Chapter 15. Troubled Events.
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Early in the morning, Thyriel and Asherit headed for the training grounds and upon arrival there were already several people.

The most notables were some new recruits who had different types of wounds, some more severe than others.

They wore ragged clothes and all showed downcast faces, these new recruits were trying to catch their breath a little, as if they had just managed to get out of a hellish war field, and in front of them some doctors were attending their wounds.

In a part of the training ground, several elites including Vade surrounded a lifeless body, seeing this scene, Asherit turned his gaze to Thyriel.

Owing to they had spent too much time together and were quite compatible, they had an incredible level of understanding between them, so Thyriel understood what he meant and nodded to him confirming that she had no problems, and thus they both approached the body.

The body had different types of cut and tear wounds, 4 deep cuts on this person's chest were obviously the cause of death and seemed to be caused by a large claw.

Seeing the body, Thyriel furrowed her brow a little, however owing to the training she had been having with Asherit, as well as a mind control technique he had provided, she was able to calm down quickly.

On the other hand, Asherit didn't even blink at this scene, his gaze still cold and indifferent as he stared at the body.

Seeing them arrive Vade and the others observed the reaction of both and were a bit surprised, regularly the new recruits would have reactions full of fear and panic in this type of situation, only some mentally strong would have a minor reaction, but Thyriel had hardly had any reaction and Asherit didn't even flinch at this which was surprising.

"Tell me what happened" At this moment, the voice of a tall, gray-haired old man interrupted everyone's thoughts as he questioned the group of new recruits that brought this body with them.

Seeing the 2-star gold plaque on the old man's chest, which indicated his rank as Colonel of the Elite Division and B-Rank Mage, one of the new recruits suppressed the fear he still felt and decided to explain what they had experienced to this Colonel whose name he remembered was Jaze.

“Reporting to Colonel Jaze, our mission was to investigate the strange activities that were taking place to the Northwest on the border with the Cloud Kingdom, as my lord knows, four Kingdoms have borders with us in this direction so nothing strange can be left happen",

"Due to our low cultivation, the mission itself was just for obtain information and back out upon obtaining it, it took us a week to reach the designated location and then we began to investigate in one of the border towns with extreme caution for a couple of days" Listening to this new recruit everyone nodded.

Regularly the missions to obtain a copper plate and become true soldiers of the Elite Division were straightforward missions, most to gather information to aid in other higher-grade and more detailed missions.

"One night out of nowhere, when we got to our meeting point, Ren began to act strange, demanding that we get together with the other teams that had similar missions in our vicinity",

"He convinced us all that he had found information that we should discuss among more people and we all believed in him, thinking that he didn’t tell us such information just because he wanted the credit for himself" It was quite common among members of the same group to keep information that could give them more rewards for themselves, and turning his gaze to Ren's body on the floor, this new recruit regretted not having questioned him thoroughly and perhaps turning the situation around.

“When we got to the general meeting point for all the groups of new recruits who took this round of missions, it seemed quite strange to me that there were already other groups there, among them they spoke that some of their members had information that should be discussed by everyone” Upon reaching this part, the high-ranking elite members began to get an idea of ​​what happened, but they did not interrupt the story of the young recruit.

“We waited one more day for the arrival of the other groups to discuss the information, however, when everyone arrived and we were about to discuss why some people had gathered us, a large herd of horned tigers surrounded us and began to attack us ... "

"Impossible!, Normal horned tigers would never walk together unless a golden horned tiger led the herd, but if that was the case, none of you would have survived" A young Lieutenant commented alarmed and incredulous upon hearing the new recruit, while the others waited quietly for his explanation.

"Lieutenant sir, this one doesn’t lie and the other survivors can attest to this, even if you don't believe us, you will easily find the footprints of this herd with a little inquiry and although there were no traces of a golden horned tiger leading the others, that was not the strangest thing” A deep fear passed through the eyes of the new recruit when he remembered what had happened in the middle of the attack of the horned tigers.

"I don't know how many new recruits are still alive, but I saw many die that afternoon, and it might not have been the case if another incident had not taken place ..." Taking a deep breath the recruit continued.

“When we noticed the attack of the horned tigers, we quickly took a formation to break the fence that surrounded us and flee, however, out of nowhere the recruit Ren and some others betrayed us, attacking us from behind they killed a few recruits and they managed to break the formation” The fear and hatred could be heard in the tone of this recruit, while the others had solemn looks on their faces, the old Colonel began to look at the body in greater detail looking for something.

“The battlefield became chaotic and only some of us managed to flee while we were being pursued by Ren and the other traitors, curiously the horned tigers that were chasing us seemed to work as a team with the traitors and many more comrades died, we were only saved because Kon Luan from the Great Family Luan, used some secret art that confused 3 horned tigers that were following us and one of them killed Ren, older brother Kon told us to take Ren's body and run away while he continued to cast his secret art to confuse the tigers” Speaking of Kon Luan, the respect for this new recruit was heard in his tone, as he inwardly wished he was safe.

"Mm, the Luan family's arts of illusion are undoubtedly amazing".

"To be able to confuse 3 tigers this boy is not easy either, I hope he is fine" The high-ranking members began to argue with amazement and concern.

"On the other hand, the foresight of that boy is also good, thinking that there would be clues to what happened in the body of a traitor, he had it brought so that we could investigate it" Upon hearing Vade's comment, everyone agreed and the new recruit understood why Kon made them carry this body admiring it even more.

"However, I still don't see anything special in this body" One of the lieutenants commented while the others nodded, frowning.

"Colonel ..." Hearing Vade appoint the Colonel all turned their gazes to him.

Asherit also observed the Colonel's gloomy expression, due to he had been trained by his mother in hundreds of arts and strange things, he could notice a couple of clues from the first time he inspected the body, but when he saw the Colonel's face, he knew that no one else could notice such things so he decided to help them a little ...

"Sir Colonel Jaze, I think this young woman may have found something" Thyriel's voice surprised everyone, but seeing her young age and her identity as a new recruit no one thought that she had anything good to say and everyone except for Vade, the Colonel and Asherit showed looks of disgust, however, they were all smart and knew that waiting for the Colonel's response was the best course of action.

"Oh, speak then" With a flicker of interest Colonel Jaze spoke as his gaze fell on Thyriel and at the same time watched Asherit.

"Sir, this recruit is originally from the Star Kingdom, however, I escaped from slavery and enlisted me to the Elite Division for personal reasons" The Colonel and the others agreed, it was common to see these situations where slaves sought revenge in this way, and they were not suspicious of her because all recruits would go through high-grade investigations to prevent infiltration by spies.

“Many of the merchants of these Kingdoms enter the snowy forests looking for treasures and rare resources, in the house of which I was a slave, I once heard a conversation where a type of caterpillars was mentioned which secreted a poison with unique characteristics" The snowy forests covered almost the entire eastern part of the continent and were so immense that no one was known to have come to an end, deep down rare beasts and insects of all kinds existed, and their abilities were far too outlandish that everyone was interested in this topic.

"The name of the caterpillar is Hazelnut Hue, I don't know what its shape is, but I heard that it secretes a poison capable of controlling its prey, it is almost undetectable and only the stinging hairs of this caterpillar can transport the poison without diminishing its capacities, due to the scarcity of the species and the difficulty of using its poison, it is little known, but I heard that some tribes cut off the head of this caterpillar and then mix it with other things to be able to eat it and have a high resistance to the poison of said caterpillar, then they can use the body of the caterpillar to poison their opponents and with some secret technique be able to control them to a certain level” Upon hearing of this caterpillar and the method of the tribes, the new recruits felt their blood run cold while Thyriel continued.

"The poison is almost undetectable because it is rapidly diluted in the blood, but those who know this caterpillar can also find some clues, regularly the stinging hairs enter through the pores, release the poison and are dispersed with the wind",

"Only the pores where they entered are left a little larger than normal and the skin and hair around these pores will turn a hazel color" As she said this, Thyriel turned her gaze to Ren's left eyebrow and all the others followed her.

With a detailed look, you could indeed see that there were a few pores more open than others and part of his eyebrow had turned hazel in color.

"Vade, investigate the tribes and powers that have traded with Hazelnut Hue in recent months, the others organize high-ranking teams and deploy a search for survivors while you gather information" After Thyriel's explanation, Colonel Jaze had already understood the situation and gave precise and quick orders without hesitation.

“Yes Sir” Vade and the others left immediately to fulfill their missions, and after their departure, the Colonel looked at Thyriel and then Asherit for a few seconds before saying.

"Little girl, you have made a great contribution, as a reward, you can go and pick a copper plate at the central assignments" Hearing this, the new recruits who suffered different injuries opened their mouths in shock, they had almost died to get their plates, so their gazes were full of envy towards Thyriel who got it just by telling something she heard.

"Thank you Colonel for your kindness" Thyriel inclined her head in thanks, Colonel Jaze on the other hand was watching Asherit's reaction, but seeing him remain unchanged he said nothing more and left.

And after seeing the Colonel leave, Asherit sighed in relief, when he decided to give a hand to these guys, he did not want to stand out too much so he risked using the communication method that Thyriel had taught him this morning to explain what to do.

This method of communication consisted of transferring one's thoughts through the Spiritual Sense, however, there were several restrictions, the receiver of the message should not resist this or had to have a weaker Spiritual Sense than the transmitter.

The method was also complicated because, one needed to condense this thread of Spiritual Sense too much and store thoughts in it to later launch it to the person with whom they wanted to communicate,

It was the first time that Asherit used this art, and due to his rough handling he was not completely stealthy and Colonel Jaze, due to his high level of cultivation, managed to notice something, but for his fortune he did not question what was happening and only let the matter pass.


At this moment, a Second Lieutenant entered the training ground and since no one knew what would happen, they thought that he brought information that would help them clear their doubts.

"Attention everyone, by high ranking orders of the Elite Division, all the survivors of this mission are considered as approved" Upon hearing this news, the worried looks of all the new recruits changed to smiling faces, some had tears in their eyes as they smiled looking quite comical.

“Later you can go to get your copper plates at the assignments center, however, due to the situation that surrounds their case and recent events, everyone has a week to recover from your injuries, then some Lieutenants will train you for necessary or available time for the missions that come after the investigations are completed” Everyone knew that this mission still had events to conclude, so it was logical that their superiors prepared them to be able to face these situations.

"Sir ..." While everyone was thinking about that, a cold and calm voice was heard and everyone turned to see the origin, a young hybrid with clear skin, tall, cold and with a majestic aura.

"I was not able to participate in the last quarterly training, so I was not assigned a mission and I believe I’m the only new recruit without a copper plate at the moment" Hearing Asherit, the new recruits internally laughed at him bad luck.

The quarterly trainings were given regularly by a Second Lieutenant, but at this time, almost everyone was on missions and those that remained were mobilized for the missions that arose from recent events, it was almost impossible for a quarterly training to open at this time especially just for one person.

The Second Lieutenant frowned at the memory of this, and Thyriel on the other hand felt guilty as she had taken the credits that should have belonged to Asherit, however, at this moment something changed everyone's expressions.


Without changing his cold expression, Asherit projects his fire element mana, showing the capabilities of a G-Rank Mage Peak and leaving everyone speechless.

"Sir, I happened to want to take the First Sergeant exam before this happened, I wonder if it is still possible" The training ground fell silent.

The Second Lieutenant was still thinking about what he should do when suddenly, a spiritual sense reached him and his expression relaxed, and then he began to give directions.

"Go to the library of the Elite Division and learn everything you can about the first and second floors, also report here in a week to receive the guidance of a Lieutenant, I hope you will be useful for the following missions"

"Thank you Sir" The Second Lieutenant gave an order and Asherit thanked him, no one dared to speak too much, and after that they all left the training ground.


"Thyriel, let's go get your copper plate and then to the library"

"Mm." After Thyriel's approval of Asherit's proposal, they both headed to the assignment center and after an hour left to enter the five-story building off to the side.

This was the library and when Asherit arrived he felt that a powerful Spiritual Sense was scanning him, there was a Second Sergeant behind a counter at the entrance and approaching him, Asherit commented.

"Sir, by orders of a superior I’m here to learn everything possible about the first and second floors of the library"

"No one has informed me of this" An expression of disbelief came from the Second Sergeant, the minimum requirement to enter the second floor was to be a Second Lieutenant and he did not know this boy in front of him.

"They both are allowed to enter the first two floors" An authoritative voice rang out throughout the library, leaving this Sergeant surprised.

"Understood Sir" Leaning towards the highest floor, the Sergeant commented.

"Thank you sir" Thyriel and Asherit did the same and passed without problems.

On the one hand, Thyriel was very happy as she thought that she was only given this privilege to accompany Asherit, meanwhile, Asherit thought that these elders had a way of using the Spiritual Sense to communicate.

"Thyriel, just memorize everything you can for now, after that we will continue our training" Asherit sent a message of Spirit Sense to Thyriel who nodded at him.

Asherit had only planned to spend a couple hours in this library, but was confident that, with their abilities, they could memorize the contents of both floors in a week and thus avoid interrupting their training too much.

Then the two of them started picking up books, quickly turning their pages and after a few minutes they put them down and grabbed other books.

The Elite Division library had deep knowledge of the arts of espionage and assassination, in addition to all kinds of information from the continent, and from the first floor there were already excellent cultivation techniques that the members of the Division could use.

There were some other Division soldiers who looked enviously at these two as they noticed that they were only new recruits, but they already had access to the second floor.

However, noticing how they took the books and after a few minutes put them down, everyone became dismissive of these two.

"To think that two idiots have access to the first two floors and only use their time to play"

"You can say that the least informative book here takes at least a week for someone to finish it, but these kids think they'll jump to heaven and they're just doing such a shameless act"

“Spoiled children have always been like this, wanting to be the center of attention…” Several soldiers began to make disparaging comments towards these two, but they both ignored them and continued their business.

Asherit regularly only needed a few seconds to memorize a book with twice the content of these, this was due to his gigantic Spiritual Sea and Spiritual Sense.

But thinking that this would arouse many suspicions, he was only able to copy the memorization speed of Thyriel, who was known to the high-ranks for having great talents, a great Spiritual Sea, and extraordinary Spiritual Sense.

And although, for the soldiers here this was still ridiculous, for the old man who monitored the entire library although it seemed impressive it was still acceptable to see these geniuses who were only born once each was to memorize the content of these books so quickly.

'It seems that the talents of the seventh prince are similar to those of this little elf and it seems they are both very close' An old man stroked his long white beard as he watched everything from the highest floor as if nothing could escape of him.

After two hours of this show, Thyriel and Asherit left the library, due to he had time to spare while memorizing the books, Asherit had also begun to understand their content.

'Incredible, the Abysmal Kingdom has made some progress and has the most recent information from the entire Continent, for something they are the Hegemon that governs these lands' A smile was painted on Asherit's face when they arrived at his house, believing to be some of  the few people to see this face of him, Thyriel also smiled unknowingly full of joy.

"Let's eat something first and then resume training"

"Okay, brother Asherit this time I'll cook you something" As she replied, Thyriel ran to the kitchen, Asherit's smile getting bigger and he started to follow her.

So, after a while they both sat down to eat a rich stew with various garnishes that had a refreshing taste and then resumed their training.


During the following days, when Thyriel woke up she would teach techniques, arts and ways of using the Spiritual Sense to Asherit, then they would go to memorize books for two hours in the library.

Upon their return they would begin Thyriel's assassination arts training and at the end of the day the two of them would focus on cultivating their mana.

They would not break these rigorous training routines other than to eat or do their basic and hygiene needs.

Due to Thyriel's great talents in using the Spirit Sense, they both managed to memorize the contents of the two floors of the library in just five days, saving them some time which they used for Thyriel to continue learning basic knowledge of the arts of assassination.

And after a week.

"Well, now you have a very great understanding of the basics of the art of assassination, from tomorrow we will start with a practical training, but we will also have to assume the training of the Lieutenants of the Elite Division, perhaps it is a little more complicated than the regular quarterly training, but with your abilities you don't have to worry” With a smile, Asherit commented to Thyriel.

"It's all thanks to your guidance and patience brother Asherit" With glassy eyes and a shy smile, Thyriel looked at Asherit who found her indescribably charming and awkwardly just said.

"Mm, you have also taught me a lot about the Spiritual Sense and the Spiritual Sea, my abilities have increased exponentially thanks to that, so let me prepare a great feast for you for dinner today" Thanks to the knowledge of Thyriel's lineage, now Asherit looked more like a soldier than a peasant when using his Spiritual Sea and his Spiritual Sense, so to celebrate his advances, Asherit decided to prepare a great dinner while still living this leisurely peace in their lives.