20 – All By Myself (An Interlude) ⊗
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Hey, my darlings!

This scene was only supposed to be a few paragraphs at the beginning of the next chapter, but I get *ahem* wordy. Instead of having a super long chapter that you'd have to wait until Monday for, I decided to release it on it's own. I hope you like. ?

P.S. There's still time to vote in chapter 19's poll (unless it's after Sept. 28, then there's not).

After what feels like a full day of fucking myself raw, I can no longer tell where Fiona ends and I begin. We're one organism, barley human, whose only objective is to cum again and again. Fiona's on top of me, railing her artificial dick into my aching pussy. She has her shoulders against my legs and with each thrust, she brings my knees level with my ears. My voice has drown so hoarse from screaming that my moans are little more than raspy breaths. Her body glistens with copious amounts of sweat and her big, beautiful breasts swing over my face with each beat. I can feel them slapping back and forth on her chest along with the tidal motion of my own boobs.

I remember when she mentioned that no one wanted to do this spell with her out of fear of going insane. I completely understand, although I am long past fear. I'm in a dark, depraved pit where I'm no longer sure how I will ever stop being this creature and less sure if I really want it to end.

The next machinegun spray of orgasms hit us sending me spiraling into a cosmic void of ecstasy. Unlike the previous times, it doesn't seem to end, just keeps going on and on forever.

I return to conscious sometime later, lying in bed with a blanket over me, and also fucking an incredibly tight pussy. I'm drilling into it even as I lie still. Opening my eyes, I realize I'm alone in the room. 

Shit. After I passed out Foxy Fiona must have gone in search of a new partner. My jealous last for the space of a second, then I realize how amazing it is to be inside this other girl, all hot and wet, with her vaginal muscles gripping at our cock. My palms sense her rock hard nipples and are full of her soft, gentle flesh. Damn!

My hand sneaks it's way down to my pussy and massages the labia. A sharp breath runs through lungs that are not my own. I press two fingers inside, and fuck myself along with the mystery girl. Almost immediately, this brings on a raging orgasm that sends my body into a seizure of pleasure. Knowing that wherever she is, Fiona is experiencing the same thing only makes me cum harder.

I'm give a few minutes respite, before I feel Fiona changing positions and there's pressure on my hands and knees. Her butt wiggles, the excess padding jiggles from side to side. Then there's an extremely uncommon sensation in her—our ass. A strange tension on the inside of our anus.

A burst of pain and pop of release makes me gasp. Her fox-tail butt-plug has just been tugged out. Free of its habitual blockage, her asshole puckers wanting to be filled again.

The tip is pressed to the tight entrance and given the slightest of pushes, to let us know its there. A second and third of these little love bumps come before it presses with more force and pushes us open. But this is different. This doesn't stop when the plug finds purchase, it keeps going, stretching us wider, filling us as it drives in deeper. It's not the tail at all, but something long and hard.

Fuck. She's with Chloe, the blonde with the ten-inch strap-on. How in hell can we have that beast back there?

She lowers it in slowly making sure we can take it. The toy is incredibly warm and fills us to bursting. Eventually, her hips with the leather harness press against our butt and it can go in no farther. It begins to withdraw. I pull my knees up to my chest curling into a ball on the bed, not entirely sure I want to feel what's coming. It pulls out about halfway, then plunges back in. Quicker this time. Every muscle in my body tenses. Chloe does this until she has a rhythm and is pounding away on Fiona's ass. And I can feel every bit off it.

A hand, not one of ours, takes hold of Big Blue and rubs along its shaft, jerking it off.

The eel-skin dildo keeps grinding deep into our ass. It's not half as forgiving as Fiona's strap-on. The slime yields and bends with the curves. This one concurs them. The only happy thought I can manage is: at least it's not really my body being wrecked. But between the constant pounding and the fingers masturbating us, a warmth is building inside our bodies. It grows from a comforting warmth into an ungodly blaze. Alone in the room, I'm rocking back and forth, panting, "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!" 

We cum. I'm squirting gallons out and can't tell if it's her or me or both of us.

A numbness overtakes me and I feel joints giving out and Fiona's body hitting a mattress. But then I don't feel her at all any more.

I sleep again, this time naturally and not from my physical body giving up. I'm not sure how long I've been out, hours or days, when Fiona wakes me with a hand on my shoulder.

We're separate again, which is both a relief and a torment.

"Hey, you okay?" she asks softly.

I say, "Yeah." But honestly I have no way of measuring that. A part of me has been ripped away, half of my sensory nerves gone. I feel very alone. And also, I'm sore all over. I ache worse than after the orgy.

Perhaps something in my voice gives away my doubt, because she performs a quick incantation and I become more awake, my muscle grow stronger, and the pain goes away.

"That should help. It's a basic healing-revitalizing spell." She goes over to her dresser and pulls out a notebook. "Well, now we know the duration is until the bodies and minds of all participants give out. I'm guessing because Big Blue isn't sentient, it was out immediately. Then you after or marathon. And finally me after going at it with Chloe for a few hours. But it kept working until it had happened to all of us. Wow!" She writes this down along with some additional comments on the empathy spell. 

I absorb what she's said. The only reason we're free of it is because we fucked to the point where are bodies gave up. Shit! If  we weren't both so aggressive about it, we might have been that way for weeks. Then what? Also, apparently I missed a whole lot between the two girls. I'm a little disappointed I didn't wake up sooner.

She closes the book and says, "As much fun as that was, I think I'll file it away as something only for special occasions. Magic and potions can fix my body but my brain is going to hurt for a week."