The Entities/ Humans – Story: Eye in the sky.
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- The Entities :

Gods, demons, higher beings, eldritch monsters, the creators. They are called many things, but they like to be called Entities. People of the hidden world revere the Entities as beings akin to gods. Mostly because without them, the humans of the hidden world would be reduced to Mana hungry monsters. 

The Entities don't have a concrete form they take, they can change what they look like to whatever they want. They mostly take the form of what they feel best in. To some, it might be a human, others might take the form of an animal, some might even take the form of a giant dragon. Entities rarely change their form, as its extremely painful for them to do so.

Where the Entities reside in, is a greatly debated subject to both the Entities and to others who know of them. Some say they live in a separate plane of existence. Others say they live in another universe, however, one thing that everyone agrees on is that the Entities don't live in this universe.

The Entities have little to do where they live, so they like to observe people as they live their lives. When they watch a person, they can view the area around the person. Or they can view things through that person's perspective. They can also watch creatures like monsters too, but to the Entities, this isn't as entertaining. They can even communicate with those they observe. However, this is restrictive for beings with Mana.

All Entities have a Domain, Entities are born with their domain and can't change it. All Entities have unique domains. However, there are Entities with similar Domains. For example, the Entity of Water's domain is similar to the Entity of liquid. Yet they are completely different people.

All Entities are born will the intelligence of an average person. They will also be born with knowledge about everything they need to know about their domain. However, they will have to learn about other things themselves. For example, the Entity of Fire will be born with all the knowledge about fire, but know nothing about anything else.

The Entities have laws they have to abide by. For example, rule # 41 states that Entities can't give away information to non-Entities they observe that isn't about their Domain. When an Entity breaks a law their punishment is dependent on the severity of the rule broken. A minor crime might be punished with them being banned from observing anything for a certain amount of time. Despite seeming like a small punishment, all Entities hate being bored, and will rather "die" then being bored. Larger crimes might be punished with a true death. There isn't an Entity the enforces these laws, these laws are engraved into them when they are "born". Punishments occur the very moment any Entity commits a crime. For example, after committing a crime an Entity might suddenly find themselves unable to observe anyone. 

Entities don't reproduce, Entities are "born" when a large amount of Mana in the place where Entities reside in condense and gain sentience. To Entities death isn't permanent, when they "die" they are put into a state similar to deep sleep. When they awaken their powers will weaken to the same as it was when they were "born". An Entity's power grows as they age and learn to better use their powers, so to them, dying is just an inconvenience. However, True Death is when an Entity "dies" and loses not only a large chunk of their powers but also loses all of their memories. Essentially making them a newborn, and thus truly killing who they used to be. All Entities instinctually fear the punishment of True Death. 

Entities can grant people powers that relate to their domains, an Entity of fire will grant fire powers. People call these powers that were given by Entities,  Gifts.  The amount of people and the strength of the Gift they can give depends on how strong that Entity is. The stronger the Entity the stronger the Gift they can give or the more people they can give Gifts to. An Entity can't take back any Gifts they give, but they can suppress it to the point of being useless if they want. Entities have a limit of how much they can give depending on how strong they are, suppressing someone's Gift doesn't return the powers given. The only way for an Entity to regain the powers given is for that person to die. An Entity can give their power to more people exchange for the Gift they will gain be weaker while giving stronger Gifts means they can give to fewer people.

An Entity's name is given to them the moment they are born, however, no non-Entities can understand their names. So some Entities might just use the name they like the most from the ones people call them, while some might just let the people decided themselves on what they call them. Example: The Entity of fire goes by the name Flare when introducing themselves to non-Entities, as that's the name she liked the most from the ones that people call them.

Entities aren't born with genders, however, they can choose their gender when they decided on a form. They also typically decided how they want to be addressed around the same time as they decided a form. However, their form and how they like to be addressed aren't always connected. For example, an Entity can look like a man but decide to be addressed as she. The reason why Entities don't change their form to match what they want to be addressed is that they like being in a form they are most comfortable in. 

Some Notable Entities:

  • The Entity of fire
    • Name: Flare
      • Name Origin: Flare was observing a group that burned down several villages killing hundreds. However they never targeted innocents, they only attack the villages that kidnap travellers and killed them for their ritual. This group wanted revenge for their loved ones who died at the hands of these villagers.  The thing Flare loved the most is that they never focused only on the destruction of the villages, they also made sure to rebuild and help those in the village who were innocent. They made sure to save anyone they can and help them return home. Flare thought that this group was just like the fire they used. They destroy, but they also rebuild. Like how the fire might destroy a forest, but also allow give new plants to grow. So she decides to take up the name of their leader, Flare.
    • Goal: Rebirth: trying to preserve her memory after a true death. 
    • Info: Flare is one of the ancient Entities who lived long before the birth of humanity. Her current form is that of a woman made of fire. She had only experienced a True Death once, which etched a deep fear of losing her memories into her. She experienced her True Death during the time where the Entities didn't fully understand the consequence of a True Death. Her earliest memory is waking up, finding that she was surrounded by concerned friends who she has no memory of. More she learned of her past self and all of the time she lost because of a foolish mistake she couldn't even remember making, the more she started to fear the loss of her memories. So she is trying her best to avoid a True death. However, there is a small voice in her head telling her that her time is limited. That like a raging fire, she will eventually run out of fuel and die, just to be replaced by a new her. So her goal is to learn how to preserve her memories before her time runs out. There are only 5 Entities that have a natural life span, Flare is one of them.

  • The Entity of knowledge/Information
    • Name: Ak-Ic:
      • Name Origin: There was once an ancient civilian during the time where Mana was abundant in all living things. They worshiped a god of knowledge. Their whole civilization was centred around gathering and passing on of knowledge. They believed that they will never die if they are remembered and if what they learn is passed on. Their civilization was very advanced, they almost mastered the use of Mana, and the creation of magical tools. Ak-Ic loved this civilization, and despite not being the god they worshiped, felt a deep connection to them. They were everything he represents, a civilization that fully embraces everything he represents. However, this love for them made it very painful for him to watch as civilization was destroyed by a slumbering monster of great strength. He watched as they tried to fight the master, try to flee from the master, and eventually be wiped out by it. This crushed him so much that she stopped giving his gifts to humans and enter a deep slumber. When he awoke again he decided that he will fulfill the civilization's wish, and remember them, so that they will never truly die. To help with that he took the name of the civilization upon himself, and from that day he was called Ak-Ic.
    • Goal: The preservation of knowledge. The creation of a group like the Ak-Ic, who he can fully support.
    • Info: Another ancient Entity who spent most of his early life being indifferent to humanity, this changed after finding the Ak-Ic. Since then he devoted himself with helping humanity preserve as much knowledge as possible. His current form is that of a floating black cloak. With 7 floating hands, which he can control. He lacks a body, and his head is just black mist with 2 glowing sparks where his eye should be. He cares very little about the concept of good or evil, stating that only the who survive can pass on their knowledge to the next generation. However, he despises senseless killing because prevents them from passing anything before they die. She was a victim of a crime no one remembers of. She lost a large part of herself, despite not even remembering what she lost.

  • The Entity of Perception
    • Name: Iris
      • Name Origin: Iris was the current name that the humans were calling him by, so he decided just to use that name. He is an Entity who would change names every time humans give him a new name, and it starts to be used more often than the old one. He cares very little about what he is called.
    • Goal: For all living things to be able to perceive the hidden world again, for things be like how it was when there was a great abundance of Mana.
    • Info: No one knows how old Iris is, he knows things only ancient Entities know of. Yet the ancient Entities have no memories of him before the time they started to help humans. However, no one can refute that he is indeed an ancient Entity because he claims to be one, and the Entity of Truth said he was telling the truth. However, this raises the question of why none of the other ancients remember him. Despite never expecting a true death, Iris had lost his early memories. The current form of Iris is that of an androgynous teen, who's eyes constantly shift to different colours. He doesn't have a preferred way to be called, the only reason why he goes by as he, is because that's what most humans use when they refer to him. His current form is constantly changing between both sexes without drastically changing his appearance. This does raise the question of how he changes form so much without experiencing any pain.


Humans are the dominant race on earth. However in the story Eye in the sky, humans are only dominant in the Manaless world. In the hidden world, humans are just another food source for the other inhabitants. 

The reason why humans are typically weaker than a monster on their own is that the mutation that Mana cause to humans is weakened. Before the Entities started to interfere with the mutation that occurs when a human stats to produce Mana, humans would devolve the same way that other creators would. They would start to develop a core, their body will become dependent on Mana, and they will become imperceivable to Manaless creatures. Essentially becoming a monster themselves, however, unlike monsters, the person's mind is greatly affected. All humans before the Entities' interference would not only become feral and aggressive, they will also lose all memories of their human life. Leaving them a feral animal who only cares about survival. Even if they become strong enough to regain their intelligence, they would be a completely different person as they would have no memory of their previous life. 

Unlike Monsters, when a human runs low/out of Mana they won't experience Mana "starvation". They will feel tired and will start to experience head achs until their Mana levels return to normal. It also isn't fetal to be low on Mana, and a person can live their whole life without Mana

The Entities' interference does 3 things. Which makes humans weaker than monsters, but allow people to keep their ego after entering the hidden world. This interference also forces all Entities to spend a small amount of their power to keep these interferences working. Which means the gifts they can give is weaker than it would have if they didn't interfere with the mutation process. As if they stop interfering, the mutation process will start up again.

  1. It prevents the development of a core. Which means humans won't be able to store large amounts of Mana.
  2. Weakens the physical influence of Mana enough so humans won't be dependent on Mana to survive. In exchange, humans can store more Mana in their bodies, but it never is as much as it would have been if they had a core. The Mana they can store also isn't as pure as the Mana that is store in a Core. 
  3. Because the influence of Mana is greatly weakened, and with the help of the Entities. Humans can still be perceived by those without Mana, allowing them to still live their lives before entering the hidden world. 

So why do the Entities do so much to help humans? Well, it's because they find watching monsters boring and predictable, they rather spend more time helping humans to get more entertainment out of them, then do nothing and die of boredom. Also, because they can't directly tell humans what to do, they only can put humans in a more chaotic place to find more entertainment. Their solution is allowing humans to keep their egos while living in the hidden world. 

The term that is used when a human starts to Produce Mana is called Awakening, which divided into 2 categories!.

  1. Mutated: When a human starts to produce Mana naturally. Because Mana has a weaker effect on human biology, the chance of bearing an Awakened Child is extremely low if both parents aren't Awakened. Roughly 10%, and roughly 70% if both parents are Awakened. There is no to forcefully Awaken a human that doesn't turn them into a monster. Due to this, the danger of the hidden world and the low chance of producing an Awakened child. The population of people who can interact with the Hidden world is low. Roughly 2 percent of the human population.
  2. Chosen: Chosen is those who have received a gift from an Entity. Chosen would have the ability they received by awakening and the gift they received from the Entity. Making them more versatile compare to those who are just mutated. A chosen could be an already Awakened person or can be a Manaless person. When an already Awaken person becomes a chosen they will just turn received a gift from the Entity that chose them. When a Manaless person becomes a Chosen, they will start to develop Mana and become an Awakened. 

Abilities: Abilities are ways to use Mana without casting a spell. All living things that have Mana also have abilities. These abilities are caused by the Mana changing the biology of the living thing granting them great powers. However, because the Mana effect on human biology is weak, their abilities are weaker compared to monsters.

Abilities usually have something to do with the body or biology of the affected being. However, due to the Entities' influences in the mutation process of humans. The abilities they can get are more diverse than monsters, meaning they can abilities that are closer to gifts than actual physical mutations. 

The only way for a person to be hurt by their ability is to overuse them to the point of exhaustion. For example, a person who can breathe fire can be burned by their fire because it would be made out entirely of their own Mana. Abilities are separated into two categories.

  1. Passive: Abilities that are constantly active, and drain a small amount of Mana from the person who has it. Passive Abilities can be suppressed by using your Mana to stop the Passive's effect on yourself. They can also be temporarily strengthened by feeding it more Mana. These abilities are usually more of a physical change compared to active abilities.
    • EX: A passive regeneration. When suppressed the body's regeneration will go back to a normal person level. When strengthened it increases the effectiveness and speed of the resignation. To the point where said person can regrow a whole limb within minutes.
  2. Active: Not always active, and need to be fed Mana to have its effect on. The more Mana fed, the stronger the effect. However the moment you stop feeding it Mana, the ability will lose its effect. Active abilities can be very similar to gifts but are considerably weaker compared what a gift would have been
    • EX: Fire breathing. Feeding more Mana would make the fire bigger and hotter.