought on for three days and three nights."
Temari swallowed, breaking out into a sweat. She had hoped to stumble upon a hint for taking the man down but, instead, she just received crippling information that made their endeavor seemed even more impossible to overcome.
And Kabuto was about to make that impossible endeavor even more out of reach. Using his power to call upon the tag embedded in the Kage's head, he deprived the man of his conscience — creating a host missioned solely with the task of utter and unrestrained destruction.
Temari gripped the metal binder of her fan. Then she swallowed, knowing already this was going to be the final bout of the battle. It was all or nothing. "Frankly, there's no one better than me in the Shinobi Alliance at Wind Manipula—"
"THERE IS!" Naruto appeared in an instant, dropping before them, sinking to his knees with a cool display of heroism that had everyone gawking in astonishment.
Then he was in the sky, his radiant Nine-Tails Chakra Mode becoming one with the sun's brilliant streams of light. And, when he raised his hand, the familiar shriek of a Rasenshuriken became one with the wind and gradually took form in his palm.
"What? Is that Naruto?" Temari exclaimed, shielding her eyes against the beaming rays of pure awesomeness. "What is he doing here?"
The Raikage shielded his eyes, too, but he didn't abandon his defense.
"I can sense the Wind Element," Temari gushed, her eyes fixed on the silhouette above them. "Is this an evolution of the Rasengan? This technique just might do it!"
With his weapon fully crafted, as well as his plot, Naruto threw the projectile that was still strategically tethered to a chakra-forged hand, like a chainsaw. Target: the Raikage!
But — using his tremendous speed and reflexes — the man effortlessly evaded, losing but a few strands of hair in the process.
Temari felt a spasm of panic.
"No! That's not good enough!" Dodai shouted hotly. "Not while he has a cloak of lightning!"
"I know!" Naruto interjected vehemently. "The Raikage are always really fast!"
Using the prosthetic arm still reined to the sphere, in that same beat, Naruto changed its trajectory, revamping his lethal attack. Everyone looked on with their hearts in their throats, and time slowed as the man once against effortlessly evaded the projectile by leaping into a horizontal spin — but exerting just enough momentum to be able to react quickly again, if needs be.
But, not quickly enough.
Before the Raikage could rebound and retaliate, Naruto was already on the ground with his Rasenshuriken recaptured and re-stabilized. Time slowed once more — or rather, it was Naruto's sheer acceleration that made time seemed sluggish — as he careered toward the man and slammed the projectile into his side.
The Raikage's eyes were wide as he broke the sound barrier sailing backwards — driven, overwhelmed, by a power he couldn't even begin to understand. Then the sphere detonated, expanding into a colossal explosion that sent violent airstreams and vibrations echoing for miles.
And the shinobi groaned under the weight of the destruction.
...What a powerful Wind Element technique, Temari muttered inwardly.
But she didn't dally and made waste of the opportunity. The moment the roar of the wind ceased and her voice could be heard, the kunoichi ordered the sealing squad to dispatch. But, the moment the papyrus coiled around the man's torso, his eyes snapped open and he blew everyone away with a sudden exertion of his electric power.
Including Naruto — a clone that had more than expended his share of vitality over the expanse of his travels and many confrontations.
But, just when everyone thought hope had now entirely eluded them, the real Naruto suddenly appeared before them, in the wake of the dispersed Kage Bunshin. And Hinata was in his company, too.
The Golden Knight looked around, already assimilating the entirety of the situation. Then something he didn't account for struck him — a spell of threating and uncomprehensive force.
His eyes sapped open, and he was already shuddering, breaking out into a sweat.
His eyes quivered.
Doki. Doki. Doki.
He felt an ominous hastening of his pulse. He could feel a dark wave looming ever closer into being... a creeping power he couldn't subdue, and the likes of which he had never felt before.
And then it was there.
Bawling out in pain — a deep, blood-gurgling cry — Naruto dropped to the ground and writhed as the hellish flames seared and consumed him, from the inside out. He couldn't control his body. He was hot and helplessly clawing at his clothes, but the heat... the accursed heat and unforgivable pain wouldn't subside. He was exhausted. He was suffering and in torment. He could feel that he was on the brink, desperate and pleading — and Hinata could sense it. She could feel it with every fiber and cell of her being, and it ached her beyond anything she had ever felt before.
"AKIKO!" She screamed frantically, dropping to her knees in a panic.
Tears spilled in a rush down her face, and with her composure missing without a trace, she didn't know what to do... or what to think. Her mind was caught in a web and a fruitless chant:
Naruto-kun! Naruto-kun! Naruto-kun!
But her prayers wouldn't reach him.
"Hinata, please calm down..." the deity called from the girl's subconsciousness, her voice soft and therapeutic. "Remember that you're not alone; we have the power to heal him."
The princess's hands were trembling, her beloved's desperate screams keeping her focus at bay. But she persisted. "Wh-What's happening to him?" She asked, probing his body with her palm, her eyes fixed, transforming.
"It's the constant strain he's been putting on his body," Kurama explained, having been watching the shinobi all along. "It's finally taking its toll. And the constant game of tug-and-war he's been playing with my other half hasn't exactly been helping him to recover properly."
"He's right," Akiko agreed flatly, sensing through Hinata the disarray his chakra circularly system was in. And his stamina and spiritual energy had all but run out.
"B-But why now?" Hinata wondered.
"Maybe it has something to do with the barrier..." Kurama speculated.
Hinata gasped.
She recalled Lucari telling them Exzzodians believed the darkness of malevolence was the cause of natural disasters, and that they didn't experience them. The barrier protected them against that negativity. Just like Damion, who disappeared after he exiting the barrier, perhaps the negative burdens of Naruto's clones disappearing couldn't get passed the barrier, either.
"Naruto and Hinata!" Temari said in disbelief, stooping down beside them. "Aren't you both supposed to be in hiding — what are you doing here?"
As much as the woman wanted to chide them both and ask a string of questions, she held back the urge considering their current dilemma.
"Hinata," Akiko called once more. "Chakra and stamina aside, spiritual power takes a longer time to heal. Considering our predicament, I will use my personal energy to heal him but, next time, I am afraid we will have to heal through your own."
"Hn! I understand."
The Raikage didn't utter a single word, but as his power soared, everyone veered their eyes to look at him. With little effort, the man gathered chakra into his fingertips, forging his arm into a lethal spear to carry out the annihilation he was specially programmed to achieve.
Fully understanding what that meant, Dodai ordered the shinobi to fall back. They heeded, but Temari remained with Naruto and Hinata. The Kage were a handful on their own; it would be disastrous if they got the chance to regroup and, even more so, if Naruto was apprehended here.
The war would end as abruptly as it started.
With a deep, controlled breath and her resonating affinity with Akiko, Hinata commenced the healing process. And Naruto's body finally stilled beneath the soothing glow of her palms.
It was working...
"What's wrong with him?" Temari asked, even as beads of sweat sat at her temple while she paid keen attention to the impatient Raikage.
"He's exhausted," the princess informed. "But, it's going to take about five minutes to heal him."
The Raikage folded his thumb and pinky finger.
Temari frowned. "I don't think we have five minutes..."
"I'll buy you some time..." Kurama's voice rose in Hinata's mind. Temari heard it, too.
Then the tiny tike popped its head out of Hinata's jacket, slowly squirming its way outside the confides of her clothing. Temari was flabbergasted, and even more so when the small canine evolved into a massive beast from the flames of a fierce twister.
She gripped her fan, geared for an assault. But the Kyuubi merely offered a wolfish grin and proceeded ahead toward the Raikage.
"Kurama-kun!" Hinata called softly, anxiously. "Please... be careful."
He casted her a sidelong glance, his eyes warm and gleaming.
Then he pivoted his head around, legs part, his nine tails cascading over his head. The beast could feel the dark pyrokinetic flames rising, searching — hissing and flickering forth like a serpent's tongue, hungry for a taste of the foreboding battle.
Then its jaws snapped open.
A powerful laser beam shot from the Kyuubi's mouth — hell-bound fire that cleaved the restless dunes and whistled toward the Raikage at high speed. The Edo Tensei warrior zipped off, escaping certain annihilation, the searing beam hot on his heels, leaving a column of destruction in its wake. Then the deity's head retracted, almost mechanically, its snout dilating as it charged another lethal beam.
Fiery orbs launched from the canine's mouth, like cannon balls. The Raikage effortlessly sliced through one of the spheres with his sword-like hand. It exploded. And through the cover of smoke came Kurama in his humanoid form, crashing into the Kage with a fire-forged two-hand sword. The man's left arm spiraled to the ground, but he paid no heed to the severed limb. He, instead, raised his leg in a powerful forward thrust, sending Kurama crashing for yards along the open dunes.
But the Kyuubi didn't back down. He restructured his weapon into a massive scythe. Nonchalant, he glanced at his emotionless adversary, heat rippling outward from the blade of his weapon with nuclear intensity. Then he lunged toward the prominent corpse once more.
"I don't understand," Temari muttered. "Isn't that the Kyuubi — how is he capable of any of this? Is it a part of Naruto's new power?"
"In a sense..." Hinata replied candidly, avoiding further complications.
Naruto groaned. He was coming around.
Kurama gritted his teeth. And his saffron eyes burned maliciously, fire spitting from his weapon as he defended against the man's razor sharp spear hand. The Raikage transitioned into a round-house kick, and time slowed as Kurama revered to his miniature form. He leaped on and then over the man's leg, transforming into his second form to breath a lightning fast beam through the man's right shoulder.
But, with every crippling blow he landed, he received one in retaliation. Kurama grunted as a forward kick had a few ribs bending into a sudden break. He hurtled along the sand, like a speeding bullet, toppling a lofty rock formation and coming to a stop a few yards farther.
"Kurama-kun!" Hinata called.
But the Kage was already there, his right arm out of commission but his left arm now entirely regenerated. Kurama retreated as the man made a monstrous downward assault, sacrificing but an arm in the thunderous confrontation.
Using his flames, he quickly stopped the bleeding, but the man wasn't giving him a chance to gather his bearings. He was already there, a single index finger representing his mighty spear.
But it seemed only Dodai understood just how dire the situation had become.
The Raikage was running circles around Kurama now. At some point, the Kyuubi was no longer getting any hits in; he could only manage to evade and defend with the hope that he would last even for another second. With just a single hand at his disposal, his power had been severely cut in half. It was only a matter of time before—
Naruto's eyes fluttered open in time to see Kurama's torso pierced by the Raikage's massive arm. Time slowed, crawled, twisted... and the shinobi could feel a hot tightening dawn in his gut at Hinata's horrified cry.
Emotionlessly, though his contempt still showed, the man held the deity by the neck with his arm that had just regenerated, slowly pulling his spear from its body — the sound of crushed organs, breaking bones and spewing blood arresting the atmosphere, as he did. Then he chucked the deity into a high arch.
He fell lifelessly beside the three shinobi.
And Temari gasped.
Kurama grinned despite the snapping pain, coughing as blood filled his lungs. "Heh. Looks like... I couldn't hold him for five minutes. How far I've fallen..."
"Kurama!" Naruto snarled.
The shinobi attempted to move, but his body felt numb. In his desperation, he couldn't help but remember when Sasuke had sacrificed himself during their fight with Haku. Even after all this time, was he still has pathetic and helpless as before?
"Kurama-kun!" Hinata wailed, her eyes flooded with tears, her hands trembling again. "Don't try to move! I'll heal you right away!"
"No, Hime..." he instructed on a strained breath. "Focus on... healing Naruto. He's our only hope, at this point. I'm sorry but... this is it for me..."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Naruto snapped. "We can still heal you! Don't you dare try to leave before this is all over. You promised you'd watch my back; you promised you'd look after Hinata for me!"
"I promised I'd buy you five minutes, too... but I couldn't manage to fulfill even that one wish," he muttered softly, his body slowly breaking apart into tiny specks of light.
Naruto and Hinata's eyes widened in dismay.
All this was happening way fast.
"I knew... it was only a matter of time," he continued breathlessly. "The moment I started torturing that mercenary... Heaven's Judgement came into effect." He coughed. "I've been getting weaker ever since. I've only... hastened the inevitable."
Naruto gritted his teeth.
"I know... I've been selfish... but thank you... for allowing me to stay by your side..."
"No. Thank you!" Hinata exclaimed.
Kurama's eyes widened.
"Thank you for appearing when you did," she cried. "Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for traveling with me. Thank you for all these precious memories. I promise you..." she whimpered, her voice quivering. "I promise that I'll always treasure them..."
Knowing that their time was limited, Naruto desperately mustered his strength and unfurled his arm. Kurama struggled to do the same. They managed to bump fists — syncing their warrior's spirit to share their most elusive and heartfelt emotions.
Kurama's eyes gleamed. He was enlightened and grateful — and tired. So very tired. He offered a warm smile and then, all too soon...
He was gone.
Temari bit her lip and dropped her head.
Hinata cried.
But Naruto... he couldn't hear anything. Just the cold gusting of the wind and the growing rage that drove his heart. His body trembled in his anger, his frustration, blood churning dangerously beneath his skin. His teeth crackled under the weight of his hard clenching. Against the pitch black of his eyelids, he could only see the images of Kurama — flicking through his mind, like a flipbook.
And, with each memory, his rage grew.
Abruptly, his eyes snapped open and he jolted upright, crossing his fingers.
Tajuu: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!
Over a hundred clones were suddenly surrounding the nonchalant Kage, their bodies taut, their teeth gritted, their faces wrinkled and grotesque in their hostility.
Without hesitation, they charged — kamikazeing toward the burly God, like crazed beasts. One clone first the others, his fist plummeting down, like a jackhammer. It missed its target, splitting the earth with a massive crater that went down...
And even farther then.
'Till, finally, the bones in the clone's hand shattered into dust. Time slowed. And, up until the moment he dispersed, the counterpart kept sneering at the man in absolute disdain. Another clone darted before him, rising into a quick uppercut. The Raikage dodged with just a gash on his chin, the muscle in the clone's bicep twisting into oblivion under the sheer pressure. He dispersed, too, but only to make way for more warriors that were the utter representation of Naruto's erupting rage.
A hit finally connected, leaving the Kage stunned and open for an even fiercer world of pain. The Kage Bunshin capitalized on the opportunity, unleashing their wrath on the man in full. But, under the weight of their brutal punishment, the Raikage unleased his power, rendering everything and anything around him to dust. Even the sand had transformed into glass from the sheer intensity of his electrical discharge.
The billows of smoke twisted and turned, like it was alive, possessed by a malevolent spirit. And it portrayed the man as though he was a demon — white glowing eyes, buldging muscles, a sinister aura. He slowly approached them, a looming fiend that was intend on introducing them to otherworldly pain and suffering.
And, as the man crept closer, Naruto could sense Kabuto masked in his presence. The conniving puppeteer was surely amused, knowing he would be able to extract his long overdue revenge on the shinobi that made him experience the bitter sting of fear and embarrassment.
Temari blanched.
Hinata cried.
The situation was dire.
And Naruto gritted his teeth in his anger. FUUUUCK!
+ Hinata's Sensual Adventure - Allied Shinobi Force & the Final Prophesy +
Author Notes:
Thanks for sticking around and reading - you're awesome!
Truth be told, I wrote this fanfiction years ago and have been posting the chapters here from elsewhere, to supplement its promotion.
I posted them slowly so that I could start the final chapter, but no such luck. I work very long and busy hours in the hospitality industry, so I pretty much don't have a personal life, lol. My aim is to find another field of work so as to make more time for myself. To that end, I have been looking into business opportunities. My wish is to be my own boss and make some decent loot ^w^/
Along with the way, I started my own original novel and even a YouTube gaming channel. If you want to show some support, which will inadvertently help with the fanfiction, be sure to check out my profile.
Be safe guys - and continue being awesome!
Definitely look forward to the end of Naruto and Hinata's journey and the other tales that lie ahead...
This fanfic is gold!