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Hello everyone.

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading, so thanks!

Basically, I just wanted to inform you all that I'm about to have finals at university soon, so I might decrease my chapter release pace. That is to say that I will still be posting, but it might be just once a week (I know that I'm already doing that to some extent. Sorry!) 

Other than that, I recently began re-reading this mess of a story and yes its pace is glacially slow. I appreciate the feedback and will be attempting to quicken the pace a bit while not compromising the main themes. That said, I will not drop this book. 

This is the first thing I have ever written, and I want to finish it properly; so I will. 

In terms of general length, I'd say the story might end at 300 chapters. Or not, I don't really know. This is as much of a ride for me as it is for you. 

Anyway, that's all. Thanks for reading!