16 – The Clothes Makes the Woman
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When Samantha comes in with her spent skin, the others fly into an excited flurry. I guess there's not much call to play dress-up in the Underworld, because it seems to make them hark back to distant memories of their old lives, when there were slumber parties and helping friends get ready for dates. Although, really, it's hard to imagine any of these women ever doing those things, dead or alive.

Louise uses a knife she keeps in her boot to trim off the narrow tapered end of the tail, making it into something akin to a tube dress. And Magnolia puts it on me, squeezing my body into it's confines like sausage in a casing. Samantha's tail wasn't that thin (it certainly didn't feel thin when I had it in me), but this skin must be half the width of my stomach, which is the narrowest part of my body. At least, the narrowest part that it covers, because it's not covering a lot. If I pull it down to conceal an inch or two of thigh, my boobs pop out. It I pull it up to cover them, my ass and pussy are on full display. I finally work out an uneasy equilibrium, where the lower part of my breasts are in it's embrace and it ends a hair or two below my lower lips.

I doubt it would be more than a skirt if the effects of Samantha's toxin hadn't mostly dissipated. The extreme bimbo boobs would never have fit in. Happily, they've gone back to being pliant and natural looking, but they're still a fair amount larger than before. They've gone from a small B to perhaps a large D-cup. I hadn't noticed it before but the toxin must have ballooned up my ass too. Originally, it had been softly rounded but didn't really stick out. Now, it looks like I've done a million squats.

The room we're in has a full length mirror, and I get a good look at myself. It really does fit like a second skin. If I had any scars on my torso, I'm sure they would be visible through the stretched skin. Like Samantha herself, it's an oily green-black and it gleams in the light. I'm reminded of Latex and fetish wear. Not anything I was into while alive, but it did pop up in the occasional movie or music video. It really shows off my curves. And my butt looks huge in it, in a good way. As for my breasts, the fleshy mounds overflow the top of the "dress." To any observer, it would seem I was showing them off, demanding eyes to focus on this bountiful bosom. The part of my chest that is contained in the dress is round and full, with two discernable nubs stretching the snake skin outward. 

"I look like a prostitute?" I say.

"And?" Magnolia counters.

Louise says, "You could always go around naked."

"I don't know." Magnolia turns me around and examines the outfit. "This almost seems sexier than bare skin." She slaps my ass and sends my scooting a few feet forward. "Yup. Definitely making me horny."

"Everything makes you horny," Louise says. But then adds, "Yeah, she does look pretty fuckable like that."

Samantha comes up to me and puts her hands on my shoulders, pressing her still exposed breasts against my back. "What's it like to wear a part of me."

I almost snap and say, it's better than walking around in your dry cum, but I realize she's being nice and doesn't realize how creeping her words sound. Also, I feel a bit guilty about how the doppelganger treated her, even though it's not really my fault. "It's not what I'm used to, but it's actually surprisingly comfortable. Thank you." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I was wondering. When will the effects of your...um...bite fully wear off?" I ask.

"Usually after a few hours. It should be all out of your system by now, why?"

"Because." I gesture and the melons on my chest. "They haven't shrank back to normal yet."

"Well, you did drink a lot of my shload." When she sees my confused expression, she says, "You know, girl-juice."

"Yeah, okay." I'm not really comfortable with this conversation with the others around. There's nothing like discussing the sharing of body fluids in public. "But what does that have to do with anything."

The three women look at to one another like they're asking each other what's with this guy? Samantha says, "Do you really not know how it works?"

"No. I haven't been here that long. I don't know how anything works. And you're the first snake-girl I've ever met." I shock myself with how upset I sound.

Louise sits me down on the bed and starts to lecture me. "Okay, let me break it down for you. At least as far, as any effects you may have experienced from your time with Samantha. If you want to learn all there is to know about the Underworld and the creatures here, find a mentor or something. I don't have the time or the patience. First off, the bite from a snake-person sexually supercharges the victim."

"She wasn't a victim. I didn't attack her," Samantha protests.

"Fine. Poor choice of words. Sexually supercharges the recipient." She looks to Samantha, who nods in approval. "It makes them a raging fuck-machine and causes temporary physical changes to match. In your case: bigger boobs and ass, more flexible joints, and more stretchable...er...holes."

"You mean my pussy."

"All your holes. Pussy, anus, and mouth." In response to my startled expression, she says, "That's right if she wanted you to deep-throat her tail, you would have had no problem."

I look to Samantha wide-eyed, who misinterprets my horror and says, "Maybe we can do that next time."

"So, those are the effects for a female. A man would get more muscular and his cock would expand. Although, he'd get the stetchy ass and mouth thing too. Snakes do like to penetrate." Samantha flashes a guilty smile. "And if the recipient is something else then the results are more unpredictable. But that doesn't really matter in this case. Anyway, like Samantha has said, it wears off pretty quickly, unless..." She makes a dramatic finger jab. "Unless you drink the snake-person's ejaculate. That will start to make the physical effects permanent. It's part of some—I don't know—natural mechanism? Yeah, let's go with that. A natural mechanism to turn their prey—sorry, their lovers into idealized...um...partners."

"Just say it," Magnolia says. "Fuck dolls. They turn them into fuck dolls." Samantha looks pained by this, but Magnolia turns to her and says, "Well, it's true. I love you, Darling. And anytime you want to pound me senseless, I'm in. But I'll never let you cum in my mouth."

"So, you're saying these." I point at my boobs. "Isn't going away." Now, I understand what the bartender had said to me.

"Yes," Louise tells me. "And don't forget about the increased flexibility and stretchability. But if you wanted to be like you were last night, I'd say it would take another two or three sessions with Samantha." The snake-girl looks at me hopefully, as if with the little nod of encouragement I'm going to say, sure. Sounds great. Make me into a perfect little fuck doll. 

Just the thought that I've started the process is freaking me the fuck out.

I put my shoes on and thank them for all their help, trying to be sincere about it all. I'm a stranger in this strange land and I can't blame them If I'm unprepared I am to deal with things here. But at the same time, I know the longer I stay here with them, the higher the likely I'll end up having sex with one of them. Or all of them. I'm not in the mood right now, but I'm beginning to understand that around here things like that can change before I'm even aware of it.

I grab the wallet and realize I have nowhere to stash it anymore. The dress has no extra room for anything else. I'm occupying every inch. I'll need to get a bag eventually. Although, there are more pressing needs. "I'm going to see if I can find a guide. Any idea where to start?"

"The first floor," Magnolia says. "Ask around in the bars. The second floor is for people looking to get laid, but down there you get all sorts of folks passing through, and they generally are a bit more business minded."

"If they're not piss drunk," Louise says.

"I'll see you later," I say not entirely sure I will. 

Hey hey!

This was a bit on the short side (and the tame side *gasp* what's wrong with my dirty little mind!), but Sabina's search for a guide is going to take a while, and if I got into it, I wouldn't be posting this chapter today. Also it may seem as though this is the last we're going to see of Louise, Magnolia, and Samantha. But Sabina isn't leaving Bianca's so quickly, and they may pop up again.
