It had been a night of firsts. It had also been the night of violations, but none were less welcome than seeing someone steal my appearance. Somehow watching this thing in front of me wearing my own face is unimaginably horrific. It also makes me realize how much I'd come to think of Sabina's body as my own. This isn't a mirror image but a perversion mocking me.
"What are you?" My voice comes out particularly high and loud, amplified by my fear and confusion.
"I'm Sabina. What are you?"
I almost say: I'm Sabina. What are you? But I have a feeling I've seen this movie before and that's not going to get us anywhere. So instead, I say, "You're not going anywhere with my clothes. Drop them, and get the hell out, you freak."
"Fuck you," it says. "These are my clothes." But then it gets a devilish smile on it's (my) face. "But if you want them...catch!"
It flings my dress in my face, and in the second I'm blinded, it crosses the space between us and slams the back of my head against the door. Flashes of light fill my vision. and I'm too stunned to react.
"Dumb bitch. All I needed was five more minutes. Couldn't you have lasted a little longer with your threesome, you—" As it's talking, it drags me across the room and flings me down on the card table. Grabbing a fist of my hair, it slams my face down on the surface while completing it's sentence: "Slut!"
Groggy and tired from sex, this second blow to the head has me incapacitated. From behind me, I hear the door open and my voice calling, "I'm still real horny. If anyone wants any, I'm in here. Come and get it!"
I glance back in time to see my double hiding behind the door, while people from the bar start piling in.
What the fuck? This is not good.
Before I know it, hands are everywhere. How many people took up the invitation? I try to tell them to stop, but it comes out as, "Mmmmph," as I'm gagged by a tongue stuffed into my mouth.
Pixie Girl is lying on the table, trying to plunge her tongue down my throat, while dozens of hands run along my thighs, my ass, my pussy, and my breasts. Someone gets frustrated that only the sides of my boobs are exposed, since the main part being squeezed against the table, so they flip me over onto my back. I try to get a look at my assailants and try to see what fake-Sabina is up to, but Pixie Girl wastes no time with the opportunity my new position has given her and climbs up onto my face. I'm blinded again, this time by her delightful, pert ass cheeks as she starts rubbing my lips with her lower ones.
Now, that my chest is fully exposed, almost every inch of it is being manipulated. My right nipple has a mouth latched onto it, and it's suckling like a starved newborn. My left is being tweaked viciously between two expert fingers that know just how to twist and pull to excite the most exquisite pain. And the rest of my breasts are being caressed and licked by God knows how many people, if they're all people.
Suddenly, my legs are yanked open and I'm penetrated.
Oh crap, is some dude plowing me? But no, the thrusts aren't accompanied by a pelvis slapping against me, and it feels nothing like Chloe's toy did. This is more like what Big Bertha inserted in me. So a tentacle or a tail perhaps. Better. But still, what the fuck!
However, the more it pistons me, the harder I find it to object to it's presence. I moan into the pixie's pussy, then just give in and start eating it. She actually tastes really good, vegitle but sweet like tree sap. Soon. I'm rubbing my tongue all around her entrance lapping it up. Whatever is in my pussy is going the distance and slamming against my cervix. Something else has snaked up my ass and is lifting my hips off the table. Two fingers of my right hand have been thrust into someone's pussy, and they're grinding against it. Someone else must like this idea because soon my left hand is similarly engaged.
The fuck gang uses and manipulates me for hours, flipping me around and positioning like a doll for their pleasure. I lose track of the my orgasms around number twenty, and I lose consciousness after eating out my sixth pussy.
I wake splayed out on the card table sore as fuck. Or fucked sore, I guess.
Everything hurts, and if I thought I was a mess after Samantha or after Chloe and Fiona, it's nothing compared to this. Every inch of me is either sticky or crusty. I need a day-long shower and a bucket of bleach.
I peel myself off the table (they're going to have to replace the green felt—there's no cleaning that) and climb off, but I drop to the floor when my legs don't support me. I put my head in my hands. It still aches from where the bitch hit me. Speaking of which, she's long gone and so are my clothes. Although, I spy my shoes over with some of the other discarded garments from last nights poker game. The sight doesn't cheer me up and I begin to cry.
I'm naked and fucked to complete helplessness. Not to mention, after my behavior, everyone is going to think I'm the most brazen slut in Bianca's. And they're probably right.
This thought sets off another wave of tears.
I'm not sure how long I sit there wallowing in self-pity, but it's how Louise finds me.
She stops up short when she sees me, like I'm some loathsome horror. Her jaw drops and her eyes bulge. it's almost comical. Almost.
Louise says, "What are you doing here? You left." She stands by the door not wanting to get closer. The stance might be mistaken for shyness especially with how she shift her body to conceal some of it's nakedness. She only has on the black thong she didn't lose in the card card. When I don't answer, just hide my face in my hands and weep, she comes over to me. She seems about to put her arm around my shoulders or stroke my hair, but thinks better of it, not wanting to get any of my filth on her. "What the hell happened to you?"
"Orgy," I say making the word as small as I can. She asks with who, and I can only answer, "I don't know."
"Alright." She says this as though she's about to take on some monumental task. "Let's get you cleaned up. Can you stand?" I shake me head, and she tells me to wait there. Like I have a lot of choice.
She comes back a moment later with a glass and tells me, "Drink this."
At first, I worry it's more of that minotaur jizz but it's just wart-berry like Marie had given me. I down it and instantly feel better. My aches and pains flow away and life comes back to my limbs.
She grabs her stuff and dresses, then bundles up the other's clothes. All I have are the shoes and somehow going out with just those on seems worse than simply being nude. So, I carry them along with the wallet containing the diary pages I find laying on the dingy carpet. From there, I take a true walk of shame. Not many people are around but there's enough. And they all take good long looks as I pass. The light are turned up too as though simulating daylight. They give a harsh disillusioning glare to everything. The demon is still tending bar and she shakes her head in disbelief when she sees me. Instead of going up to one of the bedrooms, Louise leads me down the stairs and out a backdoor.
The dank humidity hits me and my ears fill with the night sounds of insects and other creatures. I'd almost forgotten we where in a swamp. It seems like years since I'd come to Bianca's.
Off the back porch there's a rain barrel, a bucket, and tin with a bar of soap and a scrub brush. Louise points me to it. I get to work, but I'm still a weepy mess. Scouring myself with the brush only highlights the state I got myself in.
"Relax," Louise says. "You're not the first person to go crazy the first time here. That's what Bianca's is for: to forget about the daily grind of the Underworld and have some consequence free sex. Think of it as a vacation. I just want to know how you pulled off that trick."
"What trick?"
"Saying goodbye to all of us and heading off down the trail. Then, sneaking back here and fucking half the population of the swamp. All in less than an hour."
"It wasn't me. Someone stole my clothes and..." My voice hitches with a sob. "Changed themselves to look like me."
Louise looks off to the side, as something clicks in her head. "Doppelgangers. Those fuckers know they're not allowed here." Then, to me she says, "She sure had us fooled. Although, even I wondered what happened to make you such a mean bitch. Samantha's all upset you didn't even acknowledge her presence or what the two of you shared. And the way she blew off, Marie...like she was a whore you we're done with...the poor witch didn't even want to stick around here anymore."
"She's leaving?"
Shit. Shit. Shit. Could this get any worse? Marie was gone, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. Plus, she probably thought I was horrible and hated my guts. I could go after her, but it wasn't like I knew my way around enough to even backtrack the way we came.
The water is freezing cold and between that and the wart-berry, my head is clearing. It makes the reality of my situation infinitely harder to bear, but it also reminds my of my goal to get out of this land of the dead and go home. I'm still sorry about what Marie must be thinking, but maybe I can get someone to go and explain it to her.
On a positive note, I realize Louise's horror when she first saw me was because I wasn't supposed to be there and not because of the way I looked. At least, not entirely because of the way I looked.
When I'm clean and scrubbed red, Louise says, "Let's go see the others." She takes me back to what must be her room and has me wait while she gets them.
Magnolia bursts through the door, still stark naked, grumbling and cracking her knuckles, "Dirty fucking doppelgangers! When I catch it, I'm going to make it wish it never died."
Before I can process her confusing sentence, Samantha zips in and embraces me in hug. "Louise, told us what happened and how upset you were about the way your double acted. Is it true that you enjoyed our coupling?" She has me swept up in her arms and my face is pressed against her large bare breasts. Her eyes are all puppy-dog, innocent and waiting to be hurt.
I may not have wanted to admit it, but I tell her the truth, "I had sex with a lot of people last night, but you were the best."
Louise echoes, "A lot. She fucked a lot of people. So many." Okay. Not helping Louise.
Samantha squeeze me tighter and starts kissing my neck as though she's interested in a reprise right here and now.
Magnolia slams her fist into her palm. "I say, we form a hunting party and go after that bastard."
Louise says, "They're not the best eating, but sure, I'm in."
I ask. "Do you think it'll hurt Marie?"
"A doppelganger? I doubt it." Louise scratches her head thinking about it. "They're mostly just tricksters. Stealing peoples faces and seeing what trouble they can cause until they find their next victim."
"Then, no. The worst is already done. And I've already let myself get distracted too much lately. I should find the Dusty Road and be on my way. Although first, I'm going to need some clothes. I don't suppose there are any stores around here?"
Samantha stops kissing me and says, "No, but I may have just the answer." She slithers off at top speed.
Magnolia is still out for blood though. "It's not that easy. There's a principle at stake. We ban those vermin at Bianca's for a reason. They can wreak havoc in a place like this. Destroy all sense of trust. A lessen must be taught."
"Well, you go then. I won't stop you. But first, our deal. Where can I find the Dusty Road?"
Offhandedly she says, "Oh, it's just beyond Lightning Rock. Walk straight from where the jut-out is and you can't miss it."
"Okay," I say trying to keep impatience out of my voice. I really don't want to piss her off in the state she's in. "How do I get to this Lightning Rock?"
"You don't know?" I shake my head. "Then, I'm afraid, you're going to have to hire an experienced guide."
"Can you take me?"
"Hell no. You have to pass through the fire bog, and I ain't ever doing that again."
Louise shakes her head no before I can ask.
Great. Why can't it ever be simple?
Samantha comes back and holds up something black and shinny. "Ta-da!"
"What's that?"
"The skin I shed." When I look at her questioningly, she adds, "You can wear it. Problem solved."
Ugh, what jerk. I'm sure doppelgangers would make for excellent sleeping partners if they weren't so mean
Yeah! Not sure they're all like that but Sabina sure found herself a jerk. I'll let you in on a secret
This won't be the last time they cause problems for her.
The doppelgangers can't imitate the clothes, which is why he stole Sabina's clothes, right?
Thanks for the chapter
That's right! It can only change to the physical appearance of the actual person. Also, not that it's really important to the story, but in this world they would need to touch something the person has worn to change into them. That's why it doesn't look like Sabina when she catches it.
@DemonRose Can doppelgangers only imitate the target's appearance, or something else?
@Gin0001 I this story they can mimik all outward details meaning appearance and voice. They're also able to fool people like Marie. But they can't duplicate personality or skills.
@DemonRose But even so, shouldn't Marie have suspected the difference in emotions and wondered if Sabina has a double personality? Or was she too tired after the threesome for that?
@Gin0001 Hard to say. She was definitely disappointed in her, but she was also expecting her to move on once she had more experience. And yeah, it wasn't lime she was opporating on a full night's sleep.
@DemonRose Samantha, did not suspect that she could be an imposter with the fact that her breasts and ass are the original size of Sabina for the same reason, right?
By the way, what are the current sizes of Sabina after beauty treatment that Samantha gave her that night of love?
And what other effects does Samantha's aphrodisiac and vaginal juices have?
@Gin0001 A lot of these questions will be answered in the next chapter. But as for Marie, the imposter looked the same as Sabina did the last time Marie saw her.
@DemonRose But Samantha was also there, right? Why didn't she suspect the absence of the effects of the beauty treatment she had given Sabina?
@Gin0001 Sorry about that. I was answering quickly before and mixed up the question. Yeah, Samantha was there, but evrn though her eyes are pretty like an actual snake, her vision isn't good and she relies mainly on her sense of smell. And the doppelganger was able mimik Sabina's enough to fool her.