Chapter 24 – Rewards (R-18)
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Chapter 24 – Rewards (R-18)

“Compensation is provided to order employees in the form of their local currency but can be opted as precious metals. The order does not offer compensation in gems at this time.” HR rep talking to new hire group.


                “So, then we did a little test to see what happened if it broke.” Kurt said while stirring the food in the pan then putting the lid back on. He had already explained in detail how the rings worked, and Jay had even tried it himself. “Nothing much really happened. The log and cinderblock had some soot on them but that was it other than a bright flash of light.”

                Val was sat at the kitchen island with Jay while Penny reclined on the couch, still recovering. “How big was that one? The storage capacity I mean.” The demon asked.

                “It appeared to have a total capacity of a hundred and thirty-two kilos.”

                Jay nodded appreciatively. “And this one?” He held the ring up again, inspecting it in the light from the pendant lights above the kitchen island. He hadn’t let it go since Kurt put it in his hand.

                “Based on the one test I ran; it has a capacity of three thousand seven hundred and ten kilos. It had both a higher total energy and a better conversion rate.” Kurt answered proudly. He was rather pleased with the end product.

                Still studying the ring, Jay kept asking questions. “How long to make another one? Do you have the materials you need?”

                “Kurt has enough parts to make nine more.” Val answered.

                “So, assuming I have the energy to keep making them, it will take me about three and a half hours. About three to engrave the pieces and bind them and another thirty minutes to actually lay down the enchantment and activate it.” Kurt wasn’t sure how many he could do in a day but figured two was his limit just based on time and how much it took out of him.

                The food was ready, so Kurt began to pull it off the stove while Val began setting the table for a rather late dinner. She put down four places, assuming that Penny and Jay were staying for dinner. Neither of them objected and readily sat down as Kurt transferred the rice and sausage dish to serving bowls and brought it over.

                They tucked in without standing on any ceremony. The generally happy noises of people enjoying food filled the dining area as they ate. For his part, Jay didn’t press the ring issue any farther, instead joining in on the idle chit chat. But he didn’t wait long after they had finished their meal to go back to the topic.

                “How much for the ring?” He asked after Val and Kurt had cleared the table.

                Kurt honestly didn’t know how much to ask. He hadn’t ever seen a storage device sell in person and assumed that kind of thing was a direct commission sort of purchase. He decided to be honest with his boss.

                “I don’t know. I have no idea what it would sell for since there is no comparable product, and I don’t even know the cost of a bag of holding.”

                Jay looked from the ring to Kurt a few times before seemingly coming to a decision. “I can give you ten. Or the equivalent in whatever you want for supplies and materials.”

                “Ten what?”

                “Ten million dollars.” Jay clarified. “Or I can trade in other things like weapons, materials or tools that you might have a hard time getting. For context, a bag of holding averages one to three million depending on size and functions.”

                “I…I don’t even know if my bank would accept that.” Kurt stammered after hearing the number.

                Amused, Jay waved his hand like he was dismissing an inconsequential matter. “I will have someone make arrangements and upgrade you to a private banking client.”

                Kurt gave him the side eye. “And you have that just laying around to blow on a ring?”

                “Just blow on a ring? This isn’t some bauble I found on vacation, Kurt. This is the first of its kind, a true storage ring and not one of those unstable knockoff’s that float into the market every so often.”

                Thinking about it for a moment, Kurt finally agreed. “Alright, you have a deal. Let me think about it and get you a list of things I want.”

                “Yes!” Jay pumped his fist. An action that clearly surprised everyone since the demon was usually so mellow. “Oh, also I won’t put you on blast for making this, but some people might come poking around after I show it off.”

                Kurt did not like the sound of that but also figured it might be the case eventually. He was still working on the enchanter’s guild problem, and this might help with that. Jay slid the ring on his finger once more and it molded to fit him perfectly.

                “Send me a list of anything you want. And I mean anything.” Jay said. “If you want cash and gear or cars, home improvement, doesn’t matter what it is, I will make it happen.” He said and shook hands with Kurt. There was a tingle of magic and he suddenly had a sinking feeling.

                The feeling must have shown on his face because Jay snorted and rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, deals with demons only end poorly with malevolent demons and if they involve the soul. This just makes sure I hold up my end of the deal.”

                Jay didn’t say anything more other than make his excuses. He walked outside then opened a portal before stepping through and closing it behind him. Kurt knew it was because of the wards and enchantments he placed on the house itself that he had to exit before opening a portal. It was also nice to confirm they were working well enough to deflect and interfere with a creature like Jay.

                Penny followed shortly after, saying that she would be in touch but that they should enjoy their weekend. Her departure wasn’t nearly as spectacular, and she used the portal to her office in the hub. Once they saw her leave, Kurt felt hands on his back that soon wrapped around him before Val was whispering in his ear.

                “You might not get your payment tonight, but I think you still deserve a special ‘reward’” She whispered before nibbling at his ear lobe.

                Kurt turned around and pulled her toward him, running his own hands up and down her back. They kissed deeply while pawing at each other, constantly shuffling toward the bedroom. After stumbling twice in their passions, Kurt growled, grabbed Val by the ass and hoisted her up as she locker her legs around his waist.

                He walked her back into the bedroom as she hung off him, inciting him further with nibbles and kisses at his neck and ears. Kurt had both his hands occupied with one cheek each as he gripped her and carried her.

                When they got to the bed, Kurt turned around and flopped back on the bed, Val landing atop him. They both laughed as the bed slid a foot sideways from their combined weight hitting at an odd angle.

                Val sat up after a few more moments of making out, placing her butt right on his thighs. She pulled her shirt and sports bra off over her head. Kurt got the message and followed suit, sitting so he could shed his own shirt.

                Pulling herself to him once more, Val rubbed against him, sucking an ear lobe in her mouth as she ground against his already hard erection. Suddenly, she pulled back, stepping off the bed before leaning back in. She Looked him square in the eyes as she began to shimmy out of her pants, one again causing Kurt to take his off.

                Now fully naked, Val strut back to the bed. She leaned forward to plant another kiss on his lips while her hand reached downward. Kurt shuddered slightly as her hand slid down his stomach, muscles tensing in sequence from the sudden touch.

                Finally, Val found her prize and stroked it, not gripping but sliding her soft palm over the head and shaft in long gentle strokes. Kurt brought his hand up and fondled a breast. She moaned as his thumb brushed over one of her hard nipples, causing her to press into his hand even more.

                Val used her other hand, placing it on the back of Kurt’s and squeezing it, signaling for him to squeeze her in turn. He did just that, using both hands to massage her breasts and occasionally trapping the nub of her nipple between his thumb and index finger.

                Suddenly dropping down, Val settled on her knees in front of Kurt and without missing a beat, wrapped her fingers around the base his shaft. She licked up the bottom side of his cock before wrapping her lips around the head. Causing him to groan as she ran her tongue around his glans.

                Kurt propped himself on his elbows and looked down to see her bobbing head as she chased her hand with her lips while staring back at him. He couldn’t help himself and reached out a hand, running it through the lock of her hair that had fallen in front of her eye to place it behind her ear again. He then moved his hand up toward one of her ears.

                Her eyes closed as Kurt took the fuzzy appendage between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing the inside of her ear. Val loved the sensation that she felt from having her ears rubbed. She loved the scratching sensation, she loved the pressure and the warmth of Kurt’s hands. Most of all she was loving how he ever so slightly pulled her onto him.

                Val didn’t particularly enjoy giving oral but something about Kurt was driving her inner kitsune wild. She couldn’t get enough after her first hesitant taste and was slowly working herself further and further down. The latent instincts from her heritage and the feeling of having her ears rubbed was more than enough to keep her going and she began to rub at herself with her fingers.

                Kurt was rubbing the inside of Val’s ear with his thumb, she seemed to be enjoying it and he was defiantly enjoying her, slowly approaching his release. Idly, he curled his middle finger down and scratched at the base of her ear. A simple action that seemed to have massive effect.

                Suddenly, Val’s eyes rolled back as she pressed down onto him. Kurt kept scratching and both heard and felt a deep hum. “Oh, shit. Val I’m close.” The vibration coming from her was doing amazing things to him and his slow climb to orgasm suddenly became a sprint.

                Not stopping and even pressing further, Val continued to suck him off. He could now feel the back of her throat with every bob and the humming only increased as he scratched at the base of her ear even more. “Cumming.” Kurt gasped as the pressure building in his groin became to much and he started unloading in her mouth.

                Val’s eyes snapped open, widening for a moment as Kurt’s seed hit her tongue. She was once again conflicted by her previous distaste of semen and her vixen’s sudden love of the stuff. Either way, it currently tasted amazing to her, and she savored the experience.

                She had known he was going to bust, having felt firsthand how his cock had swelled and his breathing changed. Val found it interesting how he had not only warned her but also let his hands act more passively, as if giving her an option to pull away. It was truly unusual based on her previous experience. Encounters that no longer registered as she looked back up at Kurt.

                Kurt leaned back on his elbows as Val pumped him a few times, gently sucking and licking at him after his orgasm had ebbed. “Oh my god, Val.” He looked down at her as she smiled back. “That was amazing.”

                “Hmm, you deserved it.” She said and stood up. She held out her hand to him and he took it. “Let’s get cleaned up.”

                Leading him to the bathroom, Val turned on the shower, letting the hot water steam up the enclosed, glass walled space. They didn’t have to wait long, soon stepping into the now warm and steamy space. Kurt held her close, keeping skin contact the entire time and laying little kisses on her neck from behind.

                Val really liked this shower, which seemed to be part sauna and steam room by how easily it heated. She especially like how the tiles were never cold, always being the perfect neutral temperature. She had thought the bench seat along the wall was odd until she used it once to shave and now couldn’t think of living without it.

It was way better than her shower in the barracks. She did wonder what ever happened to her shower curtain. The one with the little yellow ducks holding umbrellas and wearing rain boots.

                Those thoughts stopped in an instant as she felt Kurt against her. He slid their wet bodies against each other, never breaking away and keeping them in the stream of water. He turned her around then and kissed her soundly as the hot droplets ran down their faces.

                Kurt wanted to help Val unwind too. He could smell her arousal and knew for a fact she hadn’t finished. So, taking advantage of their slippery bodies in the steamy shower, he began to kiss his way down her body.

                He started at her jaw, working down her neck and pushing her back against the wall. He grabbed the shower head and angled it to stay on them as she sat on the bench. He then kissed his way to her breasts, paying each nipple some attention and giving a few playful bites to the underside of her modest bust.

                Kurt then trailed down her stomach and to her pelvis. He kissed playfully at her shaved mound before hiking her legs over his shoulders. Using his thumbs, Kurt spread the lips of her pussy before laying on a long lick all the way up.

                Val shivered above him, and he felt her fingers work into his hair. He shifted his arms, wrapping them under and around her thighs to better hold them open while he began to really eat her out. His technique was a little improved after having had her once already. He had picked up on a few things she liked.

                One item that she rather enjoyed was when Kurt teased her opening with his tongue, not pressing inside but rubbing at the edge in a circular motion. This of course was the opening act to get her warmed up enough for what she really enjoyed.

                After some gentle licks and massage, Kurt moved up to her clit that had worked its way from under its hood. What had really set her off before was when he sucked at her clit directly. He wrapped his lips around the upper area of her pussy and sucked gently at the flesh. Not too hard but just enough to give Val what she wanted while he flicked his tongue over it.

                Kurt felt her legs clamp around his head, and he had to press in with his shoulders to prevent her from pushing him away. He felt the tension building in her muscles as her abs and legs began to flex in little waves. He continued sucking at her on and off for a moment before latching back on and pressing that little button with is tongue while sucking slightly harder.

                The reaction was immediate. Val’s legs began to tense even more, and he felt the contractions of her abs as she came on his face. Kurt loved the taste of her and happily kept licking as she orgasmed. He rode it out with her as she came down from her high, the little aftershocks rolling through her.

                Kissing his way back up her body, Kurt’s mouth found hers and they shared a deep, passionate kiss. Val seemed a little surprised when she ran her hands down his stomach and found him rock hard once more.

                “Werewolf.” Kurt said huskily in her ear as she stroked him lightly. She hummed in response and increased her stroking. A comment she had made in the past suddenly floated through his mind and he got an idea.

                Guiding Val to her feet, Kurt turned her around and pressed her against the wall with his body. The smile would have been enough to say she was into it but when she lifted her foot and placed it on the bench, it was all the invite Kurt needed and he slid into her.

                Val angled her hips back, sticking her butt out slightly and moaned softly as Kurt sank into her. It wasn’t the traditional mounting her inner vixen wanted but the angle he was hitting and how he wrapped himself around her was bliss.

                Kurt set a moderate pace for his thrusts, not too slow and soft but not as hard and fast as his wolf side wanted. He made sure to keep as much skin contact as he could with Val, continuing to kiss and nibble at her neck from behind while his hands ran up and down her body. While she was gripping the hardware for the shower head for stability, he massaged her breasts, occasionally tweaking a nipple in time with a thrust.

“Oh, yes, yes, right there. Don’t, stop. Ah ah.” Val panted as Kurt drove into her. The sound of their wet skin slapping filling the bathroom.

Getting close again, Val was now bracing herself against the wall of the shower as she got plowed from behind. She leaned forward in an almost L shape with her hands gripping the bar in front of her and her feet spread wide on the floor.

Keeping one hand on Val’s hip and running his other down from her breast, Kurt slid it along her stomach and found its way to the top of her pussy. He placed the tip of his index finger against her clit, gently tapping against it as he thrust.

This extra stimulation was all Val needed as she cried out in a wordless moan. Kurt felt her clench and tighten around him, increasing the friction he was feeling and pushing him closer to his own release.

“Getting, ah, close.” Kurt said as his pace increased. His rhythm was getting more erratic, and Val was still moaning incoherently. He didn’t know if he should cum inside her again or what the deal was, so he did the safer thing.

He withdrew his hand from her clit and gripped her hips. He tensed his own muscles, flexing hard to delay for a few moments longer. Kurt tapped her hip twice, giving one more thrust before pulling out and stroking himself off onto her butt and lower back.

Kurt kept one hand on Val’s waist, supporting her and keeping her from falling. He shot his load in a few long spurts that nearly reached her shoulder blades. He let go if his cock, placing both hands on her waist and letting his member rest between her cheeks.

They stood like that for a minute, just letting the water run over them as they caught their breath. Eventually, Val stood up and turned around to give him a series of kisses while running her hands over him.

“You could have cum inside you know.” Val said. “It’s safe with the medication I take.”

“I wasn’t sure.” Kurt said with a shrug. “Figured it would be better safe than sorry.”

She kissed him once more. “Well, now you know.”

They made out for a little while before actually getting cleaned up. They each grabbed their shower scrubber and took turns under the water and even washed each other for the first time. They did their own hair, partly because Val couldn’t really reach very well and partly because Kurt had no idea how she washed her hair. He did pay attention as she washed, observing from the bench as she scrubbed at her head.

Kurt turned off the water and they sat in the warm shower stall for a few minutes, drying off and sitting in the heat for a while. Eventually they headed for bed and Val took her customary place of nuzzling into him as he wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t even mind her still damp hair or the way her breath tickled him.