Chapter 09
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Like thunder, the sound of hooves came down on the cobblestone outside his window. Naofumi's eyes fluttered open as he found himself only partially awake. In his hand, resting on his chest was a leather hardcover book bound with red silk. It was too quiet of a morning to be hearing all of these sounds.

Why hadn't anyone woke me up? Naofumi thought to himself as he placed his left hand absently upon his face.

His chest hurt as a thought came to mind, how the woman he had been fighting beside yesterday hadn't even partied up with him. His eyes trailed down to the book, he was on the last few pages.

"There were so many things I could have done," he groaned as he sat up and looked to the shield positioned on his right arm. "I wonder if Takehide is awake yet."

Stumbling out of bed, he could hardly hear the sounds of his own footsteps on the old wooden panel floors. It sounds like people are coming…? Why so many?

Naofumi looked around his room, quickly finding that there were drawers pulled out. The wardrobe was open and the sheet along the sides of the mattress was out of order.

"Was my place ransacked while I was asleep?" Naofumi's eyes widened in shock as he asked this out loud. 'At least there was nothing for them to take… Thankfully I experimented a bit before bed and put my things away into my shield.' Immediately after thinking, he turned to the door and opened it as he went rushing out; while almost tripping over himself.

Going down the hall, he came to a stop in front of the room he was sure Takehide had been staying in. "Takehide-san, are you here!?" He knocked on the door hurriedly, only to get no response. "He's left." He clenched his jaw, remembering the words he had said to him last night. "Even if I end up alone…"

The stairwells to the left and right had been taken over by the sounds of stampeding metal soles. Knights were climbing to the second floor and it was only seconded until they came around each corner.

"This is what he meant," his eyes drifted side to side, watching as they filled the hallway to the very brim. He was surrounded and there was no way out. Naofumi knew he was at no level to even fight back.

They couldn't kill him though, right? There was no premise for killing him. If anything, that may just cause more problems for them, right? He was a right. His emerald green eyes stared at the Captain of the Royal Guard as he ran his shield bearing hand through his roguish black hair.

His eyes matched with that of a man in black attire with the typical grey metallic plate armor as the rest. Despite their uniform appearances, they appeared very menacing for a unit under the control of the King. It was clear by his clean-shaven face and subtle stoic expression that he was here with a serious charge.

"Are you guys the Knight from the Castle? Someone tried to…" Naofumi as cut off in the middle of speaking by the hostile tone of the Captain who gave him an undeniable look of disgust.

"You the Shield Hero, yes?" All of the men had their swords and polearms at the ready, if he were to resist, they already knew not t give mercy.

"What's going on?" Naofumi let his shield arm fall to his side, frowning at the display of might.

"Answer my question!" The Captain barked, his hand on his hilt. "Are you the Shield Hero?"

"Yes I am, yeah." Naofumi swallowed shallowly, his eyes darting from man to man.

"The King has issued a summons for you," the Captain snapped, "come with us."

Naofumi stared at the man bewildered, but he was only partially surprised, "Huh?"

The next thing he knew he was being hauled out of the Inn, whether or not he even cooperated. Their spears and swords were ready to be used at any moment, it was as if they expected him to fight. Thus, however, he did not resist. Brought down to the ground floor, he found there was no one even eating breakfast. Either people were all in their rooms or they had been ushered out the door before they even arrived.

"H-Hey," Naofumi felt a nudge in the back which caused him to blunder forward, "Are the other Heroes being summoned to the castle too?"

"We are under no obligation to tell you, Shield Hero." There was no honorifics, not even was he to be called Sir by the Knights escorting him. Just what had he done?

Naofumi was brought to one of the few carts parked outside after being shoved along one too many times. The Knights didn't even hesitate to roughly throw him into the back and soon join him. While they didn't intentionally try to hit him, their gazes were filled with hatred. The sensation of confusion was washing over him, but his gut told him that there was something more to this. That he had been betrayed by someone, but at the same time saved by another.

I had been summoned here in order to save the world. To save this nation. What is going on here? What is with this treatment? This hatred? His thoughts paused as he lurched forward, the wagon began to move. His eyes watched the canopy above his head, that towered over all of the Knights that were seated by him in the transport.

Naofumi lowered his head to look at the wood beneath his feet. There was nowhere to run, and he couldn't quite get out of the canopy-covered wagon either. A sigh escaped his lips.

In the next few minutes, the wagon pulled into the depo he recognized. It was the place where they had first gone when they exited the castle before. The Knights began to unload and one of them grabbed onto his earthy brown hemp shirt. Tugging with an unruly attitude, they didn't wait for him to catch up. Practically dragged from the wagon, he toppled down onto all fours before being forced back onto his feet.

"Get moving!" The Knight uttered as he shoved the Hero forward with the palm of his hand.

"Alright, alright!" Naofumi strode between the two lines of Knights that were now escorting him. They were going directly for the throne chambers. The place he had been brought to shortly after the whole being summoned to the world by a book. A frown remained on his lips as he soon walked through those very same double doors.

The eyes that watched him enter the room, made the long rectangular chamber feel suffocatingly small. The onlookers that lined the right-side all glared daggers at him, they weren't the focus though. Directly ahead of him the most hateful of gazes rested upon him, it was the King himself.

Why? Why did the king have such an expression towards me? Naofumi couldn't come up with any such explanation. What had he done to incur such a gaze?

That was when he noticed, only Itsuki and Ren were the only heroes present. Takehide was nowhere to be seen. Not even his party members were there to witness what was going on.

Without warning, Naofumi found the floor was coming to him. Hands had shoved into his back and sent him to the ground on all fours. Narrowly stopping himself from face planting into the floor with a THUD, he groaned. "That hurt…" He complained to himself, before looking upward toward the King as all the Knights brought their spears down and at the ready. "Huh?" Still, on all fours, the Shield Hero looked at the Knights and then to the King once more, "What's going on?"

From the corner of his eye, he could see Myne standing beside Itsuki and Ren, "Myne?" He blinked seeing a fearful expression on her face. "What's going on!?" He went to crawl forward, only for the polearms to cross his path; halting his advanced.

They weren't giving him much of a choice other than to stay still.

"Myne?" Naofumi watched as she clung to Itsuki's side, grasping at his shoulder in fear. No, this wasn't fear that he was seeing on her face. Takehide made it clear his eyes weren't to be trusted, that this girl that he saw in front of him cannot be trusted.

"Yo, King!" The Shield Hero's eyes struck the King, "Why am I here? Why am I being treated like this–!?" He was a Hero, brought here to protect these people, there was no reason for this. Or so he reasoned.

"SILENCE SCUM!" King Aultcray demanded as he leaned forward, his tone seething. He was angry for some reason, but still he was left out of the loop. What had he done?

"What's that about…?" Naofumi's eyes were widened, set back by the King's voice. He stood there, on his knees almost speechless at what was going to transpire.

Seeing the King place a hand on his forehead, as if feeling pity for someone, Naofumi creased his brows. Am I being blamed for something? What's even going on here!?

"Myne, you poor adventurer…" Aultcray announced in a melancholy tone, "Could you testify once more for us, what has occurred?"

Naofumi was frozen where he was, his eyes flickering over to Myne. What Takehide had said before rang in the back of his mind. Yet as he tried to make eye contact with the other Heroes, the only one who seemed the least bit unconvinced of what was going on was Ren. His indifferent expression, but subtle frown, gave away everything as he wasn't looking at him at all. Yet with one glance to Itsuki, Naofumi felt as if he had already been condemned to death.

Takehide's words to the boy didn't seem to have affected his sense of Justice. Was it because he was accused that it turned out like this? Framed for something he didn't do?

Whatever this was that was coming, it wasn't the truth.

Moving behind Itsuki, it appeared as if the shorter Bow Hero made himself into a wall between them. "The Shield Hero barged into my room drunk and pinned me down..." She pretended to sob letting her speech slowly vanish as she spoke gravely.

Naofumi's eyes relaxed forward at this accusation, standing up as he heard all this. Takehide was right. Not only had she not joined my party… But she is framing me too. He didn't object verbally, not right away. "Huh…"

"He said… 'That night is young,' and tore off my clothes!" She curled up into the smaller boy's back, peering out towards the Shielder from behind his short blonde locks of hair. "I somehow escaped… And ran to Sir Itsuki's room," she sniffled, "who happened to be staying at the same Inn as me at the time for help!"

Itsuki's eyelids flexed slightly, his gaze averting to the side a bit.

Naofumi didn't see this right away, but when he did, he raised a brow even as he was listening to the story unfold. It was as if the boy of justice didn't seem to agree with what the girl was saying. He even shifted in place to get more comfortable as she was leaning into him.

"She asked us to wait till dawn to call the Knights," Itsuki blurted only one fist curling into a fist. As if it hurt to say the words he was saying now. It was an act, seen as he grimaced after speaking. "As to keep up the morale of our female companions, we did just that."

Naofumi squinted hearing the boy's words, the gaze of condemnation was gone. However, Itsuki was going out of his way to protect himself rather than his fellow Hero. Clenching his jaws as if he had felt betrayed by his peers, though he barely knew them, he nodded to himself with resolve. "What are you guys talking about!? I went to bed straight after dinner! Besides that, when I woke up, my whole room had been ransacked!"

"Huh?" Ren and Itsuki both looked to the Shield Hero. Neither of them knew of this.

"And where is Takehide-san!?" Naofumi's gaze looked over those watching.

"He declined the King's summons," one of the Guards lining the red carpet leading to the throne spoke up, "Showing us this gesture as he traveled off eastward." The man speaking raised his middle finger in a frivolous manner. "Whatever that means…"

Itsuki, Ren, and Naofumi all looked at one another as if asking one another, 'Did they not know what that meant?'

Obstructing the sounding silence that ensued the Guard's claim, the King proclaimed, "To think that the Shield Hero were to commit the gravest of sins in our country…"

"In Melromarc, even attempting to assault a woman is punishable by death!" One of the Nobles near the King barked as the King stood from his throne as if to bring about a sentence.

Naofumi was about ready to bear his teeth hearing the words of the man. There was no way in hell that he could ever see himself being so forceful on a woman. "I didn't do it!" He took a single step forward, the halberds and spears moving to intercept and stopping just short enough to spare him from receiving damage.

"If you weren't a Hero," King Aultcray's voice boomed over that of Naofumi, "You would be executed immediately!"

The two Heroes immediately whipped their heads to the side to look at the King. This very fact that was being shared, the things that he was saying, made them uneasy. They figured Naofumi didn't really do it due to Takehide's words, but for the King to be in on it all...

"Executed!?" Naofumi nearly panicked as all the blades were pointed to his neck. "I'm telling you! You got the wrong idea! I didn't do it!" He pleaded, wanting to not only save his life but also show his innocence.

Itsuki was now clinching both fists, he really couldn't look towards his fellow Hero.

Ren closed his eyes partially and shifted as if there was a knot in his stomach.

"If you're so convinced I did it, show me the proof!" Naofumi pushed one of the spears downward and away from himself. He was cornered and desperate, there was no way there was any incriminating proof!

Just then a Guard knelt down in front of them, facing the King with his head pitched downward. His sudden movement had taken the very air out of the room, everyone's attention was on him.

"When we searched the Shield Hero's room," the Knight began, "Um…" This guy hesitated for a brief instant before reaching into his attire and pulling something into view. "We found this under his bed…" Holding up what appeared to be a torn piece of purple undergarment, Naofumi's world nearly crashed.

The crowd that was watching the rushed trail were all with their mouths open. Gasping and holding their hands near, they believed this spectacle, it was hardly even buried in their eyes.

"That wasn't there when I woke up!" He pointed towards the Knight and the object that was being held up for all to see.

In turn, the one he knew as Myne squealed and cried at the sight. Covering her eyes, she let out a shriek, "Eeeeek!"

Naofumi lowered his pointed finger, letting his hand fall to his side. He's been had. This was a setup and nothing he said, and nothing he did, could even make a difference in the slightest.

"How disturbing…" Itsuki commented under his breath, seeing the torn undergarments.

Ren just shook his head as it was planted evidence, all too easily seen.

"There you have it! Undeniable proof!" No one was going to believe Noafumi, and there was no real trying to free himself from the situation either. If the hate for him was already here before he entered the room, who could realistically even side with him at this point?

"How!?" Naofumi argued, "It wasn't there when I woke up!"

"It's too bad…" Itsuki said nothing more, frowning as he watched on with his golden eyes.

"To think this is how everything was going to go down…" Ren wasn't impressed.

The other Heroes whilst they didn't appear to be necessarily siding with the King, also didn't actively side with him. This wasn't a united front and Takehide was gone. The only one who bothered to stand up for him when they first arrived. It hurt to know he had left, but how he had left and flipped off the Knights printed a subtle smirk across his lips.

"This… This isn't even true…" His eyes washed over the Heroes as he was on his knees, and then he gave a glimpse to the King who was standing there with piercing violet eyes. In the end, his gaze fell upon Myne who brought her hands away from her face, only to pull down her lower eyelid. A conniving smile across her face and all was revealed to him. She really did frame him.

Standing from the ground, the world felt hollow and his stomach heavy.

I am not going to die here.

Naofumi threw himself to his feet and grasped at the spears in his way, "It was all a setup!" He cried out to the people in rage, to the Nobles, and to the Heroes who already figured the truth. There was nothing they could do, he could see their helplessness echoing in their eyes. How unfair. Why does it have to be me!? Is it because I'm the Shield? Why do they hate the shield so much…?

"Itsuki-sama!" Myne cried as she hugged onto the Hero who only lowered his head, tightening his hand on his bow. His golden eyes didn't look at Naofumi anymore even as he felt the armor plate of the Princess against his back.

"You shouldn't raise your voice, Naofumi," Itsuki sighed before looking at the Shielder, "It is unbecoming of a Hero."

Ren closed his eyes hearing the words of his colleague, before opening them again.

"That is enough!" The King declared, "You will bother my daughter no more!"

Naofumi lowered his head, taking in a slow and shaky breath, before exhaling slowly. Daughter? His eyes traced over the girl with red hair and emerald green eyes. She's the princess!? Takehide… Did you catch on and get chased off…? Curses!

"It really was a mistake to summon them all together…" One of the Nobles said.

"Exactly. We never should have summoned the Shield." Another admitted, questioning the decision of the King as well as the Church.

"But who would've thought that the Shield could be such scum…" The third one to speak made Naofumi's jaw ache as he clenched his teeth together tightly.

Again, all about the Shield. It's as if they hated me before I even arrived! This is pathetic… Why is it like this?! Naofumi's gaze practically ignited the red carpet. Because I am the Shield. Because I am weak, they're going to knock me down so they look better… Disgusting. These people, these Nobles, the people of this country are disgusting people. Why should I fight for them?

"Why should I have to go through this in another world!?" Naofumi spat, "Just send me back home! Summon another Shield Hero for all I care!" His eyes were honed, he had given up on these people; that was clear in his tone that was sharper than steel.

"Why are you trying to run?" Ren asked in a confrontational manner, "Don't get ahead of yourself." Though it sounded like he had finally joined aside, it wasn't quite so. He was trying to tell Naofumi to calm down, but it wasn't going his way. "There isn't a way out of this."

"Despite all of what is happening, how can you think of not doing your job?" Itsuki made a cross expression as he spoke in a low whisper. "The people of this world depend on us."

"Now, send me back to my world already!" Snapped the Shield Hero; ignoring them.

"Hm," The King sat down and looked over the proceedings, "Well, I do want to do as you wish and kick you out, but I can't." Closing his eyes the King rested his elbow on his throne, and palmed his face in annoyance. "But Legend says that new heroes can only be summoned after all of Four Cardinal Heroes die."

"Eh?" Itsuki's eyes went wide as he glanced back at the King.

Ren with his eyes also wider than that of a saucer looked towards the King. "What?"

"So I can't even go home…?" Naofumi's fierce gaze lowered to the ground, keeping himself from tightening his grip upon the spears' shafts.

"Well, certainly you can go home after fighting all of the waves." The King stated as he lowered his hand from his face and finally opened his eyes once more.

"Screw that!" Naofumi snapped towards the King, being pitching his head forward seeing as he had no real choice. "I'll handle the waves my way, then!" With all his might, he shoved the knights that surrounded him so closely away from himself.

"Don't move!" They shouted, closing back in on him.

Just as they were grabbing onto him, Naofumi yelled, "GET OFF OF ME ALREADY!" Bright green light caused them all to stumble back. As the light faded, it was shown he had at least some skills with his Shield.

"What is it then? Are you going to put me in jail until the end of the waves?" Naofumi tested.

"No, I will not imprison you." Aultcray stated, "There is hardly any time until the next wave. Scum or not, you are still a Hero and one of the only beings who can fight the wave. But news of your crime is already spreading to the people. That is your punishment… Don't ever think you can lead a decent life in this country."

"I already know this…" Naofumi turned his back to the King, to the other Heroes, and to Myne. His eyes forward, he began to advance back towards the door he had been dragged in through.

To think that all my trust, my respect, and support were all gone in a moment. He let out a light sigh as he continued his way out of the throne room. Not one person stopped him, even as he left.

Parents had their children turn their eyes away from him. Merchants at their stalls talked of him behind his back. There was no one to approach for he was scorned by all who laid eyes upon him.

Walking through the streets, he gritted his teeth before grinning. I will own this, he proclaimed in his mind. Doing just that, he kept his head high and gave the illusion of pride.

As he was walking along the street, all those eyes tore him apart. Hatred, disgust, there wasn't a gaze that betrayed these feelings. He was supposed to be a hero and yet all these people were led astray by a simple lie. Everyone believes in authority, or at least that is what he thought…

"Boy!" Elhart grabbed Naofumi's attention as he shouted, pushing off of the wall he had been leaning on just a little while ago. "Follow me." He sounded like he was about to murder him.

Naofumi, on the other hand, paused and stared at the old man from the Blacksmith shop. "Now what do you want…?" He didn't hesitate and followed the cross bald man into the alleyway behind his shop. Is he going to take his frustrations out on me now?

That was surely what it looked like.

In the back alley, Naofumi found himself immediately pinned to the wall. Elharts muscular form was looming over him, ready to release his fist. His one arm was drawn by, while the other kept him in place.

Instead of acting surprised though, instead of begging him not to, Naofumi just grinned up at him. Just grin and bear with it, he coerced himself to stay still and let whatever was to happen, happen.

"What are you going to do, punch me? I know you want to. Just do it, it'll make you feel better." Naofumi taunted him, trying to get it done and over with. "Everyone else wants a piece."

"What do you think you're doing, flaunting around your crime like that? Do you want someone to punch you?" Elhart stared down at the boy who's eyes had gone dark. His question was rewarded with a silence that spoke legions. The boy, he didn't do it but all the same, he had changed since he had last seen him. Without a doubt, Elhart's lips formed a deeper frown. Letting out a slow exhale, Elhart lowered his punching hand and dropped his other arm that barred Naofumi's escape to his side. "I've changed my mind…"

"Why's that?" Naofumi's grin had all but disappeared and an unamused expression held his expressions hostage.

"Something your buddy said makes me think you didn't do it," Elhart rubbed the back of his head as he thought of Takehide's words. For what is to come…

"Buddy?" Naofumi narrowed his eyes on the old man. "Takehide-san?"

"Yes, Take-chan."

"T-Take-chan...?" Naofumi grinned hearing the nickname that old man had made for the Spear Hero. Does he really let this old man address him by that name? Adorable.

"Come with me," Elhart uttered under his breath as he gestured for the young man to follow him. Naomi didn't really have much of a choice or anything else better to do. He had coins, so there were no financial problems.

Still rather confused, Naofumi followed the man into his shop through the side door. "What's this about old man?" His eyes trailed along with the armor and weapons that adorned the racks.

"Touch this shield," Elehart ordered as he picked up a rectangular shield, "It's rare." His eyes were tracing over that Shield on Naofumi's arm. He wanted to see if the boy could do the same as Takehide, but in this case, just stealing armor by touching it.

"You sure you want me to do that?" Naofumi uttered, "I don't think I have enough to pay for a rare item." He had less than two hundred silver in his inventory, and he still had the chainmail armor. There was just no place he could equip it, at least for now.

"Oh?" Elhart put the shield down, resting it against his leg, "So you've learned that much from your friend?" He raised a brow looking over the boy before his mind went back to the book that he had given him.

"It was all in the book that he had you give me… Thanks for that by the way. It appears someone was trying to steal all of my money and armor." Naofumi took in a deep inhale, "Even though I lost my rep, I still have most of my belongings."

Elhart grimaced inward hearing him say someone tried taking his things. It was clear who it was trying to put the boy down. At least, that is what he thought. "You really didn't do such a thing to that girl, did you?"

"No, I didn't!" Naofumi snapped at the question, treating it as an accusation.

"As I thought," Elhart sighed.

"That bitch lied about everything!" Naofumi curled his fingers into fists until he paused. Elhart had recognized the girl in the sense that he had found her familiar. Yet he didn't know who she was, so she wasn't someone of personal relations. "What does the Princess look like?"

"Hm?" Elhart narrowed his eyes forward, "Uh… I believe the first one has red hair, pale skin, and green eyes…" It was as if his mind had been hit by a meteorite and he immediately facepalmed.

"It took you this long to notice, old man…?" Naofumi grinned teasingly.

"Will you two stop calling me an old man!? I'm not that old." Elhart lowered his hand from his face, looking directly at the Shield Hero. "Either Way, I have something for you…"

"Two of us?" A chuckle left the Shield Hero's lips as he heard this. Was Takehide calling him old too? What bought his attention though was the offer, "Something for me…?" Naofumi raised a brow as he was led to the front of the store, so both of them were standing behind the counter.

Elhart placed a green cloak and some light hemp armor upon the counter. "It may not be much, but it's something I have on clearance. Your friend paid for it." It was a small fib, or he was going to put it on Takehide's tab, it didn't matter either way.

"Takehide-san really thinks of everything, doesn't he…" Naofumi stared at the items, thinking of the chainmail he still had in his inventory. "I don't really-"

"Just take it," Elhart gave a laugh, not caring to see the stuff gone.

Naofumi smirked lightly, perhaps he could let it seem as if all his things had disappeared. They wanted him to appear weak, alone. "If you say so, old man."

"I'm not that old!" Elhart pleaded as he watched Naofumi pull the new clothes on over his casual wear. A smile formed over his lips though, seeing the young man fully garbed and clad in a green cloak. "That's more like it…"

"Thank you, Old man." Naofumi smiled to the old man almost kindly, "I am weak and can hardly fight on my own. You just made it slightly easier," he nodded slowly as he finished talking. "I'll be sure to pay you back for this, in place of Takehide."

"Hey! There is no need to pay for it," Elhart held out his hands as if to stop him.

Crossing his arms, Naofumi had seen through him, "I'll be sure to be back for better equipment. Just you wait," the boy who was angry at the world turned on his heel.

Although he was alone, he still had people who had the capacity to treat him right. As he made for the front door, he glanced back towards Elhart with a light smile. "You've made my day… Old man," He said before going out into the streets.

"I'm not that old!" Elhart grunted watching him go.

"It's not going to be easy…" Naofumi's smile had vanished the moment that door closed behind him. "And for now there is at least one person worth protecting...:"

Walking towards the outer gates of the castle town, he already knew no one would agree to fight alongside him. The Princess of a nation had branded him a rapist and a criminal, his nonexistent deed as known by all in town. Though there was something he knew he could do, in order to become stronger as he sought someone out. Collect materials, learn how to counter monsters, and use his shield.

'Self-training was the only thing I could do, right? The strengthening methods from the book, I will use them as far as they'll take me! And I'll increase my skills along the way!'

Rolling in as if they owned the skies, the rain came pouring upon the open fields outside of the town. It didn't deter him from punching the red and orange balloons. The more he fought, the more red he saw. Monsters, there were countless waves of them one after another. Soon, he didn't feel pain.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" He let out a shout of anger as he punched a balloon out of the air. The sound it made reminded him of a basketball on the court in the gym.

His mind went back to University and High School. The time when he had friends, access to books, and videogames. Nostalgia pushed him along, he needed to become stronger. If he fought through all these waves of calamity, he could go home!

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He became even angrier at his powerlessness. Each punch sent the balloon flying a few feet away, rolling in the marsh. They were relentless and angry but above all persistent.

Punch them and they'll come right back for more, it was all too clear...

No matter what he had done, these monsters came to him. Even if they saw him as prey, they were nothing more than tools. If no one but Takehide and Elhart trusts me, Naofumi thought as he held one of the monsters tightly with the grasp of his fingers, Then I will use these creatures to my benefit… Those who do not trust me, will fear me. No one will look down on me! For I am the despicable shield!

Attaching the balloon to his side harmlessly, Naofumi grinned horribly as he continued. The rain only got harder, whilst the monsters in this world remained plentiful.

Hours had gone by and now he sat under a tree, staring at this status.

"I'm finally a level higher…" He uttered under his breath, staring at his high defense and excruciatingly low offensive power. Naofumi shifted lightly on the roots that he was seated upon, the rain wasn't giving out. His eyes trailed away from his stats, his eyes narrowing on the balloons that were bouncing towards him.

"Hm…" Feeding the popped balloons to his shield, he watched as the yellow and red small shields were unlocked.

[ Yellow Small Shield Unlocked ]

[ Yellow Small Shield ]

[ Equip Bonus: Defense 2 ]

[ Red Small Shield Unlocked ]

[ Red Small Shield ]

[ Equip Bonus: Defense 4 ]

"More defense…" Naofumi sighed to himself, seeing how the Red Balloons gave better defensive stats. It was likely due to their level being higher. His gaze then shifted towards the creatures. "I suppose I'll have to absorb more of your souls to enhance my stats… Thanks to the Spirit Enhancement method written down in the book," Naofumi grinned deviously as the monsters brainlessly approached their destroyer. "You will all become part of something better..."

Punching, crushing, jabbing. Built for the defense it took forever for these balloons to pop. If only he had someone to carry a sword for him, to use a weapon he was not assigned.

He spent tireless hours fighting these creatures and as darkness began to befall the world, he knew it was time for him to return. Finally killing the balloons, he absorbed their souls into his shield, enhancing his stats and unlocking the equipment bonuses and special abilities of the few he already had after a few failed attempts.

Naofumi stared at the monster drop in his hand as he slowly marched his way towards the town. What appeared to be a small reddish-orange ball was within his grasp surrounded by a translucent membrane of some sort. Through the shell he could see it had a small sleeping face, its eyes were closed and its mouth parted only slightly. The first thing one will notice though at a glance was the rune marking on the front of the ball.

[ Red Balloon Monster Egg ]

"These things actually procreate like this…? It reminds me of a gacha ball from a vending machine," He exclaimed to himself, tucking it into his hemp armor jacket before wiping his dirty hand upon his black shirt.

Ignoring the glaring guards as he entered the town, Naofumi continued on through the rain. Hearing the sounds of laughter, the clattering of tankards filled with drink, he came to a stop in front of a tavern filled with people.

A sharp exhale left his lips, a stern scowl taking his face as he walked inside.

"Oh, it's the shield hero…" The barkeep immediately uttered seeing his cardinal weapon.

Without a care, he sat down at a stool by the bar, resting his wrists on the edge of the countertop. "I'll have a cheap meal…" Naofumi stated before the Barkeep even turned to him.

"Yeah, alright." The Barkeep huffed rudely, but he was clearly complying with his demand, "That will be five coppers."

Without argument, Naofumi placed the coppers upon the bartop.

A bland-looking dish was soon served in front of him, along with a cup of murky looking water. The Shield Hero sighed to himself as he picked up the wooden fork and poked at the unseasoned meat. The vegetables didn't seem as if they had any flavor. Finally stabbing the food with his utensil, he put the food in his mouth.


Naofumi mentally cursed to himself as he ate his meal, knowing he'll very well need the nutrients. Without any real income, it seems he'll have to get used to eating like this, alone and unwelcomed.