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            For the few that witnessed the death of Samuel Johnson, all saw, for a brief moment, just as his heart stopped and his consciousness left the broken body, a flash of the greenest green they would ever see. What none of them knew, not even the seemingly all-knowing Jennifer Lesnia, was that the flash was an occurrence that none had ever seen before nor would ever see again, in this world or any other.

            In that moment as the truck hit him, his soul was shaken so badly, that as his body died, it was ejected up through the atmosphere and into space. As this soul travelled through space it kept on accelerating until the boundaries of time and space began to bend and flex until the soul fell through the smallest of miniscule gaps.

            If, somehow, someone managed to watch as the soul of Samuel Johnson travelled at a greater and greater velocity through space, they may have noticed the trail of green that swept behind him. This green trail grew as his speed grew.

            What was the trail you ask? Well, the trail was a few things. First and foremost, it was some sort of power given to it by the planets, stars, systems and galaxies it passed. Secondly it was the power of sacrifice, something that happens too often but is never fully realised. Thirdly and finally, the part that made it all possible, it was a gift from something. Not some greater being, not from some god, but from the earth and the trees and the animals.

            Each separately would not have affected the soul like this. Without the way that the truck collided with the body this would not have happened. The amount of coincidence needed for this to occur would likely have literally and figuratively blown someone’s mind, had anybody actually witnessed it.

            When the barriers holding the universe finally allowed the soul to pass, bowing to its immense speed and power, the soul was ejected into a different space and time, a time and space adjacent but not parallel, interconnected but not perpendicular. Upon entering this new universe, which could have already existed or been created from the immense power of the soul, and slipping through the atmosphere of a seemingly random planet, the power now within the soul began to form a shape around itself.

            This process would have boggled anyone that witnessed it, had anyone in fact been capable of such a feat. The body created could have been the result of anything, the wants of the soul, the need of nature, the dreams of the stars or maybe just a lone girl’s desire for her new friend to not die. Perhaps none of these are the reason, perhaps all of them are, all that can really be said, with any certainty, was that the creation of Samuel Johnson’s new body had begun, signalling the start of a new, much more interesting journey for the freshly empowered soul.

So, I haven't touched this story in a while, and this makes me sad. To (hopefully) get me back into writing this I have decided to release the few chapters that I had already written over the next little bit.
