Chapter 21 – The Walking, Talking, Superhuman Artificial Intelligence
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Chp 21 - Walking, Talking, Superhuman Artificial Intelligence

Earth/Europe/Bertotia Kingdom/Tavern Town just West of The Capital/07_09_2020:

Opting not to waltz straight through the front door, Bodil (the person leading the assault on the bank) guides the group to a back entrance. Protected by a keycard lock, the 2m tall steel door is the first of many obstacles the group will face.

(Bodil): Okay, I’ll use my spatial Weaving to open my pocket dimension. I will then open up an exit on the other side of the door for us to leave through… Though I should warn you, entering a pocket dimension isn’t something I would call advisable…

(Andresia): I could always melt the door off its hinges, but I feel like that’s quite an intrusive method, one we’d be wise not to take.

Resolving themselves, Ivan and Elias sneak a glance at each other before nodding their heads with conviction. Cracking a wry smile, Bodil opens a rift in space, allowing the group to hop through. Upon entering the vertical hole floating next to the door, every soon-to-be thief involved is hit with a vile wave of nausea. Scrambling to leave, they pop out on the other side of the door, Elias desperately struggling to hold back his gagging.

(Elias): God, that was awful! To think there are Weavers who use this technique on the regular1some Weavers transport themselves through pocket dimensions whether for military or other purposes!

(Ivan): Shhh! This is a bank; they will have guards stationed nearby. Fortunately, we haven’t been spotted yet… Actually, it’s a little strange how there aren’t any cameras, either…

(Bodil): It’s not strange, they simply don’t need cameras…

Cocking an eyebrow, Andresia begins to search the surrounding waves out of curiosity. Happening upon a set of unusual waves, she falters. Turning to Bodil, she ponders:

(Andresia): Huh, that’s odd… There are definitely waves coming from multiple sources, they just feel artificial, it’s almost like they have Gol~

Eyes widening in shock, Andresia stumbles over her words. Noticing this, Bodil smiles, bitterly.

(Bodil): Yup, you’re right on the money… I’ve got to say though, that’s some serious Web Control2the proficiency with which a person detects waves on and interacts with the Web you’ve got there…

Gulping, Elias looks from one woman to the other, lost. Not understand who their opponent is, he opens his mouth to ask who they will be fighting, only to be shot down by Ivan.

(Ivan): Golems, huh? I’ve always wanted to fight one of those!

Blinking a few times, Elias tries to comprehend the words Ivan has just spoken. Finally coming to terms with the word “Golem” Elias falls into despair.

(Elias): WHAT?! You want us to fight not one, but MULTIPLE Golems?!?!?! Are you insane?! Do you wish to die here, in this bank?! If you do, there are far better ways to go about achieving such a goal! I for instance, wouldn’t mind putting you out of your misery!!!

“Now”, you may be wondering, “why would one be so terrified of a Golem? They’re basically just overgrown dolls, are they not?”. To which any sane person would reply: “What the fuck is wrong with you?!?! Someone please help, another one’s escaped the asylum!”. You see, a Golem is a terrifying artificial life form, created from any mixture of robotics, genetic splicing and Weaving. Using these 3 sciences, horrific creatures are born. Some lunatic whacked an innocent sounding name like “Golem” onto them, but in reality “Genetically Enhanced Terminator Wizard” would likely be a better term. Golems are often like walking, talking, superhuman Artificial Intelligences, meaning they operate on the commands of a master, but can adapt and think for themselves. Due to these traits, they are used primarily as guards, especially in places that are rarely stolen from3this is because, unlike their human counterparts, these guards won't lose their concentration to boredom. While the presence of a single, low levelled Golem may scare the living bajeezus out of a person, it will likely do little more than that to a group of veteran Weavers. The issue, in this scenario, is that there are multiple Golems, and that they are all high levelled. While Bodil would be B-rank (should she choose to pursue a career as an Arachnophobe), one of the multiple Golems would likely eclipse her strength. While she has technique to compensate for this, in terms of total martial prowess, she would probably only just equal her Robo-Wizard friends… The same cannot be said for her companions, none of whom would be able to beat her, or a Golem, in a fight.

(Andresia): S-so, how many are there then? Hopefully no more than 1 or ~

(Bodil): There are 5. Quite frankly, the only reason I didn’t tell you earlier is because this plan is the only one we have, and I didn’t want you chickening out of it.

(Elias): Who says it’s too late to chicken out of it now?!

Attempting to turn around and run, Elias is surprised when he is stopped by Ivan.

(Ivan): It’s definitely too late to chicken out now. There are only 3 ways we’re getting out of here now:

1) Bodil has a change of heart, escorting us all out of here without attempting to rob the place

2) We successfully steal the money, pulling off one of the greatest heists in the history of the Bertotia Kingdom and fleeing from the scene of the crime

3) We leave in body bags, assuming there’s enough left of us to fill a body bag, that is

Gulping, Elias shoots nervous glances at each of his soon-to-be accomplices. Seeing Ivan’s broad grin and Bodil’s determined glare bring him to the conclusion that option 1 is off the table. Weighing up the pros and cons of his remaining options, he decides to aim for option 2, as something that obvious shouldn't really be counted as a choice. Attempting to resolve himself, he nods. Witnessing the whole scene play out brings a wry smile to Andresia’s face. Swiftly realising that she’s surrounded by idiots, Andresia heaves an exasperated sigh.

(Andresia): I’m assuming you’ve “got a cunning plan” Baldrick Ivan?

Too excited to reply, Ivan simply nods, all too aware of the painful smile etched into his gleaming mug.

(Ivan): I certainly have! That being said, these Golems aren’t going to destroy themselves… Let’s go hunting.