Epilogue – a talk about the future.
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That same night of the 4 brothers' farewell, a dark and blurred figure with red eyes was happily observing the whole event in the sky when out of nowhere a smaller figure appeared saying.

"Again watching your heroes?"

"What can I tell you, I enjoy seeing its growth, besides, there isn't much time left."

"It's true, there isn't much time left."

"I wish I had more."

"You know that this is not possible, that's why you have invested a lot in your projects, in addition to your hobbies."

"Hehe I think I won't have much time for my hobbies."

"Hey ... tell me, how do you see them? Do you think they can?"

"I want to think yes, but you never know, well I think it's time to go, like those braves."

"Oh I hadn't noticed, they were not from that organization that you dismantled, you still haven't told me why you got so involved."

"That's easy, I needed them free and mortals couldn't do a thing about it, well come on, I'm hungry, I want your kitchen."

After saying that, he disappeared into thin air.

"Oh you never change"

The other figure said and then also disappear in the air and with this disappear all traces of their existence as if they were never there.