Monster: Night Bear – Story: Eye in the sky.
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Night Bear

Monster Type: Mutated Turn Mana Born

Animal of Origin: Cave Bear

    • Cave Bear Info: A native bear species of Kor1A country in the Eye in the Sky story. . They are nocturnal hunters with excellent night vision, however, because of this, their eyes are very sensitive to bright light and tend to avoid them. During the day they sleep in areas where there is little to no light. They were mostly found sleeping in caves thus their name. They are mostly solitary creatures that only meet up during the mating season. The cubs stay with their mother for 2 years before venturing out on their own. 
      • Males: When on all four they are roughly 1 meter tall, and 2 meters in length. They wight roughly 70-90 kg.
      • Females: When on all four they are roughly 1.5 meters tall, and 2.5 meters in length. They wight roughly 85-110 kg. They are very protective of their cubs and can be very aggressive if they think their cubs are in danger.
    • Appearance: Large bear with dark brown fur.
    • Diet: They are omnivores, and would eat any food they can get their paws on. They prefer to hunt large mammals, and will actively search for sleeping mammals using their excellent night vision and sense of smell. They were apex predators with little to no competition. 
    • Notes: Cave bears do not enter torpor as food rarely becomes scarce where they tend to live. They do become less active, but they don't fully enter torpor during winter.


Monster: Night Bear

    • Night Bear info: Night Bears are considered a subspecies of Cave Bear that started to produce Mana. Despite being originally Cave Bears, Night Bears as all monsters differ greatly from the original animal. They differ so much that interbreeding between Cave Bears and Night bears is impossible. They live deeper in the forest where Cave Bears can be found, where the Mana is denser. Night bears outnumber Cave Bears as hunting of  Cave Bears has reduced their number considerably, while those who try to hunt Night Bears tend to not survive. They have stronger night vision then Cave Bears, while also being less bothered by bright lights.
      • Males: Males are 2 times larger than male Cave Bears, while also being twice as heavy. Their behaviour is very similar to Cave Bears where stay with their mothers for 2 years before venturing out on their own. Only meeting up with females during the breeding season.
      • Females: Females are twice as large and heavy compared to their non-monster counterparts. Unlike Cave Bears and male Night Bears. Female Night Bears form small communities that are lead by the oldest and strongest Night Bear. The leader Night Bear tends to be roughly 3-4 times as large as a female Cave Bear. The leader gets first to pick on mating partners. These communities are necessary as other monsters find Night Bears as a good source of Mana, and Night Bear cubs can barely defend themselves. Night Bear leaders tend to get most of the food that is gathered by the other females. This is required as the leader will keep their ability on non-stop, keeping their territory in a constant state of darkness. This also means that the leader barely moves from the center of their territory. This helps defend against most monster attacks, while also giving the other Night Bears a chance to run away against stronger monster attacks
    •  Mutation: The mutation that was caused by Mana at first was suitable. Juts making them bigger and stronger. However, after each generation of Night Bears got more accustomed to Mana. They started to produce Mana earlier in their life cycle and started to produce and store more Mana. The present Night bear is almost unrecognizable from its original form. It needs Mana to survive. It uses Mana to make it's self lighter, almost to the point where it floats, when it runs it's almost like a dozen balloons are tied to it. This is required as without this ability they would be crushed under their weight. They also use Mana in their main hunting ability.
      • Ability: When they go out to hunt they start to emit Mana out of their skin that spread out and starts to absorb light. The denser the Mana the Night Bear produces, the larger area they can cover. The largest area recorded is a 60-meter radius circle with the Night Bear at the center. This ability is where the Night Bear gets its name, as night will seem to appear when it hunts. Farther you get from the center the brighter it gets, it's difficult to tell when you enter a Night Bears hunting range as the rate the Mana absorbs light is gradual, where the center has the least amount of light. This is usually gradual enough for the prey's eyes to adjust for them not to notice until it's too late for them to run away. As when a night bear attacks its prey, the Mana around it would absorb more Mana, essentially making it pitch black for its prey. When Night Bears aren't hunting this ability is turned off. When the Mana is reabsorbed into the Night bear after it hunts, the light would gradually return in the area.
    • Appearance: Night Bears are twice as large as Cave Bears, with 4 sets of limbs. 1 set of back legs, 1 set of front legs, and 2 more sets of front legs on their sides. Their fur is darker with a glossy look, making look like it's wet. Their eyes glow with a yellow light in the dark. Night Bears have 4 extra sets of eyes, 2 on each side of their heads. The front eyes glow the brightest and have the best eyesight. While the side eyes are smaller, weaker, and have a very subtle glow. 
    • Diet: Like all monsters, Night Bears require Mana to survive. So their diet consists mostly of any creature that can produce/store Mana. Their diet is very similar to Cave Bears, the only difference is that they only eat food with Mana.
    • Notes: Night Bears are very dangerous, especially when they are hunting as the only indicator you can use to find them is the glow that their front eyes emit. When they move they're extremely quiet, with them floating when the run. So the best thing to do when you find your self outside a Night bear's hunting range is to avoid them until you can get out of their hunting range. Despite being "nocturnal" animals, they do sometimes hunt during the day. However, to them, it will always be the night when they hunt due to their ability. Their ability is also a great defence mechanism as finding a night bear in the dark when they are not facing you is almost impossible without a good night vision.
      • Notes 2: Night bears are active all year long.