[12] Triumvirate
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Warning:  Lengthy Chapter with events unfolding fast + lot of time skips

Kindly Ignore all the Names


                           Location: High Tower Castle, Greenwood courtyard                                                     Year: 1044 AD







*Bird Chirping*


Within the nest, An adolescent bird which barely has enough feathers to warm itself from the cold nights, chirped towards garden workers with its head poking out trying to intimidate as it did with its siblings.


The Cleaning woman just smiled thinking that the bird is singing for her and continued on cleaning.


No one would believe that this small garden like groove exists within Alcazar behind the high walls, if not for actually seeing it by themselves. The Forest Garden itself is less atheistically pleasing with a lack of artificial gardening work to make it look beautiful other than cleaning the forest wastes. Because this is what the king wants to see from his Chambers. Just Nature's beauty without human harassment.


Within the Prestigious Alcazar within the High walls, all rooms have a self-esteemed air to it except for this Chamber.


*strained Coughs*


There is one chamber in the palace where the air is quite grim.


Sleeping on a Luxurious Bed was a middle-aged man watching at the Garden through the window. The man is in his near thirties but his pale complexion and sweat drops make him look a decade older than his current position. The windows have three Horse shape engraved in metal forming a Triangle, the Symbol of Marthen Kingdom, as much as the Royal Insignia slightly blocking the view, the man could do nothing about it since it is the same case for all of the other windows.


*Door knocks*


"Your majesty, its the prince" After taking a moment to compose himself he replied, "Let him in".


After coming inside the kid with a childish attitude tried to run towards the man but slowed suddenly realizing the grim atmosphere now his attitude became that of a concerned one.


"Father, I brought you elixir from holy church since you have been suffering all this time, the priest said it'll cure you" lifting the corked vial the kid convinced his father as much as he could.


Watching his son's innocence of being tricked easily by others he obliged with a bitter smile rather than to reprimand him for his foolishness.


He knows what the Church seeks and understands its hunger, But he cannot simply tell him that, Even if he does live longer by not drinking this 'Elixir', he knows that it will change nothing for the storm that is to come,


His son has to let him see it with his own eyes,


At least his last moments with his son would be peaceful he compromised himself, he hugged his son and whispered something for which the kid could only frown since he's still young.


The father and son had their last happy conversation without reserve.









(POV: Peter)



*Cartwheel rolling sound*


Carts hurrying through the Roads without ceasing signifying another busy morning.


At one side of the road, carrying the basket of vegetables behind my back I waited for the right time, making sure that no one is waiting similar to me at the opposite side, the last thing I want is to bump into each other and getting hooves stomped on our faces.


After a series of Carts zoomed past did I found a small window before the next Carts coming at a distance.


Running fast as my legs could take me as if my life depends on it which is exactly the case.


Only after making sure that I hit the wall on the other side did I relived with a sigh.


Horse Carts loaded to the brim with ropes tied, passing through the roads without a care for pedestrians who sprint across the wide road when a window of opportunity is available. If someone gets hurt then the victim is at fault and not the coachmen.


No one would care even if someone was killed, even the lord wouldn't mind since he's the one benefiting from the tolls these Merchants pay, if the lord causes trouble or inconvenience, then they'll change the next best route giving benefits to other lords.


This is how busy the small City of Marthen Kingdom, much warmer compared to both north and East.


Being one of the Vital Trade routes, More than half of the Kingdom's income comes just from Tolls.


The Kingdom's Main Expense is also mainly Defence and Armies since no one wants to give away their earnings to some strong neighbor.


"What took you so long? If you have been any late I would have considered that you ran away with my stuff, Now go and clean the tables" the guy with Mario mustache scolded as he was grabbing the basket from me before going inside the Inn, 'Yeah I work at this Inn, and he makes some nasty soup at mornings like this, we get drunkards or small-time peddlers, but we mostly make money from the bar, drunkards would come at any time, whether its day or night or afternoon or evening, thanks to those nutcases I have this job'.


Before following his suit I turned my attention to the next building which happens to be a flower shop, arranging the wild orchids was a blonde girl who gave me a knowing smile before I went in.


They sell cheap orchids individually for commoners after selling expensive tulips to the lord or other wealthy people who were their main source of income.


'she's Diora, Flower shop owner's daughter', we have been friends for a while now and she would secretly sneak out to meet me.


Returning my attention to my duties before leading a customer's horse towards the shed behind


"This is not bad" I muttered to myself.


But like all times Peace was short-lived.





- At Night time, A large group of men carrying torches,




"Captain are you sure about this? We would be hanged if got caught" the fellow soldier asked rationally.


"What nonsense are you spouting dumbass! listen up! if we storm the lord's mansion you don't have to work for the rest of your lives, now shut up and march forward" the leader with an English mustache commanded whilst pushing the soldier from the back, The captain is acting like this Ever since he met the mysterious informant from the pub, others don't know how much coins exchanged but they trust him for he's the reason that they got this job in the first place.


No less than a hundred mercenary soldiers carrying torches and weapons paid by the lord himself for additional defense force, who are now marching towards the same lord's residence with malicious intent.


The mansion is named because of its looks but it is still made of stone making it a mini fort and small fortification walls are made around it for protection in war times.


Before this bunch of idiots reached near the walls, defense preparations were already made, ready to slaughter these pigs.


when the mercenary army was close to the gates, a hail of arrows shot towards them,


"Shields up" the captain commanded from behind but his trembling voice reached all his underlings, but just as his trembling persona the soldiers were also taking a moment before raising the shields only deflecting few arrows while a bunch of soldiers were already down.


'IDIOTS' The captain cursed but he can't lower the already low morale.


"Return Fire!" the rest of the surviving archers fired flame-tipped arrows as he commanded, but whether or not it took lives are unknown.


like this few more salvo of arrows exchanged only yielding more injured on his side and two dozen dead.


No one under him is now greedy as they were when first marched with him, as death is imminent.


Suddenly it started raining heavily.


Just before their formation crumbled, the gates started opening which put a smile on the captain's face, as per the informant they must have dealt with more than half of the garrison, some of the traitors within the walls should be the ones who have opened the gates, "Prepare for storming in, for this would be your last night you would be ever fighting!" the leader gave this speech to give one last push to conquer the mansion.


But their dreams were crushed the moment they saw what was behind those Gates.


A small squad of cavalry is waiting for them but most of the attention went towards the knight leading them.


'What the fuck, didn't the informant said they hired us since they don't have reserves or additional troops?' captain visibly paled and was the first one running away.


The knight charged with his group on crumbling formation, as at this point no one fought back as their leader betrayed they all started running in all directions just to keep their pathetic lives, there is no time to regret their decision or curse the captain as they pushed their best to run away from the slaughter.


From the ramparts the lord looked at the scrambling cowards regretting wasting his money on them, "Kill all those bastards, don't leave anyone to escape!" without regarding the pouring rain the lord shouted to his reserve infantry as he no longer cared for keeping them as hidden card, only after killing those pests to the last person would he be satisfied.








Another punch landed on his face, the warm blood started running down on his nose.


*Thunder Roars* *Raining Sounds*


'that shady bastard! he made me fight the whole thing and now I lost everything' the captain fumed as he grabbed the girl.


"Stop! Peter Help! Somebody..." Diora cried while her words fell on deaf ears on this back alley streets.


They decided to take shelter at the wrong alley when a battle occurred near the lord's place and that's how they ended up here.


Now, these douchebags are plundering small shops and houses nearby, They are now beating him while Diora was stripped forcefully.


"Shut the fuck up Bitch" The Leader grunt slapped her making her unconscious.


At this time the boy's cries and pleads disappeared, now his eyes were filled with only one thing 'To kill'.


While the boy stopped his whimpering, the leader pulled down his pants preparing himself for something else.


The sidekicks stopped hitting him as they are distracted as to what going to happen and eager for their turns.


"What the Fuck?!" "AAAh!" those two guys who were restraining the boy finally noticed the change are now scared and jumped away from him due to his transformation.


With a speed they couldn't have imagined, he took a sharp wooden piece from the ground swiftly slashing one of his restrainer's throat while jumped on other and pierced his windpipe clutching his neck who spewed blood from nose and mouth instead of air while few wooden splinters stuck on his skin.


The leader of the grunts was petrified for a moment with his thing slumped down which was hard a second ago.


Before he snapped back the boy kicked the wooden fragment into his chest, while the wood finally did break it was still inside the leader's chest. The leader dropped his Knife in order to clutch his chest, the man stumbled back and fell,


The boy caught the Knife that the leader dropped, "No wait" now raising one hand to protect himself but ignoring his words he started swinging the knife blindly, leaving deep cuts on the man's hands, stomach, and forehead, and leaving him to his own devices as the slow death would catch up to him.


Disregarding his burning muscles, he went to check on Diora and tried to wake her up.


"Diora are you okay?" he put her dress back on her, slowly opening her eyes she stared at him "..." her eyes widened before started screaming at him a few times before Running away from him.




The boy watching his friend run away from him like she had seen a ghost lost the strength in his legs and knelt down on the puddle.


The lightning flashed enough for him to see his reflection on the puddle.


A person with ghost-white skin and pink hair, something completely out of his original face,


he looked back at the corpses let out a small sigh, before his grip on the knife loosened, he tightened it back and started laughing maniacally.




This Revolt wasn't an Isolated Incident, as many places across the Kingdom faced small mutinies and only a few succeeded.


All for the same goal, influence and weaken the kingdom even before the news of the king's death spread across the kingdom so that foreign kingdoms to take a slice from the fat profits of toll income.


This revolt maybe one of the failures but it gave birth to someone who would change the kingdom's history for upcoming decades.







- Many Years later that incident


In the dead of night near river 'Amity', where only a few torches and windows light flickered from a stone structure.


This fort is surrounded by a moat from Amity through the canal.


Within the core keep region lies a room, this deluxe chamber has the most luxurious items in the entire Fort.


At the corner of the room within the shadows was a person doing something.


*Bear like Snoring sounds*


Despite the ominous snore sounds, he focussed on filling his sack with valuables.


After gathering most of the treasure, he finally turned his attention to the bed in order to address the elephant in the room.


The origin of the aggressive bear-like snores coming from a pudgy pig-like man.


The sleeping fat pig was holding small girls in both his arms who were wide awake with bloodshot eyes due to the snoring.


Shadow made quick movements and immediately escaped through the window.


The snores stopped abruptly which made one of the girls look at the lord noticing a small line of blood near his neck.


Female screams echoed throughout the castle while he got rid of a guard's corpse as well and transformed into him through the commotion before leaving the Fort.


The Guard Captain came to assess the source of noise, "The Lord was killed! Nilo close the gates no one leaves the fortress" he shouted orders and by that time the culprit was long gone and his investigation yielded no results.




After years of practicing small theft and murder, that boi has now become a well-known assassin in the underworld of Marthen Kingdom, People shudder under his scary underground name "Sweat Peas", His reign has just started with opportunities from the chaos in the kingdom.






Within the Alcazor's study a young boy was Instructed by a butler while surrounded by Guard Knights, unlike his previous friendly smile has been replaced into that of mature demeanor.


After his Father's Demise drinking the so-called Elixir, The Knigdom was given to him quickly to avoid any pretenders claiming the Throne for themselves,


"Your Majesty, we have a withness" while the Knights frowned over the servant's attitude,


The boy is more interested in the details, "What does he know of?",


the servant replied, "he says he knows about King's Assassination".


Without further thought, he said"Bring him In" the boy jumped out of the chair eager to meet the withness,


"your Majesty please restrain your emotions, he can be an assassin as well" one of the Knights requested,


"Aren't you protecting me already or are you protecting the assassin who poisoned my father?" the boy shot an annoying look at this Knight, even if he's a kid they cannot force everything especially when he questions their loyalty towards the crown.


By the time Servant Messi brought in a person with him, the old man with commoner dress, the nervous old man was dragged and stopped in front of the boy,


"Speak Now" the boy ordered,


"Your high-" "Its majesty, you are speaking with the king, you peasant" the servant kicked the bowing old man,


"Your Majesty, I-I was the one who made the poison" everyone caught off-guard by his direct claim,


"..." the king went silent, "what? then why are you telling this now?" one of the knights gave skeptical look before asking,


"because they have my grandchild she's just a wee girl, I didn't know what else to do?" he said it desperately,


"Why are you saying this now?" the king asked,


"Forgive me I don't have a choice" as he said that he immediately bolted shoving the servant away taking out the hidden dagger towards the young king.


"Protect the king" Butler shouted.


That was the last thing he saw before blood sprayed while few guards blamed their incompetence to protect the king.


The one who stopped the Assassin Oldman was the Great Knight, this is the power of Great Knight, turning normal people into mush with a wave of their hands,


Looking this Messi stood up, after surprisingly being shoved by an old man with inhuman strength he hit his head near the wall now some of his forehead skin torn away making his face a bloody mess,


"Please punish this incapable servant for risking king's life" he pleaded while kneeling.


Oldman who tried to kill the young king was long turned into a bloody puddle, even his knives turned into metal scraps and bits, no one saw exactly what happened as it was too fast except knowing that the assassin is dead.


The Great knight now standing before the king with a frozen posture finally moved now slowly walking towards the said servant who caused this problem.


"No stop!" just when he was about to chop off his head he was stopped, the knight turned towards the king "Your majesty?".


"It is my fault for disregarding my safety, I'll forgive him since he was just tried to help us, Messi! go visit the Royal healer".


"Thank you, your majesty, I'll work to my bones to pay back your kindness," he said before leaving in a clumsy way showing that he certainly hit his head.


Few moments after Messi left, he returned again with an unhurt face as if nothing ever happened along with a knight in tow, "Your majesty What happened here?" the servant Messi asked with a shocked face.


The knights were already suspicious of how fast his injury is recovered but now looking at his expression they were sure that something is wrong.


Other knights protecting the king also unsheathed the sword but towards Messi and the knight who came along.


"Wait what do you mean 'what happened' and how did you heal so fast?" the Young King questioned Messi.


"Heal? I'm sorry majesty, I don't understand what you are talking about" the servant replied with a small frown.


"Don't lie to me, you just left now" the king yelled, "what?... I arrived just now..." in response the servant replied with a shocked face.


"Your highness, I was with him the whole day making sure that he doesn't act suspiciously," the Knight who came with him said and now turned towards the butler near the study table who was instructing the king at the start,


"Alfred didn't we just now met in the hallways? how did you get here?" the knight who came with Messi enquired while unsheathing his sword.


"What? I never left his majesty's side all day" now it's this butler's turn to be shocked as he defended himself.


"What the hell is happening now?" the King roared with the top of his voice clutching his head with all the contradicting information.


One of the knights who was silent the whole time stepped front and spoke "I think I know what happened".


Everyone's eyes in the study focussed on him.


- (Explanation)


The first Messi who brought the Oldman was none other than the famous underground Assassin, in the guise of the Royal servant, and the oldman he brought was testing subject to attempt killing the King and testing the Great Knight's abilities as the Assassin never seen one in action,


After his experiment failed, he silently escaped the place with the guise of Butler as he came across real Messi,


The real Messi arrived moments later created a confusion among them, but resolved by one of the wise Great Knight,






*Water drops*


Inside an abandoned Silvermine which is now the central hub for illegal businesses and shady people.


"What are you guys doing? didn't you guys agreed to not involve yourselves?" a well-dressed chubby person shouted slamming the stone table.


"That was eight years ago, many things changed and you can't even get a third of the kingdom, giving the boy enough time to catch all the reins, that's why we decided to do this ourselves," a figure within shadow said condescendingly with one of his hands spread out.


"Since you went back on your words you won't get your share" the chubby person left the stone chair.


the shadow person turned his attention on the third person who was gorging the snacks and fruits on the table especially for him.


A Vagrant grabbing food with his filthy hands, licking and sucking his fingers, and using the same hands to touch other dishes.


"I hear you offer your esteemed services, but it seems you are incapable of taking care of the boy(Young King)," he said with a sly smile while sipping on the chalice that he was hiding within the shadows.


"We probed and realized that It's not possible for us, besides why don't you guys let your crusaders go wild, Bishop" the vagrant narrowed his eyes, stopped his disgusting acts.


the person came out of shadow showing a middle-aged man with baby cheeks and a gentle smile wearing silver ornated black and white robe, Bishop Torgo showing off his golden chalice.


"Isn't there some divine or something law preventing not to increase the borders of Holy kingdom?" the vagrant asked while probing his nose.


"It is but it doesn't prohibit having vassals or tributaries" the bishop replied as a matter of factly.


"Back to business, so Who's our lucky person that bishop wants dead so badly?" vagrant beggar asked excitedly.


"Xander" the beggar stopped his excitement and narrowed his eyes on the bishop as he tried to speculate his answer.


"Oh Bishop jests, how could it be your best friend, wait did he slept with your favorite nun?" The beggar recovered quickly from the initial shock and asked jokingly.


"That's none of your business, just do it when he's in the campaign" the bishop replied with a serious voice with his face unchanged.


"So you want him dead in the middle of Sermon with people watching?" The Vagrant man asked skeptically making sure that he heard the customer right.


"That's Correct, it should be nasty making people angry towards the Crown, Give them the impression that the existing Crown breeds and instill need for change, They should Riot willingly!" he gave details.


"Sure we can even make it look like demonic but, Then the agreed payment will become tenfold" the beggar slowed while saying the last part.


Archbishop raised his hand showing two fingers to lower the bargain, "Tenfold or you'll lose your footing at an important time, Don't take me for a fool, I know how much you'll gain after that" the beggar said in snobby way.


The silent Guard with Great helm about to teach the beggar a Lesson but stopped by the bishop.


"You do know that one could raise a decent army with such a sum?" bishop's almost frowned saying that.


"We also know that such decent army won't yield your desired effect as well" the Vagrant replied before reaching for a grape which was in at Bishop's side putting it in his mouth, The bishop made a mental note to never eat at this place.


"Fine, then We'll take as negotiations concluded" not wanting to spend any more minute with this smelly beggar he left with his great helmed guards in tow.








On the destined day, A huge Campaign is going on by a Bishop, his name is Xander, the man has a Angerlic grandfather aura with him, attracting all Believers, But this popularity makes other Bishops jealous of him,


Whilst the middle of the sermon "... this follower shall execute the duties for the almighty, even if demons came back from netherworld I shall face them without fear-" the oldman claimed with his hands high and crowd cheering,


the lectern burst open making the wooden planks and bits fly apart, the person speaking almost tripped back but his two acolytes caught him in time while guards with great helm stepped in front.


Everyone stopped breathing for a moment, their attention focussed on the person standing on now broken Lectern.


Pale-skinned man with a spiky unknown animal skin as his pink hair fluttered with a wide grin on his face showing sharp canine teeth he said "Did someone summoned me?".


"De-Demon!" "God save us" "God save me" as the crowd thrown into a frenzy running away from the hellspawn, the owner of sharp canines turned towards the man who was speaking all the time and said, "found you".


"AAAAAAAA!" *Farts* with the most feminine screeching scream and shitting sound the bishop frantically waved his hands trying to fly away from the devil as he lost all his sanity, but suddenly stopped as something hit his chest, as he lowered his head realized it was a dagger stabbed his chest at a perfect angle where the skull engraved in the pommel looked straight at him, he fell on the same spot on his stinking shit with a horror-struck face as his acolytes left him behind in the face of the devil.


Before anyone could notice the Demon vanished away.









*Unceasing Laughing* *Slamming Bench* "that was the most fun I had in years," the merchant said while wiping his tears.


"Bryan ho.. how did you get a demon to kill him?" the beggar asked with a fearful look against his usual goofy attitude, "Just some face paint and hair dye and also beast teeth, that's all one need to scare the stupid idiots, if that's why you called me then that's it, you go get the rest of payment," the merchant said with a sarcastic smile. but he is no merchant, he is the man who keeps changing faces and causing a mess in this Kingdom, the one who recently killed one of the high Church member, Bishop Xander,


"... That's also a problem, the payment guy and other related parties are killed by crusaders, the whole den is ablaze and I'm here to tell you that I'm no longer want to deal with you, they seem to believe the whole demon rumor, they believe it is true," he said after pausing for a moment to take in his explanation.


"I'll deal with the rest then" the merchant walked away while taking note of how many people are following him.







"Bishop Torgo the beggar lead us to the said merchant but he escaped our tail once he blended the crowd" the Great helmed guard reported.


"Just go and find every single merchant who fits his description! now get out of my sight!" the baby cheeked bishop shouted furiously at the Guard.


The bishop returned to his chambers with same anger, A nun who was cleaning his room realized his entry and said "Bishop Torgo please wait I'll take my leave immediately" but disregarding the nun's words he locked the door.


He got close to her and held her chin moving it left to right checking her face and said "You'll do for today" she was shocked for a moment as she knows what higher positioned men would do to nuns, men use them and abuse them are the ones who always hold power where women serving as nuns would do all the chores to their bones like slaves including this, she had no other choice but to accept it.


With an imperious smile, the bishop reached his hands towards her chest and started squeezing them before going down to her crotch and caressed that spot, the nun shuddered visibly with head lowered but soon the bishop's eyes widened, "So big wait, What the..?" he stepped back while the nun raised her head with a wide grin started talking in a male voice "Oh that? It's called a dick, Seven Inch length, do you like'em bigger Bishop?, but sorry to disappoint you, I'm only interested in ladies" she winked at the end as her irises turned from black to red.


"Gua!?-hmmph hmmph" before the bishop tried to scream, she shoved the cleaning cloth in his mouth, she closed in with a sensual look near the bishop's ears and said "listen you fat fuck, if you try to scream or do something funny, I'll bring your friend back from dead and make him confess that you made deal with the devil and after that, you'll be burned alive in a cross by your own church, you don't want that right?" bishop's pupils contracted at first he thought for a moment before he nodded "Good boi now do as I say" she ordered with wolfy grin.


"Let's start with simple things" she looked around and took the mob at the corner, "now shove this up to your ass yourself" she instructed him as she shoved in his hand "Hmmph?" he shook his head, "if you don't do it yourself I'll go rough on you, besides I'm barely getting started" she threatened with a vicious smile, bishop shuddered but complied like a girl being forced.






*Metals clinking sounds*


A small cave that is filled with tonnes and tonnes of boxes at sides and floor is flooded with literal gold coins.


A bard is sitting on one of the boxes while lazily kicking the coins filled floor like a lake surface. But he is no Bard, the infamous Assassin himself,


This is the Assassin's secret treasury.


He was actually brooding, not because of accidentally killing the bishop whilst torturing him or the itch from wearing silk underpants that he stole, no.


The reason is because of the map he was holding, the commotion is over or the so-called 'Civil War' was over, the east side is ruled by Viscount Eugeine, a puppet lord bought by the combined force of foreign kingdoms, central is ruled by a legitimate king supported by loyalists plus twelve Great Knights and finally for the west part up to the mountain pass is ruled by some minor noble supported By Bishop Vincent, ever since he killed both bishops also looting their assets, the church used the demon purging excuse to send their crusaders and one of the important bishops to 'pacify' the kingdom. and now the whole kingdom is back to 'peaceful' again, and I'm jobless,


Since 'The Marthen Assassin" is the most wanted criminal.


All Assassins are being hunted down thinking that he is the one,


He tried for job opportunities in neighboring kingdoms, so far only deal he got is from a crazy hot buxom to kidnap an infant princess,

But his thought process was like this "first of all I'm an Assassin, not a kidnapper, I drop bodies and not carry them, second royalties are usually protected by Great Knights that's close to impossible and thirdly I'm in no way gonna kidnap a literal infant princess that is against my morals and besides If I knew how to kidnap royalties I would have already been in that business line, why do I need to share it with you hot-sexy-cunt?" That was his response at that time.


He looked at the surrounding treasures, not knowing what to do, "Okay this is too much, I need to scatter them instead of keeping everything at the same spot." he shook off his gloomy atmosphere and started working.







- At a faraway Kingdom, away from the hostile forces searching for the Assassin,



He finally got a Job, But it is odd this time, it is some Marquis who wants him to kill anyone who tries to court his daughter, It seems she has a bit of an unusual hobby.


"Oi Samantha~"

"Boo" with a boring face the Assassin scared the gigolo who was climbing on the windows to meet the Marquis's Daughter, "Aaah!" he screamed while he fell off the building, the Gigolo's body is in a state of what happens to a pumpkin when it falls down,


'Shit that's messy but totally worth it' that was what he thought watching his foolish prey die pathethicaly is his Hobby and afterall that's also the reason he's an Assassin in the first place. 


"poof! ahaha! what a Loser" covering his face I laughed it off, that's when he felt that someone was standing behind him, 'crap' he thought before suddenly transforming into the Gigolo and turned back.


"Do you seriously want me to drag your Ass from all the way to my room? hurry up and follow me" it was Marquess's Daughter. A Busty woman with long flowing black hair and big blue eyes and an attractive face,


'this is one hot chick, wait what am I thinking' he realized that I transformed into the guy he killed instead of a house servant.


Before he could reply however, she grabbed him by his hand, dragging me to her room, 'move! move you dumbass' he screamed inside but petrified on the outside, infront of a seductive beauty his body refused to cooperate with him.


- The next morning


Never have I ever feel this dead tired before, slowly pushing myself out of bed, I recounted on what happened last night, "I Fucked Up, Literally" grabbing his head the Assassin said blankly to no one in particular.


'Why am I getting nervous it's not like she would get pregnant after just one time Right? Right?' he tried to be optimistic as he left the room before she woke up.


- After two months


His Job period was about to end, everything went smoothly as it should be.




He who heard this just a day before getting my payment, "Well fuck it".


Before he could process everything, He became a Father carrying his infant Daughter and running away from his Father-in-Law(Marquis).


He settled on some shitty border town Barony and got a Butler job from the Fat Lord, By telling him that his lord died in Marthen Civil War and they actually believed that shit, again before he could understand how to work properly they made me 'The Head Butler' which only increased my workload.


Everything was perfect, He had something to keep him occupied and a lovely daughter back home who cheers him up every time.


But that Perfection was broken after he was born, Aymar D'kman, He ruined everything, first his daughter started talking about him, sneaked out during the nights, and Finally he did the most forbidden thing, Chelecsia started talking back at him like he was her enemy or something 'What the Fuck?'.


After watching his Daughter accepting that brat's proposal he sighed, 'Maybe this is what it must have felt to the Marquess as well'.


'Still, I won't hand him my Lifetime savings to that brat as Dowry', He pouted as a habit infected to him from Sia.


(The Bactstory of Valter)








In short this Chapter is about Valter, what was he doing before becoming a Head Butler,


The appearance of Marquess's Daughter : She looks like Angela White


Explanation to the Narration (Previously I did a bad explanation, so this should help for better understanding if you didn't understand this Chapter's continuous switching of Scenes)


This Chapter has a constant switch between Marthen Kingdom's History and Valter's Past, The Explanations will be part by part, Throughout this Chapter Valter takes many forms and names, they will be explained in last,


1st Part :

Marthen Kings's last moments before he willingly drinks poison from the church given by his very own son,


2nd Part :

Valter's childhood


3rd part :

The Revolt led by the greedy Leader was failed, so he escapes,


4th part :

Escaped Leader catches Valter and his childhood crush, but as he was about to rape her, Valter's racial traits awakens,

(As a Shapeshifter, he is not a strong person physically, but their built being more slender than elves makes them faster than any other race),

Transforming into his True Form and taking advantage of the surprise, he kills his foes but his crush runs away fearing him,


5th Part :

Valter grows  upto be a Thief and Assassin, as it is shown here, he stole the fat guy before killing him silently,


6th Part :

After Marthen King's Death, his son leads the kingdom, similar to batman he has a Butler and a Dozen of Great Knights at his side,

(During this time, Valter disguises as Young King's trusted servant 'Messi' and leads an old man who is forced to try assassinate the king, The main purpose of his action is to measure the strength of Great Knight),

Eventually, the Oldman turns into Tomato ketchup from the show of strength by one of the Great Knights, during his attempt to claim the king's life,

Later at the end Real Messi enters the hall making everyone confused, but one Knight realizes what had transpired,


7th Part :

One of the Bishops hires Valter to kill his rival Bishop,


8th Part : 

Valter exposes his true form in public and kills the Bishop as per the Contract,


9th part :

(The bishop who asked for Valter to kill other bishop is afraid that Valter might actually be a Demon so he sends his henchmen to catch him)

Valter's Middleman in this part explains what happened, so Valter makes a quick escape,


10th part :

Valter confronts the Bishop in his own room, makes him cough up about the whereabouts of his wealth, and kills him cruelly,


11th Part :

Valter is in a secret place where he stored all the wealth that he amassed from Assassin contracts and is worried that the Kingdom becoming peaceful,


Last part :

Valter works for a small contract, killing off Gigolos but gets tangled with Noble Lady that he's supposed to protect and flees for the Bordertown barony with his infanr daughter,

The narration ends in the present where he confronts his Daughter being proposed by a Brat(Aymar).



Valter's Names/Guises he takes in this Chapter:

1.Peter - the kid shown at beginning, Valter's first name,

2.Sweet peas - Underworld name - Sweet Peas, it is a poisonous flower and is pink in color similar to his hair.

3.Messi (servant) - Valter first disguises as Messi bringing the oldman to test the Great Knight's capability and escapes after which real Messi enters the study,

4.Demon/Devil - True form with which he assassinates the Bishop.

5.Merchant - Form he uses to meet his agent in the assassination business.

6. Nun (cleaner) - Valter wears a Tits pad stolen from one of the noble houses from his previous missions since he can't grow a pair with his power.

7. Bard - brooding in his treasure cave 

8.The Gigolo - the handsome guy's form with which he lost his virginity.