Chapter 24: Evolution
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POV – Tobias

Trailing behind Rin, I glanced about as I passed under the giant doors.

This seems more like it’d belonged in a parkour game than a temple.

There were various platforms to jump on and… traps.

Loads of traps.

There seemed to be an exit on the other side of the room.

Of course... There’s no path to it without parkouring through the room.

Speaking of the parkour itself... hmmm, it's basically seems to be some type jumping game, which has lava surrounding most of the platforms.

It gives off an atmosphere of deep maliciousness.

The only redeeming feature is that none of the platforms are moving.

Although, that’s probably only because it would be difficult to implement.

Still… Each platform seems to have some type of trap on it.

Mainly fire and arrow traps…

It’s…It’s always going to be fire and lava in this zone… Isn’t it?

I couldn’t really continue to complain, though.

Rin began to rushed ahead and skillfully utilized the surroundings to jump from platform to platform.

Narrowly dodging every trap and easily completing the parkour.

After arriving at the exit, Rin turned around and stared back toward me.

Rin… you can’t honestly expect me to do that?

That isn’t happening.

Sure, I did a parkour puzzle in the previous zone… but, it was nowhere near this difficult... or dangerous.

Wait... Can’t I just teleport to the exit using my <Shoes of Comfortable Escaping>?

It seems to within the teleportation distance.

Rolling my eyes… I can completely overthink things sometimes.

Activating the teleportation ability, I blinked to the other side arriving next to Rin.

Rin glanced toward me… then, back toward the spot I teleported from…

Staring back at me, before tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner.

*Cough…* Seems I haven’t told her about that ability yet.

After providing a brief explanation about the limitations of the ability, Rin nodded.

Normally, I wouldn’t bother sharing the strengths and weaknesses of my artifacts… but, it could be harmful if she presumes that I use it on a whim.

Besides… if Rin finds it useful and wants it, I wouldn’t mind giving it to her.

After explaining Rin continued onward through the exit door…

I hope there isn’t more parkour…

Well… it isn’t parkour.

Instead, tied up in black-metal chains in the corner of the room is some sleeping snake monster.

It seems to be a basilisk… but, it’s covered in flaming scales and red eyes. So, it probably another monster that looks the same.

I have an intense desire to kill it…

…It’s a strange feeling… and it’s annoying.

I don’t like when things messing with my mind.

Rin doesn’t seem to be acting different… but, it’s always difficult to tell with her.

Is it a mental attack? Or is it simply an instinct related to the basilisk’s inheritance?

God-hunter gave out a mental cry, projecting her desire to attack the snake monster.

Tsk. So God-hunter’s affected as well?

Basilisk-like monster awoke and dragged on the chain and hissed at us.

Flames spewed out of its open mouth, which Rin and I dodged.

Actually, did Rin even need to dodge? Isn’t she immune to lava? Those flames probably aren’t hotter than lava.

Focus Tobias. This isn’t the time.

Rin had already begun charging forward, and slashed through its flaming scales towards its neck.

It began bleeding from the resulting wound.

No! It’s my prey... I found myself charging forward, and sliced God-hunter toward the opposite side of its neck.

Unfortunately, I don’t have same amount of battling experience as Rin.

The basilisk-like monster easily avoided my attack, and released a spew of flames as a counter-attack.

Owwww… The flames covered my body, continuously stinging my body all over.  

Dumbass, why did I even charge in?

… Shit, it’s probably because of those instincts… isn’t it?

Dodging backward to escape a bite. I brief spotted Rin launch another attack on its back.

Gah! I need to focus more on the battle, I was almost bit.

Ow… Flames are still burning my chest... painful.

Actually, screw fighting properly.

Targeting the basilisk-like monster, I activated Petrifying Eyes for the first time.

It slowly began turning into stone… with its flames slowly dulling until they were entirely put out.

Still, it isn’t over yet. Petrified isn’t dead.

Rushing forward, I stabbed it with God-hunter in the brain.

Feeling a rush of mana from killing the monster and the flames covering me went out.

Breathed a sigh of relief, I glance about.

Discovering that Rin had wandered off toward some treasure chests in the corner.

I was going to join her… but, I was interrupted by a system message.

<Inheritance Manual evolution available...>


What? Inheritance Manuals can evolve?

Usually, evolution has the implication of being a good thing… that's not always true though.

Why does it always have to be so vague?

Fine… enact.

<Please remain still for the duration of the process… Discomfort is normal >

<Current evolution progress… 0%>

…How long is this going to take?



Well, not long apparently… it’s already halfway done in several seconds.



Huh, I haven’t really felt any discomfort…

…and it’s stopped on 99%.

[A few minutes later…]

<100%... Basilisk Inheritance’s Evolution Complete.>

<Fire Basilisk’s Inheritance; Level 1, 0% – Physical stats strengthened, rapid regeneration, thick translucent scales developed, heat resistance; Secondary abilities added Petrifying Eyes, Basilisk’s Blood, & Flaming Breath.>

<Petrifying Eyes; Permanently petrify a creature in sight turning them to stone. Cooldown: 2 days>

<Basilisk’s Blood: Your blood can cure a petrified creature.>

<Flaming Breath: Can spew magical flames out of your mouth. Strength dependent on inheritance level.>

Finally! I'd almost thought the system malfunctioned.

Looking over it. I… can’t really tell if that’s an upgrade.

It’s reset back to level 1… but, the Cooldown time is the same as before…

It added heat resistance and Flaming Breath… Hmmm.

Well, I suppose it’s too early to arrive at a conclusion.

We’ll have to see how useful those abilities are.

Noticing a flame in my hand, I realized that the change has affected God-hunter as well.

Now, God-hunter’s covered in a light flame.

That’s going to get annoying if it’s constantly on.

Suddenly, the flame covering God-hunter went out.

Huh… Flame on?

The flame blazed back into life.

Well, that’s interesting… Flame off.

It slowly flickered out.

Well, that'll probably be useful.

Rin, in the meantime, had apparently gotten changed clothes into some fur-like armor…

Speaking of clothes… Those flames have completely ruined my shirt.

… I hope Rin found another pair of armor.

Rather than searching personally, it’s faster to simply ask Rin.

“I don’t suppose there’s another pair of armor?” I inquired.

Rin simply shook her head and handed me a prefilled waterskin...

Drinking a few mouthfuls of water from the waterskin to quench my parched throat… then handed it back to Rin.

While water tastes wonderful… but, I don’t want to be going shirtless.

Maybe… I can make my own with scales or hide from that basilisk-like monster?

Ehhh… Probably not. I wouldn’t have the slightest clue about how to properly make a shirt.

… I can probably make a makeshift bag with it though.

Preparing to strip down the hide… I discovered that Rin was handing me her old shirt…

Stopping for a moment, I glanced toward Rin.

When did she take this off? I’d thought it was simply underneath her fur-armor…

I’m not going to think about it.

… I’m probably not in a situation where I’m able to be picky… but, it’s strange to think about wearing Rin’s shirt.

Thanking Rin, I set it to the side.

Before putting it on, I’m going to deal with this.

Crouching downward and I began to remove the non-damaged hide from the snake-monster.

While cutting it into the largest portion possible, I attempted to chat with Rin, “Anything else in the chest beside the waterskin and armor?”

Rin nodded and held out a small coin for me to see.

Yea… I’ve no idea what to say about that.

Continuing carefully cutting the hide, I asked for clarification. “Did the system say what it’s useful for?”

Rin paused before speaking briefly, “Redeemable for some game.”

Game? What game? A video game? No… wouldn’t that be effectively useless?

Either way, I storing away the knowledge for latter.

I doubt the Redeemers would truly put anything in Hell Difficulty that’s truly useless.

They might in other difficult levels… but, not Hell Difficulty.

Still, this place is strangely lacking reward-wise. Why did Rin take us here?

Well… unless that fur armor is far more powerful than it seems at a glance.

Entirely possible.

Although, maybe there’s more to this temple.

Stripping a piece of the hide off and threading it through small holes in the larger piece…

And there we go… rudimentary bag complete.

Sure, it’s absolutely terrible in terms of design... and every other way too.

But, it’s probably fire proof… meaning it shouldn’t easily be burnt to a crisp like the last one.

I shall name you… bag 2.0!

I’ll admit, it’s somewhat unimaginative… But, that’s irrelevant. It’ll probably fall apart in a few hours anyway.

Shaking my hands to remove the monster’s blood from them. I picked up Rin’s old shirt and put it on.

Staring downward at bag 2.0… Actually, why did I make this?

I don’t have anything left to carry beside a few artifacts, which already fit on my belt…

Whatever… I already took the time to make it.

Resting it on my shoulder. Rin had apparently been sitting down behind me while I worked.

Helping her up, I indicated for her to lead the way.

Apparently, this was the last room, as Rin didn't lead us further in. Instead, headed back the way we entered.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but… I can’t teleport again for around 24 hours.

Of course, Rin once again easily passed through the obstacles in the parkour room and arrived at the entrance.

…I’d sort of assumed there would be another exit.

Can I even transverse this?

Seems the traps don’t reactivate though. At least, they didn’t reactivate as Rin ran back across it.

Closing my eyes… I took a deep breath.

Alright, let’s just do this.

Reopening my eyes, I followed Rin’s route and jumped to the first platform.

Don’t slow down.

Continuing running, I jumped to the next one.

This time, I slipping slightly before the jump… but I still managed to reach the next platform.

Refocusing on running, don’t think. Just act.

Jumping from platform to platform.

Until, I reached the last platform.

One more jump to go.

That’s a lot of lava…

Shaking my head at the thought. Focus on the jump, not the consequences for failure.

Breaking into a sprint on the small platform, I jumped…

But, immediately after jumping I realized… I didn’t have enough speed to complete the jump.

Shit. Tightening my grip on God-hunter, I prepared to stab it into the wall to prevent myself from falling.

Ramming into the side of the ground. I stabbed God-hunter into it to provide grip.

Utilizing that grip, I managed to grab onto the top of ground with one hand…

Fortunately, Rin immediately appeared and grabbed my hand pulling me up.

After being pulling up by Rin, I lay on the ground to rest and regain my breath.

Ugh, I never want to do that again…

…And that was probably the easier direction to do it in.

Once I caught my breath, I thanked Rin… I seem to be doing that often.

Note to self... Avoid parkour whenever possible.

Sitting upward, I watched as Rin reorganized her bag.

Wait… is she setting up camp?

Why couldn’t we have just done that up there? Then, we could’ve come down tomorrow after my artifact had finished recharging…

…I did all that for nothing, didn’t I?

Flopping back down on my back, I relaxed on the slightly warm floor.


… I just realized, Rin hadn’t at all questioned the petrification of that snake-like monster.

Actually, why didn’t that monster stay petrified after it died?

I shouldn't have been able to even make it into a bag. Petrification should've made the skin useless after death.

Was it actually a some type of basilisk? Did its blood cleanse the petrification whilst I was undergoing evolution?

Meh, I suppose it’s already dead. It doesn’t matter anymore.

I wonder… where were going to head next?

Well, I’ll leave that to Rin. She probably has a plan.

Still, it’s always hot enough in this zone that it’s completely unnecessary to make a campfire.

Sitting upward slightly to stare at Rin… She seems busy messing around with various artifacts.

Yea... I’m gonna doze off and sleep for a while.



Tada! A brand new chapter. 

This chapter is somewhat slower in pace than normal... I like it through.

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