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At the edge of the universe

A certain ball or rather head of flickering golden light to be more specific could be seen drifting through the cosmos, it was the only light that shone albeit dimly as everything was pitch black. No stars could be seen and the darkness was so thick that it almost had the feel of a liquid

Where am I? Fuck, what the hell is this?” Screamed Eugene as he was drifting in the cosmos. He felt that his luck is truly the worst as he’s been tortured and put through the most brutal misery he's ever faced in his life.

"Ugh, all I've been feeling is pain both mentally and physically since I found myself in this godforsaken hell hole" muttered Eugene in his mind then a sudden silence 


"Ahh, I don't even have a physical body plus all that's left is just a head, everything is gone...ha haha hahahaha, I have truly lost my mind, anyone who sees me now will just see a head talking to itself haha what a perfect horror story"  Said Eugene in his mind as he felt he had truly lost his sense of self. Well anyone would've lost their sanity if they went through the same experience as he did. 

This was Eugene, full name Eugene Maksfield, first son of Elder Adrian Maksfield and Lady Aurora Maksfield. The last thing he could remember was when he went out for grocery shopping from his single room apartment after reading a novel for almost the whole day, he was short on snacks and decided to go refill and come back to continue but right after his shopping he felt an excruciating pain which lasted for almost a whole minute which felt like hours before finding himself in a completely dark and hazy region which didn’t differentiate between the sky and the ground.

It felt as if everything was one which had truly frightened him as he did not even have control of his own body which was entirely numb, the only thing he could move were his eyes and even that was excruciating.

“I have been drifting in this unknown space for a really fucking long time...arrgh at least grant me a quick death Mr death god or whatever is responsible for death, ah yes that bastard Kazim!!! Like I'll ever forget him, he just tossed me aside and started cursing that I'm annoying


WHAT THE HELL IS THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO MEAN...argh and then suddenly he became so irritated and ordered his subordinate who was just in short a monster to put me in some fucking massive cauldron looking thingy as if I was some damn vegetable then I experienced another round of pain as if the previous ones weren't enough ugh"

Eugene seriously wished he could pummel the being responsible for his situation a million times, no a trillion times. 

"I must humiliate that bastard, if I get to live through this somehow, anyhow, I must torture him, and make sure he begged me to die and that monstrosity of his subordinate, I must do the same to all of them and those other beings who watched this happen

But I don't blame him, this is the privilege of the strong and a result of my weakness, I'm sure now that it is a sin to be weak, the strong can do whatever they want. Ah yes, I did garner some information as I was being tortured, it seems like these bastards are planning something. Fuck I only have a head, I want to become strong, I must do something in this hopeless situation but what can I do" 

Eugene began thinking of what to when suddenly he accidentally saw a very thin translucent thread that was wiggled like a snake which wasn't even meant to be noticed by higher beings in the direction his head was drifting. He instinctively felt this will help in some way and so he moved his head slightly for his mouth to swallow that thread and then the thread grew closer and closer before Eugene caught it into his mouth.

Something unimaginable then began happening

This was the turning point

The edges of his lips arched up a bit and he began to think of when he first arrived here

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


All he knew was that right after he arrived in the completely dark region which had no sky nor land and made him shudder, he was then immediately with no time to prepare, (well not like he had a choice in the first place as his whole body was numb) he was bombarded with sorrowful and frightening screams in his mind revealing all sorts of twisted images of death. It truly felt as if his whole mind was being pierced by a thousand needles. This went on for a very long period of time because the concept of time was non-existent in this space.

After the experience which lasted what seemed to be an Eternity, it stopped and Eugene could finally take a much needed break, he was joyful and felt no one should ever go through this but just as he was celebrating his new found much needed freedom he heard a loud sound




The space began contorting and twisting and he felt that maybe he truly had eaten some sick drug that warped his mind but all this felt too real to be the effect of some drug. As the space began twisting, it slowly revealed a sudden scene which truly made Eugene feel the most fear he ever had in his entire life. He hoped that this was a dream, he truly wanted to pinch and smack his face to wake himself up but alas, that was impossible since his body was numb.

He began praying to whomever to save him from what seemed like a very frightening horror story but no one heard his plea, he was all alone. Eugene felt like all the hopelessness he had ever felt before finding himself in this bizarre situation was just a child’s play so the only thing he could do was just accept his pathetic fate.


“SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK”  was all Eugene kept saying in his mind before being thrown into the what seemed like a true hell.


{End Of Chapter}

Hi Everyone, I'm a noob author and I hope you like the short prologue of this story, of course the next chapters will be longer 

Please give your honest opinions so I can improve on it

Thank you for reading :)

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