Chapter 13: The Fallen Kingdom… The Cry Baby Princess…
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Jhon with his family along wit Lorice run out the inn and heading to the carriage.

Jhon: What happened?

Lorice: I don't know the king just appeared out of nowhere an started to shoot fire balls everywhere, we need to get to the carriage before we die here.

Jhon saw the princess with the edge of his eyes, princess was looking at her father, her face was all pale, he couldn't move. The king saw her as he concentrate a large fire ball with rock inside.

King: Daughter? Welcome home... I thought you'll be going home tomorrow? Well here's a welcome home gift!

The king throw the huge fire ball at the princess.

Princess: Father...

Royal Knight: PRINCESS!!!

The knight blocked the fireball with his huge shield making huge burns in his body.

Royal Knight: Must not let the princess- get- hurt!

The knight carries the princess with his arms away form the village.

Jhon: Hey you! Follow me!

Jhon shouted at the Royal Knight saying to follow him.

King: Oh I will not let you go away!

The king concentrates a fireball but it was light blue, he throws it and the fireball was soaring like lightning, the fire hit and pierced through the Royal Knight's armor but it didn't hit the princess, the fire burst inside him making a huge hole, the knight fell but tries to stand.

Royal Knight: Princess... Please go!

Princess: No I will not let any of my people die!

Royal Knight: I've been fighting for this kingdom for may years more than you know! You're the only daughter and I will never let the last blood of this Kingdom's ruler die!

Jhon and Lorice pulled the princess to the carriage, they successfully get inside the carriage, one of the helpers of Lorice cast some sort of magic that makes the place shake.

Princess: No!

Lorice: That's no use princess, it's too late.

Princess: After the village of Melina... Now the other village.... Why father.

Jhon: Aliya how's the girls?

Aliya: They're all alright how about you?

Jhon: I'm fine... but where are you when we were asleep?

Jhon: I just guide the princess somewhere.

Aliya: Where?

Jhon: Shh! "The princess is upset right now, her friend in the village died."

Aliya: "Oh sorry."

Princess: Why father... Why did you do this?

The room stopped shaking.

Helper 1: Teleportation success, we got away from the village.

The little girl opened her eyes and fox jumped and sniffed her, the foxed licked her at the nose trying to wake her up completely.

Girl: Gmmnn... Momy?

Jela walk towards the girl as the girl tried to sit and lay her back on the wall, Jela hugged the girl.

Aliya: Jhon the girl was awake.

Lorice: Oh thank goodness you're okay.

Jhon: Do you feel any pain?

Girl: No.... Where are we?

Aliya: You fainted, we go away from the village.

Girl: The village... *Gasp!* The Village!

Jhon: I'm so sorry... I'm so late... I only found a fox.

The fox lift its ears and tail as if it was racing something, it sniffs and jump down the girl, the fox was heading towards the princess. It jumped to the princess's shoulder and started to lick her cheeks.

Princess looked at the fox, the fox tilt its head as they made an eye contact. The fox jumped onto the princess lap as she sits and the fox sleep to her lap, the princess remembered the fox, she remembered that she left the fox at the castle when she go away.

Jhon: Do you know that fox?

Princess: She's my pet the one that saves Melina during the cold winter, where did you find her?

Jhon: When I was scouting the burning village, I heard a growl inside the house that might be your fried's home, she was almost killed, i saved her in time and take her with me.

Princess: I think it's very hard for her to see the girl that she ever know as a owner more than me dies from the village she lived for a long time.

Jhon: But now a threat is coming, I don't know what to do?

Princess: I'm the last blood of my mother and father, I must be strong to survive, I need to face father and defeat him before the damage he cause gets worst. I'm going to be the next ruler so I need to be strong.

The princess stands but her legs are shaking.

Jhon: Ugh princess? Are you skaking?

The princess started to cry in a weird way, she was crying different from what Jhon saw back at the burned village. The fox jumped away from the princess as it was crying weird.

Princess: *Crying like baby* I can't fight such strong people like father! 

Jhon: What's going on?! Are you crying? (She's crying different than before?! What's going on?!)

Princess: Uwaaa!!!

The princess was crying in fear unlike when she arrived at the village she was crying in sadness, that's the main reason her face looks cold is  because she can't print her expression when she was scared, but now she's all accompanied by adult she was able to cry her feeling.

Lorice showed up but hide when the time he saw he princess was crying.

Lorice: Okay eve... Oh...

Jhon: Easy there princess, we're far now, we can defeat him if only we get stronger.

Princess: *Sniff* Do you think?

Jhon: Yes I'm sure! (I'm like calming a baby why did this happen?!)

Aliya: Then how about Jela's Kingdom?

Jhon: It's selfish to say but I think we need to help this princess first, Jela is now ours, we can't let them have her the same as this little girl too, we will do our best to train and get stronger, when the time comes, we will face and defeat the evil king.

Princess: I'm really weak against father Uwaaaa!

Jhon: Then let's get stronger to defeat him, show yourself that you are wrong about being weak, you can't defeat your opponent until you win yourself, don't let your fear take you!

Jhon slapped the face of the princess just to calm her down but she didn't stopped, Jela and the girl got dizzy because the princess's cry was even more louder than a cannon.

Jhon: I think I need to do a Princess sitting here because she's no longer a  baby but she's too loud (I wonder how loud when she scream?)