Chapter 99 – In this, Together.
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Chapter 99 – In this, Together.

To say that Fleur was a bundle of energy was an understatement. All of the tiredness that had plagued her for the last week was gone, completely. It made sense now why Fleur had been that way, Ueana not sure why she hadn’t actually realised. It was so obvious. Daughters of Pyre after all. Coorie had just shrugged it off when they had looked at her, seemingly unconcerned that it could and probably would happen to her as well, but Ueana could feel the excitement under that facade, the bond revealing the truth. She probably wasn’t being open about it, on the off chance that it didn’t occur at all, so that there wouldn’t be any disappointment. But no. It would. They had the bond, magic of the ancients connecting them together in ways that were normally impossible. Causing changes that were life altering. There would be no going back to anything of what they once were. Not that they wanted to. They had desired this. All of them, the bond itself proof of it.

Fleur’s hair had become snow white, a pair of fluffy white fox ears on her head, and a big fluffy white tail behind her. Just the one, unlike Ueana’s three, but a bit larger than a single one of hers. She was an Arctic Fox, Fleur had declared, that she was now an other race more than obvious through the bond. Her element had changed as well, something that was unheard of. Well, becoming a different race fell into the same category, other races having not existed before the appearance of the deep dragons, but when Ueana had become a Pyrefox she had retained her fire aspect, albeit becoming significantly stronger. But Fleur, she was no longer nature aspected, a somewhat odd alignment in the first place, in that all of its associations were weak, more so for a rider. Now she had two elements, aspected to fire and ice, and both were strong. Potent and intense. The fire from their bond, Coorie also displaying a strong affinity for the element, and ice from her race.

While Fleur had wolfed down her breakfast, ignoring the looks from the other riders in the room as she proudly basked in what she was now, she had also experimented with her elements. While her hair did not take on the aspect of her elements when she reached a certain threshold with her reinforcement magic, like it did for Ueana, she still had the impression of both forming around her. Faint, but noticeable. Nor were her flames red, but an icy blue, mesmerising and deadly. Her armour too had changed, well, in colour at least, now snow white with blue hints to it. It’s overall form and shape remained the same, not that it covered much, her magic appearing to have modified the skeon to fit her tail as well. She looked cool, in all senses of the word, but still sexy and attractive to Ueana. Still her Fleur. Both Ueana and Coorie had reinforced that after being awoken, gushing over Fleur, and spending some quality time with the now refreshed rider. And then all fallen asleep again, snuggled up together, comfortable and warm even with the blankets remaining on the floor, Kitni snuggling in as well.

It had been Armur that had gotten them up, the sun well up in the sky by that point. She hadn’t batted an eye, but did say that Fleur looked good. And that Asher had not gone to the room at all. Whatever it was that she had had to do, it had taken the entire night. Lady Knight Starlight had come to see them just as they were finishing their food, looking happier than when they had seen her yesterday, a smile on her face as she looked at Fleur, but not asking any questions. Kyril had not yet returned, which wasn’t out of character for her, Starlight saying that she had given directions to Asher as to where the mines were. As to where Asher was, she was apparently enjoying the view.

They found Asher at the lakes edge, standing on a piece of ice as she looked out over the waters and at the city on the other side, deep in thought. Bonebreaker was just behind her, more sensibly sitting on solid ground.

“There’s going to be just as much pain,” she stated sadly as they walked up beside her familiar, still facing away from them. “I... cannot give her what she wants, even if a part of me wishes that I could do so.” Asher sighed, power flowing from her as a slab of stone rose up out of the water in front of her, words carving themselves into it before she let it submerge again, sitting just below the lake’s surface, visible but not.

“So, that’s what was going on,” she stated as she turned, looking at Fleur. Not that Bonebreaker wouldn’t have told her already. “You look good, the best you’ve ever been.”

“Thanks,” Fleur stated proudly as Asher walked up beside them, placing a hand on Fleur’s shoulder, then quickly taking it off and giving it a shake.

“Aspects changed too I take it?”

Fleur gave her a wicked grin, flakes of snow swirling around her.

“The power of the ancients, of what is possible and can now occur, it still surprises me. Even with what I have seen so far. Talking to our familiars, your physical changes,” Asher said, looking at Ueana, “the power of your bond. It scares me somewhat. What we knew, the rules. They amount to nothing now.”

“And what about you?” Asher asked, looking at Coorie. “A fox as well?”

Coorie growled at Asher, Ueana laughing in response.

“So, you know where the Cythis Mines are then?” Coorie asked, composing herself and staring hard at Asher.

The lady knight nodded. “Yes. Get your familiars, and we’ll head over. It’s a day’s travel from here, well for us at least.”

About time,’ Callisto stated, a hint of loneliness in his voice. ‘It’s been rather boring, and the other dragons here, they just aren’t quite the same as us.’

Kitni gave an eager yap as well, just as eager to be on the way. Not that the environment would be getting any nicer any time soon.

Fleur hadn’t been the only one to change. Lily had as well. They shouldn’t have been surprised, given that she was a part of Fleur, part of her magic, but still, all of them just stood in awe, looking at her as she stood with Callisto, Seashae and Lizabeth, all four familiars having extracted themselves from the stables and making themselves comfortable outside as they waited for their riders. Much to the confusion of the stable hands, both that the dragons were doing so on their own in such a coordinated fashion, and that one was starkly different from what they’d seen the previous night.

We’re different,’ Callisto said, amused as he watched one of the stable hands trying to stammer out an excuse to Asher. ‘But these places aren’t for us any more either. It’s not just the same.’

Yeah, even with the comfort of the bed, it hadn’t been the same, sleeping without being up against her familiar. Now if it was possible to combine them both that would be rather nice. But in the absence of that option, she would probably take the warmth and comfort of their familiars, all three of them snuggled up together against them. Asher was rubbing off on her. That and all of the other changes too.

Lily’s scales were now snow white with a blue tinge at the edges, matching Fleur’s armour, wisps of snow floating around her. She was larger too, now the same size as Callisto, and quite proud of the fact, her head held high. It meant that all three familiars, Callisto, Seashae and Lily, were now the same size, though still smaller than the terror that was Asher’s familiar. Bonebreaker had always been one of the largest familiars around, though still small compared to the size that the prime dragons had apparently been. And probably just as small in comparison to the true size of the dragons that had been with Crystal and Rachael, though that was just based on instinct, as she hadn’t actually seen them in their full forms. Lizabeth was just a little bit smaller than their familiars, but she also had a very different build.

The changes also carried the complication that Lily’s saddlebags no longer fit her. Some fussing around, Asher barking at the stable hands to actually show some usefulness, and they were able to get that sorted, Lily showing her dislike that they had been able to rectify the issue, but also saying that she was well aware of their necessity, and then they were off, loose snow blasting around them as the familiars took to the air. No farewells, Asher not looking back, even when Ueana spotted Lady Knight Starlight watching their ascent from one of the upper levels of the summoning temple, a mix of emotions plain on her face.

There wasn’t a lot to look at as they headed deeper into the Southern Peaks, towards the western border of the sheltered domain, the ground blanketed in snow, and even more snow. No roads, just a smattering of trees and other vegetation hardy to the environment, the occasional lone beast or herd of animals trying to survive, and a few too many wolves. And lots of white rabbits, that blended in with the snow, almost appearing as a drift, part of what had formed their breakfast.

They reached their destination by nightfall, the layout of the mine typical for its purpose, no matter where in the Innerlands you were. A collection of huts and shelters, rail carts covered in snow, yawning cave mouths heading deeper into the earth. A sharp tang lingered in the air, instantly marking it as a mythril mine, a side effect of the process of extracting the precious metal from the stone that it was embedded in. And a jet black dragon, laying curled up near one of the mine entrances, looking at them as they landed, the campfire nearby long cold and unused. Lights flickered in a couple of the huts, a short, heavy bearded man making his way out, looking at them in confusion in the failing light. He trudged his way over, thick coat kept wrapped around him, becoming more perplexed as he looked at her and Fleur. No surprises there.

“We were not expecting any more riders,” he stated once he was close enough. “The infestation has been dealt with, and the rest of them have already left. My apologies if you weren’t aware.”

Asher shook her head. “No, we were aware. We’re here to see the rider who still remains.”

The man looked at the black dragon, and then black at them. “The weird one,” he said, before suddenly looking worried. “Sorry, I don’t know her name,” he offered as an apology. “Yeah, she’s still here. Still in the mine too, has been since the others all left. Been a couple of days. You’re welcome to go looking for her, but please, can you keep your dragons out of the way. The men, they’re spooked enough already, what with the last lot that were here and the infestation. No deaths, but a couple of the lads are going to be scarred for life. And that’s ignoring all of the weird stuff since that pulse. It’s only been what, two weeks!”

“If your men keep clear of them, there will be no issues,” Asher stated bluntly, back to her usual style. “They will wait just outside of the camp. We will go looking for the rider in the morning.”

“I’ll give them a reminder,” the man stated, before turning and trudging his way back to his hut, grumbling about riders and entitlements under his breath. It was just a pity that she could make out his words all to clearly, but then again Ueana couldn’t begrudge him. Some riders were rather stuck up, blinded by their power and privilege. At least he hadn’t commented on her or Fleur’s appearance.

Show that pride in yourself that you have. You are a daughter of Pyre, and so much more than just a rider. Not just for yourself, but for Fleur and Coorie too.’

Another pep talk from her familiar. He was right. She needed to, especially for the others. She had been the first of them after all, and she was proud of what she was, of what she had become. Of being a Pyrefox. The Pyrefox at this point in time. And everything that they had all gained out of it. It just wasn’t easy. Memories, thoughts, feelings. A temperamental mess, volatile. Just like her alignment. Riders weren’t immune to the actions of others. No one was. They were all mortal after all. You didn’t need to have magic to have an effect on others.

A bone chilling scream, drenched in hate. Madison, blood dribbling from her mouth. Ithiar, his body disintegrating into a fine blue mist.

Ueana shivered, unable to help herself. She’d just blame it on the cold.

“I think you need a hug,” Fleur whispered, pulling her in close. Ueana let her head sink into Fleur’s shoulder, holding her tightly back. Yes, that she did. Perhaps a thousand of them.

“Thanks,” she said, once she felt calm enough again, letting Fleur go.

Picking up Kitni, who had exited the saddlebags and decided that the mine camp was a perfect place to explore, which it was in fact not, she walked with the others as they made their way to the outskirts of the camp, the jet black familiar watching them, but unmoving. It was curious about them, but that was it. No fear, distrust or worry.

It can sense the truth. It knows.’

There was plenty of space around the mine, far too much, the familiars settling down a little bit away from the camp, Bonebreaker sitting guard, on full alert, not that there was any immediate threat in the area. They hadn’t even seen any wildlings on their way over, and apart from the infestation that had been dealt with, no mention of any other threat had been made. Lizabeth settled down near to the large earth dragon, Armur wearily sighing as she sat against her familiar, while Castillo, Seashae and Lily snuggled up together, a riot of colours and magic swirling around them. It was back to travel rations, no hunting having been done on the way over, but it was better than nothing, and Ueana wasn’t feeling particularly hungry.

They sat around the fire for a bit, the meal consumed in silence. There wasn’t much to say. Fleur had already finished and was making herself comfortable against their familiars. While the persistent tiredness was gone, the adrenaline from the change had finally worn off, the lack of sleep catching up with her. Not that they’d be long from joining her. Coorie was finishing off the last of her food, leaning against Ueana, quite content, feeding little portions to Kitni whose appetite was definitely growing. Armur wasn’t the most talkative at the best of times, and Asher was deep in thought again. It was strange, seeing her like that. Unusual too. She was always so certain and so serious. But right now, she looked almost lost, and it made Ueana’s heart ache for her. What had happened last night, when she had left them? Whatever she had had to deal with, it must have been important. It had left a lasting effect. She had been just as sad this morning at the lake side, with what she had said.

“Asher,” she asked quietly. She couldn’t not ask. This might be the only chance.

“Hmm?” Asher replied, looking at her.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Asher gave a low chuckle. “The most tormented of us all, reaching out to help another.”

Ueana wasn’t sure if she should be insulted about that or not.

“It’s fine,” Asher continued. “We all make choices, and we all have to live with the consequences. Some, perhaps, we come to wish that we had not made, the reasoning at the time distorted by things both in and outside of our control. By those around us, and experiences that we have gone through. Obligations, status, wealth. Maybe even pride. Could life have been different if a different decision had been made, was it worth the cost in the end.”

“You regret something that you did?”

Asher sighed, staring up at the clouds. “Yes, I think that perhaps I do. A choice made a long time ago. But had I taken that path, I would not be the same person that I am now.”

Asher was being deliberately vague, but it was not her place to probe for details. Not in this kind of matter. It was personal, the pain now obvious on her face. But she had an inkling of what it might be. “It’s not something that you can go back to? Perhaps still make that choice?”

“It is no longer the same. So much has changed. And all actions carry consequences, threads pulled along with you. As much as I wish otherwise, now is not the time. The fallout would be disastrous.”


Asher sighed again, and looked up at her familiar. “It isn’t quite that simple,” she said, talking directly to Bonebreaker, before looking back down at her. “But thanks. For asking.”

The lady knight stood up, stretched, scanning the area around them. “You know, Starlight is not her real name. It fits her well, and was of her choosing, but it is just a mask. As to what her true name is, well almost no one knows.”

“Do you?”

Another sigh from Asher, and a sweet smile. It actually looked good on her, suited her.

“Yes, that I do.”

An Arctic Fox. :)

And there seems to be more to Asher than meets the eye ^^

The next chapter (100 - No, Not Morbid) will be out mid next week as per the usual schedule.

If you'd like to read ahead (currently by an extra 3 chapters), or just support my writing, please consider supporting my pateron. It means a lot. As well as the advance chapters of Soul Flames, it also has the first chapter of both Wolf Mother (a Soul Flames side story), and another new story (What Lies Within). Volume 1 and 2 are also available on all amazon stores (US link: Volume 3 will go up on amazon once pateron has got all of the chapters and proofing is done.

Esper an the Witch, my other story, is now fully released on SH/RR. If you haven't read it, please check it out ^^ (

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