8 – Terance VS the world!
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Another long chapter! Enjoy!

8 - Terance VS...


Kingdom of Wisdom

A black-cloaked figure with black wings appears over the audience chamber of the king.

King: "Demon!"

Grim: "Huh? No, I'm not a demon i just wanted to know if you seen..."

Saintess: "[Mass-Expell]!"

A pair of white lights swirl around the Saintess as they rush out and strike at the hooded figure that is floating above. This is followed by a large gust of wind as the hood is blown clear off the figure leaving the people in the hall stunned speechless at the figure that they see before them.

Grim: "NO! My Gala-Reaper S12! Wait right here ill be right back!"

The black-winged being flys off much to the confusion of everyone present.

King: "Did that..."

Saintess: "...What was that!?"


Along the Imperial Highway

Bandit1: "They are almost here!"

Bandit2: "Good ready the trap!"

Bandits: "Aye!"

The bandit with the face of a wolf and a black eye patch reaches over and grabs hold of a rope.

Bandit1: "On my signal..."


Bandit1: "Now!"

The rope is pulled pulling loose several logs set up over the road as they rain down on their target. The log trap smashes down on the road crushing anything on it into the ground...

Maria: "See Rainy! I told you the roads are dangerous!"

...This would have been bad if anyone was on the road in the first place.

The bandits rush out onto the road with their weapons drawn! the bandits rush and grab Terance pushing him to the ground before standing on him pointing their swords towards the rest of the party.

Bandit1: "I don't know how you avoided our trap but you will not get away from us this time

Appraisal reaches level 11


Bandit 1
Level 7
HP 250
CR 6


Rainy: "heh mobs..."

Maria puffs up her cheeks at the miscreants.

Maria: "I don't know who you think you are but you better get off Terance this instant!"

Maria takes a step towards the bandits ready to give them a good scolding...

...let me repeat that... Maria... Takes a step... Into the road...

A Carriage comes flying from behind the bandits knocking them all out of the way before smashing against Maria's Blue shield sending her flying into the air as Rainy can only watch stupefied at the whole thing. Rainy then proceeds to walk up to the bandits finishing them off with her knife.

Bandit has died
Bandit has died
Bandit has died
Bandit has died
Bandit has died

Rainy *Sigh* "They were not even worth a level..."

Rainy picks up Terance and arms him with a sword, shield, and an iron helm with nose guard.

Rainy: "Come on Terance, let's see if their hideout has any good loot"

Terance waves and signs to Rainy.

Rainy: "What do you mean, 'how are we going to find their hideout?' just follow the signs"

Rainy points to a sign that says 'Beware Bandits!' with an arrow and a picture of a wolf head with an eye patch drawn on it.

Terance seems to sigh dejectedly as he follows his summoner deeper into the woods.

Birds and creatures scatter as the road becomes darker. Terance looks back on the road they came from as it seems to get lighter, then looks back at the darkness that surrounds his summoner before giving an accusing glare as if to say 'You have the worst Karma of anyone in the world don't you?'. Which if you take in the kind of world they are living in and its Fluffy Candy texture pack, this is probably a true statement.

*knock knock*

Terance jumps surprised as he watches his summoner knock on the front door to the bandit hideout.

Bandit: "What do you want!"

Rainy: "We are here to put an end to your... uh villainy! ya, that's it... So open up and come out and face us!"

Bandit: "Huh one of those hero-y types? Give us a moment"

The gate creeks open as Rainy steps in followed by zombie Terance. Bandits begin pouring out of several different passageways and surround the 2 as the leader steps out.

Bandit Leader
Lv: 30
HP: 1620
CR: 55


Lv: 25
HP: 850
CR 38

Bandit Leader: "What's this supposed to be? You think you can challenge us huh?!"

Zombie Terance trembles and shakes at the sheer force of the bandits surrounding the two and looks to his summoner. Surely his devious summoner has a great plan for dealing with all these bandits right?

Rainy: "Hehe! you talk big but let's see how you handle this! Gooooo.... Get them Terance!"

Rainy used Shadow Meld
Shadow Meld is now level 16
Sneak is now level 14

Rainy's shadowy dress sinks into the ground as she vanishes. Terance looks on in disbelief before he lifts his sword and throws it to the ground.

Bandit Leader: "Crush that Fool!"

Terance breaks off in a sprint out of the bandit hideout followed by 30 bandits hot on his trail.

Bandit Leader: "Why is no one firing arrows!"

Bandit: "We are out of arrows sir!"

Bandit Leader: "What! How?"

Bandit: "We ended using them all up this morning when we were firing at that caravan"

Bandit Leader: "Why did you not retrieve them after we took the caravan!?"

Bandit: "They all were lost in the woods sir!"

All of which said arrows had magically found their way to a certain Goddess' barrier. Speaking of which...

Maria: "Terance!"

From the sky comes Maria as she by chance figured out how to use her wings and turned around in mid-air eventually gliding her way back to help her friends.

Maria: "I am on my way! I'll save you from those bullies!"

Terance panics waving his hand at Maria right before she lands next to him and he bursts into blue flames and crumbles to the ground leaving behind his iron helm.

Maria looks to the bandits and puffs up her cheeks

Maria: "What did you all do to Terance!"

Maria charges at the bandit leader while flailing her hands in a windmill motion. The bandit leader sees this and grabs hold of her barrier as Maria struggles to swing her arms around. The bandit then pushes her back so that she rolls her way.

Maria: "Ha! I'm glad I thought of a perfect counter for this!"

Maria Kicks her feet down causing the barrier to change directions and roll with high speed back at the bandits.

Maria does 0 damage to bandit leader

Maria: "What! IT worked before!"

Said technique only worked last time because Rainy used the barrier in a 'weighted strike'.

The bandit leader picks him off the ground and dusts himself off.

Bandit Leader: "Alright that's is punish this bird."

The other bandits begin pushing Maria's barrier in each other in an improvised game of pass as a dark shadow falls from the sky knocking them all backward. The shadow emerges under Terance's helm as it stands up wearing his armor. Heavy Metal music begins to play as Confused Maria and bandits look around only to notice the sound is coming from the shadow. The shadow then flashes a blue Smile emoji under his iron helm before a giant scythe made of darkness appears in his hand.

Reaper Battle Mode activated


Bandit takes 9999 damage
Bandit has died


Level up
Level up
Level up
Level up
Level up


Bandit takes 9999 damage
Bandit has died.


Great Weapons has reached level 8


level up
level up
level up
level up


Bandit takes 9999 damage
Bandit has died


Level up
Zombie Terance has reached level 27

There is a red flash from the blade followed by a black light that flashes across several of the bandits before they are split in two. The Bandits notice what's going on and began to run from the shadow of death that is claiming their fellow's lives. Zombie Terance pushes off the ground and flashes past the bandits his scythe flashing as he passes by.

Bandit takes 9999 damage
Bandit has died

What follows in around about 15 minutes of Terance leaping off walls and claiming bandits lives until there is one left.

Bandit leader: "You think your so big because you can take out a few thugs huh!? Well I won't go down without a fight!" 

The bandit leader raises his great axe and charges at Terance as he raises his scythe and jumps at the bandits creating streaks of light as they go by.

Insufficient power
Reaper Battle Mode has shut down.

The shadow under Terance's helm blinks a few times as he deflates to about half a Terance in size and his emote changes to a nervous sweat drop emote as his scythe disappears.

Bandit Leader: "Looks like the wizard has run out of his magicks! I got you now"

The bandit leader brings down his great ax is a double-handed overhead swing as Tiny Terance leaps into a roll to the side.

Combat Roll is now level 12

Terance grabs the nearest weapon he can find... which turns out is a huge sword almost twice his size as he almost falls over when he picks it up.

Bandit Leader: "I got you now you little runt!"

The bandit leader attempts the same attack it tried last time because... that worked so well the first time as Terance side steps the swing and puts his foot on the ax handle leveling his greatsword across for a side swing.

Skill Unlocked: Two-handed Bisect
Two-Handed Bisect reaches level 1
Counterattack has reached level 8
Great Weapons has reached level 10
Bandit Leader takes 626 damage

Bandit leader falls back with a slash across his chest.

Bandit Leader: "Ahhh! Take this!"

Bandit leader used Sholder Tackle on Tiny Terance
Tiny Terance takes 380 damage


Tiny Terance
HP: 476 / 856


Zombie Regeneration reaches level 5
+12 hp


The bandit leader picks up his ax and... goes for another overhead swing. This leads Tiny Terance to repeat the steps it performed last time except for adding the step to leap out of the way of his shoulder tackle. Even though this bandit is a Bandit leader, it's still a nameless mob!


Bandit leader takes 626 damage
Bandit leader is dead.


Maria: "Terrance!"

Maria comes running out with her arms stretched in a hugging motion.

Terence's face turns into a joyful emote.

Rainy: "[Unsummon]!"

A black portal appears behind Terance and he is pulled into it as the portal closes.

Rainy: "Hey Maria! Come check what I found!"

Rainy is dragging along a treasure chest from the main hall of the bandit hideout.

Maria: "Where did Terance go?"

Rainy: "Haha! He said he would scout ahead while we rested so he used a magic portal. I am sure we will meet up with him later."

Maria "Oh, Ok! Ooo, look at all the shiny stuff! I want to see!"


Tiny Terance
LV: 32
Race: Zombie Reaper
HP: 856 MP:290
STR: 62 INT: 29
DEX: 39 VIT: 67
AGI: 63 LUK: 17


Stamina LV:8, Great Weapons LV:10, Dagger Mastery: LV:8, Scouting LV: 4, Tracking: LV:3, Eagle Eye LV:5, Two-Handed Bisect LV:2, Zombie Regeneration LV: 5, Undead Stamina LV: MAX


Undead - Given to a being who was brought back from death. (-20% weakness to fire and holy magic; Immunity to poison)

Reaper's Realignments - Given to one who holds a reaper's robe (Spirit binding - Protection from spirit removal)

Hero's Pet - Given to a being bound to a Hero's command (10x faster skill gain; 10%+ increase in ability while carrying out Hero's Orders)