Chapter 23
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In his almost 60 years of living, Zhou RenShu had died twice. Both times felt like an odd dream. His mind wandered through the different stages of his life. The faces of his parents were blurred since he had been too young to recognize them as a mother and father. The multitude of children that surrounded him everyday at the orphanage for demons were also blurred. Everyday, children would be brought in or adopted, on the odd occasion some would die.


It wasn’t until Zohu RenShu got older that the faces started to differentiate from each other, various features standing out while some faded into the background. Wu Yun appeared, a memory Li Qing had brought forward was watched again. A small sense of anxiety and fear crept up his spine as the person murdered snake after snake.


More faces passed, the old coworkers and bosses that would humiliate and torment him stood out among the crowd, their bodies becoming larger and larger until they towered over the small petrified body of Zhou RenShu, their horrid words screamed inside Zhou RenShu’s head until it felt like exploding. Even though Zhou RenShu ran with all the power in his skeletal legs the voices continued to surround him. 


Zhou RenShu ran and ran until the dark scenery around him changed, warm bright lights shone in the distance, the further he ran the quieter the space became, Zhou RenShu transformed into a moon white snake and slithered as if his life depended on it, with the last of the voices fading away, Zhou RenShu dove into the warm light. His body fell from a great height.


His vision blurred as loud hisses came from his mouth. Zhou RenShu thought he would fall forever until his body landed on a bed of soft flowers, the pollen the bees had yet to take, floated in the warm air, falling down like droplets of sunlight. His body mixed with the scent of the colourful flowers, his pale white scales absorbing the falling pollen changing his body into a warm pale yellow. Only once the wild flowers surrounding his small body had lost their beautiful scent, did Zhou RenShu change back into his human body.


The field of flowers danced along the warm breeze while the trees swayed rhythmically. Zhou RenShu stood up, his naked body taking the heat from the large sun. The river sounded further away than he remembered as if it had carved a new road for itself. While his pale body was turning pink with warmth, multiple figures walked out of the tree lining.


A circle of Liu Yong’s surrounded Zhou RenShu, each figure wearing a different face. Cold, anger, annoyance, disgust, happiness, lust, crazed, ominous and more. They all surrounded Zhou RenShu. His body trembled as the sky darkened for the first time, the sun hiding behind a thick layer of clouds. The group of Liu Yong’s stepped closer, one figure disappearing, with another step another figure would fade. Zhou RenShu crouched down as his breath caught in his throat.


He knew every detail about Liu Yong, these faces he had all seen. Another step closer. Zhou RenShu shook his head as the faces blurred into the one of disgust then anger before finally there were only two left. Zhou RenShu looked up and to his left, Liu Yong stared down at him with a stone face, his lips set in a flat line while his eyes were cold, it was as if winter was held in his one gaze.


To his right, another Liu Yong stared down at him. A cold smirk sat smugly but his eyes weren’t playful or cold. Liu Yong looked at Zhou RenShu as if he wanted to monopolise him, images of endless days and nights spent in bed with this man tearing at his skin flitted across Zhou RenShu’s eyes, drawing tears. The sound of his broken sobs and tired pleads rang through his ears, even when he tried to use his hands to muffle the sound, his terrified voice was still heard.


The man staring down at him laughed, the sound making Zhou RenShu back away. He tried to stand to run away but his legs felt weak. The same weakness felt in those images running through his body. Zhou RenShu crawled away from the two men, the sound of the far away river fading. He didn’t want this man, he didn’t want the endless pain and suffering. In a panic Zhou RenShu kept trying to distance himself from the two men.


Both Liu Yong’s were beginning to fade until the cold faced man stepped forward, his expression didn’t change but it made Zhou RenShu stop. The other Liu Yong stepped forward as well, the sound of Zhou RenShu’s pained voice sounding loudly around the three men. Although the sound was deafening Zhou RenShu forced his eyes to stay locked on the cold faced Liu Yong. 


A scene of Liu Yong handing him a gift flitted across his eyes for a brief second before being replaced with more of the horrific things done to him by the same man. His body struggled but eventually he was able to stand, both Liu Yong’s took another step forward. The once warm summer breeze turned harsh as if biting at his skin.


Tears streamed down Zhou RenShu’s face but he didn’t cry out or sob like the vicious wailing surrounding him, with his weak legs he tried to walk forward, the wind almost pushing him further away. Zhou RenShu fell to the hard ground but he didn’t give up, his slender fingers dug into the black earth, with all his might he dragged his frail body forward. His arms and legs burned, begging for him to stop but he didn’t. 


As the two figures drew near, the ferocity of their surroundings grew, Zhou RenShu’s skin was red from the icy wind whipping over the soft flesh, his nails had all been left behind in the dark soil. With every crawl forward, blood from his hands would bury itself deep into the land, spouting more beautiful flowers. Liu Yong was almost within his reach. Zhou RenShu's face was saturated from the tears and his body was about to give up on him but he pushed through his pain and exhaustion. One more step, one more step.


Zhou RenShu willed his frail body to move forward, with one last palmful of dirt, Liu Yong was standing in front of him, his never ending cold eyes staring down at his tiny skeletal body. Zhou RenShu clung to Liu Yong’s clothes as he pulled his body up. The man never moved. Zhou RenShu’s weak body leaned against Liu Yong, his lungs burning as he gasped for air.


“Liu Yong….I trust you. Please, I’m scared.” Zhou RenShu’s voice was drowned out by the loud wailing and bitter wind. The other Liu Yong lunged at the small boy with intent of harming him, a deadly roar erupting from the open mouth. Zhou RenShu shut his eyes as he clung to the cold man. The loud surroundings caused his head to spin. When it felt as if Zhou RenShu was about to collapse from exhaustion, warm large arms wrapped around his frail body.


Warm water flooded the field as the sound of the river moved closer, drowning out the horrific wails and roars. Zhou RenShu put all his faith in the man holding him while the water engulfed both of their bodies. Rushing water thundered over their heads like a waterfall and their bodies faded in the dark abyss at the bottom of the river. The warmth spread from Liu Yong’s body into Zhou RenShu’s. Healing his thin body and stopping further pain from being felt.


The pressure from the weight of the water grew and grew until the two men couldn’t bear anymore. Their bodies still clung to one another as their bones and tissue compact together, the flesh held by their skin floated away with the current. The white bones were squeezed and pressed down more until finally, two stones rolled along the river bed. They bumped and collided with soft movements. The water carrying the small stones on a journey through multiple life times. Both, past and future


_ _ _ _ _ _


Everything was warm. The bedding, the room and the air. Liu Yong listened as the sound of rubber soles collided with the hard hospital floor, the soft whirs of various machines in the hundreds of rooms inside the building and the quiet breaths of the small boy laying in the hospital bed beside him. 


Zhou RenShu had been in a coma for almost three months. The worst of winter was passing and soon spring would be arriving. Liu Yong’s body had fully healed after multiple donations of cultivation from various coworkers, some more willing than others. Although his body was well, he hadn’t stepped a single foot out of the hospital in three months. The bed he was laying on was identical to Zhou RenShu’s. 


Every morning he would go to the gym inside the hospital, this gym had been designed for physio but Liu Yong used it as he wished to keep his strength and cultivation high, after his workout he would shower then return to Zhou RenShu’s suite. With a bowl full of warm water and a soft sponge, Liu Yong would gently wipe away the non existent dirt and grime from Zhou RenShu’s body. Before the water could cool, a warm towel would wipe away the excess moisture.


Once both men were clean, it was breakfast time. A private nurse would come in at the same time everyday and change Zhou RenShu’s IVs while Liu Yong would eat his breakfast. Once the meal was eaten, Liu Yong would describe the dream he had in full detail. Whether it was the smell of their new bedding or the soft colour of the small flowers in their field, every detail would be voiced. After the description of the dream, Liu Yong would read aloud.


Books of all kinds were stacked on the small shelf. Poetry, romance, childrens. Liu Yong had read them all. He had even bought a pen and notebook, everyday he would hold Zhou RenShu’s small hand in his own, their hands would write out words and numbers, Liu Yong wrote both of their names cleanly as well. Lines of Zhou RenShu and Liu Yong filled the large pages. When that became mundane, Liu Yong would write out the combination of their names. Page after page showed the same two words. Liu RenShu.


Although everyday was the same routine, Liu Yong didn’t mind. He would repeat these small tasks everyday until the small boy laying asleep opened his eyes. 


Before bed Liu Yong adjusted the robe laying loosely on Zhou RenShu’s fragile body, the necklace still hanging around the slender neck, emitting the same warmth it always had. Liu Yong had started wearing his own too. When Officer Yu was packing a bag for Liu Yong, he had been told to pack the necklace as well.


Liu Yong checked over the machines and needles inserted into Zhou RenShu before laying back into his own bed. The crescent moon cast little to no light into the large room. Liu Yong laid on his side whilst staring at the forever sleeping boy. “RenShu, I’ll continue waiting for you. Return to me when you can, I’ll be waiting.”


The room settled into a warm silence, as if his voice was carried on the cold winter breeze, Zhou RenShu’s soft whisper drifted into Liu Yong’s ears. “Liu Yong….I trust you.”


As if his feet were attached with wings, Liu Yong arrived at Zhou RenShu’s side. The boy’s eyes were still shut but small tears had leaked past the thin lid. The call button was pressed before Liu Yong delicately wiped the water away, his other hand holding Zhou RenShu’s. His thumb rubbed small circles over the cool skin. 


“Did something happen?” A late night nurse came in and checked over the machines. “He spoke.”


The nurse checked over everything again but she couldn’t find anything. Before she left she gave Liu Yong a reassuring smile before closing the door. Liu Yong trusted his ears, even if the vitals showed no sign of Zhou RenShu waking up, he knew the voice of his beloved. Liu Yong pulled the stiff hospital chair to the side of Zhou RenShu’s bed. He had spent the first month of Zhou RenShu’s coma like this until the hospital staff brought in a bed, forcing him to take a full night's rest.


Liu Yong continued to rub soothing circles over Zhou RenShu’s hand, in his mind he was willing the small boy in front of him to wake up. Even if it's only for a second. Please RenShu, open your eyes. The small moon passed through the sky slowly, Liu Yong’s tired eyes strained in the dark room as he continued to gaze at Zhou RenShu.


Liu Yong closed his tired eyes for a few seconds before forcing them open again, his eyes stung from the long night. To keep his mind awake he played with the cold stone hanging around his neck. The cold stone turned his calloused fingertips to ice but it didn’t matter since it kept him awake. When the cold became too much he warmed them using Zhou RenShu’s warm stone.


His finger traced over the small shape when he felt something in his other hand. Looking down, Liu Yong saw Zhou RenShu’s small hand clutching onto him, the pressure was small at first but as the minutes passed by the grip tightened. Zhou RenShu’s grip continued getting stronger until his nails dug into Liu Yong's hand. Liu Yong’s breath was stuck in his throat as he choked out his lover's name. “RenShu?”


As if waking up from a long dream, Zhou RenShu’s eyelids fluttered before opening. His gaze was unfocused as unfallen tears streamed down his cheeks. Liu Yong wiped the wet cheeks while his own became damp. Feeling the touch of another person, Zhou RenShu shifted his blurred eyes. When they finally landed on the man beside him, the sun was rising, casting a warm glow on the man he chose to trust. He forced his unused voice to call out, as if he wasn’t sure he had woken up. “L-Liu Yong?”


For the first time, Zhou RenShu saw the strong man that struggled to show his emotions breakdown with streams of tears. With a trembling body, Liu Yong leaned over the small boy, his forehead resting against Zhou RenShu’s hair covered forehead. “I thought I’d have to wait for all of eternity for you to return to me.”


Zhou RenShu’s body was weak but he forced his slender arms to rise and wrap around the sobbing man, every inch of his face was kissed with sincere love before the call button was pressed again. Liu Yong forced the rest of his tears back as the nurse came in, obvious shock written on her face. She quickly ran out of the room to find a doctor. Liu Yong rested his head back against Zhou RenShu’s. “I missed you.”


The sweet moment didn’t last though, when the nurse returned, multiple doctors were close behind. Liu Yong had no choice but sit in an empty room while Zhou RenShu was escorted to have various scans done on his body and brain. By the time the bed was wheeled back, both Zhou RenShu and Liu Yong were sleeping.


Zhou RenShu woke up after a few more hours of rest and he saw the slumped body of Liu Yong sitting beside his bed, he watched quietly as the man’s chest rose and fell with every breath. The usual tied back hair was unkempt and hanging loosely while dark circles stood out under the closed eyes. Zhou RenShu weakly shifted his arm that hadn’t been used in months, the muscle completely non-existent. 


Zhou RenShu grit his teeth as he reached over, once his hand was above Liu Yong’s he let it drop, the small contact was enough to wake the sleeping man as he jumped on his chair, wide awake. When he opened his eyes, Liu Yong saw Zhou RenShu smiling. “I missed you too.”