Chapter 5 – Ruura
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Emica grabbed Ciel by the hand as she slipped down into the Minotaur’s liquified brain matter. As she pulled up Ciel’s limp body, she slipped on the blood veiling the minotaur’s warped head and they both fell onto the grass below. Emica had broken the fall with her own body while embracing Ciel. Both of their bodies were painted in blood, which was left splattered around them. A red haze from the nearby thicket fire tinted the sky.

“She isn’t breathing”, panicked Emica, “but… if she really is a vampire, she need not breathe…”

Emica had no reason to distrust Ciel, but one cannot always take the words of a child at face value. And Ciel had made quite the outrageous claim.

“That power… is it truly the power of a Noble Vampire? She would be the first of her race to be sighted in all of Onszeria in at least a thousand years”, thought Emica.

She had never faced a vampire before herself, but she knew some people who did. It was a group of A-class adventurers she had become acquainted with. That night at the Soaring Graves Inn, the last night she ever saw them, they were engaged in their usual banter. But Emica knew they were doing their best to conceal their fear.  Their urgent quest was to subdue a servant woman at the residence of a certain noble. She had come to be exposed as a vampire. The quest was best suited for an S-class adventurer, but there were only two in the world. The urgency and the potential for loss of life were great however, so the party courageously agreed. They all perished the following morning, and the vampire was later captured by the S-class adventurer Bradmin and his party.

Ciel wasn’t moving, and there was only one thing Emica could think she could do. Setting Ciel gently on the ground, she rushed to pull out a broken arrow from the minotaur’s armour and she ripped a strip of cloth from her ruined underclothing nearby. She then slit her wrist with the arrowhead and dripped her blood over Ciel’s slightly parted lips. Ciel lay motionless.


A moment later Ciel’s eyes opened slightly and she threw her torso upward from her hips with a raspy gasp. The suddenness of this took Emica by surprise and they nearly struck each other’s heads.

“Ciel, it’s me, Emica.”

Ciel was staring into the distance, her eyes fixed on some distant thing, as her mind was piecing back together her existence. Then she spoke.


“Ciel, don’t push yourself. Do you need more? Do you need more blood?” asked Emica.

“No… you didn’t have to…”, answered Ciel, her eyes still elsewhere. The blood tasted like morning dew, perfumed with roses.

“We must leave here. I will carry you”, Emica said as she wrapped the remains of her underclothing over her wrist to stop the bleeding.

“No…”, Ciel’s head pivoted like a doll’s to face Emica.

“This… won’t do”, Ciel added with her eyes now wide open.

“Ciel… we will find or make new clothing somehow.”

“No… my health… and Mama, Papa”, Ciel’s expression didn’t change as her eyes begun to dart around rapidly, as if she was counting every leaf in the forest in no particular order.

“Ciel!” Emica cried out. But Ciel’s eyes only sped up, until they were making a distinct fluttering sound.

“Ciel! Hold on!!”

Then, without warning, it stopped. Ciel’s eyes were left firmly affixed on Emica’s.

“It is finished,” said Ciel.

“Ciel! I won’t let you go!” Emica started to tear up.

“No. I mean, yes, don’t let me go. I mean… only if you don’t want to let me go”, Ciel’s expression was returning back to normal.

“Yes! Ciel, I won’t leave your side!”, Emica threw herself in embrace of Ciel.

This isn’t what I intended to say, but I won’t refuse an Emica-hug…

“Emica, I want to show you something… but I can’t breathe like this… Emica…”

“You don’t need to breathe Ciel!”, Emica didn’t let up her hold. It appeared she was hugging the life back into Ciel’s body. It wasn’t clear whether who was the beneficiary here anymore.

“That’s true…”, Ciel had to concede.

Maybe a minute passed by the still-warm corpse of the minotaur leader. A fire roared not too far behind them. It wouldn’t be a problem as long as the clearing remained upwind.

“What was it that you wanted to show me Ciel?”, Emica sprung back, smiling, with the last of her tears flowing down her cheeks.

“That”, Ciel pointed behind Emica.

Emica turned around to see something which was not there before. It was an arched gateway, made of polished blue stone. It was carved into countless teeth and fangs. It had no door. Instead, red liquid rippled in the gateway’s confines. It wasn’t spilling out onto the ground thanks to some mysterious magic. A faint, warm glow penetrated from beyond somewhere within. It was truly a terrifying sight. Something any adventurer would recognise as resembling the Gates of Hell, the subject of a popular fairy tale told throughout all of Onszeria. It had some variations here and there depending on the location, but its core was a precautionary tale intended to install fear of dungeons in children, lest they enter them out of curiosity. It was a fine lesson which many adventurers took with them to adulthood, because entering a dungeon unprepared, especially a dungeon one was unfamiliar with, would almost always spell certain death.

The story of the Gates of Hell was straightforward one, as was the nature of such tales. An arched gateway made of monster teeth and filled with blood would appear before younglings in the fields, and would beckon them to enter. Any who approached would be pulled in by many long arms stripped of skin. The children would be never seen or heard from again. Except for their distant, helpless screams haunting their parents’ sleep forevermore.

The Gates of Hell weren’t supposed to be real, however.

“This is our new home”, Ciel announced, sounding pleased with herself.

Maybe I should have chosen a different style door… it was the highest level entrance though.


It took no small amount of reassurance from Ciel to convince Emica to enter. This was because the quality of explanation available to offer was low. It would have to wait until they were both inside.

As the direction of the wind changed, the crackling fire was now fast encroaching on the open meadow and the pair collected whatever they could find of their things. Emica retrieved what was left of her torn clothing, her knapsack and of course her bow and the quiver with her remaining arrows. She did this while never leaving the Gates of Hell out of her sight. Ciel found her singular earthly possession, the capelet she received from Emica, caught on a nearby shrubbery. The single most important thing which they couldn’t find, even with Ciel’s enhanced vampire senses, was Emica’s guild tag, that proof that she was a registered B-class adventurer in good standing with the Adventurer’s Guild.

I hate losing things. It is like the piece of my mind which stored the location of the thing, itself got lost somewhere… It was annoying enough when I would lose a sock when doing laundry sometimes, or the right kind of cable for my phone… and this is something much more important. It is important to Emica. Argh! So frustrating!

The smoke thickened in the meantime.

“Ciel, it will be fine. I can get a new one from the Guild. It isn’t much trouble”, Emica said. It wasn’t entirely the truth. Getting a new Adventurer’s Guild tag was in fact a lot fo trouble. So much so, that adventurer’s would sometimes risk their lives not to lose their tags. Paperwork and procedure was not something a person would join the Adventurer’s Guild for, unless of course they wanted to work behind the counter and not in the field. Making matter worse, many adventurers only had the most basic knowledge of reading and writing. And worst of all, without a guild tag you couldn’t undertake official guild quests and had to either rely on your savings to get you through or work as a free mercenary. That quality of mercenary work and the rewards were significantly worse. It was even not that usual to be swindled by your client and come home empty handed, with nothing to show but the after-work cuts and bruises, if you were lucky. Reading and writing presented no issue for Emica however. And she was on friendly terms with the staff at the guild in the capital. “So it isn’t as much trouble as it could be…”, she thought to herself.

One could now distinctly feel the radiating heat from the fire on their skin. It didn’t particularly bother Ciel, as she knew they both had an exit before them. She made a show of casually marching in and out of the Gates of Hell to Emica, who looked like she was ready to faint. She had seen many a number of things in her life, but never did she have to deal with a minotaur attack, a developing forest fire and a Noble Vampire and her Gates of Hell all in the span of an hour. It was at around the moment that Ciel was pretending to be doing a vertical backstroke in the mysterious red liquid that Emica seemed to have relaxed enough to be led inside by Ciel’s hand. A few minutes later the fire took what was left of the battle site and minotaur corpses.


Ciel and Emica stood atop one of the rolling hills in the endless picturesque scenery. Soft fluffy clouds lazily crawled against the blue sky, casting shadows on the grass. The radiant twin suns hung not far from the horizon.

“Where are we Ciel?”, Emica asked. She was comforted by her surroundings, but she was understandably disoriented.

“We’re in the dungeon I just created”, Ciel answered, looking somewhat pensive.

“… dungeon?”

“I control everything here”, Ciel looked embarrassed as the twin suns moved from their place on the sky toward the horizon, night falling in just seconds, the stars and the twin moons making their dance across the sky followed by the twin suns settling back where they started.

“This isn’t all I can do. I’m a monster from another realm, Emica. I’m here to take your world for myself.”

If I’m not honest with her from the start, I won’t be able to trust her.

Ciel continued. “I destroyed nations. I died. I was reborn. I killed my parents. I didn’t ask for any of those things, but I’ve made my decision. You’re free to leave anytime you like. You can try to stop me, but I won’t harm you.”

“Why did you bring me here?” Emica asked, her demeanour more serious than Ciel had ever seen before.

“I don’t know… I thought maybe we could be friends and live here for a while…”, Ciel answered, slight sadness tinting her purple-ruby ombre eyes.

“What do you plan to do with the world?”, another cold question from Emica.

Ciel had steeled herself against the emotions she felt stirring inside and continued to answer.

“Emica, I was afraid to use my power and wanted to simply observe. I killed my Mama and Papa because I used my power without understanding it. I’m powerful, I’m much too powerful. You’re a B-class adventurer Emica. What do you think the level of the most powerful S-class adventurer would be?”

The moment Emica stepped into the dungeon Ciel had viewed Emica’s status. This was possible because Ciel’s Dungeon Creator skill gave her detailed information on every being and non-living thing in any dungeon she entered. All she had to do was focus on the little chibi-style pixellated icon representing Emica on the three dimensional map. It was like peering into someone else’s soul and Ciel felt guilty for doing this, but information was key to survival, and false decorum could very well lead to death. In this instance she used Emica’s status information as a reference point for the power of adventurers in this world.

“The strongest adventurers rarely disclose their status information, but Karrel the Great was said to have had reached level 160, the highest ever recorded for an elf, human or dwarf.”

Emica seemed to hesitate to answer.

“Emica, my level is 99,999.”

There’s no way she would believe me.

“You don’t have to believe me”, Ciel continued. “I’m not in a state to prove this to you. This is part of the reason I’m here… we’re here. I realised that if I just continued to observe, if I had stuck to that rule I set for myself I would have let you die. I would let people like you die, Emica.”

“And it isn’t that I want to save everyone. I intend to reach my goal, whatever it takes. I will be the lord of your world. I want to save people like you, but I may have to kill people like you too…”

“I won’t ever let those I hold dear die again! I will kill everyone I hold dear!”

Ciel felt tears welling up in her eyes and felt frustrated in her inability to express herself.

“I don’t care if this doesn’t make sense… I feel something inside, like an arrow pointing me towards something. I can’t say what this something is. It seems to be pointing everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All I know is that it feels right to me and it is the only thing I am sure of, even if I don’t know what it is!”

Ciel couldn’t find the words, but the feeling was true in her heart. A paradox. But a paradox more real than her senses of the world.


“It’s ok. You can probably kill me if you try really hard. Here, I’ll give you a head start!”

The emotions Ciel was holding back in her heart burst away from her clutches and exploded in her head. She grabbed herself by the throat and started to squeeze, digging her nails deep into her skin.

“Kill me!” Ciel barely whimpered in a wheeze, as she pulled on her flesh. She felt faint and stumbled forward into Emica, who grabbed her as she hung in her arms.

“Ciel, stop…” Emica quietly said, holding back from being overwhelmed by emotion herself. She felt sorry for Ciel, but undeniably she was also afraid. She entered the Gates of Hell because she had hesitated, and there was no other option left as the fire closed in. Then Ciel had told her she would kill everyone and started to rip out her own throat. Emica knew Ciel had been damaged by what had happened to her. She had seen it herself with adventurers who barely survived and their comrades died. They were never the same again, but they had to live on somehow. But Ciel also possessed extraordinary power.

Emica’s own power was actually close to that of an S-class adventurer. She had lived for over 700 years, longer than almost any other elf outside the shelter of their woods. This was her secret, one she kept even from her party members, people she considered close friends and comrades in battle. In her encounter with the minotaur leader she had let herself be captured by the miserable beast to allow Ciel to cover some distance before she cast a high level, wide-area ice elemental spell.

But what Ciel had done shouldn’t have been possible. The speed, force and precision of her attack was extraordinary. It was, to the common eye, a simple if not an absurd attack. But there was no way even an S-class adventurer could react to something like it. And Ciel had used her own body as a projectile without sustaining any visible injuries. She had likely done this because she followed the same line of thought as Emica. That is, too weak of an attack would let the enemy react and kill their hostage and too strong of an attack would kill the hostage. So Ciel had disabled the minotaur with speed, precision and tempered power before he could even blink.

And the magic Ciel had just demonstrated… the ability exercise command over an ancient dungeon was the domain and the power of the gods. No one had ever understood what ancient dungeons truly were. They had simply always been. They formed the underlying fabric of Onszeria in many ways, but the tailor was unseen and unknown. And now before Emica stood a child who could manipulate that fabric. No, not just that, she could even create it for herself as she pleased.

Ciel was the harbinger and executioner of the end. The end of whatever this world had thought to itself it was. The Wyn Tower Forest sensed this. It was a living being after all, a being which gave birth to the elves, who had always regarded it as hallowed ground. Every elf in Onszeria felt a spiritual connection to the Forest and whatever distant wood an elf called home, they would always long to be buried in the Forest after their deaths. Emica had to believe the Forest had guided her to Ciel, and this is why she was standing before her now. This little girl wearing Emica’s capelet, now stained red with the blood streaming from her open throat.

“Ciel, please stop…”

Ciel was continually tearing into herself with her fingers. Her vampiric healing and regeneration fighting her desire to destroy her body.

Ciel stopped and the wound closed up almost instantly. She was still hanging in Emica’s arms, suspended diagonally, with her knees bent in defeat and the tops of her toes on the ruddy soil, her hair obscuring her face.

“I don’t know what to do…” Ciel whispered.

“For now let’s just talk”, Emica stood Ciel back up.

Ciel brushed her hair to the side, revealing a resigned expression.

“Ciel, you have time. Time to think, time to reflect, time to find your answers”, Emica continued softly. “When you spoke of your conflicting feelings and of that impossible arrow you feel inside, to me it echoed a sense of great destiny, still unseen, unwalked, yet right before you. You are special Ciel, very special. You need not make sense of yourself to the world, it may be for the world to make sense of you.”

“When I heard you speak of the paradox inside your heart and mind, I couldn’t help but to recall the ancient writings of certain elven mystics who would spend their lives in solitude. Even though they had lived centuries apart they shared what we, of elven-kind, call the Vrahtha.”

Ciel appeared to have calmed down. She couldn’t help but to feel better when Emica said those words, “you are special” and she was losing herself to her curiosity yet again as Emica continued.

“Vrahtha. It is a name for the spiritual ecstasy the mystics would arrive at after intense and prolonged meditation. In this ecstasy that they would see visions of the Goddess of Truths. She would appear both radiantly beautiful and at the same time grotesque and terrifying. She would give birth to new life and at the same time consume it. Her nature was that of both chaos and order.”

“After the mystics would come to, they would try to record the words of the Goddess, but their hands and their quills would not move. Overcome by their exaltation they desired only to write in all directions at once on the parchment and so remained frozen. In short time they would be left with only faint memories, and fragments of thoughts and impulses that stood at ends to one another. Yet they would profess that they knew them all to be the one truth.”

“Ciel, perhaps you’re not so alone in your feelings”, Emica added with a small but precious smile.

In that moment, Emica had crystallised in her mind the decision to forever remain by Ciel’s side, as long as Ciel would allow her to be there, next to her. She would be the ambassador of this world to Ciel, who has said to have come from another. Her hope was that she would not come to loathe Onszeria and destroy it. She was foremost an orphaned child, who needed the companionship and the support of others. As she was born of one of the monster races, the most feared one in fact, she would be faced with many who would seek to destroy her or use her power for themselves. Undoubtedly this would not end well for anyone in Onszeria. Whether it was through self-preservation or a plan for something greater, the Wyn Tower Forest, the homeland of all elves, had deemed Emica to be the one for this task. That she had a long life, experience and had sought wisdom and balance of temperament was surely no coincidence. Since she made the decision to forever leave her birthplace, the Wood of Lulin, she had always felt a sense of a greater destiny. The many years and lives she saw come and go had eroded the certainty of that destiny however. Gazing at Ciel stirred fear within her, but it also stirred up something she hadn’t felt since her youth.


It was probably natural for Ciel to have an affinity for life inside a dungeon, given she was born and raised in one. But this dungeon was a small world onto itself. It appeared endless. Of course it wasn’t. If one headed in one direction long enough they would end up where they started. The sky, the twin suns and moons were illusions projected by some mysterious magic. Ciel had the ability to modify the landscape as she pleased. Her power was not unlike the power of a game designer armed with a variety of tools and preset pieces for a level. For reasons unknown there was actually some furniture at her disposal to be created as she pleases. While it was limited in selection, it had everything one needed to furnish a room, a house or a mansion.

The furniture was minimalistic in design but richly ornamented with etchings. A variety of delicately rendered flowers, vines, leaves and buds of fruit subtly lined the solid white surfaces of Ciel’s summoned furnishings, which consisted of a small round table, two chairs and a bed. They simply sat atop a grassy hill, surrounded by a beautiful landscape that reminded Ciel of photos she had seen in her previous life of Tuscany in Italy. Or maybe it was that she had manifested her memories of the vistas with her Dungeon Creator skill.

Conveniently, the table, chairs and bed were made from a material that while keeping a consistent appearance, would somehow become as hard as stone or as soft as the most luxurious bedding depending on where it was situated on the structure. Slightly warm to the touch, it could not be chipped, cracked or ripped. Ciel had originally intended to place two beds, separated by a partition but Emica insisted they sleep together. It didn’t matter if Ciel was a Noble Vampire or a god, Emica couldn’t let Ciel be alone as she put herself through the Trial.

The Trial was a terrible thing, imagined by Ciel.

“It means I will have to damage my body every day until I will ‘limit break’ my passive health and body regeneration skills, at least this is my hope”, Ciel said as she bit into a blood berry.

To her surprise, she could create spawn points inside dungeons for any monster which she killed, and apparently this applied to vegetation too. It was a convenient source of delicious blood berries. For better or worse, the only being she had slaughtered that she couldn’t create a spawn point for was the World End Boss.

“I seems I may have permanently wounded myself when I went a little.. berserk in that massive dungeon and cursed myself. I guess that’s what I did. By the way does that dungeon have a name?” Ciel asked. The whole conversation had taken a casual tone somehow. Ciel approached everything as a curiosity or a problem with a solution, with no hint of nervous rumination or panic. It rubbed off on Emica too.

“It has no name I know of. I don’t think it has been discovered yet by anyone in the kingdoms or woods, or it was forgotten to time. It could also be a secret known by very few, because news of such a dungeon would very quickly spread to all of Onszeria” Emica answered. But her mind was not dwelling on the revelation of what was probably the world’s largest ancient dungeon. Emica had very quickly understood the severity of what Ciel had done. The wound left her with no visible mark, except for an aura that most living beings in this world would perceive as fragility and vulnerability. However, Ciel had abandoned all of her health points but for one. Being a single, and very small, step away from one’s own end at any given moment was like a death sentence, where even a simple sneeze could be the executioner. Or perhaps this would be the case for anyone but a Noble Vampire of Ciel’s power.

“Because I’ve also reached what appears to be a level cap, there seems to be no way for me to find out if my HP would increase if I levelled up”, Ciel said between bites.

Her vampiric health and body regeneration passive skills in combination with her strength pushed back at the certain death which came with 0 HP. Because Ciel was a member of one of the monster races, she possessed that which elves, humans and dwarves had not: internal mana.

The mana listed in the status wasn’t one’s mana capacity as Ciel had seen imagined in many RPGs. It was instead the amount of mana available to the user to be commanded from the environment. Just as the descriptions for passive skills were not listed, so was the internal mana hidden from the status screen. They didn’t need to be listed, each member of the monster races simply ‘felt’ the continued action of their passive skills and also sensed their internal mana as it welled within them.

The non-monster races did not however possess passive skills. This motivated the hunt for monster parts and materials, which were imbued with traces of internal mana. This mana in turn fed the natural properties of the materials, giving them weaker versions of the passive skills the monsters possessed before being slain.

So to this world I’m a monster to be slain for use in someone’s armour? I guess it serves me right for killing countless monsters in games without consideration for their feelings.

Having to continually heal herself as she strained her body put pressure on Ciel’s internal mana. Rest and food would help recover from the imbalance inside Ciel’s body resulting from this pressure, but it meant she would be incapacitated if she was to use her abilities beyond their lowest power levels. Ciel’s only option for overcoming her handicap was was to somehow activate her Skill Limit Breaker title on her passive regeneration skills. It was her only option because she had cursed herself with the power of one of her other titles: Betrayer of Light: Foundry of Curses (Legendary, Inherited).

“Titles have four ranks Ciel. Common titles can be found on persons who have gained them by committing great deeds. They are known as omens of good luck and blessings from the gods. Greater titles are rarer, owned by some A-class or S-class adventurers and other individuals of great strength or ability. Their power is actually made clearly manifest, unlike common titles, and some adventurers sometimes spend their whole lifetimes seeking greater titles. Epic titles are even more rare and carry historic significance. Such titles have been known to allow their users to heal whole cities, dispel mass disease, shield thousands, all in single acts of passion. During the calamities, some of the monstrosities which rose from from the depths of the earth were also believed to be possessors of Epic-class titles”, Emica explained.

The calamities were times of great strife, occurring roughly every 600 years. It was a time when the ground shook, and the rage of the sea was at its peak, spilling over the shield mountain ranges enclosing all of the Onszerian continent. If the resulting widespread destruction wasn’t enough it was always followed by increased monster activity, disease and war. The last calamity was just over 400 years ago.

“Legendary titles are as the name suggests possessed by legendary beings who have transcended history itself and have etched their names into the heavens with great deeds. Any who claims to possess a legendary title has either lost their mind and is not speaking the truth or they are already well known to the world for their deeds. I have not heard of titles being inherited and having that additional class like your Betrayer Of Light: Foundry of Curses title. It must be something special to Noble Vampires… and it must be an incredibly powerful title. Legendary titles are said to bestow their owners abilities originally held by the forgotten Gods of Creation. Each legendary title works differently from another. Some need a mere proclamation calling upon the title, others require extreme circumstances to become active, some ask of sacrifice from any that would use their power. They are said to be like individual persons, with their own unique natures, peculiarities and mysteries.”

I think I should tell her…

“Emica, I have in my possession 18 titles.”

“18 titles?! Are any others of Legendary rank besides your Foundry of Curses title?”

“Yes, a total nine of them are Legendary.”

“… How can that be, Ciel are you-”

“The skill limit breaker ability I spoke of is actually a title, but it has no class listed.”

“… But that can’t be, all of the titles ever recorded had a class. How can a classless title exist. It would be like a monster without a race or level!”

“I don’t understand it myself. But I also have one Greater title, two Epic titles… most of the names don’t sound very ‘heroic’ to me though…”

If someone was to judge me by my titles they’d think I was some sort of supervillain or even worse, a degenerate… I might leave out the specifics of their names for now actually…

“There’s also something else Emica.”

“How could there be anything else Ciel?! You’re clearly extraordinary enough as it is with your impossible level, ‘limit broken’ skills and legendary titles!”

Emica had difficulty processing what Ciel was saying. In normal circumstances one would think the child to have indeed gone mad. But Emica knew she wasn’t lying. Why would someone who can create worlds inside dungeons have need to tell tall tales about their own abilities? She could only put aside her shock for the sake of being present in the conversation.

“There apparently exists a class of titles above Legendary level”, Ciel said with some apparent embarrassment. She was blushing. She liked that Emica thought her to be impressive.

“Mythical titles. I have five. Four of which I brought from my previous life. Apparently titles do not carry over through transmigration, unless they are Mythical titles.”


“They are why I’m here. Whatever divine power is responsible for reincarnation wants me gone. Not just dead. But gone from existence forever ‘gone’… To be honest I’m quite upset that apparently I have no say in the matter.”


This was the first Emica had heard of a divine power which controlled reincarnation. The idea that individuals reincarnated into new lives after death was uncommon in Onszeria. In fact it was seen as one of the multitudinous heresies proclaimed by the churches which held most power in the kingdoms.

“… Ciel, I have no right to ask anything of you. But I ask that you exercise care with your titles. It goes without saying, but they’re incredibly powerful. A title class above Legendary… it could be the power to change the very foundations, the laws of this world”, Emica finally responded to Ciel’s confession. She looked exhausted. She was slouching, her breasts were being squeezed together by her arms which she was pressing between her knees. Ciel’s tail perked up.

She looks so cute when she’s bewildered…

“I’ve learnt my lesson Emica when I cursed myself into this 1 HP problem of mine. Please fear not, I will be a good girl!”, Ciel replied with a sprinkling of sass in her tone as she ended her sentence.

“I can’t promise I won’t fear you Ciel. But I respect your will and I trust in you. I believe there is a reason for every single thing that happens. I have seen too many coincidences in my life to believe otherwise. I therefore entrust myself and Onszeria to you.”

For some reason Ciel couldn’t help but to blush at what Emica just said. A reply? She had none as she stared at the light perspiration and the stray hairs on Emica’s bowed forehead as they swung lightly in the evening breeze.


To separate themselves from the flow of time, in consideration of Emica’s quest and her party, Ciel removed the Gates of Hell entrance. The dungeon now existed somewhere and nowhere at the same time. It was entirely separated from the outside reality, just like the interior of Ciel’s gate shield in her battle with the World End Boss. This meant that between the moment Ciel disconnected the entrance and the moment Ciel reconnected an exit, no time would have passed in the outside world. It was an extremely useful feature of the Dungeon Creator skill, because if time was ever needed for preparations of any sort, an endless supply of it could be found here. If a hiding place was required, this would be a location no one else could possibly find.

The exception to this was of course if there existed another user with the Dungeon Creator skill limit broken to at least Ciel’s level. According to Emica, this was extremely unlikely, given all of her knowledge she had never heard, read or seen anything like the Dungeon Creator skill, never mind a limit broken version of it. But even if someone had the skill, they would have needed to at least have stepped inside the dungeon once, in order to be able to establish a connection to it again later. This could be countered by Ciel creating a new dungeon the other user had never visited.

This line of thought had made something apparent. If Ciel had removed the Gates of Hell, without ever having stepped in a dungeon, she and Emica would have been likely forever trapped inside Ciel’s beautiful dungeon. The only way to exit a dungeon without an exit was through Ciel’s ability to create a gate to any dungeon she had previously visited. When they would eventually leave, Ciel would have to use a gate to the massive dungeon she was born into, even if it was directly next to an opening to the outside.

In two months a routine had established itself in Ciel’s dungeon. In the morning Ciel and Emica would eat a breakfast of blood berries and other fruit which Ciel had planted with her Dungeon Creator, in a field not too far from their outdoor ‘room’. Afterward the two would part ways into separate spaces in the dungeon. Emica would hunt in the forest room and Ciel would undertake her Trial in the blood room. Both rooms were connected to the main room with high level entrances similar to, but less fearsome looking, than the Gates of Hell. The liquid of the doorways would only allow entry or exit to beings which Ciel had designated permission to do so. In this case it was only Ciel and Emica.

The first room was Emica’s suggestion. When they both arrived in the dungeon they were practically naked, save for Ciel’s capelet and Emica’s destroyed clothing. So Emica suggested that she make them clothes from dire wolf pelt by going outside. It was then that Ciel presented her solution. It didn’t require them to leave the dungeon to hunt.

“What about this? It will be much easier”, Ciel said.

A gate opened up near and above them. The corpses of 5 dire wolves dropped to the ground unceremoniously. She had in under a second created a dungeon room with a dire wolf spawn point. The moment they came into existence she extended the dungeon walls surrounding them into spikes which pierced their hearts slide their corpses into a gate.

Emica, a hunter who would face her prey by meeting it in combat eye to eye was somewhat disturbed by this. To her to hunt was also to respect that which she killed.

“Ok, I’m sorry Emica, I’ll dispose of them”, Ciel said as the dire wolves begun to sink into the gate placed on the ground.

“No Ciel, let’s not put their death to waste. I will craft using those corpses”, Emica insisted.

The dire wolves sunk into the soil and fell from above again. “My skills as a hunter appear to be nothing next to Ciel’s abilities…”, Emica thought to herself with a bitter smile.

“… would it be possible for you to create a forest where I can hunt? We can use it for materials and for food”, Emica suggested.

And so the forest room was created. It was an entire stretch of woods, inhabited by various monsters. They were regularly born from spawn points Ciel had created with Emica’s advice on which races of monsters endemically lived there.

Emica basic knowledge of crafting meant she could craft armour from found and hunted materials. It was a useful skill to posses in case of emergencies for any adventurer. Damage to protective clothing or armour was not uncommon and repairs often had to be undertaken in the field or in a dungeon. In some cases an adventurer would have to create new items when the services of a professional blacksmith or craftsman were not available. Emica’s Children did possess a skilled craftswoman in their party in the shape of Emica’s fellow elf, Nina. She was a mage, but her father was a renowned elven blacksmith and she had been blessed with much of his talent for crafting. She, however, was not here and was exploring a different part of the Wyn Tower Forest as part of the Guild’s vague scouting quest.

On the other hand, Ciel’s blood room was a simple, spartan unlit stone room. She would enter the room after carefully removing her dire wolf armour.

This armour really does resemble what a band of barbarian girls would wear in a fantasy anime. Emica said it was designed to allow freedom of movement when hunting, but with Emica’s figure it really does leave little to the imagination…

Both Ciel’s and Emica’s armour followed the same design. The top of the wolf pelt armour had the fur snugly sitting around the neck, giving it the classic look of a fur scarf. From there, pelt draped over the shoulders and reached the elbows on the sides and back. However the front left all of the stomach and much of the chest exposed. Apparently wolf pelt didn’t offer much protection against impacts and cuts, so it was pointless to tailor it around the waistline. The bottoms were simple triangular strips of light fur held up by leather straps around the hips, with the thighs exposed. Emica had offered to make a hole in Ciel’s armour at the back to let her tail to poke through, but Ciel decided it would be useful to conceal her tail. Emica also made over-the-knee legwear, with an open toe stirrup cut for the feet. The soft, furry side of the pelt lined the inside around the legs and poked out in tufts from the top. The fingerless gloves reaching up to the elbows followed a similar design for the hands. These were held in place with more leather straps. It was all really quite impressive for an “emergency measure”.

Let’s not dawdle though, as much as it hurts, it is the only way forward that I can see if I’m to return to retrieve Mama and Papa’s… body.

Ciel couldn’t stand the idea of going back and having to retreat from potential enemies because of her condition. She was not averse to retreat when required, but not from her own home.

... not like this, not like a coward.

Ciel entered the blood room. She stood with her legs together and her arms spread to the sides. Countless tiny cuts opened up all over her body. Blood streamed out from the cuts as if from a fountain. This was the low-power version of Ciel’s Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Blood Laser skill. She then cast her Coagulation skill on the many streams of blood, turning the liquid into barely visible red threads. The final stage was the activation of the Levitation skill from the slime skills submenu. Ciel’s body hovered to a few centimetres above floor. As the fine threads of blood were an extension of Ciel’s body, she could also control their movement using the Levitation skill. They were dancing in the room room around her, as if carried by a light breeze from below. Ciel braced herself as she focused on all of the floating threads and in one instant they all lashed at her body, cutting into every centimetre of her skin, even her open eyes.

She dropped to the floor which was now covered with her spilled blood. Her body healed quickly as she came to in a haze which mercifully shielded her from some part of the pain.

She would scream in the blood room for hours as she would repeat this until it was filled to her knees with her own blood, which she would drain to a separate space afterward. This would mark the end of the day when she would make her way back to the main room to meet Emica after washing herself in a nearby river.

A fresh meal of the day’s hunt prepared by Emica, that is what Ciel would look forward to upon her return. The pair would talk of the world and of their plans until nightfall, waking to repeat their routine the next day. Every week or so Emica would share small part of her own blood, which she would drain into a vial for Ciel to drink. It helped Ciel deal with the exhaustion which would set in after a week or so in the blood room.

… one more time, and this will be it for today …

As Ciel collapsed into the shallow pool of her deep red blood, a message appeared before her in the same style and font as the status screen. As she struggled to compose herself the message came into focus.

Skill limit break achieved.

The following skills have reached a new level beyond the skill limit cap:

Health regeneration (level 11 NEW) - Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x6.

Accelerated health regeneration (level 11 NEW) - Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x6.

Warning! Skill fusion.

The passive health regeneration and accelerated health regeneration limit broken skills have fused to a new skill. Original skills have been deleted.

Superior health regeneration (level 12 NEW) - Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x66.

Ciel was on her hands and knees in the pool of her blood. She was painted red from head to toe. But she was grinning with unmistakable delight. Uncontrolled, feverish, almost impish laughter escaped her lips.

This, this is what I needed! I knew this was the way the Skill Limit Breaker title had to work! There was no other way!! I won’t be defeated so easily… even by my own curse!!

Invigorated by her breakthrough, Ciel now knew it was only a matter of time before she should had total victory over her 1HP handicap. The divide of uncertainty had been breached and now, there was only progress to be made.

I have no idea what Ξ is, but it is probably something that’s supposed to represent ‘internal mana’. I didn’t know skills could fuse… but it seems that fusion increased the level of this new ‘superior’ version of my health regeneration skill even further.

The pain no longer mattered. She would welcome it as the liberator from her weakness.


For another 7 months Ciel escalated her routine to the level of not just cutting her body, but then cutting off her limbs, and eventually of finely slicing the entirely of herself into smaller and smaller chunks, until those chunks became a red mist. Even this she took further… She would separate the torture of the blood room into a separate part of her mind. The knowledge that she would return to Emica at the end of each day, their long conversations, the warmth and softness of her embrace, all helped her endure the pain. Even quickly destroying her nerve endings which brought about the physical pain did not stop the tremendous, oppressive sense of suffering she felt when she mashed herself into near-oblivion.

Over time she would speak less and less of her Trial to Emica. Ciel had always withheld the method by which she would “damage her body” from Emica, lest she try to stop her. She would say that she had made “progress”, but spoke less and less even of that, as she increased the level of violence against herself. Emica learnt not to ask, but this did not stop her own pain, which she too concealed. It was the pain of seeing Ciel lose a part of herself to the Trial each day. Ciel appeared not to have changed from her curious and somewhat awkward self, but through the lens of her intuition Emica could see that the glimmer in Ciel’s eyes was fading. And it was being replaced by something else, something unsettling, a sadness and a fierce chaotic turmoil.

As their regular evening conversations continued, Ciel learned much about the world. She learnt of the discrimination and exploitation of the monster and beast races, the 5 kingdoms of Onszeria, the elven woods, the current scholarly understanding of the status screen and skills, the guilds, in particular the Adventurer’s Guild, and of many other things.

Ciel would talk of her life in the dungeon home. In time she opened up about her previous life. The life of an orphan and of her days as a scholar. It didn’t surprise Emica that Ciel was male before she reincarnated as a female vampire. “It makes sense that you are born into a new body, why would it be of the same gender or species as you previous one?” She found it amusing that they both concealed their apparent ages. In the end, Emica saw Ciel as the person before her in that moment, a curious vampire girl, who carried with her two lifetime’s worth of pain.

Then one day, Ciel had finally gained power that could only be described as obscene. Only that would satisfy her. It was time to return to her family’s dungeon home. It was inside one of the chests within the World End Boss’ treasure room, through some magic not too different from Ciel’s Dungeon Creator skill. It was time to take back their remains. Mama and Papa had cursed themselves to forever be trapped inside that chest, for Ciel’s sake. She would find a way to free them, even if it was after their deaths.

“Let us go Emica. If there are any threats I will remove them” Ciel cooly said.

They both stood prepared in their dire wolf pelt armours before a gate that would take them to the treasure room. Ciel’s Dungeon Creator skill allowed her to connect to any dungeon spaces she has visited or created, but the map for the spaces she wasn’t inside of would only include the structure of the dungeons, not any monsters or enemies lurking within them.

I have to be careful for Emica’s sake.

“Don’t fear for me Ciel. If there are any enemies lying in wait I will go back through the gate as we planned. My only concern is for you…” Emica said. She had her bow and an arrow ready.

“I doubt I have anyone or anything to fear anymore” Ciel reassured Emica. It wasn’t false confidence or mere reassurance.

I may look like I’m made of glass… but there’s no glass left in this glass canon. I’ve removed every single grain of it by hand, myself.

Ciel had tested her power in a vast volcanic dungeon room she had created some days prior, unleashing her attacks and skills to their fullest potential. She would redirect her own attacks onto herself repeatedly using gates, for maximum efficiency.

I am capable of surviving multiple attacks from myself, even ones that I’ve broken the skill level cap on. And I’m a monster of level 99,999. With this I can approach the domain of the truly invincible.

Even this was not the full extent of her full regenerative and healing powers. She was capable of enhancing those abilities even further, at terrible cost, not to herself, but to her enemies and if she chose so, to the world itself. She wanted even more, she wanted to spend thousands of years in another time bubble growing her power, where Emica wouldn’t even notice. But somewhere inside she knew that she wouldn’t return the same person she was. And this was fine, but she feared that she’d lose Emica. At the end of each day in the blood room she felt herself slipping somewhere. It was so tempting to just abandon herself to it. Even the thought of doing so felt good. But her evenings and mornings with Emica brought her back, back from that place each time.

My HP cap of 1 hardly matters anymore. In fact I’m glad I cursed myself, because without it I may have never searched for this power. My apparent aura of weakness and vulnerability may in fact be a useful tool…

However, I don’t need to be defeated directly, I could could be manipulated into defeating myself somehow. I have after all, in my foolish rage, killed myself once before.

I also can’t discount that everything that has happened so far was the plan of that floating gothic loli, Akari. This would mean I don’t have the true freedom to act as I want. What’s the point of being powerful, if I’m just a puppet? There are also mistakes, like the mistake that resulted in the deaths of Mama and Papa…

Finally, it seems that in history whenever a great and powerful threat would appear, a counterforce of similar power would eventually arise to balance it. If I’m going to become the Demon Lord, won’t a Hero rise up to challenge me? Isn’t that how the story goes? Even overt displays of my power might awaken in others the awareness that such power is even possible and it might spur them on to seek it. The most powerful always controlled those beneath them not only with force or fear but also with the veil of ignorance. But I digress…

Ciel was murmuring something to herself again as Emica watched on. She had gotten quite aquatinted to Ciel’s temporary departures into her thoughts. They were endearing.

Finally, after a mutual nod, Ciel and Emica stepped through the gate, with Ciel leading the way and Emica close behind with her bow drawn.

The only way out of the treasure room had always been through the massive door leading to the World End Boss’ room. There were no other exits. In order to make it inside one would still have make their way through a slew of powerful monsters in the remains of the lower floors. Monsters endlessly created from the invisible spawn points in the dungeon. It hadn’t been long, at least as far as the world’s clock was concerned, since Ciel had left the dungeon. And yet the treasure room, containing a great number of treasures, relics, ancient tools, weapons and armours, and most importantly the chest with Mama and Papa inside… now stood before Ciel and Emica entirely empty.


End of Chapter 5

This chapter concludes the Introduction to

I Made One Mistake! Now I Have To Become the Demon Lord in Another World, But I’m Just a Frail Vampire Girl?!


Supplemental status information

Name: Emica

Race: Elf

Level: 126

Experience: 51,382,858 (next level at 52,103,968)

HP: 170,930 / 170,930

Mana: 8,595 / 8,595

Strength: 9,958

Intelligence: 5,525

Agility: 37,120


  • Breath of the Forest (Greater)
  • Long Lived (Greater)
  • Heart’s Fortune (Common)
  • Courage of the Brave (Common)


  • Sylvian Bow Style: Hailstorm (level 8) - user rotates in mid air striking at all nearby enemies with a rapidly fired arrows.
  • Sylvian Bow Style: True Shot (level 10) - user fires one arrow with more power than normal (determined by skill level). Also reinforces arrows.
  • Sylvian Bow Style: Curve Shot (level 9) - user fires one arrow on a curved path to avoid obstacles.
  • Sylvian Bow Style: Final Defence (level 7) - user draws one arrow and uses it to stab their target with enhanced strength. Also reinforces arrows and enhances their retrieval.
  • Sylvian Bow Style: One Handed Shot (level 2) - user’s bow floats on a stream of wind enabling arrows to be fired single-handedly.
  • Sylvian Bow Style: Triple Shot (level 10) - user draws up to three arrows and fires them simultaneously without penalty using any other Sylvian Bow Style skill.
  • Focused Shot (level 10) - user fires an arrow from her bow with increased accuracy.
  • Reinforced Upper Punch (level 6) - user throws a powerful upward punch at the target.
  • Reinforced Upper Kick (level 5) - user throws a powerful upward kick at the target.
  • Water (level 8) - user synthesises elemental water.
  • Water Shield (level 7) - user is surrounded by a protective water elemental shield.
  • Water Tornado (level 7) - user is surrounded by a protective water elemental tornado.
  • Ice (level 8) - user synthesises elemental ice.
  • Multiple Ice Rapier Thrust (level 4) - user summons up to 21 spikes of strengthened ice and launches them individually or at once at their target.
  • Ice Prison (level 8) - user summons up to 120 spikes of strengthened ice which rapidly grow to a massive size in an area of attack surrounding the user.
  • Wind Step (level 6) - user propels herself on a stream of wind with each step.
  • Trapmaking (level 4) - enhances construction of traps and lures.
  • Trapsetting (level 6) - enhances the setting of traps and lures.
  • Bowmaking (level 3) - enhances construction of bows.
  • Craftworking (level 2) - enhances crafting using hunted or salvaged materials.


Name: Ciel

Race: Noble Vampire

Level: 99,999

Experience: 62,105,708,812 (next level at 1,004,717,973)

HP: 1 / 1

Mana: 955,880 / 956,240

Strength: 6,992,410

Intelligence: 5,094,181

Agility: 6,206,801


  • God Slayer (Mythical)
  • Mass Murderer (Mythical)
  • City Destroyer (Mythical)
  • Nation Killer (Mythical)
  • Bringer of Calamity (Mythical)
  • Immortal Materia (Legendary NEW)
  • Betrayer of Light: Foundry of Curses (Legendary, Inherited)
  • Conquerer of the Six Great Lords (Legendary)
  • Conquerer of the Three Catastrophes (Legendary)
  • Bloodlust: Endless Night (Legendary)
  • Fallen to Gluttony (Legendary)
  • Fallen to Wrath (Legendary)
  • Fallen to Greed (Legendary NEW)
  • Origin of Mastery: Unarmed Dreadnought Style (Legendary)
  • Monster Slayer (Legendary)
  • Merciless Killer (Legendary)
  • Insane (Legendary NEW)
  • Sadistic Rose (Epic)
  • Petite Butcher (Epic)
  • Might of the Unflinching (Greater)
  • Skill Limit Breaker

Passive skills: undeath (level 10), dark vision (level 10), enhanced hearing (level 10), enhanced smell (level 10), enhanced sight (level 10), enhanced taste (level 10), enhanced touch (level 10), accelerated perception (level 10), enhanced reflexes, (level 10), silent movement (level 10), accelerated mana regeneration (level 10), enhanced mana efficiency (level 10), all status effect resistance (level 10), poison immunity (level 10)

Ultimate regeneration (level 37 NEW) - Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x66. Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x666 (stacks). Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x6665 (stacks). Limit break warning: Ξ conversion factor increased x6665 (stacks). Limit break warning: access to mana-Ξ conversion available. Limit break warning: mana-Ξ conversion factor increased x6. Limit break warning: mana-Ξ conversion factor increased x66 (stacks). Limit break warning: mana-Ξ conversion factor increased x665 (stacks). Limit break warning: user can steal up to 60 closest users’ mana for mana-Ξ conversion (user choice available) for use with the skill. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 600 closest users’ mana. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 6000 closest users’ mana. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 60,000 closest users’ mana. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 600,000 closest users’ mana. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 6,000,000 closest users’ mana. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 60 closest users’ health points down to 1 for HP-Ξ conversion (user choice available) for use with the skill. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 600 closest users’ health points. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 6000 closest users’ health points. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 60,000 closest users’ health points. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 600,000 closest users’ health points. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 6,000,000 closest users’ health points. Limit break warning: user can steal up to 60,000,000 closest users’ health points. Limit break warning: in case of complete user body destruction user can engage instant reconstruction in location selected from user’s memory.


  • Dungeon Creator (level 20) - allows user to create and manipulate their dungeons. Limit break warning: dungeon creation and manipulation mana efficiency increased x6. Limit break warning: creation of monster spawn locations available. Limit break warning: dungeon creation and manipulation mana efficiency increased x66 (stacks). Limit break warning: monster spawning mana efficiency increased x6. Limit break warning: dungeon creation and manipulation mana efficiency increased x665 (stacks). Limit break warning: monster spawning mana efficiency increased x66 (stacks). Limit break warning: monster spawning mana efficiency increased x665 (stacks). Limit break warning: allows the manipulation of all dungeons accessible to user. Limit break warning: monster spawning restrictions lifted. Limit break warning: internal spatial geometry restrictions of dungeons lifted.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Meteoric Jump (level 10) - user launches herself in a chosen direction with great speed. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Angular Body Slam (level 10) - user launches her body with great speed at the target while rapidly rotating causing a powerful blast upon impact. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Planet Fall (level 10) - user falls with great speed causing a powerful blast upon impact. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Extinction Comet (level 16 up) - user throws a projectile with great speed. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage. Limit break warning: projectile is reinforced with user’s mana after it is launched (mana allotment chosen by user). Limit break warning: attack mana efficiency increased x6. Limit break warning: attack mana efficiency increased x66 (stacks). Limit break warning: attack mana efficiency increased x665 (stacks). Limit break warning: strength-based recoil reduction unlocked. Limit break warning: temporary spatial cloaking of projectile unlocked.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Electron Capture (level 10) - allows the user to more easily catch projectiles travelling with great speed with minimal damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Strong Force Grapple (level 10) - user grapples her target with great strength.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Atomic Prison (level 10) - user travels in a slicing path around the target at great speed, shredding at the target. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Ultimate Accelerator (level 10) - user launches herself in her chosen direction from standing position. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Galactic Jet Strike (level 10) - user strikes with such force and speed she may instantly vaporise the target. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Big Bang Thunderclap (level 10) - user strikes her palms together with great force, causing a massive pressure wave. Causes devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Schrödinger's Beast (level 10) - user claws at her target, rapidly shifting position and creating multiple after-images.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Accretion Disk Evisceration (level 10) - user performs a single, slicing strike which may cut everything in its path for a great distance. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Black Hole Gourmand (level 10) - allows the user to consume their target whole after rapidly crushing it with multiple surrounding blows. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Jester’s Magnetic Trap (level 10) - user moves at great speed, creating multiple after-images which entrap her target, taunting them. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Quasar Flash (level 10) - User strikes at her surroundings with such speed and force that they explosively ignite, also creating an electrical storm. Those in the vicinity may vaporise, burn, be electrically shocked or blinded. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Savage Terabite (level 10) - User bites her target with great explosive force. Causes shockwaves and devastating area of effect damage.
  • Unarmed Dreadnought Style: Blood Laser (level 10) - user shoots an invisible stream of high pressure collimated blood from a cut anywhere on her body, finely slicing everything in its path. Can be used from multiple locations on the body at once.
  • Coagulation (level 19 up) - allows the user to change non-solid states of matter to semi-solid states temporarily. Limit break warning: skill mana efficiency increased x6. Limit break warning: skill mana efficiency increased x66 (stacks). Limit break warning: skill mana efficiency increased x665 (stacks). Limit break warning: user can change non-solid states of matter to solid states temporarily. Limit break warning: all temporality restrictions lifted. Limit break warning: state reversal enabled. Limit break warning: solid states unlocked. Limit break warning: gas states unlocked. Limit break warning: plasma states unlocked.
  • Slime lover ♥ (level 2) - Slime skills submenu ♥: Paralysis (level 1), Shape-shifter (level 3 up), Levitation (level 4 up)