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“Ok gang, rise and shine. We’re getting food.” 

It’s the asscrack of dawn, sitting at some podunk town’s truck stop strip. We had driven pretty much straight on from the gas station towards the “church”, through the night. Sarah had offered to take over at one point driving so her father could get some rest in the passenger's seat. (Actually I offered too, but no one trusted I could handle the road in my condition.) He was back in the driver’s seat now, parked at a goddamned George Webbs.

I’ve been pretty lost in thought for the ride so far, mostly staring out the window. For all that travel, we didn’t actually get far enough to get away from the two clocked greasy spoon. I nudge Jo awake, Mr. Caputo rousing Sarah. He really only takes a second to notice we aren’t moving and starts getting agitated. “Why are we at a fucking diner, old man?”

Mr. Caputo does that big dumb midwest dad gafaw. “Son, nothing else is open at three forty in the morning.” 

Jo just balks at that. “I mean, why are we stopped at all! Monster! Chasing after us! I don’t think we exactly have the time to stop for a quick snack!” He aggressively counts every beat of his sentences out on his fingers, as if he wasn’t just saying the same point broken up? ‘I mean, whatever makes him feel better, all tough and macho and in charge. Don’t worry Snowbelle, I’ll cool things down for you~’ 

I feel that thing’s voice slip from between my lips before I could protest, it’s smoke and honey tone forcing me to laugh. “And I thought this one was the scared little ewe. You’ll be fine Joseph. Yes, my body is coming for you. On foot. Tell me again how long we’ve been driving on the freeway? I do believe that's... seventy miles per hour? Versus, what, four? If it were even within fifty miles of us I’d be able to sense it, and hmm… Nope! Not a thing~ We’ve built up a buffer darling. As vast as my talents are, defying the laws of physics is not one of them.” 

Mr. Caputo again gives a throaty chuckle at that. I’ve never met someone who laughs as much as this man did. “You never lose your conceit, Lucile. Nothing but a voice and you still think you’re god’s gift to earth.” Technically the exact opposite, but I’m not going to side with my parasite over phrasing. “You are right though. And I’m not going to starve us out of paranoia. We’ll sit down and talk about everything over a cup of joe.”

Joey just grumbled under his breath. “Could just talk in the car.” It’s too late though, we’re pretty much all out the door. What can I do? The logic’s sound and I’m hungry. 



We slid into a booth in the center of the small building. These places only ever have, like, six tables anyways and it’s the dead of night, so it’s entirely empty. We’re pretty much instantly catered to, the waitress running right up. Mr. Caputo gets that black coffee that matches his absolute stereotype of a dad vibe, Jo with a white coke. “And what about you ladies?” 


For a second I feel like I’m having yet another panic attack. But no, just a ton of tiny pangs rushing from my heart to the tips of my digits. They actually feel pretty good. Mr. Caputo just has this smug smile on his face while Joey had one eyebrow raised, both staring directly at me. I realize that I am blushing like mad and turn away, muttering for some water. 

‘Oh? I thought you had that wonderful debut Saturday? Why act so demure now ewe?’ Ugh, no, shut up. I... I didn’t do anything but wear a costume. There is nothing wrong with wearing a costume. ‘Did I say it was wrong, Scarlett? Why you were absolutely darling as our little fall fawn~’ “God damn it shut up!” Everyone whips their head to look at me for that outburst, waitress included. Luckily I was already blushing. “Sorry. Ignore me.” 

We all get some eggs and start tucking into them quickly. With his mouth full of toast and jelly, Joey turns to Mr. Caputo. “So you say you’re saving the demons. From what though? Each other? What happened, there a big fight between the succubi and the gargoyles or something?”

He gruffs, butter and yolk matted into his mustache. “Nah, what do you think happened son? People come across ‘monsters’, get scared of them and start hunting them down in droves. Almost got ‘em whittled to nothing a few centuries ago, to the point where they basically become myth. If it weren’t for the church smuggling them around all ways back then, who knows. Took that hiding ethos to heart.” 

My eyes get all wide at that. “Is that why no one knows about this? And we don’t see people throwing spells at each other in the street? There’s some kind of law against it getting out?” 

“Kiddo, the reason you don’t see people doing magic in the street is because we’re not wizards. There’s no such thing as magic for us, outside of a few small ways we can channel with the lillum. And those take a long time to tune right, so even if we could throw fireballs at each other, it’d still be a half hour between each spell. If you’re looking for protection, use a shotgun. They’re in hiding because there’s still hunting leagues just as there’s still our church. And it serves all three of us to be secretive.” He shakes his head a bit. “You kids read entirely too many fantasy books.” 

Jo chuckles and throws out a “Or maybe not enough. Try reading a second one my dude.” My eternal blush came back at that one. So sue me for liking the dumb wizard movies. Or getting excited at the possibilities when finding out demons exist. Who doesn’t want to get that letter to hogwarts? There’s a lot you could do with magic. ‘Oh, I bet I could name a few uses you’d be excited for my little ewe.’ I slam my fork down on the table and run towards the bathroom, my go-to escape.



Which, of course, isn’t an escape at all - not with this parasite in my skull. I run straight into the bathroom and find a little stall to curl up in and start sniffling into. ‘Aww, poor Snowbelle~ Something I said?’ God, the faster I can get this thing out of my head the better.

I can almost hear a little scoff in my head as I think that. ‘Look here kid. I don’t want to stick around any longer than you do, alright? I was all set to leave this dump behind me and start living on my own. It was your klutzy little ass that ruined our plans. Remember that next time you want to whine about how horrible this all is for you and how no one could possibly be suffering along too.’

I softly donk my head against the stall a few times, trying to think of what I should say to it. “How do you think I feel? I wake up after what was probably both the best and the worst day of my life. Suddenly I don’t have any control on what I think or feel or say. And then I’m told ‘don’t worry, it’s just a biblical fucking monster has wormed it’s way into you’. And it just seems to be yet another thing that is always putting me down. I thought if I was stuck on my own, at least I would be getting away from that.”

‘Oh, boo hoo. Sorry kid, but it’s hard to feel sorry over a little flirting. I’m trying to make the most of, what? Two days on the road, a handful more with the priestess? Then I can be gone from your sad little life and you and Sarah spend your time playing house like good little assimilationists. God, and to think I was ever on your side. I thought you were the sweetest little thing, but no. Everything she was worried about with you was true. No wonder she wanted to hide me away.’

I know I shouldn’t feel guilty. It’s a monster! They just lie and manipulate and toy with you. And it’s done nothing but insult and belittle me since it’s shown up. So why do I actually feel like I’m the asshole here? What am I doing wrong, what does it want me to be doing?

‘I don’t know, try using my name once? Stop calling me ‘it’ and ‘thing’ and ‘monster’? Treat me like a fucking person. I knew it was going to be a tough sell going from zero to demons, but I didn’t know you would be such a bigot about it.’

I’m trying to process what it… what Lucy said. Before I could think of any way to defend myself, or… apologize. I heard a soft knock, knock at the stall door. “Liam? Hey there... Scarlett? Are you in there? It’s Sarah.” I sigh and unlock the stall door, seeing her smiling face patiently looking at me, offering a hand for me to take. “I came in to talk a little, see if you were doing ok.” I let her pull me over to the bathroom mirror.

“What’s on your mind Scar? It’s Lucy, right?” I just sigh and nod in agreement. She starts idly rubbing my face with some wet paper towel in places. “I know she’s a lot. God do I ever know she’s a lot. I never wanted to stick you with her like this. But she’s not a bad person.” She pulls out some eyeliner from her purse. I guess she wants to touch me up from all those crying jags. I just let her do so. “You know, she actually can be comforting when she wants to. Usually she just wants to be horny and sarcastic though~” A pallet of two in one now, and lipstain. Does she just carry her entire set with her? ‘Yeah, pretty much everything she could ever need. I think she has some MRE’s in there too.’ I chuckle a little to myself, before I notice Sarah looking at me with a smile.

She turns me towards the mirror and I look pretty much just the same as Saturday night. I almost feel the exact same looking into it as I did then too. Except those horrible burning eyes. Reminding me what I am. “Why did your eyes never do this, Sarah? The glow. When she was in you.” 

“It’s different for everyone. I never wore my hair up because I had these pointed ears and got tired of the questions. Some people get sharper teeth or stubby little tails. Hey, at least it’s not horns. There’s no hiding horns.” I shudder at the thought. 

I think back to just before Sarah came into the bathroom. I quietly mutter out to her. “How do you get her to back off? Get the comments to stop?”

She laughs at that. “Oh trust me, I tried everything to get the teasing to stop. I think it’s hardwired into her. She was never mean though. She was always very protective of me, when I was hurting. Didn’t want anything to hurt me. Makes it frustrating she was the one who did.” Oh yeah. Sarah’s story came flooding back into my memory. And just when I was starting to forget I was sharing a head with a monster.

“Sarah? You go back to the table and finish eating. I need to go outside and get some fresh air.” I know it’s probably heartless to bounce on everyone like that, but I really do need to clear my head. Actually, I guess that’s the entire goal here. ‘Well, sorry to fog you up so much Snowbelle. Don’t worry, I want to be gone too. Two more days and you’ll never see me again.' At least we’re in agreement. 



I quickly head outside and just lean against the back wall of the restaurant, breathing in the cool October air. A few flies buzz near me, but I just shoo them off. 

“Why did you do that to her? Some kid saves your life and that’s how you repay them?” ... No answer, huh. Guess I answered my earlier question on how to get her to shut up then. For some reason I suddenly feel like I should have a cigarette, despite never having smoked in my life. Don’t know if that’s something about Lucy, or if it’s just the cliché of the moment.

I sit there watching the cars go by, in and out of the parking lot across the street. Green car. Red car. Red truck. Same shitty SUV we’re driving but in orange. White van with a handprint smudge on the rear door. Wash your fucking car my dude. Green beetle. More flies come bother me. Pink muscle car. Little blue jelly bean. I’m going to keep listing this boring shit until you answer me Lucy.

And then, just a searing pain in my shoulder from out of nowhere.

Actually no, clearly from out of the five claws buried along my collarbone. I follow the digits up to the taut musculature wrapped along the bony arm, up to the rotting face still dislocated on the side where my mallet had smashed into its jaw hinge. It’s disgusting bloating body was clung to the wall just above me, flies buzzing about, maggots eating away at its exposed meat. I scream as it pulls me up by the wound, dragging me against the wall towards it. Until it jumps down to the street, slamming me down to the pavement.

I… I can’t believe it. It’s already here! How is it here! I feel every single strand of my being frozen stiff. ‘No ewe, you’re not freezing again. Hello? Hello! Damn it, do you hear me Scarlett!’ But I can’t do anything. I lock up, I crawl against a wall, I scrunch into nothing, as the decomposing death machine saunters up to me. I swear I see it lick its lips as it kneels over me and digs its claws into the fresh wound in my shoulder. I scream a flail as it starts pinning me down tight to the floor. 

I’m going to die. I’m going to fucking die. This is it, this actually is it. I think back on all the time I wasted… I’m only fucking twenty, how did I even have time to waste? I… I don’t know why I ever put up with my life till now. With the Harpy and the Ogre... I can’t believe I still think that was the worst I would ever get. I’m going to die without ever being happy. Hellspawn taking care of its own. ‘Are we really getting introspective now? With five claws in our shoulder? Just going to wallow in pity and roll over?’ Oh go fuck yourself Lucy. I lost! Game over! I know I’m a fuckup, but can’t I even die without being screamed at for doing it wrong!

‘You’re not going to die.’ What can I possibly do! I’m pinned down, this is the end! I can feel its hot sulfur breath fill my nostrils, it's slit stomach pressing against mine, its horrible chitinous tongue slide over my chin and lips up to my glasses, one or two maggots falling out of her writhing flesh onto mine. Fuck you buddy, it’s fucking over! ‘No, wait, that's it! Its stomach, Scarlett! Rip out the stomach!’ I… what… oh! OH! The gash on its belly! My wild flailing gave to concentrating on kneeing, kicking, anything I could to attack it where I could get in. Eventually I heard a wet schelping noise and the body shrieking in pain - the kitten heels I was wearing had caught into the hole and pulled her guts out on the return.

That lost it enough grip that I could wriggle my way out, and I fucking bolted. Through the dark back streets I ran as fast as I could, stumbling and sprinting. I can’t hear it snarling behind me, but I still just keep running. My fight or flight is pretty significantly attuned to flight. Maybe if I take some twists and turns I could lose it? 

‘Scarlett, you’re forgetting the connection~ As long as we can tell where the other is, you will never lose it. You need to double back to the group so we can get out of here now.’ Oh fuck that! If this church can’t help me am I just going to be on the run forever? And If you two can sense each other so god damned easily how in the hell did it sneak up on you! ‘I… don’t you mind that my little ewe. Instead, pay attention to where you’re going~’ 

I slam directly into a brick wall building and have the wind pushed out of me, knocking me to the ground. Zoning out and arguing with the cunt in my head while running for my life might not have been the most clear headed move I could have done - but my head isn't clear right now is it. I scramble back to my feet, only to see the body perched on top of the dumpster next to me, her sinew trailing behind it, head clicking back and forth like a vulture. Before I could even scream it had pounced, pinning me back against the street. 

Forcing her claws into my mouth, it started pulling them apart as hard as it could while I struggled to keep it closed. All that fight for nothing! I can feel the joints and bones grinding in my jaw, threatening to dislocate. The slime dripping from its fingers mingled with blood on my tongue, tasting of liquorice and pig shit. I desperately pulled down on her horns, her shoulders, hoping somehow that could get her to stop. Her disembowelment continued to spill against my chest. I screamed as hard as I could, please don’t let it end like this! I can feel the corners of my lips start to painfully tear, I could feel that I was losing. The pressure from its claw tore a tooth half off my lower jaw, and I screamed from the searing pain. The thrust from its claw violently ripping itself out of my mouth… 

“Kiddo! Run!” I opened my eyes to see Mr. Caputo holding the snarling bloated thing up with its arms at its back, keeping its snapping teeth pointed away from him. “Get back to the car! Sarah knows where you’re going, I’ll hold it back and then meet up with you there!”

“Mr. Caputo! I can’t let you get hurt for me! We gotta do something else!”

“Nonsense kiddo, I wrestled this thing to the ground just last night, I can handle myself here. I have nothing to hold it down with but me though, you need to go.” I desperately want to figure out something that I could do to restrain her instead, something to hit her with, something to pin her down. ‘Listen to him my little ewe. Carl is a big boy, he can handle himself.’ "I... I'm sorry Mr. Caputo. For everything! We'll come back and get you!"

Scrambling to my feet, I bolt as fast as I could back up the road, not stopping to breath, not stopping to think. I eventually reach Sarah and Joey in that awful forest green SUV. Joey throws open the back seat. “Drive!” I shout as I dive in, and we peel off down that back street one last time.

Jo grabs me into a tight hug (or as well as you can inside a car seat), handing me a first aid kit so I can get some gauze around my wound. Apparently when you rescue things that could easily rip you in half for a living, you learn to keep these things handy. “We heard you screaming and assumed the worst. You were gone when we got out back but there was this trail leading off, Sarah’s dad followed it.” I just nod and explain Mr. Caputo’s play and what the plan is. “Fuck! How the hell did it catch up so fast, I thought he said we had hours! Did I not say we would get got! And you Lucy! What the fuck happened to that radar sense? Shortest fifty fucking miles I ever saw.”

Sarah slams her hands on the steering wheel to quiet us down. “Shut up! This isn’t helping anything!” She turns to look back at Jo and me for a second, before whipping her head forward to the road. “Where did you leave my dad? I’m not leaving him.” I point her in the direction of the alleyways I came from and she takes off - I... I didn’t want to leave him either.

We only slow down to get out and look at the spot where I had left the two of them. Empty. No trails leading anywhere either. Sarah shouts in frustration, and I hug her tight. Joey puts his hands on her shoulder too. She starts muttering through us. “Ok. Ok, ok. We, we, we go to headquarters.  We go to headquarters and they’ll know exactly what to do. We get everything fixed. Dad will be there. He’ll probably get there first. We… I… He has to be there...” We get back in the car and we don’t stop for anything afterwards. 

I come up the river like beat man
I come up the river like stoke man fly
I come up the river to kill many people

Hey y’all! I just wanna thank you for giving my work a read! I also want to give a big shout out to Morri (author of the very entertaining Thaw) for keeping me sane and at least somewhat focused on writing~

If you wanna follow me anywhere else, you can find me over at my twitter @Cassie_Sandwich where you'll find me just on my bullshit 24/7. 

Thank you so much for reading, and I always crave that sweet sweet serotonin that comes with feedback, so feel free to comment below!