Chapter 1
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Waking up from slumber I heard the bird chirp and the trees rustling I felt like I'm forgetting something very important
"Lady Elisa you have to get ready, you have brunch with the prince which is in three hours"
now I remember I have a meeting with hopefully not my future husband
"Thank you, Maya, for reminding me, run a bath and tell Angel that I choose the green dress"
"Yes my lady"
I stared at the door until I decided to drag my feet to go have my bath, I needed it. When I finished bathing I saw Angel in my room waiting to doll me up
"My future queen you are here," she said
"Queen that word sounds impossible" I replied
"You seem like you hate the engagement?"
"I would rather choke than marry him, just get me ready" I commanded
"Yes, my lady"
"The yellow one, I look horrible in yellow and choose bright colors for the makeup" I chuckled
After that there were only the sounds of giggles in the room, I heated knocks on the door and yelled
"come in!"
"Madam the prince is h..."
"Let's go then" as I got up and passed by her and noticed how everyone eyes were glued to me mouth opened gossiping and laughing until I reached the lounge and saw I the son of a b×to**
"My highness I welcome you to my humble home," I said with a curtsy
"It's my pleasure, lady Elisa" he replied with a fake smile, sitting down we ate in silence and the occasionally glancing at each other it was indeed very awkward but I had to bear with it until he broke the silence
"Why don't you want to marry me"
"Do you want the truth?"
"Firstly I don't love you"
"We can fall in love" I laughed to his statement
"Secondly you can't become king you are foolishly full of pride and unlike the other princes you have no element, there is little amount of officials following you so to sum it up, there is now been..." the sound of shattered glass filled the room then the jerk got up and left in anger, thank goodness he left.
"Miss why did you do that, there are consequences," Lisa said worryingly
"There will be none he needs my Army's and I need nothing from him".
Time had passed and it was time for dinner and I prepared for a lot of swearing and scolding but instead, I get a surprise that shocked me
" Elisa the prince enjoyed his time with you so much that the king has invited us to talk about my sorry your engagement date," my mother said
"Don't be a happy mother" my dear brother replied
"I know, but she's soon getting married, to the crown prince", I hope to die before that humiliation occurs,
"Alex be happy, sister is getting married, since you got the first prince maybe, I would get the second prince", I knew my twin sister loved my demise, but this is another level
"Father" I called so that he can permit me to punish Annie but it was no use he's in deep thought, probably on this matter
After that James, the youngest noticed the tension and started to discuss his sword training today, gladly I followed his lead, and we ate our dishes in peace.