Chapter – 10
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After calming the twins I checked their status and they are almost to level 7, when I level up I always get my condition gets refreshed. Wonder if they would wake up if they level up.... I took them and wrap them with my cloak on my back, then I tied the other end on my belt. Just need to kill some more green fuckers and hopefully they will wake up. 

For some reason I feel a little tired but that will also get fixed after a level up, they required more experience than me to level up, they are probably of a better species than me, even if we have similar strength ratings, though with all my experience buffs, I might out evolve them sooner or later. Can't wait to see how they develope, will they be more furry or more human like.

Wonder how long will they sleep for, they only drained their mana reserves, in rpgs usually you are fine, just you can't use spells or skills that require mana... I'm getting really worried about them... their breathing has slown down quite a bit... I need to hurry.

I started sprinting forth with one hand on the knot I tied on my belt and the other on Masamune, need to be carefull though, I don't want to bounce to much for fear of breaking their bones and making thing worse.

My first target soon arrives infront of me... more orc and hob goblings, they are better suited than those of the higher floors, the orc is gruntling at the other two hob goblins, they are also moving quite weirdly but it doesn't matter to me.

I drew Masamune and my skills went off with a red aura spreading fear around me. They still haven't turn to me, my slash went through the neck of the orc, then I saw why it felt like they were moving weirdly... everyone was in slow motion... what is going on, the head is still in the air doing flips with a trail of blood slowly following it and the hobs finally noticed that something was off and move their hands to their weapons but it was too late. I cleaved both of them with a horizontal slash, cutting cleanly through their armor and bodies like they were the weaklings I knew they were.

Blood starting flowing but I already went for my next targets, leaving the three greenies falling behind. I got a level but the twins got none... they got exp though but not as much as when they also participate in the fight. Guess power leveling subordinates is gonna be rather hard in the future, like would I have to let them do my dirty work like those maffia goons... that be boring I guess.

After what felt like an eternity of killing green stuff and ugly insects the twins finally starting moving. Checking our status, they did level up and I'm level 18... really... they need 8 more levels to evolve but I only need to level twice. Not that it matters, though maybe they just need it to sleep and with the time being slow it felt like forever... how did the time change... 

Asmo-chan said that I would be able to manipulate time some what because I was a named monster, and apparently of someone powerful named a monster they develope in a unique way. She is also one of the seven original monsters to roam this world, so being named by someone like that might have it's merits. Wonder what will happen if I named a random monster though... I'll try that later once I'm super strong.

I sprinted to the next safe zone next to the stair to go down to floor 25... Don't know long has it being since I entered floor 20 but I am moving downwards. On floor 25 there were some rooms, this time there were walls and doors. The floor is still stone like the previous safe rooms but now there were no imperfections on the stone floor, no cracks or misplaced pebbles.

I entered one of the rooms and lay both twins on one of the beds. An sat next to them and while they were waking I felt that their hearts were beating faster and faster, until they were back to normal and they both stretch their back and arms, their new staves turn into light particles and were absorbed into their bodies.

"Morning Toki." Porom said while rubbing her eyes while Palom was yawning so hard that I could see all of his bright white teeth. 'Morning? I don't know if it is morning but... please don't leave me alone again.' I replied a little dejectedly and hugged them both.

I felt they were patting my back, but I just need to reasure myself that they were alive. After a moment of silence Palom said, "But we were only out for like five minutes. It happens everytime our mana runs out." I let go of them and look at them... 'What?! I had to clear the whole floor just so you guys could wake up, I killed like 15 monsters and reached the next safe room. You are telling me that it all happened in less than five minutes? You guys were even crying while you slept, making you guys level up was my only solution since I don't have any healing skills so I carried you guys on my back while venting my anger on the green stuff....'

I felt they hugged me making me cry a little, I'm glad it was me just being paranoic and that they are safe. "Maybe since we are a lot stronger now we might take a bit more than five minutes..." Palom said a bit dejectedly.

I feel so sleepy, now that they are ok... just five minutes...


And she fell asleep... guess she really was worried. Porom helped me put Toki on the bed, most of her armor and weapons turned into particles and now she is on her leather bikini. This beds are actually really confortable and after tucking her in Porom showed me a white and red staff. 

"Palom look I have another spiritual gear, another B-rank one too... the Phoenix Staff, such an overbearing name, it reduces spell cost and damage recieved by half and it can resurect party member that died between the hour once a month... That is op and this is only a B-rank weapon imagine how broken the higher ranks are..." She was hyperventilating while staring at her new staff.

I looked at her staff and sure enough after a small flash of light, a shorter black and gold wand appeared in my hand.... wha... when did.. I look at Porom she looks a bit sad for some reason. "I think we have to tell Toki about this, she bassically handed four B-rank Spiritual gears that are basically Ancient relics. This is the Eidolon's Wrath... a wand that can be used to summon a random Eidolon servant to fight by my side once a month, it also increases casting speed and Elemental Damage done by my spells. I can see entire kingdoms armies mobilized just to retrieve this weapons." I said to Porom with a bit of cold sweat running down my back.... 

That is a story for later after Toki is up, maybe we shouldn't use the staves in front of humans or other sentients to prevent their greed from doing the talking, but I'm really tired now, even if I slept a bit... our nightmares are getting worst though so sleeping isn't really that appealing... it is a bit weird but... when Toki came to our lives... Sleeping has been a bit more enjoyable... not only because of the sex but also the memories of how the humans destroyed Misidia just because they couldn't have our magicks... if only dad were here he would've pushed the human armies back... were did you dissapeared to...