The dark bar by the entrance is nearly deserted. Only the Asian bartender and the weird creature with a cat's head and compound fly eyes are there, when I enter. The place doesn't have chairs or stools, so I lean against the bar, trying to look casual.
"What'll you have? Some moonglow?" the bartender asks.
Damn. I'm not going down that road again. It feels too early for wine and so far all the other concoctions have been pretty freaky. Even the wart-berry that has helped more than its hurt managed to restart my heart, so not what I'd call a casual sipper.
"Actually, all I want is some information."
"Sorry, if you're wanting to hang around and talk, you're going to have to drink. House rules." She gives me a wan smile.
"What do you mean, house rules? I didn't think anyone ran Bianca's."
She points to down. "This bar, here, is mine. My house, my rules."
"Fine. What do you have that won't get me drunk or make me a drooling, lustful mess, and isn't a body fluid?"
I think I covered everything. And to confirm my thoroughness, she seems a little stumped and has to think it over. "You're really no fun, are you? Damn, that even excludes holstaur milk. But I might have something." She pulls a step-stool out in order to reach one of the higher shelves running along the back wall. When her back is turned, I see two small wings piercing her black T-shirt and a long tail spilling out from the top of her low-rise jeans.
"Oh, so all the bartenders really are demons," I say. "I didn't think you were one because your skin looks normal and not red."
"What are you racist?" She's about to grab a jug, but instead picks up a bottle and blows dust and cob webs off of it.
"No! That's not what I meant. It's just you're only the second one I've met. The other was more clearly...er...demonic."
She sets a tumbler in front of me and pours a clear pink liquid into it. "What the hell does that mean? I'm plenty demonic. You want to find out how demonic I can be." Her eyes narrow with threat.
"Sorry. I really didn't intend any offence. I'm still new to all this afterlife stuff. I'm learning." Now that she's close to me, I notice that her skin is very slightly blue, verging on gray, and two very small black horns run back along her scalp with her hair. It's just hard to see with how dim the light is. But it makes me start to wonder if each demon makes their bar into a manifestation of themselves. Red Bar, red demon. Dark shadowy bar, shadowy demon.
She gives me a look to say, drink up. "Um...what is this?"
"You ever here of a Shirley Temple? Well, consider this a Bianca Temple." She chuckles, pleased at the comparison she's come up with. "And it meet all of your criteria. It won't get you drunk. It's not an aphrodisiac. And it wasn't secreted by a person or an animal."
It's light, fruity, and slightly effervescent. It's a little too sweet, but I could get used to it.
"So, you were looking for information? Or did you just come in here to insult me?"
"No...I... That's not—"
"Relax. I'm just messing with you." She refills my empty glass.
"Well, I'm looking for someone to guide me through the swamp. Particularly someone willing to cross the fire bog."
The bartender, looks me over as though seeing me for the first time and whistles. "You sure don't look like the adventuring type. Do you really want to go there?"
"I need to."
The cat creature at the end of the bar looks up. "I can take you into the swamp." It smiles showing off it's mouthful of fangs.
The bartender stares at me wide eyed and shakes her head, no!
"That's...um...kind of you," Trying hard to sound convincing but not really managing it, I say, "But I think she's right. I'm too much of a coward to go. Thanks anyway."
"Well, if you change you're mind. You know where to find me."
It goes back to it's drink, and the bartender leans in close so her whispering can't be overheard. "Good call. But if you're serious about a guide...do you remember that small girl who was here when you came in?" I give a nod to let her know a do. "That's Ramona. Best guide you'll find. If she's still around, she'll be hanging out in one of the other bars with her friends." She gestures her head to the right. From my understanding of the layout of Bianca's that doesn't narrow things down much. since we're on the far left of the building.
I'm about to go, but she says, "You really like that stuff. Have another for the road." And she pours me a third. For a moment, her eyes light up and glow like coals.
"I do like it," I say, grabbing the glass as soon as she pulls the bottle away. "It's so sweet and tingly." I let out a giggle that surprises me a little. But she gives me a kindly smile and after taking a sip, I add, "And I just love how pink it is."
When I'm done, I thank her and go off in search of the guide. For some reason, I can really feel the sway of my hips as I walk. It's as though my pelvis is on loose springs. The way my butt jiggles with every step makes me giggle again.
Bianca's is much larger than I thought possible with twisting corridors and many rooms both big and small. Downstairs, they all seem to be bars or clubs of various themes. I search through a classic pub, a disco, one that's all blue and filled with aquariums, a scary voodoo place with dolls and chicken feet on the walls, and finally I find the most adorable little tea room ever!
"Eeep!" I squeal walking into the all pink room filled with lace covered tables. Instead of a bartender, there are three super cute demons in skimpy maid outfits. I clap my hands excitedly, loving everything about it immediately.
I'm so dazzled by the frilly décor, I almost miss the man beckoning me over to his table. It's the guy from the first day with the beard and the dress. I didn't really notice before, but his dress is absolutely darling. It's pink with ruffles and all these ribbons and bows. I skip up to him and scream, "You're dress is amazing! I soooo have to get one like that!"
"Thank you," he says. "Would you care to join us. We have a pot of some lovely oolong."
There's simply too much to take in. The dainty bone china tea set with with tiny pink roses, the three tier tray with teeny-weeny cakes covered in delicate icing, and of course his cute companions. There's a girl with silver-white hair and nearly translucent pale skin. Her dress is long and black. It looks a little like the one I used to have, and I blush at the thought I used to wear something so plain. And the other person at the table is the little girl I was looking for. She's a grown woman but incredibly petite, thin and delicate. And she has a long brown ponytail. She's so small and sweet, that I get all warm and gooey inside.
I jump up and down with excitement. "Hee-hee-hee! I was looking for you," I say. but quickly stop when my dress rides up and I flash everyone at the table. I pull it down quickly and take a seat.
"You seem in a better mood than yesterday," the bearded fellow says.
"This is so awesome!" I gesture to the room around us. "I want to live here! Hee-hee-hee!"
One of the demons comes over. She's a little shorter than I am with lilac colored wings and horns. Her maid outfit is candy-strip pink and shows over her bountiful cleavage. And her hair is pink and tied with ribbons into pigtails. I just want to hug her to death!
"Thank you for your praise," she says. "I'm so happy you like it here. Feel free to stay as long as you like. Is there anything I can get for you? Anything you want that you don't have?" She indicates the tea and cakes on the table.
"Eeep!" I say. "I want that dress of yours! And you're hair—I love it!" I clench my fists in front of me and squeak with joy. Tears fly from my eyes.
"Sorry, my dear. But the dress is a bit of a uniform, you might say. I can't give it away and I don't have an extra. But I can do something about that hair of yours."
"Please! Please! Please!"
"Okay, I'll go make the arrangements and come and get you when they're ready."
I'm handed a cup of tea. "I'm Keith," the bearded one says. "And this is Lily and Ramona."
"How do you do," they both say. And Ramona adds, "You were looking for me?"
"Yes, I needed a guide through the swamp and I was told you were the best. But now I don't know. I might just stay here."
"Um," Keith says gently. "Have you been eating or drinking anything strange?"
"No. Just a some Bianca's Temple. But it's non-alcoholic, so it's fine."
Keith slaps his forehead. "I should have known."
Lily says, "Yes, you of all people should have guessed that."
"What?" I ask.
"You have to watch that stuff," Lily says. "It really screws with your mind. Makes you think like a total girly-girl, but worse than that."
"What are you talking about? It hasn't done anything to me."
"Sweetie, you cam in her squealing like a twelve-year-old girl on her first sleepover." Did I? Is she just making this up as a joke? "Don't worry it'll wear off soon enough, but I'd advice against drinking more than a glass or two, unless you want the effects to be permanent."
Keith says a bit despondently, "Yeah, I drank a ton of the stuff when I first came here, thinking it was safe. And now if I wear anything that isn't fit for a princess, I break out in hives and get nauseous."
"Oh, poopie," I say stamping my foot. "Why does this keep happening to me? Does everything here change you in some way?"
"Pretty much," Keith says.
Although, Lily waves her off, "Not everything. But everything at Bianca's is intended for you to have fun and have new experiences. But if you don't want to get into the magic stuff, I'd stick to things you had when alive. Like gin. Or tea." She raises her cup in a toast.
I push my bottom lip out. That nasty bartender tricked me. But then I have an adorable little cake and then another, and another. They're so sugary and sweet and the icing is so creamy, I soon forget I'm upset and start having a good time. Although, I don't participate much in the conversation. They're all talking about something that happened a long time ago involving a zombie and gremlin. They laugh like crazy even though they know this story inside and out and each one adds details the others missed.
Couldn't we be talking about dresses or makeup or something else fun? My eyes wander and I notice there are all these designs in the pink wallpaper: unicorns, bunnies, little kitties. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Ramona breaks me out of my haze. Somehow I had drifted off into a daydream where I was having tea with the creatures in the wallpaper instead o my companions, and I'm a little annoyed to be taken away from it.
"I said, where did you need to go? In the swamp? You wanted a guide?"
"Oh, yeah. Right. Like, I guess I wanted to go to Lightning Rock. Hee-hee-hee! That's a silly name."
To Lily she says, "Oi! This will wear off right? I'm not going anywhere with this mess."
I say, "Like, don't be such a meanie! I don't want any stupid guide anyhow."
Keith pats my hand. "There, there. Have another cake. It'll make you feel better." And it does. To Ramona, he says, "Be nice to her. She's in a compromised state. And yes, she should be better in little while."
"Okay, okay," Romana says apologetically. "If you decide you want a guide after all, I'll take you. I don't usually accept jobs so easily especially not when it's to that part of the swamp, but I happen to be in need of something. So, if you can get me a pint of blue slime jelly consider me hired."
"Bleck," I say. "That sounds gross. I don't like slime. I don't even like blue that much. Pink jelly is much nicer." And to prove my point, I pick up a cake leaking strawberry jam and lick it up.
"No. No. Listen to me, you ditz. It has to be blue slime jelly. Nothing else got it? And I need at least a pint or it's worthless."
Just then, the maid from before comes over and tells me she has things set up in the back to fix my hair.
When I go to get up, Lily asks, "Are you sure about this?"
"I've never wanted anything more in my whole life!" I squeal. I nearly start crying with excitement just thinking how cute I'll look. Lily gives a whatever shrug and Keith just shakes his head.
The back room is only big enough for a small wooden chair and a table. It has none of the frills and lace of the tea room but it's just as pink. On the table is an array of bottles and tools. There are combs and hair brushes, smaller makeup brushes, scissors and snips, and even a tattoo gun.
The maid makes me sit down, then from behind me with her hands on my shoulders, she asks, "Now, are you ready to become all pretty?"
I'm too excited to speak and can only jump up and down in my seat and clap. The jumping causes my breasts to pop out of my too small dress.
When I go to pull it back up, she stops me. "Why don't we just leave that the way it is." She leans over at kisses me while taking two big handfuls of my breasts.
"Eeeep!" I say, when I suddenly feel something probing around my coochie.
The maid tugs the hem of my dress up, and I see an insanely adorable pink heart at the end of her tail. It teases me, caressing the length of my privates, which ar no longer so private.
"Wha? I thought like demons weren't interested in...um...doing like...stuff," I say knowing what was happening was naughty but enjoying the way it felt.
"Oh, not all are. Some are quite prudish. But I'm a lesser succubus, so I have a different attitude. That's not to say, I want to touch and fondle everyone, but when I see such a cutie like you, I can't resist."
"You think I'm a cutie!?!"
"Absolutely! I haven't seen cuter in a long while." These worlds fill me with so much pride I nearly burst. "Now, are you going to be a good little girl and sit still for me while I work?" she licks my cheek from bottom to top.
"I'll be good."
"And you'll let me do everything I need to?"
"Yes. Everything." Her tail flicks my little pink nub and I add, "Nnnnggg-yaaahh!"
"Good. Lets get started."
I stumble out of the back room a couple of hours later, feeling hung over.
If I thought the after effects of an orgy was bad, it has nothing on the Bianca Temple wearing off. I'm both coming back to myself and still lost in the pink mist of the liquor. So when I finally see myself in a mirror. Part of me is revulsed, but I can't help but scream, "Eeeeeeek! Is that me? Oh my God! I'm so cuuuuute!"
I can almost see my eyes turn to little hearts as I examine my what the maid has done to me.
Somehow she managed it lengthen my hair a bit to give me two great big, curly pigtails on either side of my head. They're tied off with ribbons near my scalp and the most adorable bows at the end. And she's dyed it all a lustrous light pink like her own. She's even colored my eyebrows, which have been shaped into thin arches. Eye shadow gives my eyes a smoky look and the lipstick she applied is a glossy, wet-looking, bright pink to match my new nails.
My heart beats fast with excitement. This is so wrong and so wonderful. Much in the same way as what she did to me with that tail. That heart shaped end felt like a big knob inside of me. A big, warm, soft knob, making my cum over and over again as she changed me into a perfect, cute girl.
The worst part was when I started to pleading for more bows. Why more bows? But I needed them so badly. The maid said, "Sorry, dear. I don't have any more, but I there's another way." Then, she tattooed a pink bow on the back of each of my thighs.
I know I'm going to regret every last bit of it, but when the maid asks how I like it, I jump up and clap. "I absolutely love it! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best!"
I love this chapter so much, it was so adorable and cute...

Thank you for the chapter

You're welcome!
I know I was disappointed with it in my note at the end, but looking back it turned out to be a pretty fun chapter even if it wasn't the one I was planing to write.
I was the only one who imagined it, this maid putting Sabina on her lap, kissing her intensely, petting her head and giving her breasts for Sabina to suck. All this while giving Sabina's pu**y a tailjob inside and out?
Thanks for the chapter
Is this maid café with succubus maids, wearing skimpy maid uniforms something you had planned before I showed you those reference images? Or did they have any influence?
The succubus in your novel can metamorphose their tails so they can work similarly to a genital and are as sensitive as one, right?
@Gin0001 It almost went very much there, but I dialed it back. With Sabina talking all young, the s*x stuff really sounded off. But I did mention it wasn't merely a makeover.
This really just happened. It started with trying to think of something for Sabina to drink then what it could do to her, and built from there. I've heard and seen pics of cafe's like that before, but perhaps that image you sent had some subconscious affect.
I wasn't quite sure how far to take the tail. I've read some stories where the succubus's tail can get women pregnant, but you can't have births in the world of the dead, so that didn't make sense here. But it is definitely a biidy part they're getting pleasure from.
@DemonRose So, I think Sabina was lucky it wasn't something like a futanaru potion or cocktail, right? (futanaru = to become futanari)
Is the succubus maids's uniform the same maid bikini from the picture I sent you? https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/7042455
Or is it something like the images below? If so, which ones?
Reference to "What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls !!!?", Right?
..."biidy"? The google translator cannot translate this, what does it mean?
@DemonRose Now that I stopped to think about it, if this bar has a drink that makes you think like a 12 year old girl, it adheres to sweet lolita fashion. Did he also have any rejuvenating or lolifying drinks, by any chance?
@Gin0001 Yeah, that would have really changed things for. This was a little less intrusive.
Probably the. closest would be the second one on the list but striped pink and white.
Yes, the demons are like that in that story.
Sorry, that was a typo. I meant "body part."
@Gin0001 Not at that bar, but therr are other's at Bianca's that might. The drink really was one of the tamer non-alcoholic beverages, although the bartender was having a bit of fun with Sabina.
@DemonRose Ohh! So, they really have it. Do they also have drinks that change race and gender temporarily?
I just remembered, that I read in the novel "Misadventures of a Rampaging Demon" that demons have something similar to a cuticle at the base of the horns and that it tends to be very sensitive. The MC was with her body all soft and relaxed, when she was caressed there.
Does this give you any idea for Sabina's revenge?
@Gin0001 Sabina isn't much into revenge, but anything can happen. And I'm sure the demin wouldn't like being seduced.
Yeah, there woukd be drinks like thst. Also, ones that would give beastkin traits, but I don't know if any of them will come into the story. Sabina will be leaving soon. She has a long, strange journey ahead of her.
@DemonRose The sensitivity in the horn cuticle is not sexual as far as I remember. It is more like a cat or dog's weakness for headpats.
So, I don't think that would seduce the demon, but it could hurt your pride, right?
@Gin0001 Oh, it works that way. I'll keep that in mind.
@DemonRose Are these images below closer to Maid Succubus' uniform?
@Gin0001 Hard to say. But I like #2 & 3
@DemonRose I understand, now I noticed that you never said, if their uniform had sleeves, cleavage, exposed waist or back. The moment I read the word "skimpy" my imagination ran wild.
You were just referring to the skirt as "skimpy", right?
@Gin0001 So, short skirt, armless, snd lots of cleavage.
@DemonRose Where does the frontal cleavage go? The navel?
Is the skirt short enough for panties to appear while she walks, or just almost?
@Gin0001 The top would have a square neckline and would stop before it showed nip. The skirt would be long enough to just almost flash while she walked.