The Cavern
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The sun felt as if it was tearing apart my skin, so when I noticed a tree I could find shade under my joy was inevitable. Problem is, there was still a ways to go. The barren land became more of an obstacle course as I kept going. The tree was so high up on the cliffside that I felt like I may never reach it. My next obstacle was the rocks that shot up from the ground that seemed like spikes ready to pierce through anything that fell onto them. Although they didn't cover the entire ground, they were tall enough to make me lose my direction a couple of times.

As I got closer and closer to the slope that I would be able to climb on in order to make it to the tree, a sense of dread grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly I heard footsteps. Whatever it was, they were moving incredibly fast. Trying to gain some high ground for a better view, I climbed on top of a stone spike, careful not to slip and stab myself. As I looked around, I didn't notice much at first, just the wasteland I treaded through earlier. However, when I strained my eyes and really started to look harder, that's when I saw them. "Men in robes. That couldn't make my day any worse." I muttered under my dry breath.

Running for my life, I could hear them not too far behind me. Is this their territory? Is that Ent trying to get me fucking killed? As I started running closer and closer to the cliffside, I noticed a small opening in the wall. Trying to lose them as fast as I could, I decided to make a beeline towards the hole.

Once I was inside, I started to walk very quietly in order to not make any noise that could echo to the outside. Walking over to the nearest bunch of stalagmites, I began to notice something strange; there were no noises whatsoever. Whoever was trailing me didn't seem to follow me into the cave.

After I waited for what seemed like hours, I decided to move out. As I turned around, I noticed something that made my heart ache. The entrance was blocked off. After checking that it wasn't just my imagination and the entrance was indeed blocked by a huge boulder, I sat and wondered about what to do. Should I hack away at the sides of the boulder with a sharp rock in order to try and loosen it? No, this thing is massive. I'll never be able to move it, leaving me with one option: to go further into the cave.

The cave itself opened up into a larger cavern. Without any form of light, I had to use a long rock I picked up as sort of a guiding stick to make sure I don't injure myself. Out of nowhere, I heard liquid dripping slowly. The echo it created gave me an idea as to how large this cavern really is. Cursing myself because I didn't bring my phone that I could have used for a flashlight, I had no choice but to continue on. As I kept going onward, I hit something with my stone rod. At first, it felt sort of slimy, but as I touched it, I figured out what it was. It was the flesh of a person. "Agh! Fuck! What the hell? Disgusting..." I shouted, which created an echo that seemed to last for an entire minute. Wiping my hands off on a nearby rock, I continued down the cavern.

Again, my stone rod hit something. This time, it seemed to be a wall. Placing my hands against it, I rubbed the surface until I found another hole that I could go into. This one, being much smaller than the other, gave me a bad feeling. That was until I saw a crack of light at the end. Hurriedly, I crawled through and popped out the other end. Looking up, I saw the crack of sunlight in the hole that was made by dripping water. What scared me is that I couldn't see how far the hole went up. At least it gave me some light, which should prove beneficial. At least, that's what I thought. Checking my surroundings gave me a disgusting shock, to say the least. More bodies. This time, there were at least a hundred.