Ch 5. My young little Ganglord
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With the sudden appearance of my pets from my old life, my shock was at an all time high for this new life so I quickly sent them a mental message

Xin: 'How did you two find me? my former aura was obliterated when my sutra evolved. there was nothing for you to follow!'

Xiao ya started rapidly licking my face and nuzzling me

Xiao Ya: 'It must be love then, our love for master led us to the right people'

Xin: 'Where did you two even land on this earth?'

Yin Jin: 'OH, that reminds me master. we landed on the continent to the right of this one. we landed on this mountain with most of our power gone, we have been stuck at Beast General realm. But once we landed on the continent we found that the two major churches on this planet worshiped inferior beasts as gods. They confused me for a mere Yin Snake, the most base species... however they seemed to revere this type of trivial animal as a deity, I received top class treatment from them. Xiao Ya was worshiped as a... BWAHAHAHA

Xiao Ya got agitated at the unceasing mental laughter 

Xiao Ya: 'IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!'

Xin: 'What were you assumed to be?'

Xiao Ya: '... A glacial wolf pup'

Even I had to put on a bitter smile at that. a glacial wolf in our old universe was technically on the same level of power as a Yin snake however they had one key difference-


-That's right, a glacial wolf was known as the most cowardly of the spiritual wolves. a wolf once it achieved sentience would for some reason put all of it's pride in it's power and bravery along with its bloodline. the glacial wolf species however while being smart and cunning... was a coward, if it sensed an opponent stronger than itself it would immediately do anything in order to survive.

Xiao Ya was dejected when she no rebuttal to the incessant mocking. I gave her a pat on the face with what little motor skills I had as a one year old and sent her a message, although I had to keep up appearance with my family so I lowered myself to speak like a child

Xin: Cute Puppers! 'there there Xiao Ya, you must simply gain more power in order to evolve again and prove them wrong'

Xiao Ya was elated by my petting while Yin Jin bumped me with her head in jealousy, Yuechan, however surprisingly, also puffed her cheeks while poking me in jealousy. I looked at her and spoke

Xin: Sisi- Don't cry 

Yuechan: ...KYAAAAAA, Baby brother is too cute!!!

My father then saved me from being squeezed to death by Yuechan by pulling me from her grasp and holding me

Dad: YUECHAN! although darling Xin may be the most perfect being there's ever been... but you must not lose your honor as a member of the Yin clan. 

My father may be a goofball and obsessed parent... but he had moments where he had the dignity of a patriarch

Dad: Besides... *nuzzles* you have to nuzzle him gently, we can'r have him hurt right now

I take it back, he was a serious deviant with something wrong up there, but at least he was family. I looked to Xiao Ya and Jin Yin and decided to play my part in order to get them to stay

Xin: Papa... can we keep the puppy and snake?! pretty please?

My dad for all of his strength in this world was powerless to his emotions and immediately gave into my request

Dad: GOOD GOD, MY BABY BOY IS A GOD HIMSELF DESCENDED INTO HUMAN FOR HOW PERFECT HE IS! my baby boy is an animal lover?! I'll buy you as many animals as you want. I'll take the rest by force

While he did agree to let my old companions stay... he also made me break through to the Mortal ascension realm. luckily this was one of the longest realms to progress through that usually took hundreds of years to break through and could probably hold me for around 15 years at my current rate of receiving love and affection.

Dad: Oh yes, My darling boy you've learned the basics of business... now you must learn the ways of my world... the world of martial artists and the underground

Mom: Dear I must once again ask, is it really ok to be teaching our son about your gang? What if he gets nightmares?

Dad: My darling boy is far too strong for that. Besides, I would fight off any monsters that come his way

Before my mother could protest any further I was pulled away by father who flew me to a large fortress that appeared to be both above ground and underground 

Dad: This is our main base of operations little Xin. We do not engage in crime in a sense but we more regulate crime all over the world and collect various forms of payment. anything you say here these men will follow without question 

I happened to sense that a man was approaching us and he had a trace of a familiar essence... Mo Family

Xin: Papa, Who is that?

Dad: This right here is our chief financial officer, he moves our money when we need him too

CFO: That's right young master. Lord Silver Dragon, I have come to inform you that the Mo family survivors and the ancient clans raided one of our warehouses again... they were aided by the Sage of Wind and Thunder

My dad for the first time in a while looked visibly irritated 

Dad: That old bastard?! dammit, how does a ruined family have enough money to hire them in the first place?! and how did they find another warehouse?!

I was sure of it by this point, this man was a member of a branch of the Mo family who was secretly aiding his family. it would be hard to tell for anybody who wasn't at least a meng realization realm given that he had somehow managed to change his aura and his face had a faint essence around it that made you not look too closely into the face. he must be using a diversion artifact... but once it had been pointed out-

Xin: Papa, Scary.

Dad: Eh? What's scary?

Xin: He looks like that old scary man... Mo.

I saw this CFO tense up at my statement while my father looked closer now that the effect was dispelled

Dad: Mo Bin huh? He does look similar actually... care to explain?

CFO: L-Lord Silver Dragon, surely the words of a child aren't going to make you question m-

My father grabbed him by the throat

Dad: He's now "a child" he's my darling genius... my little ganglord

My father suddenly injected his essence into the CFO which caused him to burst out in flames, the CFO burned a pale silver until there were not even any ashes. Wait! I recognize that flame...

Xin: Purgatory Soul Flame?!